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June - July 2023
Class: IX

Subject: ENGLISH
I. Read the following passage carefully and complete the following sentences:-
When we are suddenly confronted with any terribe danger, the change of nature we undergo is
equally great. In some cases fear paralyses us. Like animals we stand still, powerless to move a step
in fright or to lift a hand in defence of our lives, and sometimes we are seized with panic, and again,
act more like the inferior animals than rational beings. On the other hand, frequently in cases of
sudden extreme peril, which cannot be escaped by flight, and must be instantly faced, even the most
timid men at once as if by miracle, become possessed of the necessary courage, sharp quick
apprehension, and swift decision. This is a miracle very common in nature. Man and the inferior
animals alike, when confronted with almost certain death ‘gather resolution from despair’ but there
can really be no trace of so debilitating a feeling in the person fighting, or prepared to fight for dear
life. At such time the mind is clearer than it has ever been; the nerves are steel, there is nothing felt
but a wonderful strength and daring. Looking back at certain perilous moments in my own life, I
remember them with a kind of joy, not that there was any joyful excitement then; but because they
brought me a new experience - a new nature, as it were and lifted me for a time above himself.

1. When we face any danger, our reaction to this danger is ________ .

2. In one reaction to the danger, the person becomes ________ and ______________ .
3. In the other response to danger, people become ________ and ______________________.
4. One becomes more energetic than usual when ______________ .
5. A word in the passage which means the same as “deal with a difficult situation”
II. Fill up by choosing the right option-
Liberty is not a (a) _________ affair only but a (b) ______ contract. It is an (c) _______ of interests. In
matters which do not touch others liberty, I will be (d) _______ free and won’t (e) ________ anyone’s
(f) __________.
a. i) personally ii) person iii) personal iv) personality
b. i) social ii) socially iii) society iv) socialise
c. i) adjustable ii) adjustment iii) adjusted iv) adjust
d. i) completion ii) complete iii) completely iv) completed
e. i) requirement ii) requires iii) required iv) require
f. i) permissible ii) permission iii) permitted iv) permit
III. Rearrange to make meaningful sentences-
a) place / our lives / music / important / has / in / an.
b) body and / activates / our / it / mind.
c) a / is / art / also / regarded / as / fine / it
IV. You are going on a school picnic with your classmates and teachers. You are very excited. The
night before the trip you sit down to write your diary. Describe what you have planned for the
picnic and how you hope to enjoy yourself there. Write your dairy in 100-150 words.
V. You love your father very much, for he is an ideal father. Describe him in your own words in
100-150 words.
IV. Every Sunday do the following in your class note book.
a) Write two interesting headlines from the newspaper.
b) Create one integrated grammar question- rearrange/missing word/ error correction.

1. Prove that in a triangle the sum of all the interior angles is 1800 .
2. Two supplementary angles are differed by 230 find them.
3. If the ratio between two complimentary angles is 2:3 find them.
4. If (3𝑥 − 15)0 , and (𝑥 + 5)0 are complementary angles, find the angles.
5. In the given figure, AB ǁ CD. Find the value of x.

6. In the given figure find the value of x if AB ǁ CD.

7.An angle is 30˚ more than one-half of its compliment. Find the angle in degrees.

8. In the given figure, If AB is parallel to CD, ∠2= 120° + x and ∠6 = 6x.

Find the measure of ∠2 and ∠6.

9. In the given figure AB//CD and PQ is a transversal, find the value

of x and y.

10. If a point C lies between two points A and B such that AC=BC, then prove that C= (1/2)
11. If A, B, C are three points on a line and B lies between A and C then prove that
12. Write all five Euclid’s five postulates.
13. Find the area of triangle whose sides are 225,375 and 300 units.
14. If A, B, C are three points on a line and b lies
15. Using Hero’s formula find the area of equilateral triangle whose side is 10 cm. each.

Subject: PHYSICS
1. Define the following and give one example for each
a. Inertia of rest. b. Inertia of motion. c. Inertia of direction
2. What is linear momentum? Is it vector quantity or Scalar quantity. give it's SI unit.
3. State Newton's first law of motion and write it's significance.
4. State Newton's second law of motion. Derive expression for F= ma. Define SI unit of force.
5. Two bodies A and B of masses 4kg and 8 kg are moving with constant accelerations 2m/s2 and
4m/s2. Is the force acting on two bodies same in magnitude. If so calculate the force acting on

1. Differentiate mixtures and compounds.

2.What do you mean by pure substances and impure substances?
3. Give an example of a shiny non metal.
4. Identify a non metal that is liquid at room temperature.
5. What are metalloids? Give examples.
6. Differentiate homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures.
7. Which metals can melt easily in the palm of your hand?

