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Social Psychological and

Personality Science
A Network Perspective on Attitude Strength: 2019, Vol. 10(6) 746-756
ª The Author(s) 2018

Testing the Connectivity Hypothesis Article reuse guidelines:
DOI: 10.1177/1948550618781062

Jonas Dalege1, Denny Borsboom1, Frenk van Harreveld1,

and Han L. J. van der Maas1

Attitude strength is a key characteristic of attitudes. Strong attitudes are durable and impactful, while weak attitudes are fluc-
tuating and inconsequential. Recently, the causal attitude network (CAN) model was proposed as a comprehensive measurement
model of attitudes, which conceptualizes attitudes as networks of causally connected evaluative reactions (i.e., beliefs, feelings, and
behavior toward an attitude object). Here, we test the central postulate of the CAN model that highly connected attitude
networks correspond to strong attitudes. We use data from the American National Election Studies 1980–2012 on attitudes
toward presidential candidates (N ¼ 18,795). We first show that political interest predicts connectivity of attitude networks
toward presidential candidates. Second, we show that connectivity is strongly related to two defining features of strong atti-
tudes—stability of the attitude and the attitude’s impact on behavior. We conclude that network theory provides a promising
framework to advance the understanding of attitude strength.

attitude strength, attitude–behavior consistency, causal attitude network model, network models

While some attitudes are durable and impactful, other attitudes of nodes and edges defines the network structure (Newman,
are largely inconsequential and fluctuating—in short, attitudes 2010). In attitude networks, nodes refer to evaluative reactions
differ in their strength. These fundamental differences between such as judging a presidential candidate as competent, charis-
strong and weak attitudes have spurred decennia of research in matic, and honest; feeling hope and pride about a presidential
social psychology, and several attributes related to attitude candidate; and showing support and voting for a presidential
strength have been identified (e.g., importance, certainty, and candidate. Edges in attitude networks represent bidirectional
accessibility; for overviews, see Cunningham & Luttrell, pairwise interactions between evaluative reactions (e.g., feel-
2015; Krosnick & Petty, 1995; Visser, Bizer, & Krosnick, ing hope about a presidential candidate may result from jud-
2006). Recently, the causal attitude network (CAN) model, ging the candidate as being honest and vice versa). The CAN
which conceptualizes attitudes as networks of causally con- model is based on recent empirically derived network models
nected evaluative reactions (i.e., beliefs, feelings, and beha- as applied to psychopathology, personality, and cognitive
viors toward an attitude object; Dalege et al., 2016), has been psychology (e.g., Cramer et al., 2012; Cramer, Waldorp, van
proposed as a comprehensive measurement model of attitude. der Maas, & Borsboom, 2010; van der Maas et al., 2006) and
The CAN model holds that connectivity of attitude networks on theoretical parallel constraint satifaction models of atti-
represents a formalized concetptualization of attitude strength. tude, which assume that the drive for cognitive consistency
Here, we provide a first test of the connectivity hypothesis, is the main force of attitude formation and change (e.g.,
which holds that highly connected attitude networks corre- Monroe & Read, 2008; Read, Vanman, & Miller, 1997; Shultz
spond to strong attitudes. & Lepper, 1996; Simon, Snow, & Read, 2004; Simon,
Stenstrom, & Read, 2015). The basic premise of the CAN
The CAN Model
The basic premise of the CAN model is that an attitude is a sys- Department of Psychology, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the
tem of evaluative reactions that influence each other (Dalege Netherlands
et al., 2016). Network modeling offers a natural representation
Corresponding Author:
of this hypothesis because in network models, complex systems Jonas Dalege, Department of Psychology, University of Amsterdam, Nieuwe
are modeled as a set of autonomous entities (i.e., nodes) and Achtergracht 129, 1018 WT Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
connections between these nodes (i.e., edges). Together, the set Email:
Dalege et al. 747

Charismatic Charismatic

Competent Honest Competent Honest

Alice Bob
Figure 1. Representation of evaluative reactions that are part of a highly connected (Alice) or weakly connected (Bob) attitude network.
Thickness of edges represents strength of (reciprocal) causal connections between the evaluative reactions.

