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Copyright © 2021 Masculinity Rediscovered

All rights reserved.

This book or any portion thereof may not be

reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever
without the express written permission of the
publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a
book review, crediting the author.

none of the contents in this guide or this course

should be considered professional advice. It is
merely for entertainment purposes only.

1st Edition: 2021

Twitter: @BecomeAManAgain
Once there was a farmer, with two sons.

One day, one of his sons came back with a

wild horse he'd found.

"Wow, you're so lucky!" said his neighbors.

"Maybe," Said the farmer.

The next day, his son was taming and

training the horse, when he fell and broke
his arm, which meant he wouldn't be able to
help with the farming.

"Wow, that's unlucky!" said the neighbors.

"Maybe," said the farmer.
Then the next day the military came because
there was a war coming. They took his one son,
but not the other, because of his broken arm.
Everybody died in the war.

"Wow, that's lucky for your son," said his

neighbors. "Maybe," said the farmer.

The Lesson here?

An Event can have INFINITE number of

meanings, depending on the circumstances.
That is where YOUR FRAME comes in. How you
see events will decide your outcomes.

There's a great saying-

"Events are just events. It is we who frame them

as positive or negative"

With that, Let's begin.

The above story should give you a basic
idea about what frame is. Let me make it
clear here.

Frame is your perception of reality. It is how

you interpret events, things, people, etc.

The concept of frame is important because

reality is always malleable and subject to

Whoever is more convinced of their

interpretation will influence the behavior of
everyone around them.

Whoever has the stronger frame "controls"

how everybody interprets events.
When going to meet a girl, your frame can either be

“God, I hope she finds me attractive “

Or it can also be

“God, I hope I find her attractive”

In the first situation, you will be jerky, underconfident,

nervous, chasing- SHE WILL SCREEN YOU

And in the second situation, you will be calm, you will

maintain strong eye contact, you will tease and
disqualify her, and most importantly- YOU WILL

Golden Rule- Women are screening for men who are

screening women
There is a reason that I'm putting this at the start
of this guide.

Firstly, you need to remove your frame of

"Manipulation is always negative"

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Manipulation, when done correctly, is extremely

positive and a win-win for everybody involved.

Every day you are manipulated to do something.

You are manipulated by society and your parents

to go to college.

You are manipulated by your high value friends to

work on yourself and improve yourself.
Two cases of manipulation, one is not so
good, the other is very good.

At the core, Manipulation is something you

do that you wouldn’t have done if not

You bought this course because I

“Manipulated” you, but this is going to
change your life and your interactions with
men and women.

Controlling the Frame is also manipulating

their perception of reality,


It is in THEIR BEST INTEREST because

you are a Masculine, High-Value man
who gives great experiences to them.

People are looking for leadership


If you can prove that your frame is in

their best interest, they will willingly go
along with you

Big Picture-

Always create an underlying

context of Win-Win.
PRINCIPLE | Emotional Stability
Everything you do needs to come from a place of

You can express emotions of anger and disappointment

ness but it needs to come from a place of 100% control.

Think about the result you want, and what behavior you
require to achieve it.

Let's say, you spot her talking with another guy at the club.

If you validate her and fuel her drama with attention when
she tries to flirt with a guy, you’re forming a very vicious
feedback loop.

You’re training this behavior and giving her the power.

Because the next time she needs your attention, she will
flirt with more guys, and worse, sleep with them.
So How do you react?

You playfully Encourage the behavior while

holding your own frame.

You tell her “Not bad for a blonde girl like you!”
Emotional Stability

Make it a game where she has worked hard, and

tell her to ask the guy to bring 2 drinks for her
(one for her and one for you)

Another way you can do it is by outrightly

disqualifying her behavior.

Tell her “That was your best shot? I thought

you could do better than that.

You both had such great chemistry there,

although.. you came off as a little too
She clearly knows that you’re completely
secure in your own skin and that her bouts
of drama won’t get any attention from you.

Another method is to completely be

Emotional Stability

unreactive like it never happened.

In all the cases, you should also talk to

another girl in the venue, to show you’re
very much capable of seducing other
women if she tries to get fresh.

Understand that in most cases she’s trying

to get you to chase.

