9 - Writing 9

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An increase in the production of consumer goods results in damage to the natural

environment. Why is this the case, and what solutions are possible?

Industrial plant expansion in recent years has largely had a detrimental impact on
the environment. In order to address this issue, this essay will analyze plausible
causes and make workable recommendations.

Environmental degradation is mostly caused by a sharp rise in human population

that increases consumer demand. Companies continuously clear land, cut down
forests, and construct more facilities to produce more items in order to meet this
growing demand. Along with causing deforestation, this entire construction project
releases massive amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, contributing to
climate change and devastating natural disasters. Additionally, manufacturers
dispose of hazardous waste during industrial processes, contaminating neighboring
community water sources including rivers, lakes, and streams. As a result of
contaminated water making fish and other creatures sick and even dying, this
decreases biodiversity and depletes the aquatic ecosystem.

Despite the fact that the aforementioned issues could not be prevented during
human growth, governments might take action to lessen the harm done to the
planet. Governments can impose sanctions on businesses that have an adverse
impact on the environment. Regulations and rankings are required to evaluate each
factory's degree of emission. This might incentivize companies to adopt cutting-
edge technology to lessen their environmental effect and use cleaner energy
sources like solar, water, or wind. For instance, in order for automobiles to operate
on highways in European nations, they must fully comply with the standards and
guidelines for vehicle emissions.

In conclusion, if governments and businesses seriously adhere to environmental

protection legislation, the detrimental effects of humans on the environment may
be mitigated.

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