Vocabulary For Ielts

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Rewarding Giving A lot of pleasure Children who experience a rewarding relationship with
their sibling are likely to have a better relationship.
Relate Respond to sb When parents relate to their child, they do a lot of works,
Accommodating Agreeing to demand figuring out what they needs and accommodating those
Sibling Brother or sister My brother who is older than me three years old is a
Interaction comunication bossy man, he often nagged at me whenever I made
mistake. However I have a good interaction with my
sister, she always kindly with my and took me to the park.
Adolescence The between of childhood My younger brother is a rebellious boy when he was in
and adulthood adolescence, he often disobey my mother words and
always play outside till night.
Nurture To grow and develop My mom is a wonderful woman, she was nurture both my
someone brother and me without my dad.
Conflict A actice agreement
between 2 ppl
Rebellious Having strong feeling of
Sibling rivalry Conflict between sibling There are many sibling rivalry in my extended family
Immediate family Closest ppl in family
Extended family A
Family gathering
Stable upbringing
Family resemblance
Physical resemblance
Striking resemblance
Maternal instinct

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