Advance Concept- Once you have huge

amounts of value and she is clearly the one
chasing, you can flip it on her and act
“jealous and accuse her of being with other
Frame control depends on-

How much she trusts you and feels comfortable

around you.

How strong your frame is:-

- Internal self-talk (she’s fucking attracted to me)

- Is it physically strong? Are you involving touch, and

moving your body while establishing frame?
- Is it verbally clear? The tone in which you say your

How attractive your frame is (will it add value to

her life)
-Positive vs negative frames

When you combine all the 3 above principles,

when you have huge goals and a purpose to live for,
your frame will automatically become one which
serves you the most.

Along with this, your reframes will also become fast

and you will be able to hold your frame in any

Think about this-

If you have a goal of sleeping with 3 different beautiful

women before the end of this year, and every day
you’re working hard at learning game- improving your
personality, methods, mindset, etc;

will you be bothered by small things like one girl

“rejecting” you?
No, because you know it’s a learning process,
and that there could be a MILLION reasons why
she didn’t want to have good sex with a
masculine badass (notice the reframe i just did

Think about a Boxer trying to survive 15 rounds

in a ring to get a payout of 15 grand vs a man
fighting off muggers in an alley.

The man will have the basic instinct to fight and

escape alive- he cannot afford to slip up and
waste time. (Guy desperately trying to get laid
that night) ;

The Boxer, on the other hand, can afford to pass

time by “hugging” the opponent and stalling for
more time. He can take a punch or two(
rejections by women) because he has a bigger
CONCEPT | How are Frames Defined?

Frames can be defined consciously and


If you’re getting mugged by criminals, you don’t

think whether it’s a positive or a negative frame.

Your subconscious instantly comes up with a

“Dangerous situation. Run”

On the other hand, If a girl looks down

immediately after making eye contact with you,
a guy has to think consciously whether it’s
positive or a negative frame. (It’s positive)
CONCEPT | Conflicting Frames
Ever had an argument with somebody about a
topic you felt strongly about?

There are two opposing frames in that


The best is the Democrats/Republican Ideology.

If you notice carefully, Every event is

interpreted in two extreme ways, with both
sides blaming each other in what seems like an
“Obvious” choice.

Think about it- The facts are the same, but the
two sides INTERPRET them in a different way
which makes their frames conflict each other.
So, how do you counter this?

Being Congruent-

Your whole being strongly believes in

Conflicting Frames

your viewpoint, you’re not just saying

what you heard.


You ask them early on if they can

“entertain different viewpoints without
disagreeing” and that they’re an “open
minded person” This way, they have to
listen to you later on because they said
Having Experience-

If you have been in the center of the issue,

and have real-life experience, you have a
higher weight in the interaction. So if
you’ve slept with a model tier girl, you have
Conflicting Frames

the higher, stronger frame to comment on

what kind of girls they are as opposed to a
virgin. Extremes but you get the point.

Being Flexible-

If you’re good at your reframing game, you

can frame your argument differently or
theirs differently.
Great example- If she says “I have to ask
my friends, what will they think” when you
tell her to go home with you.
Authority & Status-

Having underlying status in the environment gives

you a lot of frame.

The host of a house party will have more frame in

the CONTEXT because it is his house- people will
listen more closely to him and fall into his frame
more often.

Social Proof-

If you are the center of attention in a circle or

environment and women see other women
leaning into you, listening to you- They are more
likely to do the same because you have a lot of
social proof.
Self Belief-

Truly believing that you are worthy of

authority and you deserve to be listened
to. Affirmations will help with that

Resilience and Resistance-

You need to stand your ground often

and outrightly reject the frames that
others try to put on you.

Using Pre-Framing, Reframing, and

Box Framing
CONCEPT | How to get women to
do whatever you want
them to do
Let's discuss one of my favorite concepts around


It's simple, and it works wonders on men and especially


Very simply, early on in the interaction, you ask her if

she’s an open-minded, adventurous, and spontaneous

You can ask any one of the three, but for best results,
ask all 3 differently, with about a 15 minute gap.

She’s obviously going to say “Yeah blah blah” Ok cool.

