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Statement of Work Guidance and Template

Proposers are required to submit a Statement of Work (SOW) that provides a clear, concise
outline of the work performed during the proposed effort, with the milestones, and deliverables
to be agreed upon between DARPA and the proposer. Proposers are strongly encouraged to use
this template as it highlights the technical areas and requirements described in the BAA, aligns to
the budget template, and is organized to include the appropriate level of detail over two
hierarchical levels: Tasks and Subtasks that fit the parameters defined by the Deliverables,
Specifications and Metrics defined in the BAA (Sections 1.5.1-1.5.3)

Performers should articulate high-level Tasks that organize the research toward meeting Tellus
Methodology and Device Fabrication and Performance Goals. Each Task will be comprised of
Subtasks that describe the specific, technical work performed to accomplish Task goals. It is the
proposers’ responsibility to identify the appropriate number of Tasks and Subtasks that are
necessary to meet the goals of the program. Subtasks should include interactions with regulatory
agencies, if needed. Deliverables that IV&V teams will test should be included.

All Tasks and Subtasks should indicate:

 Performer/sub-awardee(s) that will complete the work

 If it is anticipated to be a fundamental research or CUI task.
 Start and end months in relation to the beginning of the program. For example, a task or
subtask with a six-month duration beginning the first day of the effort should be labeled
“Start: Month 1, End: Month 6.”
 Milestones/metrics should occur about every 6 months for each Task.
 Sufficient technical information to understand what is planned but not so specific as to
mandate a formal SOW modification if a deviation is necessary.

Instructions for Section D

Section D should be written in a concise manner and initial drafts submitted with the proposal
should not exceed 10 pages (Times New Roman, 12-pt font, single-spaced, normal margins). Do
NOT use any pronouns. Refer to your institution and subs collectively as “the contractor.”

<<insert Proposer Organization>>
<<insert PI name>>
<<insert BAA control number>>
Title – <<Insert Proposal Title>>

Provide draft language with the expectation that it will be finalized by DARPA and proposer
during contract negotiations. This section should:
1. Describe the overarching goal of the project (1-2 sentences)
2. Outline the approach for each parameter (2-3 sentences each)
3. Describe the major outcomes or deliverables expected at the end of the period of
performance (1-2 sentences each)

Provide draft language with the expectation that it will be finalized by DARPA and proposer
during contract negotiations. This section should resemble the introduction section of a research
manuscript. It should (a) provide scientific and technical context that supports both the technical
merit and the DoD relevance of the proposal, and (b) summarize the information included in the
proposal, but not duplicate it. Figures, graphs, tables, and datasets should not be included in
this section. Section B may not exceed 1 page (Times New Roman, 12-pt font, single-spaced,
standard margins).

(a) HR001123S0027
(b) <<Organization>> Proposal Titled “<<Proposal Title>>” dated <<submission date>>.


The Contractor shall provide the facilities and equipment necessary to develop the effort as
described herein.

Provide draft language with the expectation that it will be finalized by DARPA and proposer
during contract negotiations. This section should address expectations of the proposer to meet
DARPA and BAA requirements.

List of acronyms

List performing institutions

1.1 Task title: task description [designate performing institution] [Start: Month X, End
Month: Z] [Designate as CUI if necessary]
1.1. Metrics, methods, and assessment plan description (2-4 sentences, should begin
with “The contractor shall…”
1.1 Milestone title [Month Due]: milestone description, either DARPA define milestone or
internal, interim milestone
1.1 Deliverable title [Month Due]: deliverable description – Devices, reports, not all
milestones will have a deliverable, usually just milestones provided in the BAA will be

1.2 Task title: task description [designate performing institution] [Start: Month X, End
Month: Z] [Designate as CUI if necessary]
1.2 Metrics, methods, and assessment plan description
1.2 Milestone title [Month Due]: milestone description
1.2 Deliverable title [Month Due]: deliverable description

1.2.1 Subtask title: Subtask description [Start: Month X, End Month: Z] [Designate as
CUI if necessary] Some tasks can be composed of related subtasks if they culminate in
the same overall task goal
1.2.1 Metrics, methods, and assessment plan description
1.2.1 Milestone title [Month Due]: milestone description
1.2.1 Deliverable title [Month Due]: deliverable description

2.1 Task title: task description [designate performing institution] [Start: Month X, End
Month: Z] [Designate as CUI if necessary]
2.1 Metrics, methods, and assessment plan description (2-4 sentences, should begin with
“The contractor shall…”
2.1 Milestone title [Month Due]: milestone description, either DARPA define milestone or
internal, interim milestone
2.1 Deliverable title [Month Due]: deliverable description – Devices, reports, not all
milestones will have a deliverable, usually just milestones provided in the BAA will be

2.2 Task title: task description [designate performing institution] [Start: Month X, End
Month: Z] [Designate as CUI if necessary]
2.2 Metrics, methods, and assessment plan description
2.2 Milestone title [Month Due]: milestone description
2.2 Deliverable title [Month Due]: deliverable description

2.2.1 Subtask title: Subtask description [Start: Month X, End Month: Z] [Designate as CUI
if necessary] Some tasks can be composed of related subtasks if they culminate in the same
overall task goal
2.2.1 Metrics, methods, and assessment plan description
2.2.1 Milestone title [Month Due]: milestone description
2.2.1 Deliverable title [Month Due]: deliverable description


This section should include minimal changes by the proposer which will be subject to
negotiation with DARPA.