Subject: BIOLOGY

1. Explain the different types of meristems with the help of diagram.

2. Differentiate between parenchyma and sclerenchyma.
3. Identify the type of tissue present in the following:
i) Lining of blood vessels
ii) Lining of small intestine
iii) Lining of kidney tubules
iv) Epithelial cells with cilia
4. Draw the labelled diagram of different types of muscular tissue.
5. Fill in the blanks:
a) Cells of cork contain a chemical called ………………
b) ……………… gives flexibility to plant body.
c) Fluid part of the blood after removing cells is called ……………
d) Ligaments join …………………. to ……………..
e) Areolar tissue is a …………………. Tissue.
6. See the diagram and answer the following questions
i) Identify this tissue.
ii) Infer the characteristic features of these cells.
iii) Specify the function of this tissue.
iv) Name any one part of the plant where these cells are present.


1. Which are the major physiographic divisions of India? Contrast the relief of the Himalayan region
with that of the Peninsular plateau.
2. Distinguish between the Western Ghats and the Eastern Ghats.
3. Give an account of the Northern Plains of India.
4. How is human resource different from other resources like land and physical capital?
5. What is the role of education and health in human capital formation?
6. What are the various activities are undertaken in the primary sector, secondary sector, and
tertiary sector?
7. Describe the circumstances leading to the outbreak of revolutionary protest in France.
8. Which groups of French society benefited from the revolution? Which groups were forced to
relinquish power? Which sections of society would have been disappointed with the outcome of
the revolution?
9. Would you agree with the view that the message of universal rights was beset with
contradictions? Explain.
10. What were the social, economic, and political conditions in Russia before 1905?
11. What was apartheid system practised in South Africa? How did apartheid end in South Africa?
12. Assess the contribution made by Constituent Assembly to frame the Indian Constitution.
Subject: ह िं दी (हितीय भाषा)

1) पर्वतारोहण से सबं धं ित 10 चीजों के नाम धिधिए।

2) आगे बढ़ती भारतीय मधहिाओ ं के बारे में जानकारी प्राप्त करके धिधिए।
3) ‘मन के हारे हार है, मन के जीते-जीत’ धर्षय पर एक अनुच्छे द धिधिए।
4) ‘सईु की जगह तिर्ार काम नहीं आती’ इस धर्षय पर अपने धर्चार धिधिए।
5) ‘धचत्रकूट’ धकस राज्य में धथित है, जानकारी प्राप्त करके धिधिए। धचत्रकूट क्यों प्रधसद्ध है।
6) नीधत संबंिी अन्य कधर्यों के दोहे धिधिए।

Subject: తెలుగు ( ద్వితీయ భాష )

I) ఈ క్రింది ప్రశ్నలకు సమాధానిం రాయిండి?
1) వివేకానిందుడు జాతిక్ ఇచ్చిన సిందేశ్ిం ఏమిటి?
2) శివతాిండవిం గేయ సారాింశాన్నన స ింతమాటలలో రాయిండి?
3) నరేిందురన్న బాలయిం, విదాయభ్ాయసిం గురించ్చ రాయిండి?
అర్థ సిందర్భములు:
1) నలో కలువలు దికుులెలో విచ్ుి విధాన.
2) అసదృశ్ము నమృతింబు నామతిించ్ు విధాన.
ప్రాయయప్దాలు: 1)శివుడు 2) తుమ్మెద 3). ముతతె ము
ప్రకృతి - వికృతులు : 1.కర్పూర్ము 2. నాటయము 3. ర్పప్ము 4. చ్చతరము

Subject: संस्कृतम्

1. पञ्च सन्धि वाक्यान्ि (दीर्घ , गुण , वन्ृ दद , अयान्द )

2. पञ्च शब्द रूप वाक्यान्ि न्िखत | (Any 5- together with )

3. पञ्च प्रश्नन्िर्ाघ ण वाक्यान्ि न्िखत | (स्वणघ काकः, गोदोहिर््)

4. पञ्च िातरू
ु प वाक्यान्ि न्िखत | (Any 5 - together with )

5. पञ्च भान्िककायघ प्रश्नाि् न्िखत – ( स्वणघ काकः )

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