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Vocab: Feelings and emotions

Word Nghĩa Example

affection (n) cảm giác ưa thích, yêu mến She had tried hard to win his affection.
(=có được sự yêu mến của người khác).
The teacher showed affection (=thể hiện sự
yêu mến) towards all her pupils.

agitation (n) sự phẫn nộ, kích động He could not hide his agitation.
There has been mass agitation against the

adore (v) yêu mến, mê She has one son and she adores him.
Don't you just adore lying in a hot bath?

alienate (v) làm người khác trở nên lạc Disagreements can alienate teenagers from
lõng, xa cách their families.
→ alienated (adj): cảm thấy bị lạc lõng

in awe (of) cảm thấy bất ngờ, tôn As children we were rather in awe of our
trọng... grandfather.
You can't help but stand in awe of (=
respect greatly and fear slightly) powerful

bewitched (như bị bỏ bùa mê…) Once kids step inside a circus tent, they’re
(adj) bewitched.

contentment sự thoả mãn, hạnh phúc More people were finding that material
(n) things do not bring contentment.

eager (adj) hăng hái, hăm hở Lots of eager volunteers responded to the
appeal for help (=tiếng nói của những người
cần giúp đỡ).

gloomy (adj) buồn bã, tuyệt vọng, tối tăm The cemetery is a gloomy place.
What gloomy weather we're having!
The vet is rather gloomy about my cat's
chances of recovery.

humiliate (v) làm nhục nhã ai đó, làm ai How could you humiliate me in front of
đó xấu hổ everyone like that?
→ humiliation (n): sự nhục nhã

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