How to get women to do whatever Later on, say

“You said you’re adventurous and

spontaneous right. Come, let’s go to the
you want them to do


(or somewhere secluded where you can

isolate her and make out)

Now, since you pre-framed her as an

open-minded /+ Adventurous /+
Spontaneous girl,

she has no choice but to go along with

you because she agreed to it.

Insanely powerful, please do

not use this unethically.
If you face rejection or an L, you can change your
frame to NOT demotivate you.

You simply change what it means- Hence the "RE-


Example- If a person is driving mad fast and cuts

you, you can either frame it as-

What an asshole
What a fucking loser
I’ll show him


His mother is in hospital, he must be hurrying

to see her one last time.
The first one throws hate and negativity into
the world. but the second one shows
empathy and a positive frame on this world.

Bottom line?

You might never know the truth, but it’s

always better to assume something positive
because you don’t want that hate lying
around in your brain anyway.

At the same time, it gives you power around

your life- because you are able to control
the interpretation of reality.

High-Status people do not concern

themselves with negative thoughts about
random people they don’t know.
Reframing is so powerful because you can
frame an event in an infinite number of
ways to serve your purpose, without
somebody coming and telling you it’s

It’s your reality and nobody has to right to

question it.

By positivity reframing events, you will

also change the way you behave, you will
have a DGAF vibe about yourself, because
you know anything that will happen will be

It’s literally a drug that you need to be

careful around.
2 | Importance of Re-Framing

It could sound like a load of woo woo shit, but consider

the alternative.

You embrace that victim mindset and go down into a

downward spiral of negativity and resentment.

Nobody likes a loser. No, we support the underdogs

who bounce back harder and stronger. Reframing
allows you to do exactly that.

The best part?

After a couple of months of practice, you will

automatically reframe every event positively and in an
instant- without even thinking about it

Sometimes, however, reframes don't work- we discuss

why under "Box Framing"

By far the strongest, and extremely important

for conversational dominance- with both men
and women.

You put their frame in a smaller box and wrap

your frame in a bigger box that carrier their
smaller frame

This way, you’re not denying or opposing their

frame. You’re simply acknowledging their frame
but also implying that your frame is an obvious
and stronger one.

Example- she says that she has a boyfriend.

Reframing won’t work here, you can’t say
“She’s just saying that to play hard” (She
could be, but the odds are less)

The better way is to put her frame in a small


Let’s say she’s 5’6

Here’s how you do it- “Woah, easy tiger, I

barely know your name. Besides, I only date
girls who are 5’8 or taller”

What you’ve done is you’ve acknowledged

the fact that she has a boyfriend

(aka I’m not available for you) ,

but made her frame sound ridiculous by
putting your bigger frame on top of hers

(Who said you’re upto my standards?)


It conveys to her that you’re a chill guy

who isn’t just trying to get in her pants.
She’ll be more open to your advances
later on.


If you’re escalating physically and she
tells you “Things are going too fast and
that she isn’t ready for sex” , a reframe
won’t work (Time is just an illusion)
Instead, what you need to do is agree with
her frame, that “I know, I’ve never felt this
way before.

It’s a big step, and it’s better to be fully

ready to experience it at its best.” You

simply keep dominating your path and

reduce your attention, while never
bringing up sex again.

Obviously, you will be seeing other girls at

this point, so you won’t be in any hurry

But to her, you’re the first guy to not push

for the sex and that’s extremely attractive
and a huge turn on. You’ll realize that she
will fuck you sooner than you expect.
Another example in normal conversations-

A friend or your girl tries to argue with you

about something, such as who is better, or
which cuisine is better.

If they believe X is better, but you believe Y

is better, here’s how you win the frame

You simply acknowledge their opinion.

“Yes, X is great, one of the best there is. But

Y is the greatest. “

You’re simply putting their opinion in a

smaller box and wrapping yours in a bigger
2 | Women will always follow
your lead
Women are verbal mirrors of their environment.
They quickly adapt to what's happening near

If you touch awkwardly, she will too.

If you sound nervous, she will too.

If you’re unsure of what you want from her, she

won’t be able to trust you and will be unsure
about your future together too.

Hence, you must create a conscious frame

where you are the one who makes the decisions
around each other
3 | Be The Friendly Thief
It's important to approach each conversation with a
grain of salt.

