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Term 3 : Project
Social and Environmental Responsibility
TOTAL = 80 marks


 Answer ALL the questions in this project.

 Read ALL the questions carefully and follow the instructions closely.
 Number your answers correctly according to the numbering system used in
this project.
 The mark allocation per question is an indication of the length of your answer.
 You may type your task using Arial Font size 12.
 Abide by the submission dates for your class. The normal detention (DT)
process for non-submission of tasks will be followed if not submitted on
class’s due date.
 The following, highlighted questions require you to do research:

o 1.1
o 1.2
o 1.3
o 1.4

Failure to reference your research with in-text referencing will result in

ZERO marks awarded for that question.

The school’s plagiarism policy will apply if and when pupil(s) are found
to have plagiarised their assignment.



Nelson Mandela Day is an annual international day in honour of Nelson Mandela,

celebrated on 18 July, Nelson Mandela’s birthday. Mandela Day is a global call to
action that celebrates the idea that each individual has the power to transform the
world and the ability to make an impact. Nelson Mandela fought for social justice for
67 years. However, this year’s celebrations took a slightly different shape and format
as, due to the pandemic, the country was in Level 3 of Lockdown.

“In 2020, the essence of Mandela Day – take action, inspire change, and make every
day a Mandela Da – is more important than ever before” (
Research and answer the following questions:
Failure to reference your research with in-text referencing will result in ZERO marks awarded
for this section.

1.1 Explain FOUR contributory factors to social problems locally and globally. (4x2=8)

1.2 Discuss THREE consequences of social problems on

 the individual; and (3)

 the community (3)

1.3 Demonstrate how the following concepts could help fight social challenges: (4x2=8)

 social and environmental responsibility

 Ubuntu
 social activism
 social justice

1.4 Evaluate the extent to which the Government has contributed to each of the
issues below: (5x3=15)

 social grants
 nutrition
 school fees
 health care
 housing

QUESTION 2: IDENTIFY A COMMUNITY PROJECT (in your own or neighbouring

community or any area your of choice)

You need to do research on how you would participate in a community project.

Show how your participation would contribute to civic responsibility and nation

Choose any ONE organisation, institute or project that you think needs assistance to
address social issues. Choose from the list below.

 Poor living conditions

 Old age homes
 Provide meals/food to those in need
 Education (improving literacy)
 Raise funds to support certain causes
 Children’s homes
 Animal shelters
Write a report on your chosen Ubuntu Project to make everyday a Mandela Day.
Use the following sub-headings in your report.

 Name the organisation, institution or project that you have chosen.

Include their address and or website. (2)

 Explain how the organisation supports the community. (2)

 Discuss TWO challenges experienced by the organisation. (2x2=4)

 Provide TWO possible solutions for each of the above challenges. (2x2=4)

 Explain how you as a volunteer could support the organisation. (2x2=4)

 Provide an idea that your chosen organisation could use to encourage

community involvement. Explain your idea in detail. (5x2=10)

 Discuss the possible challenges of your idea. (4x2=8)

 Discuss the potential positive impact your idea could have on the
community. (2x2=4)


Include a bibliography according to Alex’s school policy.

You must use a minimum of five resources to conduct your research. (5x1=5)

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