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Chapter 5: The Revolution, May-October 1789

1. How many representatives arrived in Versailles for the Estates General?

2. What was the date of the first session?

3. How did Louis open the first session of the Estates General?

4. Which two pressing concerns of the 3rd Estate did Louis and the other speakers fail to settle
at the first session?

5. Why did the 3rd Estate refuse to verify the credentials of those elected?

6. By what result did the 3rd Estate vote to call themselves the National Assembly? 491-92

7. When did the clergy agree to join the Estates General? 19 th June

8. When did the 3rd Estate find the doors to “les salon des menus plaisiers” (the room they
were meeting in? Why had this happened and why did the 3 rd Estate think this had

9. Who was the elected president of the National Assembly?

10. On 26th June how many extra troops did Louis bring to Paris?

11. What happened on 27th June 1789?

12. By the 4th July how many troops were there in/ around Paris?

13. When was Necker dismissed? Who replaced him and why did this heighten revolutionary
feelings in Paris?

14. Between 12th and 13th July how many customs posts (barriers) were destroyed?

15. Which organisation established the National Guard? The Commune

16. On the 14th July how big was the crowd which decended on Les Invalides? How many
muskets did they find?

17. What happened on 17th July 1789?

18. What rumours drove the Great Fear between 17 th July and 3rd August?

19. When did the National Assembly abolish feudal rights?

20. Name 3 of the rights of the clergy and nobility which were abolished on the 4 th August as
part of the August decrees?
21. When was the declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen passed by the National

22. Why did Louis refuse to provide either the August decrees of the declaration of the rights of
man with Royal Assent?

23. What was the catalyst to the October Days?

24. How many marched to Versailles on the 5 th Oct?

25. How long after Louis was taken to the Tuilaries did the National Assembly also move to

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