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Advantages of Practicing Sports

Sports has many advantages for young, middle-aged, and old people.
It improves the mental and physical health. It also develops the
person’s social and communicational abilities.
First and foremost, practicing a special sport on a regular basis
means outstanding health. It leads to a strong heart and rigid bones.
The circulatory system functions in a better way. Lungs do their task so
well, which means that the respiratory system is working at its best. In
fact, all body systems are doing their best when exercising. Next,
overweight is not suffered by sportsmen or sportswomen because they
do not store extra calories in their bodies. After that, Sportsmen or
sportswomen enjoy better sleep quality. They do not have stress or
pressure. Their memory and brain function in a nicer way. Some people
even argue that sports protects against diseases including cancer.
Moreover, sports is not only connected with health, it is also related
to social and academic life. In general, athletes do better at schools and
in colleges. They score As in most subjects not only PE. To continue,
sports, especially team sports, make people acquire communicating
skills. Team members should communicate and work together well in
order to win a game. Sports increases self-confidence. Athletes talk,
stand, and walk properly. A team is a place where you can get good
friends. Playing a game gives athletes and their audiences fun, and
entertainment. Sports’ competitions make people excited.
To sum up, if someone wants to lead a healthy life that has no
diseases, he or she should join a sports club. A second option is
becoming a member of the neighborhood’s sports group that practices,
say, yoga or taking walks regularly. Sports highly boosts the person’s
mental state, social life, and communicational skills.

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