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(Stimulus-bosed Conversqtionl

Oral Exam!


@ZOZO Mind Stretcher Educotion

Jfl.E..PA..P-' stretcher $. E.ER.S."

For Stimulus-based Conversation, candjdates are assessed on their ability

to give a persona! response to a visual stimulus and engage in a
conversation on a relevant topic.

What are examiners looking for?

1. Lanquaqe use
a. Did you use relevant vocabulary?
b. Were your sentences grammatically accurate?

2. Development of ideas
a. Were you able to explain your point of view using examples?
b. Did you give personal responses / experiences when elaborating?
3. lnteraction
a. Did you show initiative in offering elaboration?
b. Did you speak confidently?
c. Did you maintain a good amount of eye contact with the
d. Did you have appropriate body language and posture?

To tackle SBG effectively, use

ff.E-PA.P" stretcher $:r.E.R.Sl',
I Mirrd€tr"t"hi,rg'SB-Corrrr"r=rtior' Tip=--l

P Respond by making your point / stating your opinion /
answering the question directly.
(E.9. Yes / No, I agree / disagree, I would / would not, ln my
opinion etc.)

Explain throuqh Example(s)

E Where applicable, use the details (examples) from the
stimulus to explain / elaborate / support your point.

E Add in your own personal experience to further explain /
elaborate on the example(s) / points stated earlier.
(E.9. you can recount your personal experience, relate a short
anecdote from your own life etc.)

R State your recommendation or suggestion
(ON LY. where applicable).

(E.9. what you would like to do, what should be done going
forward etc.)

S Summarise your stand / opinion & conclude.
(E.q. ln a nutshell. Therefore, To summarise, Allin all, etc.

c' can also be weaved into the "Sttmmany".

The examples/personal experience cdn
also be combined.
f,.EuPA..P- €sl-3{.her'

Let's Practise! - Stimulus 1 (Theme: Schooll

frecp Glassroqn
Xqat & Iidr

if you'rc Sick

ff.E,FA..P" stretcher (O:E.E.R.S.',

Stimulus 1 (Theme: Schooll

Learn the words/phrases which are underlined &
in bold. They are relevant vocabulary for this

Prompt 1

Look at the stimulus. Do you think it is important to obey these classroom

rules? Why or why not?

. Point
Yes, it is very important to follow these classroom rules.

o Explain/ Example(s)
We need to be attentive in class so that we can fully absorb the wonderful
knowledge imparted bv our teachers. Being in the same class, we need to
be kind to our classmates, and not bully or shout at them. To keep
everybodv safe, we should also inform our teacher if we are sick so that we
can be isolated in the sick bav as necessary. ln addition, it is our duty to help
keep the classroom neat and tidy so that all of us have a qood environment
to studv in.

. Experience
I try to be an exemplarv student in the classroom. I always make it a point
to Iisten attentivelv to my teachers when they are teaching. Teachers are a
gold mine of knowledqe, Through them, I have learnt much about English,
Mathematics, Science and Mother Tongue over the years. Whenever one of
my classmates starts chatting while lessons are going on, lwillalways remind
them to be quiet and pav full attention.

ln a nutshell, all students should behave properlv in class and to do their
part to ensure that the classroom is a conducive learninq environment.
ff.E.PA.P' mtre€effier rd:r.E.R.s."
Prompt 2
What other rules do you think should be imposed in the classroom?
Explain your opinion.

. Point
ln my opinion, two other classroom rules which should be imposed are
punctualitv and raisinq one's hand when one wants to speak.

. Explain/ Example(s)
Beinq late for lessons is really something not acceptable. Not only does
this disrupt the onqoinq lesson, it also sets a bad example for other
students to follow. A student who is not punctual will also miss out the
important parts of the teacher's lesson at the beginning.

It is also rather rude if a student speaks in class without raising his or her
hand. By raising our hand, the teacher will know that we want to speak and
give the us permission to do so.

. Experience / Recommend
One of my classmates is never punctual for school. As such, he always
misses the important pads of the first lesson. He also gets punished regularly
by having to stay back in detention class. He tells me that he oversleeps, so
I have suqqested that he buys and sets up an alarm clock to help him wake
up on time.

. Summarise
To summarise, I would recommend that two additional classroom rules be
implemented, namely - all students need to be punctual for lessons and that
we should raise our hands to ask for permission to speak.
ffi.E,PA..P" SHlAt her $:E.E.R.SI'
Prompt 3
Do you think students who break school rules should be punished? Why
or why not?

. Point
think such students who break school rules need to be disciplined in one
I do
wav or another.

. Explain/ Example(s)
Rules exist to maintain order in schools. lf there are no rules, anybody can do
whatever he or she pleases. Not only are rules important, they must be
enforced; in addition, if a student does not follow the rules, some form of
punishment must be meted out. EIse, misbehaving students will keep
breaking the rules Iaid down, and persist with what they are doing.

. Experience
When ! was in lower primary, I used to disturb my classmates during class
lessohs. Though I had been warned by my teachers many times, I simplv
ignored their words as no punitive action was taken on me.

However, one day, my form teacher tin"llvGlGi0to rn". l*"r@

mv constant misbehaviour, in front offi. rr,irffi
incident was a very good lesson for me. I believe that if my teacher had not
scolded me so harshly then, I would still have stuck to mv errant wavs.

\ . Summarise
To sum it up, students who break school rules must be subiected to some
form of punishment. This will deter them from violatinq these rules again in
Ifl.E.PA.P' ('

Selected Mind -Stretching
absorb the wonderful knowledge rather rude
imparted by our teachers detention c/ass
isolated in the sick bay implemented
castigated rules exisf to maintain order
good environment to study in enforced
exemplary student some form of punishment
must be meted out

make it a point to listen attentively misbehavtng sfudents

teachers are a gold mine ignored their words
of knowledge

cond ucive learn in g e nvi ro n ment punitive action

disrupt the ongoing /esson deter

sefs a bad example violating these rules

persisf pay full attention

stuck to my errant ways embarrassing incident

Jg.E-PA.P" +d:r.E.R.s.*,


@2020 Mind Stretcher Educotion
l{i.E.PA..P* 9Hl8ither fd:f.E.R.S."
Stimulus 2 (Theme: Environment)
Learn the words/phrases which are underlined &
in bold. They are relevant vocabulary for this

Prompt 1

What message do you think this poster is trying to convey? Why do you
say so?

. Point
This poster is telling us thatwe should play ourpart in helping the environment
by throwinq litter into the correct recvclinq bin.

