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Wewear different

difi clothes
according to the seasons, occasions and our woIK.
FocCaod gives
energy and helps us t o .

A. Fii n the blanks using words from the clue box.
salty uniform breathe fire air river pond
All living things need air to
1, .. and live.
We need water for putting out...
. . and...
a r e two sources
of water.
4. Sea and ocean water is....

. 1 sa
special dress some people wear to work.
B. Write true or false.

1. Air is present all around us.

2. Breakfast is the first meal of the
3. We should boil or filter water before
4. Wehave lunch at night and dinner
in the afternoon.
5. We should eat our
food very fast.
C. Answer the following
1. Can we see air?
2. What is moving air known as?
Did You Know
Most of the
eat contains wate
For exampleKoodM
3. What are the three main meals in a day ?

4. When do we wearspecial clothes?

5. Whydo plants and animals need water?
watermelon. a

D. Tick (V) the things that cannot live without

water and air.
1. Neem tree
2 Sparrow 3
4. Girl
5 Kite 6.
E. We should never waste water. Tick () the
being wasted. pictures where water i
Write W r vinter lothe, 'S' lo e dothen and lor thingawe
uNe whe We HO out n the rain

food items you like to eat.
G. Circle the pictures of the
Fillin the blanks using words from the clue box.

Cottonn fresh fruits trunk vegetables WOO

1. Plants keep the air...

2. Weget.... ...
from trees to make furniture.
3. Plants g1ve
us.... .. to make clothes.
4. Plants give us fresh ...

... and......
5. The thick ... t o eat.
stem of a tree is known as
tch the foliowing.
a bush
b. Banyan
Rose plant
C. herb
Money pBant
d. creeper
'umpkin plant
c. climber

the names of the flowers.

k at the pictures and complete


.Answer the tollowing.

I. Name two trees that give you fruits.


2. Take help ofyour parents or teacher to write the benefitsofTulsi plant.

3. Drawa labelled diagram ofa plant in your note book.

4. Write four uses
of plants.

Activityat Home
In your scrapbook paste the pictures of different types of plants and name

Value Based Question

ck () the correct options.
1. How to take care of the plants in your house?
a. Water the plants everyday.
b. Pluck flowers.
C. Put the plants in
d. Keep them in dark.
A. Write true or false.
1. Weget milk from dogs.
2. Fish live on land.

3. Animals don't have houses.

4. Horses live in a stable.
5. Reptiles crawl.
6. All animals are flesh eaters.
B. Match the following.
1. cow aa. stable
2. horse b. milk

3. dog C.
C. water

4. whale d. pet
5. hen e. chick

keep our body clean and tidy.
to ollow a healthy daily Cuic
t 1simpo

olanks using the words in the clue box.

, I..

my nails once in every 10 days.

2, w e a r . . . .... clothes.

with soap and water every

3. 1. day.
4. I . . ....

my teeth twice a day.

5. Idrink... o f water.
6. Igo to. ... on time and... . early.

lots sleep wake up brush cut bathe clean

Write yes or'no'.

1. Weshould wear dirty clothes.
2. Healthy food makes us healthy.
3. Drinkingless water is good.
4. Exercise is not good for health.
5. We must take proper rest.
atch the
the ffollowing. One has been doneforyou.



A C.



w w w w w w i r
Anewer the foklewg
Wrate thoee
rhings you should do so ak cane of sour beod

hat are the steps of a heaichy daly nonua

Actvity at home
Write your daily health and cleanliness toutine on a sheen. Auk your panene
for every good habir you folo Coune how
may sas v g
gve you a star

at the end of a weck.

Value Based Question

don't take good care
of ourbody. we wil i
Our body keeps u s going So if we our o w
whout tmbing
toubling au

sick. Tick( the things we shouid do on


Heush our terth rwice

2Take bath daxly on our owwn

Weaf c r cdothes

irver cnb our ha

drink malk
roabsie oar parents
wten asked so

Not sieepang on tame

Nirvy anhag thatda

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