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Nghe lại bài nghe và hoàn thành đoạn hội thoại.

Speaker 1. Good afternoon and welcome to the program. I'm talking to BASE jumper Tanya
Marks. Tanya, thanks for joining us.

Speaker 2: My pleasure.
Speaker 1: Now, Tanya, my first question to you is basically why? Why choose a sport (1)
_______ ____ ________ _________? Why not something nice and safe like table tennis?
Speaker 2: Well, I can answer that in one word: Adrenaline. (2) __________ ________
_______ _______. That's precisely why I'm the kind of person who loves to feel that.
Speaker 1: Do you do any others?
Speaker 2: Well, I like skydiving and Hang Gliding too, but BASE jumping (3) ______ _____
_____ ______ and my obsession. I'm totally addicted.
Speaker 1: How did you first get into it?
Speaker 2: It was one of my skydiving friends. He suggested it. He had the equipment and
invited me to join him. My first jump (4) _______ ________, but I loved it.
Speaker 1: What's your favorite place for BASE jumping?
Speaker 2: Well, it keeps changing because I'm always looking for somewhere new, but at the
moment (5) _______ _____ ______ ________ in Tonsai in Thailand though it isn't an ideal
place to do it as there are no hospitals nearby.
Speaker 1: So, is danger always in your mind when You're jumping?
Speaker 2: Oh, yes. That's not just me, that's all BASE jumpers. We know the dangers.
Speaker 1: Do you think that's why there aren't many women who (6) _______ ______
_________? Do the risks put them off?
Speaker 2: I'm not sure. I don't really agree. More women are joining the sport every year.
Speaker 1: (7) ______ ________ _________ _______ _______?
Speaker 2: Well, I guess Roberta Mancino is the new star of BASE jumping. She also does
skydiving and wingsuit-flying. The media loves her because of the way she looks, but she's also
(8) _____________ ______ __________ _________. She is a great role model and hopefully,
she will encourage more girls to take up extreme sports.
Speaker 1: Tanya Marks, thank you.

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