The Government will actively monitor, review, and approve the Contractor's performance to
ensure the performers are meeting the Government's requirements. At the Government-PI
meeting, all performers shall demonstrate their technical capabilities and engage or challenge
each other in a cooperative environment. Along these lines, the Government will ensure that the
performers each share technical information with each other, as appropriate, to enable the
testing/challenging of each other's capabilities.

To prevent the release of sensitive technical information certain aspects of the proposed research
may be considered Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) and may require safeguarding or
dissemination controls, pursuant to and consistent with applicable law, regulations, and
government-wide policies. Performers must partition potentially sensitive tasks from non-
sensitive research efforts. Research conducted for Methodology development and bioengineering
is expected to constitute fundamental research. However, research oriented toward engineering
organisms to detect certain types of stimuli or generate certain types of output signals is expected
to produce Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) as described in the Tellus CUI Guide.
However, the overall program will require protection as CUI, thus the Government expects that
all awards, to include subawardees, will include restrictions on the resultant research that will
require the awardee to seek DARPA permission before publishing any information or results
relative to the program. All performers (prime contractor and subcontractor) desiring public
release of project information that may contain CUI as defined in the CUI Guide must submit a
request for public release from DARPA in accordance with contractual requirements. Academic
contractors considered to be conducting fundamental research on this program may publish
papers (after review by DARPA) that describe scientific or engineering advances that are general
in nature and adhere to the above guidance.

E.1. Regulatory Strategy

Performers will obtain any necessary permits, licenses or certifications required for
acquisition, use, transportation, storage, and/or disposal with chosen stimuli,
confounders, output signals, and genetically modified living organisms. Performers will
describe anticipated regulatory guidance (if any) and safety practices applicable to their
planned research activities. This may include Federal, State or local agencies that regulate
certification, licensing, packaging, handling, transportation, research uses, and disposal of

heavy metals, radioactive elements, other hazardous materials, and genetically modified
living organisms.
Proposers must present a detailed plan for early and continued engagement with
regulators throughout the program to discuss developing technologies and challenges in
order to inform and improve the design of the Tellus devices.

E.2. Ethical, Legal, Environmental, and Social Issues (ELESI)

Activities to address Ethical, Legal, Environmental, and Social Issues (ELESI) are
anticipated in this effort. The Recipient shall support ELESI activities with DARPA
including semi-annual teleconference calls with the ELESI Panel and regular feedback
from the Panel regarding the performer’s activities. ELESI activities will be reported
regularly to DARPA.

E.2. Kick-off Meeting

The Contractor shall attend a kick-off meeting at a location selected by DARPA. In this
meeting, the Contractor shall introduce the leads on the team, present their scope of work
as well as a program management plan and financial tracking plan.

E.3. Monthly Financial Reports

The Contractor shall provide monthly financial progress reports to DARPA. The purpose
of these reports is to provide a brief project progress and inform the DARPA Program
Manager of any potential issues. A template will be provided for monthly reports.

E.5. Monthly Technical Reporting

The Contractor shall provide monthly progress reports to DARPA. The purpose of these
reports is to present a summary of work completed by SOW tasking and milestones met,
discuss any problems encountered, update the program schedule, present the program
financial status, and discuss remaining work. A template will be provided for monthly

E.6. Quarterly Technical Reporting

The Contractor shall provide detailed technical quarterly progress reports to DARPA.
The purpose of these reports is to present a summary of work completed and milestones
met; discuss any problems encountered; update the program schedule; present the
program financial status; and discuss remaining work regarding technical tasks,
regulatory engagement (if any), and ELESI activities. Quarterly reports shall also include
all technical data items generated under this agreement but not limited to experimental
data; processed data, along with methods of processing used; research reports and
publications; and software (source code and executables). A template will be provided for
quarterly reports.

E.7. PI Meetings
DARPA will actively engage with and manage the performer teams throughout the
project, to include program level meetings and site visits held every 6 months for the
program duration.

All Tellus performer teams will participate in program review meetings by sharing their
accomplishments to date as well as the planned work for the next six-month period.
Program review meetings may be attended by other performer teams or U.S. Government
stakeholders at the discretion of the DARPA Program Manager, and with appropriate
protections of any proprietary information.

The Contractor shall host annual site visits of DARPA. The purpose of this visit is to
present a summary report of all work completed and milestones accomplished and to
discuss ongoing or future technical tasks, data sharing, and ELESI activities.

E.8. Final Contract/Cooperative Agreement Report

The Contractor shall prepare and deliver a final technical report that completely and
clearly describes all work completed, the results obtained and the implications of those
results. The contractor shall discuss milestones accomplished and relevant and/or related
future efforts which may be pursued. The contractor shall provide a copy of the final
report to DARPA and others as identified in their award instrument).


Leave blank - Will be finalized by DARPA and proposer during negotiations if relevant.

Travel is anticipated for meetings between collaborators, meetings with DARPA, and to
professional conferences to include annual PI meetings, ELESI activities, and annual site visits.


<<Insert prime institution name and address>>

<<Insert subcontractor institution name(s) and address(es)>>

This work is unclassified but expected to contain Controlled Unclassified (CUI). The SOW
should state whether the Task/Subtask is expected to require use of CUI (see CUI guide).

Performer teams will have to submit a Science and Technology Protection Plan (S&T PP) with
the SOW.

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