model—that attitudes are systems of interconnected beliefs, evaluative reactions include judging Donald Trump as charis-
feelings, and behaviors—is also reminiscent of work by matic, honest, and competent. Their attitudes, however, differ
McGuire (1990) on thought systems. in their connectivity—Alice’s network is highly connected
In the CAN model, the average level of the weights depends while Bob’s network is weakly connected (see Figure 1 for a
on how often an individual interacts with the attitude object in graphic representation). As a result, if Alice were to receive
one way or another (e.g., thinking about or perceiving the atti- information that is incongruent with the current state of a given
tude object). Based on the mechanism of constraint satisfaction evaluative reaction—say, she learns of a mistake Donald
that was implemented in a recent connectionist model of atti- Trump made, implying that Donald Trump might not be as
tudes (Monroe & Read, 2008), the CAN model proposes that competent as Alice initially thought—strong causal connec-
connections between evaluative reactions self-organize when tions between the judgments would create an unstable state
the individual interacts with the attitude object. Attributes of the network (van Borkulo et al., 2014). To regain stability,
related to attitude strength, such as importance (Boninger, Alice should either discard the information as unreliable or her
Krosnick, Berent, & Fabrigar, 1995) and elaboration (Petty, other judgments should change too—the former course of
Haugtvedt, & Smith, 1995), make it likely that an individual action, however, becomes more likely with increasing connec-
interacts with the attitude object and that the global connectiv- tivity between the judgments up to the point where it becomes
ity of his or her attitude network increases as a result of this. extremely difficult to change one of the evaluative reactions in
isolation. If Bob, on the other hand, were to change his judg-
ment that Donald Trump is competent, this change would not
Global Connectivity of Attitude Networks have much impact on his other judgments because his network
The level of global connectivity is a primary aspect of net- is weakly connected. Thus, conflicting evaluative reactions
works. Global connectivity in networks depends both on the would disturb his attitude network to a much lesser extent,
number of connections between nodes and on the magnitude making it easier to change individual evaluative reactions.
of the connection weights. In highly connected networks, Highly connected attitudes thus result in consistent atti-
changes in one node have stronger effects on other nodes. Thus, tudes—an attribute that is related to attitude strength (Chaiken,
in highly connected attitude networks, evaluative reactions Pomerantz, & Giner-Sorolla, 1995; Eagly & Chaiken, 1995;
have more causal impact on each other than in weakly con- Judd & Krosnick, 1989; Judd, Krosbick, & Milburn, 1981).
nected attitude networks. As a result, nodes in highly connected Network connectivity therefore provides a mechanistic expla-
networks typically align their states, while nodes in weakly nation of why attitudes differ in their consistency (Dalege
connected networks can vary relatively independently and et al., 2016).
show more random patterns (e.g., Kindermann & Snell,
1980; Scheffer et al., 2012). Next, we will illustrate what this
means in the context of attitudes, after which we will discuss
Network Connectivity and Attitude Strength
why connectivity can be regarded as a formalized conceptuali- Dynamic properties of networks, such as their evolution in time
zation of attitude strength. and resistance to change, are intimately intertwined with net-
Consider Alice and Bob, both who have a positive attitude work structure (e.g., Cramer et al., 2016; Kolaczyk, 2009;
toward Donald Trump. Suppose that both Alice’s and Bob’s Manrubia & Mikhailov, 1999; Scheffer et al., 2012; Watts,
748 Social Psychological and Personality Science 10(6)