. Explainl Example(s)
I say so because the title 'Do you bit. Bin them right!' is
people are also shown putting litter into plastic bags. Most obviously, there is
a row of recycling bins, each of which is labelled with the words - paper, plastic,
metal, glass - respectively. Taken together, the message is very clear. People
should bin Iitter in the correct recvcling bin whenever possible.

o Experience
Whenever I finish consuminq a can of soda, I will always try t
!! into the correct recycling bin, instead of just throwing it into the
bin. My family also makes it a point to separate the various litter in our

kl house into categories like paper waste. plastic waste and qlass waste.
'These types of litter are accumulated in separate bins and are disposed of
into the correct recycling bin. As far as possible, we wil! not qet dispose of
this litter throuqh the rubbish chute of our flat.

. Summarise
To conclude, all of us can do our part to save the environment. One simple.
step which every person can take, is to start disposing of litter
into the correct recycling bin.
stretcher (0: E.E.R.S]'
Prompt 2
Have you been involved in any school recycling project? Describe your

. Point

No, I have not been involved in such a school project. However, I would most
definitely want to participate in one such project after the PSLE.

. Explain/ Example(s) / Experience

Mr Ong, the principal of my school, had announced that all upper primary
school students should participate in
in November. This project aims mong students on the
issue of food waste and recycling [t for

Food waste will be collected and conv@, using food waste

diqestors. The fertilizers can be used to provide nutrients for the plants in
the school's @1QgE!g.. This way, the plants get to absorb the nutrients
through recvcled food waste.

. / Recommend
part, the tonneq of wastage qenerated dailv can be drasticallv reduced. I

am proud to say that I fullv support all recvclinq initiatives.

Hopefullv, with allour collective effort, the world can become a better place.
Recvcling saves energv and reduces qreenhouse qas emissions. This in
turn, helps lessen the adverse impact on our climate.
If.E,PA.P stretehen (0:E.E.R.Sl',

Prompt 3

Do you think it is important to help save the environment? Why or why


. Point
It is definitely very impoftant to help save the environment.

. Explain/ Example(s)
The environment is the most important resource for life. Mankind exists
because we live in a currentlv hospitable environment.

lf the environment deteriorates furthel or gets destroyed, all of us will suffer.

As such, it is important that each and every one of us does our bit to help
save the environment.

. Experience
During the schoo! holidays, lwatched a National Geoqraphic documentarv
on the meltinq polar caps and the depleting ozone Iaver. All these are
happening at a rapid pace because of mankind's inconsiderate acts in
causing environmental pollution and the destruction of Mother Nature.

lf we don't do our part to stop this now,


l would be a E!ea!_place,. lt will be a world where sea levels rise and flood

are lost.

. Summarise / Recommend
All in all, this documentary has really opened mv eves on the fragile state
of the environment. I have recommended to all my friends to watch this
documentarv on YouTube so that all of them become more aware of the
urqent need to save our environment.
JB.E,'PA..P* (O:E.E.R.S."

Selecled Mind-Stretching
throwing litter convefted into fertilizer
correct recycling bin food waste digesfors
(title is) very prominent provide nutrients for the plants
bin the litter Eco-Garden
finish consuming a can of soda recycled food waste
general litter bin meaningful activity
separate the various litter fonnes of wastage generated daily
rubbish chute drastically reduced
do our part collective effort
simple, but effective recycling saves energy

Eco-Recycling Warriors project reduces greenhouse gas emissions

fully suppori all /essen the adverse impact

recycling initiatives on our climate

rarse awareness resource for life

cu rrently hospitable environ ment N ational Geographic docu mentary

melting polar caps depleting ozone layer

m a n ki nd's in co n side rafe acfs env i ron mental po II u tio n

destruction of Mother Nature the world for our future generations

would be a bleak place

globalwarming rising sea /evels

becomes unbearable

documentary has fragile sfafe of the environment

opened mv eves
lfl.E,PA..P* rd:r.E.R.s."

Let's Practise! - Stimulus 3 (Theme: Food / Health)

Bplrry Bites
A heolthy mix of dried cherries,
cronberries ond blueberries

. Low in sugor
. High in vitornins
. Greot toste
o Bite-sized

@2020 Mind Stretcher Educotion

]B.E*FA..P* stretqher $:E.E.R.Sl',

Stimulus 3 (Theme: Food / Health)

hrases which are underlined &
e relevant vocabulary for this

Prompt 1

Would you want to buy this product? Why or why not?

. Point
Yes, I would want to buy this product.

o Explain / Example(s) / Experience

Berries and berries are my favourite fruits. Though I enjoy eating them fresh,
! also eat them occasionally in dried form. Berry Bites is a great 3-in-1 product
- cherries, cranberries and blueberries, are allcontained in a single bite-sized
snack packet.

Berry Bites is also a healthv snack. Not only is this food low in suqar and
hiqh in vitamins, it is reallv delicious. What's more, at the price of iust
$1.80 pre pack, Berry Bites is a steal (bargain)l

ln addition, I get a really attractive Berrv Bites Iunch box with every 3 packs

. Summarise
To conclude, I will definitely buy Berry Bites. It is very affordable and
contains a healthv mix of my three favourite fruits. One added bonus is that
Berry Bites is produced in Australia, a country well known for its fruit products.

J[.E..PA..P" €HlSt her (O:E.E.R.SI'


Prompt 2

What other types of healthy food do you eat?

. Point

Some types of healthy food I like to eat are apples and a variety of vegetables.

. Explain / Example(s) / Experience

Regardless of whether we dine in or eat out, my family always ensures that
there is at least one vegetable dish on the table. Vegetables are an important
health food as they are a qood source of fibre. vitamins and minerals. My
favourite vegetables are cauliflower and spinach.

crunchy and tastv. Besides, they are full

I like eating apples too. Apples are
of nutrients Iike antioxidants. vitamins and dietarv fibre. I have read
t several articles that describe the health benefits of apples. Due to their
varied nutrient content, apples help prevent several health conditions such
as obesity and heart diseases. I guess that is also the reason why people
say:' !'

. Summarise

fr Thus, we must eat a variety of healthy food. This way, our bodies can get all
the nutrients they need in order to function properlv.
Sele$.ffier $'

Prompt 3

Do you think it is important to eat healthily? Why do you say so?

. Point
Yes, it is important to eat healthily.

. Explain / Example(s)
There is famous saying by Hrppocrates. the Father of Medicine -'We are
what we eat.' Though Hippocrates coined this sentence centuries ago, it is
still very relevant today.

What this sentence means is essentially this: lf we eat iunk food. bad thinqs
will accumulate in our bodv and eventuallv. our bodv will become

absorbed bv our bodv and our bodv wil! become strong and healthv.


