Women, Caste and Reform - Notes

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Women, Caste and Reform

Class Notes
Women and Caste Reforms

Caste reforms

Why? Movements Caste inequality

Demand for Non-Brahaman

Christian Missionaries
equal justice movement Satyashodhak Samaj
set up schools for
by Jyotirao Phule
lower class and tribals
Satnami movement Ambedkar

Narayan Guru E. V. Ramaswami


Women and Caste Reforms

Women reforms

For widows Important reformers For education For women, from women

Ban on sati Girls' schools Child Marriage Restraint Act

• Raja Rammohan Roy
• Ishwarchandra Vidyasagar
Widow • Veerasalingam Pantulu Home tuition Begum of Bhopal
remarriage • Swami Dayanand Saraswati
Begum Rokeya Sakhawat

Pandita Ramabhai
Role of Reformers in Improving Conditions of the Widows

Raja Rammohun Roy Ishwarchandra Vidyasagar

Work Work

• Founded the Brahmo Samaj • Suggested widow remarriage by

referring to ancient texts that was
• Initiated a campaign against the
accepted by the British
practice of sati and was helped by
many British officials, leading to its ban • Law permitting widow remarriage
in 1829 passed in 1856
Role of Reformers in Improving Conditions of the Widows

Veerasalingam Pantulu Swami Dayanand Saraswati

Work Work
• Formed an association for widow • Founded the Arya Samaj, which
remarriage in Telugu-speaking areas advocated widow remarriage
Reforms of Women During the 19th and 20th Centuries

The later 20th century saw

demands for greater equality
The end of 19th century saw The early 20th century saw the
and freedom for women being
women partaking in writing and formation of political pressure
supported by Jawaharlal Nehru
editing books and magazines, groups to push for laws related
and Subhas Chandra Bose,
establishing schools, and setting to female suffrage, improved
who guaranteed that there
up women’s associations. healthcare, and education.
would be full suffrage for all
after independence.

• A demand put forward by various Indian legislators in the Central Legislative Assembly to pass a
law preventing the regressive practice of child marriage.
• In 1929, the Child Marriage Restraint Act was passed, restricting the minimum age for men and
women to get married.
Reforms against Social Inequality

Satnami movement: Founded Haridas Thakur’s Matua sect

by Ghasidas to improve the worked among the Chandala
social status of leatherworkers cultivators, questioning the
in Central India. Brahmanical texts supporting
the caste system in eastern

Jyotirao Phule wrote

Gulamgiri, meaning slavery,
and dedicated it to the
Americans who had fought to Shri Narayana Guru protested
free slaves in the American against unequal treatment on
Civil War. He founded the basis of caste and asserted
Satyashodhak Samaj to that all of humankind
advocate caste equality. belonged to the same caste.
Reforms against Social Inequality
E. V. Ramaswamy
Dr. B. R. Ambedkar

• He wrote about the dominance of the • He was a critic of certain Hindu scriptures
upper castes in the society. and believed that they were used to
• He led three temple entry movements establish Brahmanic superiority.
between 1927 and 1935 to portray the • He founded the Self-Respect Movement,
caste prejudices prevalent in the knowing that the lower castes would have
society. to fight for their dignity.

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