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Criminal investigations are a crucial part of police work since it is only through them that crimes are

solved and suspects are captured. Interrogation and interviewing are two of the most helpful methods in
criminal investigations. These two resources allow the investigator to gather information that will help
them solve a case.

The primary purpose of an interrogation is to encourage a suspect who is being looked into to confess to
their crimes. Show that during interrogations, law enforcement personnel are trained to utilize techniques
such inducing feelings of social exclusion and sensory deprivation to get detainees to recall their criminal
behavior. On the other hand, the purpose of a interview is to share facts that can help in resolving the
relevant crime. Interviews are conducted to gather information. Therefore, it is possible to think of an
interview as a procedure for gathering information. Although the subject of the interview is not thought to
have committed the crime, it is believed that he or she may know something that would help the
investigation. However, when it comes to gathering information, the goal of questioning is to verify the
accuracy of the data that has previously been gathered through other channels. In order to recreate an
interrogation, accessible information is used, and what is learned during the process is documented.

The pursuit of justice and the protection of the innocent have both shown to benefit greatly from
interviews and interrogations. The investigator must, however, be aware of the distinctions between the
two strategies as well as their intended outcomes. The objective of these tools has been described while
highlighting important variances. Interrogations, however, are to only be utilized when other strategies for
gathering information have failed. The authors advise non-accusatory interviews since they can help
uncover the truth while preventing false accusations against individuals. By doing this, the guilty will be
kept at bay and the truth will always win out.

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