Obesity is a qrowinq epidemic worldwide. I read a recent article in the local

press about the hiqh percentaqe of Singaporeans beinq obese. Obesity
comes about because people eat unhealthilv or have bad eating habits.

It is a serious problem because it often leads to numerous life-threateninq

diseases such as liver disease. diabetes. heart disease and many types of

Summartse / Recommend
In a nutshel!. we are lf we want to be healthy and @
we-must-make it a habit to eat healthy food and
have good eating habits.

P6, EL I PSLE OEI Booklet (Stlmulus-based conveEatlonl @ 2020 Mind SlrEtcher Educaiion Pte Lld. I Alvin Kuek All rights reseryed. page 16 of 6t
lt.E,PA..P'" $:E.E.R.S.',"

Selected Mind-Slrelching
bite-sized healthy snack
low in sugar high in vitamins
junk food nutritious food
asteal /abargain affordable
contains a healthy mix added bonus
important health food good source of fibre,
vitamins and minerals

cauliflower and spinach crunchy and tasty

full of nutrients antioxidants, vitamins and dietary fibre
varied nutrient content an apple a day keeps the doctor away
health benefits of apples varied nutrtent content
nutrients function properly
We are what we eat Hippocrates - lhe Father of Medicine
coined fhis sentence accumulate

lunk food nutritious food

obesity is a growing epidemic I ifeih reatening diseases

be able to live life to the fullest enforced

Jfl.E,FA..P' +d:r.E.R.Sl',

Let's Practise! - Stimulus 5 (Theme: Pets / Familv)

Join us on
luly16 &lI
l0am - 4pm
.\ -r"
We wont our pels to go lo
o lifelong new home.
lf you ore looking lo odd o
4-legged furry fomily member,
pleose visil us lhis weekendl

For enquiries, pleose emoil us of

ffi.E*PA..P" eHBf.her qd:f.E.R.S."
Stimutus 5 (Theme: Pets / Familv)
Learn the words/phrases which are underlined &
c' in bold. They are relevant vocabulary for this

Prompt 1

Would you consider attending this event? Why or why not?

. Point
No, I will not attend this event because I am allergic to dog fur!

. Explain / Example(s) / Experience

I used to have a pet puppy when I was younger. Blackie, my pet puppy, was
a birthday present from my uncle. However, I soon found out that I was
allergic to dog fur. Mv eves would water and mv bodv would become
itchy whenever I cuddle or play with Blackie. After knowing my condition, my
uncle offered to take back Blackie and adopt it as his own pet.

, Summarise / Recommend
Given this allerqv of mine, I would I .As
can be seen from the words and animals up for
adoption are 4-legged furry animals - dogs!

That said, this is a great event for all those who looking to adopt dogs. Pet
dogs can cost a bomb in Singapore. My older brother is a doq lover. He has
been longing to get a pet dog for years, but my parents have refused to buy it
for him. His wait for his own pet dog may now be finally over! I wi!! inform him
of this pet Adoption Weekend. Hopefullv, he can meet his dream dog there
and adopt it for free!
1$.E,PA.P eslather $.E.E.R.s]'
Prompt 2

If you were to adopt a pet, what animal would it be? Why?

. Point
I would probably get a pet goldfish.

. Explain / Example(s) / Experience

As I mentioned previously, keeping furry pets is not something I would do.
Since I am allergic to dog fur, there is a good chance that I might also be
allergic to the fur of cats-4linea pigs and rabbits!

However, I am not averse to keepinq some pet fish. specificallv goldfish!

Since young, I have always thought that goldfish are very beautiful.

This impression of mine was further entrenched when I visited my cousin's

house the most recent Chinese New Year. I was amazed by the huge
aquarium my cousin's family had in the living room. Swimming merrily about
were six qoldfish with biq bulbous eves. They were ry!

. Summarise
After the PSLE, maybe I will consider getting a pet goldfish. I will convert the
big marble bowl in my room into a fishbowl. That will be the home for my very
first pet!

P6, EL I PSLE OEI Booklet (Stimulus-bssed conveEalion) O 2020 Mlnd StEtcher Educallon Pie Ltd- , Alvin Kuek. All rlghts resewed. page 20 of 6l
$.E,,FA..P* €Rlet her (0:E.E.R..S]',
Prompt 3

What are the pros and cons of keeping a pet?

. Point / Example(s)
There are advantages and disadvantages to owning pets, especially furry

Let me speak about the advantages first.

Firstly, pets can be good friends and keep you company. Pets brinq a lot of
iov to the family. Having a pet means a lot of love is exchanged between
the owner and the pet. lf you have a pet, you are also less likelv to feel

allow us to learn about compassion and responsibilitv.

to care for your pet, be it qroominq, feedinq or traininq it, helps us
all develop more humane characteristics.

Of course, there are disadvantages to pet ownership as well.

Caring for pets involves Feeding pets, and giving them

can be a very a number of years,

allanimals have a tendencv to cause allerqies. A major

probWiih keeping pets is that you may be allerqic to the pet and this
could lead to you becominq ill or vour body developinq rashes.

. Summarise / Recommend
ln a nutshell, one needs to weiqh the pros and cons carefully before one
decides to start keeping a pet. Personallv, I feelthat getting a pet is a maior
decision. The emotional perks are undeniable. On the other hand, keeping
pets often require a considerable investment in time and money.

allergic to dog fur eyes would water

offered to adopt allergy
give this event a miss up for adoption
cosf a bomb not averse to keeping some pet fish
impression was fufther entrenched awesome
bring a lot of joy a lot of /oye is exchanged
learn about compassion grooming, feeding or training it
and responsibility (the pet)

develop more humane can be a very expensive affair


significant amount of money have a tendency fo cause allergies

develop rashes weigh the pros and cons

the emotional perks require a considerable investment

are undeniable

Jf.E.PA..P' eSBf.her rd:g.E.R.S."

Let's Practise! - Stimulus 6 (Theme: Home / Family)

Icdt €y Fatr 2o2o

Get the Brainy Housework Robot!

+ No more
No more

No more

@2O2O Mind Strrafcher Educqtion

Skip housework & Relox of home!

J[.E*PA..P. s*retelrer (0.
Stimulus 6 (Theme: Home / Familvl
Learn the words/phrases which are underlined &
in bold. They are relevant vocabulary for this

Would you ask your parents to buy this Brainy Housework robot? Why or
why not?

. Point
Yes, lyoqld definitely ask my parents to buy this robot, if the price is not
exorbitant expensive).

. Explain / Example(s)
This robot is most useful as it is able to help out with various housework, From
lhe poster,.l gathet that this Brainy Housework Robot can perform menia!
household Ch-ords such as sweeping and mopping the floor, as well as
dusting dusty areas.

