Mic 322 Assignment - DR Nsa

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22nd May, 2023


MATRIC NUMBER: 190807507

Comprehension Check (Page 267)

1. Explain why most enzymes that operate in amphibolic pathways function in both the
anabolic and catabolic direction, but a few function only in either anabolism or catabolism.
2. How might the ratio of NADH to NADPH indicate the balance between anabolism and
3. Provide an example of compartmentation in a eukaryotic cell and a bacterial or archaeal
4. What is self-assembly? What biological entity also exhibits self-assembly?

Micro Inquiries.
5. Based on this figure 10.17, explain the notion of a minimum inhibitory concentration of
6. List the features common to all types of metabolism.
7. Will an enzyme with a relatively high K have a high or low affinity for its substrate?

1.) Most enzymes in amphibolic pathways are designed to function in both directions, allowing
them to catalyze reactions in both the anabolic and catabolic directions. This flexibility enables
the cell to efficiently regulate the flow of metabolites based on the cellular needs and the
availability of substrates. It allows the cell to adapt to changing environmental conditions and
metabolic demands. However, there are also cases where specific enzymes in amphibolic
pathways are specialized to function exclusively in either anabolism or catabolism. This
specialization arises due to the need for tighter regulation or the specific requirements of a
particular metabolic pathway. These enzymes may have structural or functional modifications
that restrict their activity to only one direction.

2.) The ratio of NADH to NADPH reflects the relative abundance and activity of enzymes
involved in catabolic and anabolic pathways. When the ratio of NADH to NADPH is higher, it
suggests a greater prevalence of catabolic reactions and energy generation, indicating that the
cell is primarily focused on generating ATP and meeting energy demands. The balance between
NADH and NADPH is essential for maintaining cellular homeostasis and ensuring the
appropriate allocation of metabolic resources between energy production and biosynthetic

3.) Example of Compartmentation in Eukaryotic Cell:

The mitochondria: are membrane-bound organelles present in eukaryotic cells that play a central
role in energy production through cellular respiration. They have a highly organized structure
with inner and outer membranes, as well as an internal matrix space. The compartmentalization
of mitochondria allows for the segregation of specific metabolic processes, such as the Krebs
cycle and oxidative phosphorylation, within distinct regions of the organelle.
-Example of Compartmentation in Bacterial or Archaeal Cell:
The presence of intracellular membrane systems; such as the photosynthetic membranes in
certain photosynthetic bacteria. These membranes contain pigments and proteins involved in
photosynthesis and are specialized structures that separate light-capturing reactions from other
cellular processes. The compartmentalization of photosynthetic membranes allows for the
efficient capture of light energy and the subsequent utilization of that energy for energy
production and carbon fixation.

4.) Self-assembly refers to a process in which individual components autonomously organize

themselves into a functional or ordered structure without external intervention or guidance.
A biological entity that exhibits self-assembly is the viral capsid.

5.) The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) refers to the lowest concentration of an
inhibitor (a substance that blocks or slows down enzyme activity) needed to prevent the enzyme
from working effectively. In the figure, Sulfanamide is competing with his substrate by binding
to the limited active sites on the enzyme. Once the Sulfanamide attains its MIC, it'll inhibit
further catalysis of PABA (no more attachment to the enzyme active sites). Sulfanilamide
belongs to a class of antimicrobial drugs known as sulfonamides or sulfa drugs. Sulfanilamide
and other sulfonamides work by inhibiting the growth and reproduction of bacteria by targeting
their folic acid synthesis pathway.
6.)-Life obeys the laws of Thermodynamics.
-The energy cells obtained from their environment are most often conserved as ATP.
-Redox (oxidation-reduction) reactions play a critical role in energy conservation.
-The chemical reactions that occur in the cells are organized into pathways.
-Each reaction of a pathway is catalyzed by an enzyme or a ribozyme.

7.) Yes it will have a low affinity for its substrate. Enzymes with a high K<sub>m</sub> require
a higher concentration of substrate to reach half-maximal activity, indicating that they have a
lower binding affinity for the substrate. This means that the enzyme-substrate complex forms
less readily, and the enzyme requires a higher substrate concentration to achieve efficient

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