2002). It turns out that the dynamics of highly and weakly con- Overview of the Present Research
nected networks bear a striking resemblance to the defining
To test the connectivity hypothesis, we applied network analysis
features of strong and weak attitudes (Dalege et al., 2016). Note
to the open-access data of the American National Election Stud-
that this implies that connectivity of attitude networks predicts
ies (ANES) between 1980 and 2012. These data sets involve
attitude strength. However, the CAN model does not exclude
large and representative sample sizes and focused on both theo-
the possibility that also other factors independent of network
retically and practically relevant attitudes—attitudes toward
connectivity predict attitude strength. presidential candidates. Furthermore, the ANES were used in
First, strong attitudes are durable—they are resistant to several earlier lines of research into attitude strength and related
change and stable (e.g., Bassili, 1996; Bizer & Petty, 2005; Vis- issues (e.g., Alwin & Krosnick, 1991; Bizer et al., 2004; Crano,
ser & Krosnick, 1998). Highly connected networks are more 1997; Eaton, Visser, Krosnick, & Anand, 2009; Judd et al., 1981;
resistant to change than weakly connected networks. Weakly Krosnick, 1988; Krosnick & Alwin, 1989; Lusk & Judd, 1988;
connected networks change roughly proportional to the exter- Visser, Krosnick, & Simmons, 2003).
nal force put on the network’s nodes (e.g., a persuasive mes- To test the connectivity hypothesis, we first had to identify a
sage regarding Trump’s incompetence), while a variable likely to predict network connectivity. The CAN
disproportionate amount of force is needed to instigate change model assumes that connectivity of attitude networks depends
in highly connected networks (Cramer et al., 2016). Further- on the amount of interaction with the attitude object, and we
more, individual nodes in weakly connected networks will therefore selected a measure of political interest as the predic-
intrinsically show more random variation than nodes in highly tor of network connectivity of attitudes toward presidential
connected networks because their behavior is to a larger extent candidates. Our first analysis tested whether indeed political
controlled by random perturbations from outside the network interest predicts attitudinal network connectivity.
(Kindermann & Snell, 1980; van Borkulo et al., 2014). While interest is related to attitude strength (e.g., Krosnick,
Second, strong attitudes are better predictors of behavior Boninger, Chuang, Berent, & Carnot, 1993), it is not a defining
than weak attitudes (e.g., Bizer, Larsen, & Petty, 2011; Fazio feature of attitude strength. In the second analysis, we therefore
& Williams, 1986; Holland, Verplanken, & Van Knippenberg, tested whether network connectivity predicts two defining fea-
2002). Because the CAN model treats behavior as part of the tures of attitude strength. First, we tested whether network con-
attitude network, factors that increase connectivity between nectivity predicts durability of attitudes by assessing attitude
nonbehavioral evaluative reactions (i.e., beliefs and feelings) stability. Second, we tested whether network connectivity pre-
are expected to also influence the connectivity between nonbe- dicts impact of attitudes by assessing the impact of attitudes on
havioral evaluative reactions and behavioral evaluative reac- behavior. The connectivity hypothesis holds that network con-
tions (e.g., behavioral decisions; Dalege, Borsboom, van nectivity positively predicts attitude strength.
Harreveld, Waldorp, & van der Maas, 2017). This implies that
highly connected attitude networks should be more predictive
of behavior. Method
Third, strong attitudes exert more influence on informa- Participants
tion processing—they direct attention and influence the way
in which incoming information is integrated (e.g., Fazio & The ANES samples are large samples that are representative of
Williams, 1986; Houston & Fazio, 1989; Roskos-Ewoldsen the U.S. American adult population. Questionnaires were
administered in two surveys before and after each American
& Fazio, 1992). While connectivity of attitude networks
presidential election from 1980 to 2012 by the Center for Polit-
directly causes the former three features of attitude strength,
ical Studies of the University of Michigan. The samples to
the influence on information processing in our framework is
which all relevant items were administered in the preelection
probably indirect. As discussed above, successful persuasion
survey consisted of 18,795 adult participants in total (see Table
is more likely to instigate conflict in highly connected net-
1 for number of participants per election). This large sample
works. It is likely that individuals are motivated to avoid
size provides us with high statistical power.
such conflict and are therefore motivated to integrate infor-
mation in a way that does not disrupt the equilibrium of
their attitude network. This motivation might also lead to Measures
heightened attention to attitude objects to early detect Relevant measures included nonbehavioral evaluative reac-
“attacks” on the attitude network. tions toward presidential candidates, a measurement of the
Linking network connectivity to attitude strength thus might interest participants had in the campaign, a measurement of the
provide a formalized explanation how the effects of strong atti- global attitude toward presidential candidates assessed before
tudes are manifested. However, empirical support for the and after each election, and an assessment of whom the parti-
hypothesis that network connectivity predicts attitude strength cipants voted for.
is still lacking. The aim of this article is to provide a first test of
this hypothesis and thereby providing more empirical ground- Evaluative reactions. Six to sixteen items tapping beliefs regard-
ing of the CAN model. ing the presidential candidates and 4–8 items tapping feelings
Dalege et al. 749

Table 1. Numbers of Participants Assigned to the Interest Groups for Each Election and Numbers of Participants Who Had Missing Values on
the Interest Variable.

