Episode 4 Moon of India

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After dinner Frank, Robert, Lucy and Agatha and are

having coffee in the lounge. Robert invites them for a
- Frank: No thanks Robert. I have to write tomorrow
and I need a good night’s sleep.
- Lucy: I am feeling a little tired too.

Lucy gets up to leave with Frank and asks Robert:

- Lucy: What about a swim tomorrow?
- Robert: OK but not too early! What about you
Agatha? Will you have a drink with me?
- Agatha: That would be very nice, but first I want to
see how my niece is.
- Robert: Oh yes, Cristina. I hope she is feeling better.
- Agatha: I think she was just a little tired this
- Robert: What can I get you to drink?
- Agatha: Mineral water, thank you Robert. I usually
don’t drink very much.

Robert is waiting on deck outside the lounge for Agatha.

He is standing on a dark corner. Agatha returns and he
watches her walking along the deck towards the lounge.
- Robert: Here’s your drink!
- Agatha: Oh Robert thank you!
- Robert: How is Cristina?
- Agatha: She is much better thank you!
- Robert: I’m glad to hear that! She is very nice.
- Agatha: She is a special young woman. Intelligent,
hard- working, and attractive Robert. We are good
friends. Once a year we take a trip together in
Europe: Italy, Spain or Greece.
- Robert: Now tell me about yourself Agatha.
- Agatha: My life isn’t very interesting. I’m a retired
school teacher. I live in a house in Vermont.
- Robert: And your husband?
- Agatha: Edgar died more than 20 years ago.
- Robert: I’m sorry to hear that. Do you have any
- Agatha: No, I don’t.
- Robert: That’s too bad.
- Agatha: Is it Robert? I have a beautiful niece. She is
like a daughter to me. And thanks to Edgar I have
plenty of money in my retirement. You see? I am very
happy. I don’t usually talk about myself Robert. You
are a good listener. But what about you? Tell me
about yourself.
- Robert: Robert Grant. Age 35, college educated,
divorced, 2 children in Idaho, present occupation real
estate agent for Estrellas Properties, Costa del Sol
Spain, that’s me.
- Agatha: There’s more to you than that, Robert, I’m
Robert looks at Agatha and smiles a big smile.
- (Agatha is thinking to herself) Cristina was right, he
is a very handsome man!
Answer the following questions:

1. How is Cristina feeling?

2. Is Agatha a happy person? Why?

3. What does Robert do?

4. Does Agatha think he is handsome?

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