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Solstice Awakening the Heart Gathering

On this Solstice we like to co-create an imaginary journey of releasing evolution into experiencing
even more beauty, joy, happiness, harmony, unity, love & belongingness within one-self, towards
our beautiful community of soul brothers & sisters. Inspiring ourselves & others to stepping into
the glory of our highest potential future self. Harmonising inner matrix of feminine, child,
masculine, soul & spirit into evolving into that best version of ourselves. Step into this journey of
self discovery with child like eyes of innocence and playfulness, SING like no one’s listening,
DANCE like no one’s watching, LOVE like you’ve never been hurt, LIVE like it’s heaven on Earth.

We’ll be gathering in circle with an opening meditation around sacred re pit, with Sound Healing
& Cacao facilitated by James & Laura - Emotional Intelligence Coaches. Their programs are based
on Dr. David Hawkins work and the Map of Consciousness. The uniqueness of their work lies in
the incredibly well structured roadmap and approach to the path of spiritual evolution.

J & L programs have two components: 1. Awareness of emotions (self knowledge) and 2.
emotional release (self-realisation). Their method can be used to work on anything from relieving
grief, fears/anxiety, shame, anger, addictions and any unprocessed emotions and pain.

In our gathering you get to learn about the Map of Consciousness and experience a practical
application of it for your own life.

After this opening we’ll be diving into 5 Elements Dance by Rosanna, “A dance journey of
embodiment, exploration and self-expression through the 5 Elements’. Reconnecting to:

1. The Earth Element, direct of the South, the physical body, the Feminine, the feeling One.

2. The Water Element, direction of the west, the emotional body, the playful intuitive, instinctual,
creative inner Child.

3. The Air Element, direction of the north, mental body, the active doing thinking one who likes to
make things happen, the Masculine.

4. The Fire Element, direction of the East, sunrises in the east, the spiritual one, who likes to
spiritually learn grow and consciously evolve.

5. The Aether Element, sky, akasha, creation, creator, as above, so below, as within, so without,
so the universe so the Soul.

Finishing the evening with an “Sacred Solstice Activation” an channeling by Martijn. A guided
process that will connect each individual to the energy of the photon band. Which is a band of
higher frequency photon energy that is being emitted by The Great Central Sun of All That is, the
Source of your Soul, Consciousness & Spirit. It’s the same energy that makes the Schumann
Resonance spike to unprecedented HIGH’s, DNA upgrades, very potent for releasing evolution
towards your Souls journey towards Oneness - our divine destiny in this life. Only on behalf of
your own free will, the photon energy will be connected to your chakras with the assistance of
your own Higher Self, the Pleiadian, Sirian & Andromeda Archangels of Light for deep clearing,
releasing & re-alignment. Once into this temple space we’ll be sending out prayers from the
singularity, unity, oneness of our own Hearts, towards ourselves, towards the collective, to stir up
an Planetary Breakthrough in conscious evolution. The channeling will be recorded and given to
those who would like to do the activation again, every time you’ll repeat it, you’ll be receiving new
upgrades in your reconnection to your own Essence and the Essence of All That Is.

Facilitated by Laura Weyel, Spirit of James, Rosanna & Martijn Vroemen.

Bring an blindfold & something to sit on around the re. If you’d like to bring a crystal that you
would like to record the energy transmission, do bring your crystal, as crystals will hold the
memory that you intent for the crystal to hold and record onto the crystal.

Wednesday 21st June 2023, walk-in 5:00pm, ceremony starts 5:30pm, please come in time.

Location: Sacred Ulu Watu, Gang Pucuk 11, Pecatu, Uluwatu, Bali.

For directions WA: +62 812 3982 0292

Donation based community gathering, (suggested donation 150K)


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