Election Low Interest Groups Intermediate Interest Groups High Interest Groups Missing Interest Variable

1980 407 (121, 149) 692 (78, 100) 407 (50, 16) 49
1984 558 (132, 123) 1,054 (123, 170) 638 (53, 81) 7
1988 509 (139, 134) 960 (102, 133) 567 (50, 57) 4
1992 419 (89, 60) 635 (101, 64) 304 (48, 20) 1
1996 399 (38, 87) 848 (31, 100) 467 (22, 33) 0
2000 396 (137, 111) 886 (148, 131) 525 (76, 44) 0
2004 186 (71, 31) 528 (102, 32) 498 (57, 20) 0
2008 378 (72, 87) 815 (89, 93) 1,128 (88, 97) 1
2012 895 (73, 121) 2,460 (68, 153) 2,554 (43, 81) 5
Note. A subsample of the American National Election Studies (ANES) 1996 already participated in the ANES 1992. The number of participants who completed the
preelection survey of the ANES 1996 and also participated in the ANES 1992 is 1,316. Numbers of excluded participants are shown in parentheses for the atti-
tudes toward democratic and republican candidates, respectively.

toward the presidential candidates were assessed in the preelec- 0 representing a very unfavorable attitude toward the presiden-
tion surveys of different studies. Note that some items were tial candidate and with 100 representing a very favorable atti-
administered in every ANES or in most ANES, while other tude toward the presidential candidate.
items were only administered infrequently, see Table 2.
For items tapping beliefs, participants were asked: “In your Voting decision. In the postelection interview, participants were
opinion, does the phrase ‘he . . . ‘describe the candidate . . . ?” asked which candidate they voted for. Depending on which
and Table 2 shows the phrases that completed the items. In the presidential candidate the analysis focused, we scored the
ANES from 1980 to 2004, and for a subsample of the ANES of response as 1 when the participants stated that they voted for
2008 (N ¼ 1,133), items were assessed on a 4-point scale, with the given candidate and we scored the response as 0 when the
answer options 4 ¼ extremely well, 3 ¼ quite well, 2 ¼ not too participants did not vote for the given candidate (cf., Payne
well, and 1 ¼ not well at all. In order to use current network et al., 2010).
estimation software (van Borkulo et al., 2014), we dichoto-
mized the data into two categories, one consisting of Responses
1 and 2 and one consisting of Responses 3 and 4. For a subsam- Data Analysis
ple of participants of the ANES of 2008 (N ¼ 1133), and for all
participants in the ANES of 2012, the items were assessed on a To estimate attitude network structures, we applied the eLasso
5-point scale, with the answer options 5 ¼ extremely well, 4 ¼ procedure (van Borkulo et al., 2014) to the responses on the
quite well, 3 ¼ moderately well, 2 ¼ slightly well, and 1 ¼ not evaluative reactions.3 In the eLasso procedure, each variable
well at all. Here, we assigned Options 1–3 in one category and is regressed on all other variables, while the regression function
Options 4 and 5 in the other category.1 is subjected to regularization to control the size of the statistical
For items tapping feelings, participants were asked: “Has problem (see Friedman, Hastie, & Tibshirani, 2008; Tibshirani,
the candidate—because of the kind of person he is or because 1996). For each node, the set of edges that displays the best fit
of something he has done, ever made you feel: . . . ?” and to the data is selected based on the fit of the regression func-
the feelings that completed the items are shown in Table 1. tions according to the extended Bayesian information criterion
These items were assessed dichotomously, with the answer (Chen & Chen, 2008). Parameters are then based on the regres-
options 1 ¼ yes and 0 ¼ no. sion parameters in the selected neighborhood functions (van
Borkulo et al., 2014). For each interest group at each election,
we estimated networks for the evaluative reactions toward each
Political interest. Political interest was assessed by the item: candidate by using this procedure, which resulted in a total of
“Some people don’t pay much attention to political campaigns. 54 estimated networks. For further information on estimating
How about you? Would you say that you have been . . . in the and analyzing attitude networks, see Dalege, Borsboom, van
political campaigns so far this year?” We assigned participants Harreveld, and van der Maas (2017).
who answered very much interested, somewhat interested, and We used the average shortest path length (ASPL; West,
not much interested to high, intermediate, and low interest 1996) as a measure of network connectivity. For every two
groups, respectively.2 The number of participants assigned to given nodes in the network, the ASPL computes the length of
each interest group at each election can be found in Table 1. the shortest path that connects the nodes and then averages
these estimates. Dijkstra’s algorithm was used to calculate path
Global attitude measure. In both the pre- and postelection inter- lengths (Brandes, 2001; Dijkstra, 1959; Newman, 2001). Dijk-
view, participants rated how warm and favorable they felt stra’s algorithm minimizes the inverse of the distance between
toward the presidential candidate on a scale from 0 to 100, with two node pairs using the weight of the edges (the absolute
750 Social Psychological and Personality Science 10(6)