You should not be too loud or be too smiling. you

need to be ready to fight back in case all hell breaks

It's about carrying a big stick. You're kind to people-

but you have the power to completely destroy them-
mentally, physically, emotionally.

Remember, the person who stays composed is the

person who wins. If you're loud and shouting,
everybody knows you're just overcompensating.

If somebody does something you don't like, point it

out right away- assertively. Kill the monster when its
4 | How to Break out of her Imposed
Frame on you

Consider this classic shit test - “is that

your pickup line?”

What frame she is verbally trying to put on


You are chasing her

She gets hit on very often
This is normal for her
She’s not easy
She’s higher value than her.
How to Break out of her Frame and
instead put your frame on her?
How to Break out of her Imposed

“Woah, easy tiger. I barely know your

name. You’re cute, but I don’t sleep with
girls who are 5’5/blonde/from LA/
*anything about her*
Frame on you

Here’s what you conveyed through that


This is normal for you

She’s not hot enough for you
You don’t chase girls
You have high standards
You’re not afraid of qualifying and
You get your way with women
At the same time, you shouldn’t be
arrogant- i.e, you shouldn’t look down upon
her. You should be cocky-funny.
How to Break out of her Imposed

You should be Narcissistic (read as- self-

love) with a playful vibe.
Frame on you

Trying to Impose Prize Frame = Lower Value

Assuming Prize Frame = Higher Value

At the same time, you MUST have REAL


(Good news- When you go through this

entire course, you will have more value in
the Social and Sexual context than 99.99%
of Men EVER will!)
5 | Good Practices for Maintaining
Let’s suppose you’re about to meet a person.
Just for practice, Choose a frame that you
MUST hold in that conversation throughout,
even if external pressure is applied.

Example Frame- “Let’s see if she matches my

standards “

If a girl says “I don’t sleep with guys on the

first date”,

here’s a great frame you can choose -

“Aw, how cute. She doesn’t know she’s going

to have the best sex of her life tonight”
Good Practices for Maintaining
Every word you speak should come
from that frame.

You already know she’s going home

with you tonight, you’re just having
fun teasing and disqualifying her

along the way.

Eventually, your frame will

manifest itself because she can
sense it through your actions.

The stronger frame ALWAYS wins.

6 | You don't always need to be

the problem will most guys when learning about

Frame is that they try to assert their dominance in
every conversation- they try to be right every time
and push back against the other person’s frame.

The truth is, you don’t need to argue at all.

Simply choose a frame, and hold it regardless of the

opposing views.

It’s about the saying “My beliefs don’t require you”

They can choose your frame (which is in their best

interest) or they can stick with their own frame.

Either way, it doesn’t affect your frame at all.

For example-
You don't always need to be

if she tells you she’s got a boyfriend,

She’s trying to imply that you’re
trying to hit on her and that she is
higher value than you

Now how are you battle this frame

and instead is by telling her

“ Woah, easy tiger. I barely know your

name. Besides, I don’t date _____
girls (blonde/brunette: 5’5 - anything
specific about her)
Now you flipped her frame and
instead put yours, which is-
You don't always need to be

This is normal for you

You have high standards in life
Hot women don’t impress you
She’s chasing you

It’s literally that simple.

Practice feeling as if all that

attention is directed towards you.

Hold eye contact and smirk.

6 | Barriers to strong Frame

Naturally, as you try to progress and build

yourself up, you will have to face some
obstacles to your success.

Our primitive instinct is survival, because of

which when we face questions about our frame,
we tend to easily fall into the other person’s
frame to avoid confrontation. and getting kicked
out of the tribe.

However, modern situations are not life or

death. But our primitive brain doesn’t
understand that. Hence, we need to realize that
and hold our frame.
You need to have some sense of entitlement, that you
deserve to be heard and respected, and that your frame
and your beliefs are truly worthy of adoption.

If you truly believed that you’re a masculine badass who

women are attracted to and would kill to fuck, your
actions will flow automatically no matter what happens

This is more than anything you will ever need to Master

your frame and DOMINATE all your conversations- with
men and women alike!

By re-reading this frame guide, you will master your

conversations and dominate your relationships.

Keep WINNING, brother.


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