Its name - Brainy - that it is intelligent. To mv mind.

this probably meansmaffiLlobot can- e-xecute a variety of other household
chores should it be programlmed or tauqht to do so. I think it is most
probably driven by some form of advanced Al robot technoloqv.

. Experience
We do not have a domestic helper to help out with housework. As such, my

such a robot and enable her to relax more when

she is not

. Recommend / Summartse
To sum it up, lwillsuqqest to mv parents that they visit the Technology Fair
2020 a out the Brainy Housework Robot. This robot can be a most

PO I EL I PSLE Onl Booklet (Stimulus-based conyeEation) o 2020 Mlnd S.trctcher Educatlon Pte Ltd. , Alvin Kuek. All rights rcseryed. page 24 of 6t
$.E,PA..P' eH!'Bt her (0:E.E.R.S]'
Prompt 2
Do you do household chores? Why or why not?

. Point
Yes, I do help out with household chores.

. Explain / Example(s) / Experience

Since I entered primary school, I have always washed my own cup, utensils

t and plates after each meal. My parents have stressed that this is my basic
responsibilitv. lf I can't even be responsible for this, then how can I be readv
for qreater responsibilities when I grow up in future? I fullv aqree with them
on this.

I also help out with qettinq rid of the rubbish accumulated in mv home for
the day, every evening. After dinner, I will make it a point to empty the kitchen
bin into a small garbage bag. I will then tie up the garbage bag before
of it down the rubbish chute.
. Summarise /
To sum it up, few of us enjoy doing housework, but for a household to run
smooth must done. I am
lad to be a for my family in this respect.-
Jfl.E-PA..P' stretcher +d:E.E.R.s."
Prompt 3
Do you think it is important for students to help out with household
chores? Explain your opinion.

. Point
Yes, I do think that it is important to help out with household chores.

. Explain / Example(s)

A well-known Harvard studv concluded that kids who performed chores

fared better later in life, in terms of personal qrowth and independence.

Why is sweeping the floor and clearing the table so important to students'well-
I being in Iife? I think one possible reason is that it makes us feel competent
when we do the chores. lt also enables us to better appreciate our roles as
responsible members of the familv.


Personally time I help to clear the

table and

Even though my parents told me to only wash my own cup, utensils and plate
after each meal, I would always qo the extra mile and help clear and clean
the cutlerv and crockerv used by my parents and siblings as well.

. Summarise

To conclude, it is important for students to perform household chores.

Through these activities, we learn to be responsible and qain important Iife
<1 skills that will serve us well throuqhout our lives.
ff.E,FA..P., etre&ch fi"

Selected Mind -Stretc hin g
exorbitant (very expensive) perform menial household chores
programmed to do so advanced Al robot technology
domestic helper alleviate her workload
tedious and time-consuming fasks well-known H aruard study
occupied with her day-to-day job i nv al u ab le hou sewo rk assisfanf

fared better later in life personal growth and independence

makes us feel competent better appreciate our roles as
responsib/e members of the family
feel a sense of accomplishment clear the table
cutlery and crockery gain important life skills

serye us well throughout our lives learn to be responsible

for a household to run smoothly glad to be able to do my bit


P6 I EL, PSLE OEI Booldet (Stimulus-based convF.tionl @ 2020 Mlnd S[]Etcher EduErtion Pte Ltd., Alvln Kuek Al d9hl3 ffied. p.9. 2? of 6l
lfli.E,FA..P" (0:E.E.R.Sl'

Stimulus 7 (Theme: Road Safetv)

Treasure your life & that of others!

Share the Road

Buckle Up
S.E,,PA..P" e*Bt her (0:E.E.R.S."
Stimulus 7 (Theme: Road Safetvl
phrases which are underlined &
e relevant vocabulary for this

Prompt 1

What message is this poster trying to convey? Why do you say so?

c Point
This poster is telling us to practise road safety.

. Explain / Example(s) / Experience

The title is very explicit and prominent. The messaqe it convevs is quite
clear - All of u need to practise road safety if we treasure our own lives and
the lives of other people.

The cartoons used also seek to I

road safetv. A number of ren are shown crossing the zebra
crossing. There is a man holding a traffic sign - 'Stop' at the end of the zebra
crossing as well. The various phrases depicted, such as ', 'Cross
safely', 'share the road 'Slow Down', are useful and common road safetv
reminders. Some of these reminders are applicable to motorists while others
are targeted at pedestrians.

. Experience
I always buckle up whenever I am seated in a movinq car. My father would
always also slow down the car whenever we approach a zebra crossing.
This precaution is important as it enables him to promptlv stop the car when
there are pedestrians using the crossing.

. Summarise
To conclude, and pedestrians should practise road safety. lf
all of us do thi e risk of traffic accidents occurring is
minimised and
Jfl.E*FA.P" €Hl3$.her (O:E.E.R.S."

Prompt 2
As a student, how do you practise road safety?


There are a number of ways which I practise road safety.

Explain / Example(s) / Experience

My parents constantlv remind me (not to avwalk. Jaywalking is very
dangerous and is the main reason whj-p ians are involved in traffic
accidents. As such, I will always ensure that the road only at the
desiqnated crossinq.

I also make it a point to look left. and then riqht, before I cross a road. This
is impoftant as we can never be sure what a motorist, especially one who is
errant and irresponsible, will do. lf I am at a siqnalised pedestrian
crossinE. I will also ensure that the qreen man is lit before attemptinq to
cross the road.

While crossing a road, I am fullv focused. I do not chat with mv friends or

look at mv smartphone. That way, I am not distracted and become more
aware of any possible danger from an approachinq motorist.

. Summarise
To conclude, practising road safety is extremely important. If everybody were
to practise road safety conscientiouslv, I am sure that numerous traffic
accidents can be prevented.
Ifl.E,PA..P' stretcher (0:E.E.R.S."
Prompt 3

Have you ever witnessed a traffic accident?

. Point

No, I have not personally witnessed a traffic accident. However,l read about
one such accident in the newspapers some time ago.

. Explain / Example(s) / Experience

remember correctly, the accident I read about occurred at a road near
the schools in Jurong. lt occurred because the victim, a secondary
schoolstudent, had dashed across the road.lThe green man signalwas not
on or blinking, so the pedestrians were not supposed to cross. Yet, he
Cid so and was knocked down by a speedinq motorcvcle.
lnanKtullv, nrs injuries, as reported rn
his rnjunes, in tne life-threateninq. I
the press, were not ltte-threatenanq.
really hope this student learns his lesson and does not do this again in future.