Table 2. Included and Excluded Evaluative Reactions. estimated the attitude’s impact on behavior for each interest
group at each election and for each candidate. To test whether
Evaluative Reaction Included (Excluded)
network connectivity predicts the attitude’s impact on beha-
Items tapping beliefs vior, we calculated the partial correlation between network
“really cares about people like you” 1984–2012 (1984a) connectivity and the attitude’s impact on behavior on the inter-
“is compassionate” 1984–1996b (1984a, 1988) est group level with network size partialled out.
“is decent” 1984, 1988 (1988a) As a measure of the attitude’s stability, we calculated the
“is dishonest” 1980, 2000, 2004
Pearson correlation between the global attitude measure
“would solve our economic 1980
problems” assessed before and after the election. We estimated the atti-
“gets things done” 1992, 1996 (1992a) tude’s stability for each interest group at each election and for
“sets a good example” 1984 (1984a) each candidate. To test whether network connectivity predicts
“is fair” 1984 (1984a) the attitude’s stability, we calculated the partial correlation
“would develop good relations with 1980 between network connectivity and the attitude’s stability on the
other countries” interest group level with network size partialled out.
“is hardworking” 1984 (1984a)
The vast majority of missing values in the preelection inter-
“is honest” 1988–1996, 2008, 2012
(1988c, 1992a) view were caused by participants answering don’t know on
“is in touch with ordinary people” 1984 (1984a) items tapping evaluative reactions. We omitted variables that
“is inspiring” 1980, 1984, 1992, 1996 had more than 10% missing values to decrease the number of
(1984a) participants who had to be excluded, as we applied casewise
“is intelligent” 1984–2012b deletion to cases with missing values.4 The numbers of these
“can’t make up his mind” 2004 excluded participants can be found in Table 1, and Table 2
“is kind” 1984 (1984a)
shows which variables were omitted. Participants who did not
“is knowledgeable” 1980–2012 (1988a)
“would provide strong leadership” 1980–2012 (1984a, 1992a) answer the postelection interview or who did not vote in the
“is moral” 1980–2012 (1984a, 1988, presidential election had to be excluded for the analyses on the
2000c) attitude’s impact on behavior and stability (we excluded parti-
“is optimistic” 2008 cipants only for the relevant analyses).
“is out of touch with ordinary 2000
“is religious” 1984 (1984) Results
“commands respect” 1984 (1984a)
“understands people like you” 1984 (1984a) Political interest strongly predicted connectivity of attitude net-
“is power-hungry” 1980 works (see Figure 2). Note that some of the low strength net-
“is weak” 1980 (1980c, 2000c) works (George Bush in 1988; John Kerry in 2004; Walter
Items tapping feelings Mondale in 1984) were not fully connected (i.e., not all nodes
“angry” 1980–2012 (1980c) were directly or indirectly connected), which leads to infinitely
“afraid of him” 1980–2012 (1980c) large shortest path lengths between disconnected nodes. To be
“disgusted” 1980, 1984
able to still enter such networks into the analysis, we set infi-
“hopeful” 1980–2012
“proud” 1980–2012 nitely large shortest path lengths to the highest shortest path
“sympathetic toward him” 1980, 1984 length in the same network that was a real number. Note that
“uneasy” 1980, 1984 this technique results in overestimation rather than underesti-
mation of a network’s connectivity, which implies that this
The item was only excluded for the Democratic candidate. bIn 1992, the item
was only assessed for Bill Clinton. cThe item was only excluded for the Repub-
technique is conservative with respect to the focal hypothesis
lican candidate. (i.e., leads to higher connectivity estimates in low interest
The fitted linear model (including the number of nodes as a
values of the regression parameters in the networks reported in covariate) showed a significant effect of the interest groups on
this article). A low ASPL indicates high connectivity, while a the ASPL of the networks, F(2, 50) ¼ 17.59, p < .001, Z2p ¼ .41.
high ASPL indicates low connectivity. All groups differed significantly from each other in the
To investigate whether political interest predicts network expected direction and these differences were marked by high
connectivity, we fitted a general linear model with the interest effect sizes. The mean ASPL of the intermediate interest
groups as factor, the ASPL as dependent variable, and the num- groups (M ¼ 2.07) was lower than the mean ASPL of the low
ber of nodes in the network as covariate to control for network interest groups (M ¼ 2.44), t(50) ¼ 3.43, p ¼ .004, 95% CI
size. For pairwise comparisons, we used Tukey’s test that cor- [0.16, 0.58], d ¼ 1.62, indicating that the networks of the inter-
rects p values for multiple testing. mediate interest groups had a higher connectivity than the net-
As a measure of the attitude’s impact on behavior, we calcu- works of the low interest groups. The mean ASPL of the high
lated the biserial correlation between the global attitude mea- interest groups (M ¼ 1.80) was lower than the mean ASPL of
sure assessed before the election and the voting decision. We the intermediate interest groups, t(50) ¼ 2.48, p ¼ .044, 95% CI
Dalege et al. 751

