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ThingSpeak http://www.thingspeak.


open source Internet of Things application and API to store and retrieve data from things using HTTP over the Internet or via a Local Area Network. create sensor logging applications, location tracking applications, social network of things with status updates. allows for numeric data processing such as timescaling, averaging, median, summing, rounding. Each ThingSpeak Channel supports data entries of up to 8 data fields, latitude, longitude, elevation, and status. channel feeds support JSON, XML, and CSV formats for integration into applications. app features time zone management, read/write API key management and JavaScript-based charts from Highslide Software / Torstein Hnsi.

Getting Started

Sign Up for New User Account - new Create a New Channel by selecting Channels and then Create New Channel Follow a tutorial for common devices and applications To read and write to a ThingSpeak Channel, application must make requests to the ThingSpeak API using HTTP requests. Each ThingSpeak Channel allows for - 8 fields of data (both numeric and alphanumeric formats), - location information - status update. entry stored with a date and time stamp gets a unique Entry ID (entry_id). retrieve the data by time selection or by Entry ID. API allows for - numeric data processing ( timescaling, averaging, median, summing, rounding) channel feeds supports JSON, XML, CSV formats for integration into applications. available on GitHub includes complete ThingSpeak API for processing HTTP requests, storing numeric / alphanumeric data, numeric data processing, location tracking, status updates. open source version same documentation as hosted service.


Open Source API

Before You Begin

1. Install Ruby, RubyGems, Rails 3, git, and a database like MySQL 2. Download the application using git: git clone 3. Change to the thingspeak directory and install the appropriate gems: sudo bundle install

1. Set your database conguration le at cong/database.yml (see cong/database.yml.example for an example) 2. Create the database: rake db:create 3. Create the database tables: rake db:schema:load

Run The Application

1. Start the server: rails server Your application will now be running at http://localhost:3000/


make it easier for devices to access resources on the web such as social networks, web services, and APIs. ThingTweet Twitter Proxy allows a device to send status updates to Twitter via simple API calls to the ThingTweet App. connecting things to web services via HTTP requests. ThingHTTP supports GET, POST, PUT, DELETE methods, HTTP/1.0, HTTP/1.1, SSL, custom HTTP headers, Basic Authentication. monitor Twitter stream for a specific hashtag & associate it with a control action. uses Twitter Stream API operates in real-time. create social controls via Twitter without having to run a dedicated server listening to the Twitter firehouse.




create your applications natively on the ThingSpeak platform. using HTML, CSS, JavaScript to create mashups of ThingSpeak services with other web services. Example Plug In Display a Google Gauge Visualization using ThingSpeak Plugins [Source Code] IP and port number will be used for a future dynamic DNS app and are optional.


store information about your devices such as Arduino, Netduino, mBed, Spinneret, ioBridge device. store name, model, public IP address, public port number. registering a device with ThingSpeak, you have access to the MAC Address App. either generate - a random MAC address a random hexadecimal MAC address. - a unique MAC address if you put more than one device on the same network. globally unique from our MAC Address pool.


import data from a CSV file directly into a ThingSpeak Channel. select a Channel, click Import Data.

Importer / CSV format datetime, field1,field2,field3,field4,field5,field6,field7, field8, latitude,longitude,elevation,status

registering a device with ThingSpeak, you have access to the MAC Address App. either generate - a random MAC address a random hexadecimal MAC address. - a unique MAC address if you put more than one device on the same network. globally unique from our MAC Address pool.


import data from a CSV file directly into a ThingSpeak Channel. select a Channel, click Import Data.

Importer / CSV format datetime, field1,field2,field3,field4,field5,field6,field7, field8, latitude,longitude,elevation,status example CSV file:
Sample CSV File ThingSpeak_Importer_Sample_Data.csv
send at least a date time stamp and at least one field. date time stamp = many formats such as epoch, ISO 8601, MySQL time. If the date time includes GMT/UTC offset, we will use that to properly import the data. If your date time stamps do not have a GMT / UTC offset, you can specify a time zone that the data was logged in.


Using an Arduino + Ethernet Shield to Update a ThingSpeak Channel Update Twitter with ThingTweet and Arduino + Ethernet Shield RESTduino to ThingSpeak via Python [external] Freetronics Eleven Review and ThingSpeak Project Display a Google Gauge Visualization using ThingSpeak Plugins Parse Weather Data from Google Weather with ThingHTTP Updating a Twitter Status using the ThingTweet App and ioBridge IO-204 Parse ThingSpeak Last Entry Feed with jQuery Temperature Monitor using mbed, DS1620, and ThingSpeak [external] ThingSpeak .NET Class [external] Connecting to a ThingSpeak Channel with Microsoft .NET [external] Create your own Web of Things using the Netduino Plus and ThingSpeak Processing and ThingSpeak Light Sensor Test [external] Send Push Updates using Prowl and ThingHTTP

Freetronics Google ioBridge JavaScript / jQuery mbed .NET / C# Netduino Processing Prowl Push Updates Python

How to Talk To ThingSpeak With Python [external] Using Arduino and Python to Update a ThingSpeak Channel [video] Connecting Arduino to ThingSpeak using Python as Middle-ware [external] Make Calls with Twilio using the ThingHTTP App Send Status Updates using the ThingTweet App

Twilio Cloud Communications Twitter WordPress

How to Embed a ThingSpeak Chart on your WordPress Blog


Connecting XBee Wireless Networks to ThingSpeak via the ConnectPort X2 running XIG

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