. Recommend / Summarise
rules and practise road safety at all

lfl.E,FA..P" $:E.E.R..S]',

Selecled Mind-Stretc hin g

tifle is explicit and prominent reinforce fhe message
depicted common road safety reminders
moforisfs pedesfnans
zebra crosstng promptly stop
lives are not endangered risk of traffic accidents
occurring is minimised

conscientiously sign ali sed pedestrian crossrng

jaywalk distracted
fully focused recklessly
dashed across the road never violate traffic rules
life-threatening make no mistake
(for emphasisrng a point made)

practise road safety fhese precautions do really help to

conscientiously prevent injuries and save lives.

s.E*PA..p- eHl8ither $:E.E.R.S]'

Stimulus 8 (Theme: Communitv / Denque)

Do your port of home.

02020 Mind Sirehher Educolion

Jfl.E-PA.P €Rlet her (0:E.E.R.SI'

Stimulus 8 (Theme: Communitv / Dengue)

Prompt I
Look at the stimulus. How can we stop the spread of dengue?

o Point
We can stop the spread of dengue by proactivelv taking various preventive

. Explain / Example(s) / Experience

As shown in the poster, all of us can play a part in curbing the dengue outbreak
by following a few simple steps at home. As the dengue virus is transmitted
throuqh the bite of an infected Aedes mosquito, the precautionary steps
which we should take are aimed at preventing the breedinq of mosquitoes and
protectinq ourselves from being bitten by them.

Allstaqnant pools of water, a , should be

gotten rid of. We can do this by turning over all empty containers and storing
them away. Additionally, we should loosen the soil in potted plants to prevent
accumulation of stagnant water on the surface. I have personally seen my
father doing this on a reqular basis in my home garden.

ln corners of the home where mosquitoes regularly frequent, we should also

consider lighting mosquito coils to keep them away. Chemical repellents, in
either liquid or aerosol form, can also be used or applied to get rid of mosquito
larva or deter mosquitoes.

. Summarise
fu, I believe that allof us can do our part in stopping the dengue outbreak by
performing the abovementioned preventive measures, in our homes.
stretcher rd:r.E.R.s."
Prompt 2

What other steps can take to prevent ourselves from developing dengue?

. Point

There are numerous steps which we can take to protect ourselves from

. Explain / Example(s) / Experience

Firstly, we should avoid visiting dengue hotspots or clusters. A dengue
hotspot is an area which has a denque outbreak. Obviously, going to such
hotspots increases the risk of one being infected by the dengue virus.

Secondly, if we happen to be living in an area where there is a dengue

outbreak, we should wear Ionq-sleeve shirts and lonq pants. When we
sleep, it would also be good to consider using a mosquito nettinq. We should
also install screens over our open windows so as to prevent mosquitos from
entering the bedrooms This will minimise the risk of us being bitten by the
Aedes mosquito.

. Experience
My neighbour recently visited a dengue hotspot without taking adequate
protectionary measures. He had supper at one of the open-air coffee shops
near the pond, clad in Bermuda shorts and singlet. A week later, he
developed hiqh fever and was subsequently diaqnosed with denque. I
think my neighbour did not reallv take the risk of denque infection
seriouslv and was too nonchalant about it.

. Summarise
To conclude, dengue is a serious disease which all of us must take seriously.
This is especially so in tropical Sinqapore, which is experiencinq the most
severe denque outbreak in its historv. To combat this and to minimise
the risk denque infection, all of us must take precautionary measures.
JB.E,FA.P" eRla{ther {'
Prompt 3

How can we promote the awareness of dengue in school? Explain your


. Point / Explain

Currently, I believe many students are not fullv aware of what dengue is and
the serious danqer it poses to human lives. All my friends know the Covid-
19 disease but very few know what dengue infection is all about. As such, we
can definitely do more to promote this awareness amonqst students.

. Experience / Recommend
The school can screen medical or scientific videos about dengue. Visual
documentaries appealto many students. I say this from my own experience.
I have no doubt that the facts about dengue and the various precautionary
measures to curb the disease are also more easily conveved through
relevant video clips or graphic images.

Students should also be encouraged to activelv participate in the National

Dengue Prevention Campaign. To this end, I suggest that these school
campaigns be made more relevant for students by incorporatinq
interestinq competitions like storytelling and composition writing. These
competitions can be structured and based around the central theme of
dengue. I believe that such fun denque-themed competitions will invite more
participation and leave a biqger impression on students' minds.

. Summarise
ln a nutshell, more can indeed be done to @ on dengue
infection and the risk it poses to their lives and the community.
I[.E,PA..P' stre&e hwT $:E.E.R.S."

Selecled Mind-Stretching
proactively preventive measures
curbing the dengue outbreak transmitted
infected Aedes mosq uito precautionary steps
breeding of mosquitoes protecting ourse/yes
stagnant pools of water a favourite mosquito breeding place
/oosen the soil in potted plants prevent accumulation of
stagnant water
regular basis mosquito coils
dengue hofspofs / clusters mosquito netting
developed high fever diagnosed with dengue
chemical repellents liquid / aerosolform
tropical Singapore experiencing the mosf seyere
outbreak in its history
combat this (dengue outbreak) minimise the risk of dengue infection
not fully aware serious danger if poses
to human lives

screen medical or visual documentaries

scientific videos

curb the disease actively participate

dengu e-th e m ed co m petiti o n s leave a bigger impression

$fi.E,'PA..P" $.E.E.R..S.',-

Stimulus 9 (Theme: SPorts)



I2-Hour ProgroffitTl€:
Mon-Sot (l0om-l2pm)
Ifl.E,PA..P" eHl,St her $:E.E.R.S."
Stimulus 9 (Theme: Sports)
Learn the words/phrases which are underlined &
in bold. They are relevant vocabulary for this

Would you like to participate in this course? Why or why not?

. Point
Yes, I would want to join this course.

. Explain / Example(s)
Badminton is the most popular communitv sport in Singapore. I have
always wanted to learn how to play the game but never really had the chance
to do. As such, this course is a qodsend! This programme is ideal for me as
it is targeted at beginners, will be held during the school holidays and is
affordablv priced.

After the PSLE, I will have nothinq much on mv hands till the secondary
school term starts. Therefore, I will use this time in the holidays to hone my
badminton ski/Is.

. Experience
My best friend plays badminton with his neighbours thrice a week at the
community club. He tells me that this sport has enabled him to build his
stamina and keep fit. I hope that after this course, ! will be able to spar with
him in friendlv matches and become as fit as he isl

. Summarise
I am going to register for this course as badminton is a sport which I have
always been eaqer to pick up. lf everything goes well, I may even consider
joining the badminton CCA as a club player in secondary school.

