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function Transport dissolved substance


circulatory system
in humans proteins Fibrinogen prothrombin
dissolved ions chlorides calcium sodium etc
what to learn Food substances glucose amino acids vitamin
consists of blood dissolved waste urea creatine etc
blood dotting hormones insulin
tissue rejection
Blood vessels
Heart Red blood cell 0 erythrocytes
blood vessels
aka a transport system man
double circulatory system
purpose Cardiac cycle t graph
It reduce diffusion function haemoglobin binds reversibly to oxygen forming
distance to bring coronary heart disease mannnn
nutrients remove marte
2 Structure Circular biconcave shape
fast efficiently
function Inc Surface area to volume ratio S AT VR to
Inc the rate of diffusion in out
Blood D plasma RBC WBC platelets
of the cell

55010 Plasma 3 Structure No nucleus

4506 Blood cells platelets function Inc amt of haemoglobin binded with oxygen
Red blood cells RBC erythrocytes
4 Structure Elastic membrane
white blood cells WBC leucocytes
function can change to a bell shape to squeeze through
platelets thrombocytes blood capillaries

structure 90 water White blood cells m leucocytes

Fragments of cytoplasm which are membranebound

structure larger than RBCs Fewerthan RBCs
I OrmBEsed to
no haemoglobin colourless
function Important for clotting blood

structure Irregularshape contains nucleus Blood clotting D

only lives a fewdays despite having a nucleus
I function Blood clots when exposed to air
structure Mobile
This seals the wound preventing entry of
can move change shape to squeeze through
backeria to prevent infection more blood loss
blood capillaries

process 1 Dinged tissues platelets release

thrombokinase enzyme
structure large round nucleus
2 Thrombokinase converts prothrobin to thrombin
I small ant of non granular cytoplasm
3 Thrombin converts soluble fibrinogen to insolube
structure producer antibodies against microorganisms
threads which form a mesh to trap RBCs
function acts as anti toxins to neutralise toxins

4 binds to backeria rupturing surface membrane

Tissue rejection d
for easy ingestion phagocyte digging Tissue organ transplant replaces dared tissue organ
I nucleus by with healthy tissue from the same person doner
2 Phagocytes lymphocytes may produce antibodies which destroys
structure lobed nucleus granular cytoplasm the tan plant

Éd as toavoid tissue rejection tissuesshould match use

function engulf and ingests foreign particles
granular through phagocytosis t immunosuppressive drugs
cytoplasm bacteria

Platelets a

structure s not considered as cells

b b d
Blood groups 000 Blood vessels
Artery A for arteries
A B structure I
away fromheart
carries oxygenated blood

A A structure thick musular walls w elastic fibres

RBC antigen A RBC antigen B small lumen
plasma antibody b plasma antibody a
Function withstand v high pressure of blood as its forced out of heart
AB elasticfibres for artery wall to stretch recoil so blood
O is pushed along the artery in spurts

A A vein
structure towards heart
RBC antigen A B carries deoxygenated blood
Plasma antibody a b
plasma Nil
structure a thinner walls w less elastic tissue
eg large lumen

EI E Function o blood pressure lower than arteries
Antigen antibody b

structure have valves

Function valves prevent back flow of blood
Blood 0 the universal donar
Blood AB is the universal acceptor capillary
blood structure walls have I layer
type A B AB O can donate endothelium only

I cell thick

bad small gaps between cells

Function Useful substances oxygen diffuses fromblood into capillaries
d IS 8 I b

waste released by cells diffusesthrough capillary walls to blood Tricuspidvalve f.LY

Y a ventricle
structure extensive network mama
Function Inc SATVR total cross sectional area for more
R ventricle
efficient exchange of substances in capillaries

Double circulatory system

2 types of circulation
pulmonary circulation lungs heart f

systemic circulation rest of the body

advantages blood enters pulmonary circulation at low

Cardiac cycle
pressure so there's enough time for blood
to be Deoxygenated blood
fully oxygenter b4 reentering heart
1 Deoxygenated blood from body enters
blood is pumped into systemic circulation
advantages vena cava and into the RA
at high pressure so oxygenated blood is

distributed quickly to the body 2 Muscle walls of RA contracts in blood

to flow to RV
I tried
ii 3 Muscle walls of RV contracts inc blood
pressure forcing TV to dose to prevent
superior vena cava

M A pulmonary vein

M blood to flow to P
i L atrium vein into lungs

Oxygenated blood
pulmonary valve Bicuspid valve
1 Oxygenated blood from lungs enters systole contract
RMR COCO open aortic
pulmonary artery and into the LA Diastole relax BAAB
2 Muscle walls of LA contracts in blood
pressure forcing BV to open blood 84th head
to flow to LV

3 Muscle walls of LV contracts inc but

pressure forcing Bu to dose to prevent
artery ÉÉ
superior vena
4 High blood pressure forces A Valve to open cava

blood to flow to Aorta and to the body

Cardiac cycle graph te

hepatic portal

G stomach
renal vein
kidney renal artery

note there is no vein connected
directly to stomach intestines

Coronary heart disease

it is a cardiovascular heart disease
caused by Atherosclerosis blocking of coronary artier

y Heart al lack whenheart muscle cell idle blood

does not pump to the body DEATH Uwo
Coronary arteries
Factors that causes Atherosclerosis
heart musclecells need oxygen
glare for respiration
blood transports these via Coronary arteries 1 Factor high fat diet rich in cholesterol saturated
animal fats

prevention healthy balanced diet less saturated fats

9Yeh 3 buildup of fatty w

substances cholesterol

2 Factor emotional stress

prevention manage stress
Atherosclerosis process
1 butid up of fatty substances of endothelium 3 Factor smoking
inner surface of Cor Art prevention avoid smoking
2 lumen of arteries is narrowed 4 Factor sedentary lifestyle
3 Thrombosis blood clot thrombus forms prevention exercise regularly
4 reduced blood flow to heart Access risk
by looking at
Cholesterol lui
5 Heart muscle cells relieve less gh core
oxygen blood pressure Wl
for respiration
6 Heart muscle cellsmay die from insufficient energy family his
thus a heart attack
Atherosclerosis may lead to
Angina chest pain due to lack of oxygen to
cardiac muscle

Heart attack whenheart muscle cell die blood

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