Attitudes toward Democratic Candidates Attitudes toward Republican Candidates

Angr y

D ishonest

O ptim istic

H opeful Irresolute


H onest

M oral
Kno w ledgeab le
C ares

H opeful C ares
Kno w ledgeab le
Angr y
M oral
1 .5
1 .0 0 .5
S ta n d a rd ize d A S P L
−0 .5 0 .0
−1 .0

1980 1984 1988 1992 1996 2000 2004 2008 2012 1980 1984 1988 1992 1996 2000 2004 2008 2012
−1 .5



O ptim istic

Angr y
Kno w ledgeab le

D ishonest
Leadership C ares Intelligent


M oral Proud
C ares
Kno w ledgeab le
H onest Leadership

Angr y H opeful

M oral

H opeful

Figure 2. The barplot shows the standardized average shortest path length (number of standard deviations above or below mean for each set of
interest groups) for each candidate at each year and for each interest group. Red (blue) [green] bars represent low (intermediate) [high] interest
groups. Two representative networks of the low (high) interest groups are shown above (below) the barplot. The left (right) networks rep-
resent attitude networks toward Barack Obama (George W. Bush) in 2008 (2004). Nodes represent evaluative reactions (see Table 1 for the
complete wording of the items), green lines represent positive connections, red lines represent negative connections, and thickness of an edge
represents the strength of the connection. Closely connected nodes are placed near each other (Fruchterman & Reingold, 1991). All networks
shown in this article were constructed using the R-package qgraph (Epskamp, Cramer, Waldorp, Schmittmann, & Borsboom, 2012). See the
online article for the color version of this figure.
752 Social Psychological and Personality Science 10(6)

(a) (b)




Impact on Behavior





● ●

● ●● ●
● ●
●●● ● ●
● ● ● ●
●● ●
−0.3 −0.2 −0.1

● ●

−1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 −1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0


Figure 3. Relation between network connectivity (average shortest path length [ASPL]) and attitude strength (impact on behavior and stability).
(a) Scatterplot of the relation between (standardized) ASPL and (standardized) attitude’s impact on behavior (controlled for network size). (b)
Scatterplot of the relation between (standardized) ASPL and (standardized) attitude stability (controlled for network size). Red squares (blue
circles) [green triangles] represent low (intermediate) [high] interest groups. See the online article for the color version of this figure.