PG / EL / PSLE OEI Booklet (Stimulus-based conveEation) O 2020 Mlnd Streicher Education Pte Ltd. / Alvin Kuek All righis rcswed. page 39 of 6t
Jfl.E,FA..P.' €ffila![her (0: E.E.R.S."
Prompt 2
Have you taken part in other sporting events? Describe your experience.

. Point

Yes, I take part in my schoolannual sports day every year.

. Explain / Example(s)
I look forward to the School Sports Day every year. Though I cannot run fast,
I can jump rather far. Thus, it would not surprise you to know that my pet
event is the Iong jump.

For the past 5 years, I have been the lonq iump champion of my class.
Whenever there are jumping competitions, you can be sure that lwas the hot

. Experience
The School Sports Day last year was especially memorable. A new boy had
joined my class. Being very tall and lonqJesqed, he obviously had an
advantage when it came to leaping far. The jumping contest between both of
us, as expected, turned out to be a verv close affair. Despite being shorter
than this new classmate of mine by 10cm, I eventually managed to outiump
him by the barest of centimetres. The chicken essence my mum fed me that
morning must have given me the extra spurt of enerqv when it mattered!

. Summarise
I sincerelv believe that all of us should take part in some form of sporting
activity. Sports are good for our body and helps us keep fit and healthy.
$.E,PA.P' eHBf.her d:e.E.R.S."
Prompt 3

Do you think it is important to exercise? Why or why not?

. Point

Yes, I do think that it is very important to exercise.

. Explain / Example(s)
Reqular exercise can build our muscle strenqth and boost our
endurance. Additionally, it helps us , so
that we do not become overweiqht.

Exercise also improves our immune svstem. lt improves our abilitv to

pump the oxvgen and nutrients throuqhout the body to fue! the cells that
fight viruses and bacteria.

This is especially important in times like this when the world is plaqued by the
COVID-19 pandemic. We often read in the news that fitter and healthier
individuals usually recover more quickly from the COVID-19 coronavirus

. Experience
My uncle used to suffer from a host of medical complications due to his
obesitv. However. since embarking on a reqular exercise and fitness
regime two years ago, he has reduced his weight by a staqqerinq 30k9, from
1 1 Okg to 80kg !

He recently told me that his personal doctor had given him a pat on the back
for being so determined and dilisent in sticking to his exercise regime. This
in turn, has led to clear health benefits; my uncle's @ are
all normal now/

. Reco mmend / Summarise

fu., exercise is a crucial aspect in the maintenance qood health. Doctors
have often recommend that people exercise at least three times a week, if
their time and schedule permits.
ff.E,'FA.P'" $:E.E.R..S]'

popu lar com m un ity spott godsend

affordably priced hone my badminton skills
build stamina and keep fit spar with him
eager to pick up pet event

nail-biting affair extra spurt of energy

regular exercise build our muscle strength
boosf our endurance improves our immune sysfem
fuel the cells that fight suffer from a hosf of
viruses and bacteria medical complications

obesity embark on a regular exercise

and fifness regime

determined and diligent clear health benefits

crucialaspecf in the annualblood fesfs

maintenance of good health


PG I EL , PSLE OEI Booklet (Stlmulusiased conveFitionl @ 2020 Mind Slr€tcher Educatlon Pte Ltd. I Alvln Kuek All rlghts rcswed. page 42 ot 6l
][.E,PA.P" eRl.St
Stimulus 10 (Theme: School / Excursion)

&eat Dlnosaur lluscum

llonlilis o 20 Big Dinosour Fossils
o Dig & Hunt - Find thot Dino!
ffitt#,! . Speciol 3D show: The Ancient Gionts
(.l0.30om every weekendl

Studcnt SPcc'lalto
or fo1nltv Posses
20% diSCOU[t School Students
the museum for oiipni'o'v

7 Swomp Lone, Pehistodc Porlq 5(8988991

ff.E*FA..P- eHlBf.her
t +d:f.E.R.S."
Stimulus 10 (Theme: School / Excursion)
Learn the words/phrases which are underlined &
in bold. They are relevant vocabulary for this

Would you want to visit this museum? Why or why not?

o Point
Yes, I most definitely want to visit this museum.

o Explain / Example(s)
Ever since I watched 'Jurassic Park' as young child, dinosaurs have alwavs
captivated me. Now that there is a dinosaur museum right at our doorstep,
how can I miss this chance to learn and understand more about these extinct

I think the visit to the Great Dinosaur Museum will be a thorouqhlv eniovable
experience. Not only are there twenty dinosaur fossils on exhibit, there is
also a special 3D show on these fascinatinq prehistoric creatures. ! have
watched many dinosaur documentaries in 2D, but never in 3D! Best of all,
I get the opportunity to be a iunior palaeontoloqist I get to dig and find -
dinosaur fossils!

. Experience
I have always imagined myself stumblinq across some fossilised dinosaur
footprints when I go trekking up Bukit Timah Hill. However, I do not think this
wil! ever come true as Singapore is not a known dinosaur haven. Maybe I
can live out mv dream at the Great Dinosaur Museum instead. l'm sure that
there are some dinosaur footprints waiting to be dug up and found there!

o Summarise

A!L!-E!!, dinosaurs are one of mv all-time favourite topics and I will

definitely pay a visit to this fascinating dinosaur mLrseum as soon as I can.

PG / EL / PSLE OEI Booklet (Stimulus.based conveFation) O 2020 Mind Strelcher Education Pte Ltd- / Alvln Kuek. All rights reserued. page /t4 of 6l
Jfl.E,PA..P @Hl?tther qd.e.E.R.S."
Prompt 2
Have you been to any other museum before?

. Point

No, I have never been to any museum before. However, I plan to visit the
ArtScience Museum after the PSLE,

. Explain / Example(s)
The ArtScience Museum, a place where art, science, culture and technology
come together, is an iconic cultural Iandmark in Singapore. I have always
been fascinated by both the arts and the sciences. As such, this museum is
a must-visit attraction for me.

However, despite begging my parents to bring me the ArtScience Museum

many times in the past, they did not do so. However, mv persistence has
finallv paid off! Yesterday, my dad told me that he will take me to this
museum the weekend after my PSLE ends!

. Experience

One exhibition atthe ArtScience Museum which lcan'twaitto visit is'2210:

Futures reimagined'. This creative exhibition imaqines the possible future
of Sinqapore 200 years from now. While we cannot be entirely certain
what the future holds, the people who came up with this exhibition must
definitely be very forward-lookinq and creativelv futuristic. ! hope I can
open mv eves to the wonderful possibilities that a future Singapore
presents through this exhibition at the ArtsScience Museum.

