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Excel Formulas - Shortcut Keys


Shortcut Keys
This is a list of the shortcut keys related to calculation.

F9 Smart Calculation. Calculates All the worksheets in All the open workbooks.
(only cells containing formulas that have changed since the last calculation, will be updated).
Replaces the highlighted part of a formula with its result to help debug when using the formula bar.

Shift + F9 Smart Calculation. Calculates the Active / Selected worksheets in the Active workbook.
(only cells containing formulas that have changed since the last calculation, will be updated).

Ctrl + Alt + F9 Full Calculation. Calculates All the worksheets in All the open workbooks.
(all cells containing formulas).

Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F9 Full Recalculation. Calculates All the worksheets in All the open workbooks.
(all cells containing formulas).
(rebuilding the dependency tree and calculation chain).

Ctrl + Shift + F9 This is not a default shortcut key but some third party add-ins use this for performing a full calculation of "all"
the cells in just the "active" workbook.

This is a list of the shortcut keys related to dependents and precedents.

Ctrl + [ Displays arrows to show direct precedents. The cells that are directly referred to by the formula in the active

Ctrl + ] Displays arrows to show direct dependents. The cells that directly refer to the active cell.

Ctrl + Shift + [ Displays arrows to show all precedents. The cells that are directly or indirectly referred to by the formula in
the active cell.

Ctrl + Shift + ] Displays arrows to show all dependents. The cells that directly or indirectly refer to the active cell.

This is a list of all the other shortcut keys related to formulas.

= Start a Formula.

F2 Allows you to edit the active cell directly, putting the cursor at the end. This is only available when the
following option is ticked. (Advanced, Editing options - allow editing directly in cells). If this option is not
checked the cursor will move to the Formula Bar.

F3 Displays the Paste Name dialog box for inserting named ranges into a formula. This dialog box is only
displayed if the active workbook contains at least one named range.

F4 Lets you toggle between Relative, Absolute and Mixed Cell References when in the formula bar.

Ctrl + ` Toggles between displaying cell values and formulas (single left quotation, not apostrophe).

Ctrl + ' Enters the formula from the cell directly above into the active cell (apostrophe).

Ctrl + Shift + A Inserts argument names given a function in the formula bar.

Ctrl + Shift + U Toggles the display of a multi-line Formula Bar.

Ctrl + Shift + Enter Must be used to enter your array formulas.

Ctrl + / Selects all the cells that are part of the Same Array Formula which has been entered into the active cell.

Ctrl + ~ You can toggle between displaying the values and formulas by pressing

F2, F9 Pastes a formula as values.

Ctrl + A Displays the Function Arguments dialog box when pressed after entering an equal sign followed by the
function name.

Ctrl + Home Moves to the beginning of a formula when you are editing it.

Ctrl + End Moves to the end of a formula when you are editing it.

Alt + = Enters the SUM function (AutoSum) to sum the adjacent block of cells.

Alt + F, T Displays the Excel Options dialog box.

Alt + M, H Toggles between displaying cell values and formulas.

Alt + T, U, T Displays arrows to show direct precedents. The cells that are directly referred to by the formula in the active

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