[0.06, 0.48], d ¼ 1.17, indicating that the networks of the high Limitations
interest groups had a higher connectivity than the networks of
While using archival data from the ANES for our analyses has
the intermediate interest groups. The mean ASPL of the high
several advantages (e.g., large and representative sample
interest groups was lower than the mean ASPL of the low atti-
sizes), it also has some drawbacks. The measure of interest had
tude interest groups, t(50) ¼ 5.91, p < .001, 95% CI [0.43,
a conceptually different focus (i.e., political campaigns) than
0.85], d ¼ 2.78, indicating that the networks of the high interest
the attitude measures (i.e., presidential candidates). However,
groups had a higher connectivity than the networks of the low a measure of interest more closely related to the measures of
interest groups. attitude is more likely to increase the relation between interest
The finding that political interest predicts connectivity of and network connectivity than to decrease it. We would also
attitude networks allowed us to test the central hypothesis argue that during the election year, political campaigns are
of this article—that network connectivity predicts attitude focused on the presidential candidates—making the measure
strength. This hypothesis was strongly supported. Network of interest more closely related to the attitude measures.
connectivity (after controlling for the size of the network) was Another limitation of the current study is that it only
highly related to both the attitude’s impact on behavior, r ¼ included measures of two of the four central features of attitude
.71, p < .001, see Figure 3a, and to the attitude’s stability, strength. Future research therefore should investigate the rela-
r ¼ 66, p < .001, see Figure 3b. This indicates that network tion between network connectivity and (1) resistance to persua-
connectivity is related to both the durability and impact sion and (2) impact on information processing. Additionally,
of attitudes. the current study only measured one specific set of atti-
tudes—attitudes toward presidential candidates. Future
research might investigate the generality of the relation
Discussion between network connectivity and attitude strength by focusing
on a more diverse set of attitudes.
We applied network analysis to the archival data of the ANES Given that the estimated networks were based on groups of
1980–2012. By focusing on attitudes toward presidential can- individuals, it is not straightforward to generalize our findings
didates, we investigated the central postulate of the CAN to the level of the individual (e.g., Borsboom & Cramer, 2013).
model that strong attitudes correspond to highly connected However, the group-based networks reported in this article are
attitude networks. We first showed that political interest likely to be representative of individually based networks if the
strongly predicts network connectivity of attitudes. Because groups are homogeneous (i.e., individuals belonging to the
interest in attitude objects is related to but not a defining fea- same group have similar network structures; van Borkulo
ture of attitude strength, we then tested whether connectivity et al., 2015). It is likely that groups were homogeneous because
of attitude networks predicts two central features of attitude the assignment to political interest groups made the groups
strength—the attitude’s impact on behavior and stability. Net- more homogeneous, and it is also likely that connections
work connectivity strongly predicted both impact on behavior between different evaluative reactions differ more in quantity
and stability, supporting the central postulate of the CAN than in quality. Nonetheless, future research should investigate
model that highly connected attitude networks correspond to whether our findings also replicate at the individual level using
strong attitudes. appropriate techniques. The challenge here is that attitude
Dalege et al. 753