. Summarise
Visits to museums definitely broaden our knowledge horizons. l'm sure that
my impendinq first visit to the ArtScience Museum, wil! just be the start of
many to come.
J[.E*'PA..F $:E.E.R..S]
Prompt 3

What educational trip or excursion which you want your school to


. Point

I would like my school to organise at excursion to the Singapore Zoological


. Explain / Example(s)
The Zoological Gardens in Mandai is a world-famous zoo and one of
Singapore's must-visit tourist attractions. I think it would be great if I can
visit the zoo with my schoolmates. It will definitely be a most fun and
enrichinq learning excursion!

My classmates and I have also never seen a white tiger in the flesh before.
The only time I have seen these maqnificent creatures in on television. I
have heard that the Singapore zoo has a family of white tigers! Going to the
zoo would therefore enable us to learn more about these very rare and
endanqered animals, and @ at the same time.

. Experience
Since my last visit there with my family five years ago, many new and exotic
animal exhibits have been added. Other than the white tigers, another such
creature is the fossa. The fossa, as I gathered from the Science
encyclopaedia, is Madaqascar's top predator. I first heard of the existence
of the fossa when I watched the Madagascar animated moves Iast year. Now
that they are in Singapore, I can't wait to see them!

. Summarise
To conclude, I hope that my school will organise a trip to the Singapore
Zoological Gardens soon. There is a rumour going on that the P6 qraduatinq
students of my schoolwill get to visit the zoo after the PSLE. Let's hope this
rumour is true!

PS I EL, PSLE Onl Booklet (Stlmulus-based conveEatlon) O 2020 Mind Stretcher Educatlon fte Ltd-, Alyln Kuek All dghts rcseded. page 45 of Gt
JB.E,FA..P., (O:E.E.R.S]'

Selecled Mind -Stretc hin g

Uurassic Park' dinosaur fossi/s on exhibit
captivated right at our doorstep
extinct giants th oro ug h I y enjoyable expe rie n ce
prehistoric creatures dino sau r docu me ntaries
j u n io r p a I ae o ntologist stumbling across
fossi/rsed d i no s a u r footp ri nts dinosaur haven
iconic cultu ral landmark fascinated
must-visit attraction my persistence paid off
forward-looking creatively futuristic
open my eyes to the broaden our
w o n d e rf u I p o ssib rTities knowledge horizons

world-famous zoo fun and enriching

learning experience

rare and endangered animals admire their fierce beauty

new and exotic animal exhibits foosa

(pronounced as'foo-sah' )


P6, EL I PSLE OEI Booklet (Stimulus-b.sed conveEatlonl @ 2020 Mlnd S.irctcher Educrtlon Pte Ltd., AlMn Kuek AI tlghts ntNcd. p.gc 4Z of 6l
s.E*PA.p* S*l8tther

Stimulus 11 (Theme: Education)

Stoy home, stoy strong

ond stoy sofe together!

English Revision
]$EPAP eHl8tther
a $:E.E.R.S."
Stimulus 11 (Theme: Education)
Learn the words/phrases which are underlined &
in bold. They are relevant vocabulary for this
c' theme.

Look at the picture. Have you experienced online learning? Tel! me about

o Point
Yes, I have experienced online learning since the introduction of the Covid-
19 circuit breaker in Singapore.

. Explain / Example(s) / Experience

During this period, I took part in a month of full Home-Based Learninq.
Lessons were conducted by my teachers either via video-conferencinq
services such as Zoom or Gooqle Meet, or uploaded onto online learninq
platforms such as the SLS or the Sinqapore Student Learninq Space.

I had to Ioq in to SLS daily and complete the lessons and activities prepared
by my teachers. On most days, it took me about four hours to view the lesson
resources and finish up both online and offline assiqnments.

Diqita! consultation sessions were also provided by my teachers at

stipulated times to address any queries that I had about the lessons

. Summ arise
Although it was challenqing to adiust and adapt to this new mode of
learninq, with the guidance and support of my parents and teachers, I
managed to overcome the initial difficulties.

fu, online Iearning has truly been a unique and enrichinq experience for
I[.E-PA..P' €Sl8t-her (0:E.E.R.SI"
Prompt 2
Do you prefer to learn in a classroom or online? Explain your reasons.

. Point
Personally, I prefer learning in physica! classroom setting to Iearning online.

. Explain / Example(s) / Experience

ln mv opinion, the classroom environment is more conducive to learning,
as it is desiqned and set up for optimal learninq to take place.

For instance, the classrooms in schools have subject or topic-related posters

and materials that students can refer to during lessons, thereby facilitatinq
their learninq.

ln addition, specialised learninq spaces, such as @, are

equipped with apparatus. instruments and supplies for students to
per.form experiments. Though some online portals offer certain tools to re-
create the learning experience students have in classrooms, it is not as
effective as taking part in active and handson learning.

. Experience
ln my schoo!, classrooms are converted into learners' homes. Each
classroom is dedicated to the Iearning of a specific subject and has the
necessary resources and materials for it. Therefore, when ! enter the
classrooms. I am prepared for the lesson ahead and during the lesson, I am
able to utilise the resources and materials to enhance mv learninq

ln contrast, when I learn online from the comfort of my home, ! tend to qive
in to surrounding distractions. I am situated in an environment that is
more suited for rest and relaxation than studvinq. As a result, I find myself
not focusing fully on the online lessons.

. Summary
Thus. if I had a choice, ! would opt to learn in a classroom than learn online.
II.E*PA..P- eHlAt her (O:E.E.R.S."
Prompt 3

Do you think online learning can replace classroom learning? Why or

why not?
. Point
I do not think that online learning can replace classroom learning altogether.

. Explain / Example(s) / Experience

Firstly, the phvsica! presence of a teacher in the classroom gives classroom
learning a huqe edge over online learning.

Secondly, the face-to-face interactions among students in the same

classroom as well as between teachers and students cannot be replicated
in online learninq. The teacher's role in the classroom as a mentor.
facilitator and monitor is indispensable.

ln schools, throughout the duration of a lesson, a teacher is phvsicallv

present to teach, guide and assess students' understanding of a topic. They
are also able to differentiate learninq, in order to suit the individual needs
and learning stvles of students. Moreover, they are able to identifv anv
qaps in learninq and address it immediately.

. Experience
ln my school, teachers constantlv check for students' understanding through
questioning and gathering feedback, before they move on to teaching the next
skill or concept.

Personally, I relv very much on mv teacher, especially when I am attempting

tough questions. lt reassures me to know that I can seek immediate
clarifications from my teacher if I encounter any difficulty.

