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Unit 1 - Problem



T = 3021.6 N-m
2. Thrust in the connecting rod
A vertical petrol engine 150 mm diameter and 200 mm stroke has a connecting rod 350 mm
long. The mass of the piston is 1.6 kg and the engine speed is 1800 r.p.m. On the expansion
stroke with crank angle 30° from top dead centre, the gas pressure is 750 kN/m2. Determine
the net thrust on the piston.

Given Data:
D = 150 mm
L = 200 mm
r = L / 2 = 200 /2 = 100 mm
l = 350 mm
M = 1.6 kg
N = 1800 rpm

A flywheel used in machines serves as a reservoir, which stores energy during the
period when the supply of energy is more than the requirement, and releases it during
the period when the requirement of energy is more than the supply.

Hence a flywheel does not maintain a constant speed, it simply reduces the fluctuation
of speed. In other words, a flywheel controls the speed variations caused by the
fluctuation of the engine turning moment during each cycle of operation.
m = Mass of the flywheel in kg,
k = Radius of gyration of the flywheel in metres,
T mean = (T1 + T2 ) / 2 = ( 750 + 3000) / 2 = 1875 N-m
From This equation, Cs will be find


Cs = 7.1 %
= 10081 N m

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