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ot S59 ccs .o8) CED 680: Counseling Practicum Counseling Competencies Scale (CCS) The Counselor Education Department at Winona State University has adopted the CCS for assessing counseling student's skills & practices competencies in accordance with the Council for Aceredi tion of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) 2009 Standards. The CCS is used by course instructors and site supervisors to evaluate students completing both the Clinical Mental Health Counseling (CMHC) and School Counseling (SC) tracks. The Counseling Competencies Scale (CCS) assesses counseling students’ skills development and profe: CCS _ provides counseling students with direct feedback regarding their counseling skills and profes jonal competencies. Additionally, the al disp (dominant qualities), offering the students practical areas for improvement to support their development as effective and ethical professional counselors. I. > EVALUATION GUIDELINES Exceeds Expectations / Demonstrates Competencies (8) = the counseling student demonstrates strong expectations of a beginning professional counselor) knowledge, skills, and dispo: professional disposition(s), Meets Expectations / Demonstrates Competencies (6) = the counseling student demonstrates consistent and proficient knowledge, skills, and dispositions in the specified counseling skill(s) and professional disposition(s). A beginning professional counselor should be at this level at the conclusion of his or her practicum and/or internship. exceeding the \s) and s in the specified counseling Near Expectations / Developing towards Competencies (4) = the counseling student demonstrates inconsistent and limited knowledge, sh and dispositions in the specified counseling skill(s) and professional disposition(s). Students scoring at this level during their final practicum evaluation (be it practicum or internship) have not demonstrated the professional competencies needed to progress to the next level of clinical experience. Remediation may be necessary in these areas. Below Expectations / Insuffi nt / Unacceptable (2) = the counseling student demonstrates limited or no evidence of the knowledge, skills, and dispositions in the specified counseling skills) and professional disposition(s). Students scoring at this level during their final internship) have not demonstrated the profess needed to progress to the next level of clinical experience. Remediation may be necessary in the areas identified as deficient by the clinical supervisor. counseling students NOT scoring at level Six (6) or above in a particular area will NOT be eligible to progress to their next stage of clinical experience. ‘Copied. Coma leu Lambie yhbie mal asta the Univesity of Covel Ferd, Counselor Edveuion Progam eg we ce IL CACREP (2009) STANDARDS. ccs which includes practicum and internship, provides for the application of theory and the development of counseling mn. These experiences will provide opportunities for students to counsel clients who represent the ethnic and demographic diversity of their community. Standard F. Students must complete supervised practicum experiences that total a minimum of 100 clock hours over a minimum 10- week academic term. Each student’s practicum includes all of the following 1. Atleast 40 clock hours of direct service with actual clients that contributes to the development of counseling skills. , 2. Weekly interaction that averages of one (1) hour per week of individual and/or triadic supervision throughout the practicum by a program faculty member, a student supervisor, or a site supervisor who is working in biweekly consultation with a program faculty member in accordance with the supervision contract. 3. Anaverage of I % hours per week of group supervision that is provided on a regular schedule throughout the practicum by a program faculty member ora student. Superviso: 4. ‘The development of program-approprate audio/video recordings for use in supervision or live supervision ofthe student's interactions with client 5. Evaluation of the student's counseling performance throughout the practicum, including documentation of a formal evaluation after the student completes the practicum. The CCS is used by the CED (in part and in whole) to assess skills and practices for the following courses: i T | COURSE CCS Components (1-3) Used | Course-Specific CACREP (2009) Standards Assessed CORE/CMHC/School CE 680: | 1. Primary Counseling Skills Counseling A6, A8, B2, C5, C,7-8, D.2, D.6-7, D.9, E.3, 13, 1.2, K. 1-3, L:1-2; Practicum © 88 points possible; target = 66 F.1-2, HA, & I 2. Professional Dispositions © 80 points possible; target = 60 3. Professional Behavi CCS is calculated using minimum targets-points and factored poteseonl aeusritts separately from the Grade Seale indicated in the course syllabus, and ‘* 80 points possible; target = 60 factored into students’ final grade Total Score possible 248; target = 186 ul ‘Cope. 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OF 7 Tite Genie ope Feedback sopervinyesdback & tosupevinn feedback, but | supersoryfedick does Implmenssggesodchangss | doesnst impliment uggeted | notinplenent gees somes. ans. a Sia recogni The Tutee ieonmiais apropos | Shudet demonstra Sides Semaner Downcari o er boundaries @ aprecites her | spproprstbouncrs buthss | appropri bnundres & has Tints Iimiedeppeatorothster | lintedappreciionofhicher ‘press heer ations Iimiatons, timistors a Taira ‘Saar denomem ab © | Shido Genanaeaat as Tra demons Teed ‘Adaptability conssentysvongabiiyto | azn tense fons” income oii ade & | abiliytoadae &flexiohisher appre Bexwhicher clin. sls, a a Ser demersosa Ta Genuineness tegeuine de scepinporsat& | onsen aby be blige be genie one Beane einen | weiter eo acon + Total Score (out of a possible 80 points) Copyrighted. Conte: Glenn Lambie slambie ail ue cl at he Univesity of Central Flria, Counselor Education Program regarding use Part 3 egrd Behaviors - CACREP Standards [2009] #1 {Profesional Orientation & Ethical Practice), #3 [Human Growth & ] Primary ree: Profesional | Behaviors) “Avtendance 7B aC =D aE oF 36 a aT Appraisal 3 TaskCompletion TEasa cocoa conpaial | Satatcnaraiamase! | Suetconpleesaananl —| Stde nesnotongice a Sssiped wis nacunptenmve | tisinacormshennefashon, | aks aesconssent | aigndtak esas trou ash ‘ski. thnecompied enet oe scons fone x 8 : Total Score (out of a possible 8 (Copyrighted. Contact Glenn Lambie slambicmuil uc du atthe Universit of Cetral Flora, Counselor Education Program regarding use

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