networks currently can only be estimated based on several data effectively. If the attitude network is highly connected, how-
points (either several data points based on several persons or ever, the most promising way to influence behavior is probably
based on several measurements per person). This makes it to first apply strategies to decrease the connectivity of the atti-
especially difficult for research at the individual level because tude network (e.g., by lowering the importance of the attitude).
a highly connected network might limit the variation at the When the connectivity has decreased, it is probably easier to
individual level, so that strong connections might not be recov- induce the desirable behavior. To enhance longevity of attitude
ered because of too low variation. change, it would be beneficial to heighten the connectivity of
the attitude network after the desired behavior is induced.
An interesting avenue for future research is also to investi-
Implications and Directions for Future Research gate how network connectivity relates to other attributes of atti-
Our results suggest that at least some strong attitudes are based tude strength, such as ambivalence, certainty, or accessibility.
on highly connected networks. This finding has fundamental While it is beyond the scope of the current article to discuss the
implications for theorizing on attitude strength and attitude– relation between network connectivity and all attributes related
behavior consistency. Linking attitude strength to network to strength, we discuss some potentially fruitful avenues for
connectivity provides a novel and promising way to derive pre- future research on such relations. First, based on the CAN
dictions regarding the dynamics of strong attitudes (that are model (Dalege et al., 2016), we would argue that it is likely that
based on highly connected networks). Such attitudes will gen- network connectivity amplifies the relation between potential
erally be highly stable but can also show instances of high ambivalence (i.e., number of conflicting evaluations) and felt
instability under specific circumstances. This would be the case ambivalence (i.e., discomfort resulting from ambivalence,
when the attitude network is highly connected but at the same e.g., Priester & Petty, 1996). Second, knowledge on the attitude
time has to integrate a large amount of conflicting information. object was shown to amplify the effects of attitude strength
Network connectivity also provides hypotheses regarding (e.g., high knowledge in combination with high attitude
how attitudes change (Dalege et al., 2016). Change in weakly strength leads to very pronounced stability and impact of atti-
connected attitude networks takes place on a continuum rang- tudes, Wood, Rhodes, & Biek, 1995). Similarly, network size
ing from a configuration in which all evaluative reactions are (which represents a straightforward conceptualization of
negative, to a configuration in which all evaluative reactions knowledge on the attitude object) amplifies the effects of net-
are positive, with unaligned configurations being only slightly work connectivity (Cramer et al., 2016). For a more compre-
less stable than aligned configurations. Change in highly con- hensive discussion of the relations between network
nected attitude networks, in contrast, occurs more in an all- connectivity and attitude strength, we refer the interested
or-none fashion, with aligned configurations being much more reader to Dalege et al. (2016).
stable than unaligned configurations. These dynamic character-
istics of weakly versus highly connected attitude networks link Conclusion
our work to the catastrophe model of attitudes (Latané &
Nowak, 1994; van der Maas, Kolstein, & van der Pligt, 2003; In this article, we provided support for the connectivity hypoth-
Zeeman, 1976), which holds that important attitudes act like esis, which holds that highly connected attitude networks cor-
categories (i.e., attitudes can be either positive or negative), respond to strong attitudes. The connectivity hypothesis
while unimportant attitudes act like dimensions (i.e., attitudes provides several novel pathways for research into the different
represent a continuous dimension running from positive to neg- dynamics of strong and weak attitudes, such as instances of
ative). Linking the connectivity hypothesis to the catastrophe high instability of strong attitudes, indicating that network the-
model of attitudes leads to the prediction that important (unim- ory shows promise in providing a novel and fruitful framework
portant) attitudes act like categories (dimensions) because they of attitude strength.
correspond to highly (weakly) connected networks.
Focusing on the connectivity of attitude networks provides Declaration of Conflicting Interests
novel opportunities for both predicting and influencing beha- The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to
vior (see also Dalege, Borsboom, van Harreveld, Waldorp, the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
et al., 2017). Regarding behavior prediction, identifying
whether individuals’ attitude networks are densely or sparsely Funding
connected can inform researchers whether it is likely or not that The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for
the measured evaluative reactions will predict subsequent the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This study
behaviors. Pollsters might befit from that because this provides was partially supported by European Research Council Consolidator
a novel opportunity to estimate how likely it is that the results Grant (647209) awarded to Denny Borsboom.
of a given poll will translate into election results. Regarding
influencing behavior, connectivity of attitude networks can Notes
inform which strategy should be taken to influence behavior. 1. As a check on the robustness of results, we also ran the analyses
If the attitude network is weakly connected, a focus on the with answer option “moderately well” assigned to the second cate-
behavior itself may be a means to influence behavior gory and without dichotomization (by using polychoric
754 Social Psychological and Personality Science 10(6)

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results reported in this article. der Maas, H. L. J., Scheffer, M., & Borsboom, D. (2016). Major
2. In the American National Election Studies of 2008, the item was depression as a complex dynamical system. PLoS One, 11,
only administered to a subsample (n ¼ 1,178), while another sub- e0167490.
sample (n ¼ 1,144) was administered the item: “How interested are Cramer, A. O. J., van der Sluis, S., Noordhof, A., Wichers, M., Gesch-
you in information about what’s going on in government and pol- wind, N., Aggen, S. H., . . . Borsboom, D. (2012). Dimensions of
itics?” on a 5-point scale. Here, we assigned participants who normal personality as networks in search of equilibrium: You can’t
answered either extremely interested or very interested, moderately like parties if you don’t like people. European Journal of Person-
interested, slightly interested or not interested at all to high, inter- ality, 26, 414–431; discussion 432–459.
mediate, low interest groups, respectively. The frequencies of the Cramer, A. O. J., Waldorp, L. J., van der Maas, H. L. J., & Borsboom,
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Wood, W., Rhodes, N., & Biek, M. (1995). Working knowledge and Denny Borsboom is a full professor at the University of Amsterdam.
attitude strength: An information-processing analysis. In R. E. His work has focused on conceptual analyses of psychometric models.
Petty & J. A. Krosnick (Eds.), Attitude Strength: Antecedents and
Frenk van Harreveld is an associate professor at the University of
Consequences (pp. 283–314). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Amsterdam and specializes in attitudes, decision-making, risk, and
Zeeman, E. C. (1976). Catastrophe theory. Scientific American, 234,
Han L. J. van der Maas is a full professor at the University of
Author Biographies Amsterdam. He works on the formalization of psychological theories
in diverse fields of psychology.
Jonas Dalege is a PhD student at the University of Amsterdam. His
research focuses on applying network theory and analysis to attitudes. Handling Editor: Kate Ratliff

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