Some mav arque that teachers are present in online lessons as well, and that
they can guide students through the use of video conferencing tools such as
Zoom. However, in my opinion, consultinq with teachers online is not the
same as beinq with them in a classroom because of the lack of face-to-
face interactions.
JI.E*FA..P" (O:E.E.R.S]'

. Recommend / Summarise
That said. in today's rapidlv advancinq technoloqical world, it is definitely
unwise to cast online lessons aside by citing its limitations. As the saying
goes, one man's meat is another's poison. While I prefer phvsical
classroom lessons, @ for a number of my classmates in
school. These friends of mine find online lessons better and a lot more

Movinq forward, I think that online and classroom learning have to co-exist
to create a blended Iearninq environment, in order to harness the best of
both worlds,
ffi.E,PA..P' stretcher {:r.E.R.s."

Selecled Mind -Stretc h in g

home-based learning /essons video-conferencing
uploaded onto SLS
online learning platforms (Student Learning Space)
log in view the /esson resources
online and offline assignmenfs digital con sultation session
at stipulated times challenging to adjust and adapt
new mode of learning overcome the initial difficulties
unique and enriching learning designed and set up for optimal
experience learning to take palce
faci I itatin g th e i r lea rn i ng specla/ised learning spaces
science laboratories online portals
enhance my learning experience tend to give in to
su rro u n d i ng disfra cfions

physical presence of a teacher cannot be replicated

mentor, facilitator, monitor indispensable

can seek immediate clarifications fac e -to-face i nte ra cti on ( s)

rapidly advancing one man's meat is another's poison

technological world

blended learning environ ment harness fhe besf of both worlds

l[.E,PA..P' $:E.E.R..Sl'''
Stimulus 12 (Theme: Environmentl

Join us for o mego-beoch cleon-up in sunny Singopore!

Ihousonds of seo birds seo turlles, seols ond
other morine mommols ore killed
eoch yeor otter eoling ploslic
or getting enlongled in it.

Be port of the solution!

Help the environment!
Soy no to plostic pollutionl
Ifl.E,PA..P' SHlSt her
o d:g.E.R.s."
Stimulus 12 (Theme: Environment)
Learn the words/phrases which are underlined &
in bold. They are relevant vocabulary for this

Look at the poster. Would you participate in an event such as this? Why
or why not?

o Point
Yes, lwould definitely participate in an event such as this.

. Explain / Example(s)
Beach clean-ups are meaninqful events that enable students like me to
contribute to savinq the environment. Pitchinq in to collect plastic litter that
pose a hazard to marine life would be a task that I would take up in a
heartbeat, as I would be playing a significant role in protectinq our loca!
coastal ecosvstem.

. Experience
Last year, ! ioined a volunteer qroup to take part in a beach clean-up at East
Coast Park. During the 3-hour session, we picked up plastic bottles, straws,
bags and other debris that had been deposited on the beach. After
scouring the beach, we ensured that the trash that we had collected was
disposed of properly. Though it was back-breakinq work, we were elated to
see how clean and pristine the beach looked once we were done.

. Summarise
To conclude, I believe that it is essential to volunteer our services for
environmental activities such as beach clean-ups, in order to understand
and mitiqate the effects of plastic pollution,

Prompt 2
ffi.E*FA..P" stretcher (0:E.E.R.Sl"
How can students play a part in reducing plastic pollution?

. Point

Students can play a part in reducing plastic pollution by following the three
R's - reduce. reuse and recvcle.

. Explain / Example(s)
Firstly, students can reduce the number of plastic products they purchase or
utilise. This can be achieved by avoidinq the purchase and use of single-
use plastics such as straws. baqs and wraps.

Secondly, students can unleash their creativitv and find different ways in
which plastic products can be reused instead of being discarded.

Finally, students can keep it out of the waste stream
and in doing so, reduce the demand for new plastic.

. Experience
Personally, I have reduced mv plastic consumption siqnificantly by
imposing a personal ban on plastic straws and containers.

For instance, I bring my own reusable containers for takeawav meals and
cut back on buvinq packet drinks that come with plastic straws. ln school, I
deposit any used plastic bottle or container into the recycling bin meant for
empty plastics instead of throwing it away.

. Reco mmend
Iwould encourage all students to @ to lessen their plastic
usaqe. As the future qeneration, students have a stake in promotinq the
best practices that will help to protect the environment.

. Summarise
Therefore, students should follow these simple vet effective ways to reduce
plastic pollution.
ffi.E*PA..P- eH,AIther fd.E.ER.S."
Prompt 3

Do you think single-use plastics, such as straws and bags, should be

banned? Why or why not?

. Point

I firmly believe that single-use plastics should be banned.

. Explain / Example(s)
The Earth is accumulatinq plastic waste at a staqqerinq rate. Thus,
banning single-use plastics is the most effective means of reducing this

Other push factors include the long time taken for plastic to break down and
the dangers of plastic to marine life. According to scientists, single-use plastic
can take up to 1,000 years to break down, contributinq to the qrowing
qlobal landfill crisis.

Furthermore, plastic waste can harm animals by findinq its wav into oceans
and other parts of the environment where animals might mistake it for
food and inqest it. Therefore, drastic measures such as imposing bans
have to be implemented to curb this pressinq problem.

. Experience
Even though the government has not placed a total ban on single use plastics,
it has taken steps to reduce the distribution and use of such products. I have
noticed that many stores encouraqe shoppers to brinq their own reusable
cloth shoppinq baqs. These stores charge shoppers ten or twenty cents
more for plastic bags if they still require them.

I was also pleased to discover that popular fast food chains, such as KFC,
have stopped providing plastic caps and straws. lnitiallv. I felt
inconvenienced by this move. Now, after understanding the effects of plastic
pollution on our environment, I fullv support it.

lfl.E,FA..P" $.E.E.R,.S]'

. Reco mmend Summarise

I hope that more retail shops and eateries would follow suit and go qreen as

. Summarise
ln conclusion, single use plastics should be banned in order to stop the
damage that is beinq done to our environment.
Ifl.E.PA..P-' streftcffier rd:r.E.R.s."

Selected Mind-Slretching
meaningful event(s) contribute to saving the environment
pitching in pose a hazard to marine life
would take up in a heartbeat scouflng
back-breaking work elated
good environment to study in volunteer our seryices
clean and pristine e nv i ro n me ntal activiti es
mitigate the effects of plastic three R's
pollution - reduce, reuse and recycle -

keep it out of the waste stream reduce the demand for new plastic
imposing a personal ban reusable containers
as fhe future generation have a sfake in promoting
best practices

acc u m ul ating pl astic wasfe contributing to the growing

at a staggering rate global landfillcrisis

finding its way into the oceans drastic measures

curb this pressing problem reusable cloth shopping bags


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