SMP - Homecoming

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Purposes of today's lesson:

At the end of the lesson, participants are expected to:

1. understand and use the vocabularies related to the topic.

2. get detailed information of a reading text.
3. be more open and confident in speaking.
• Learning Objective
• Brainstorming
• Vocabulary Bank
• Reading Text
• Exercise
• Grammar Flash
• Presentation
• Quotation?
Mention three common activities that
people like to do during homecoming!
Homecoming (mudik)
He was back in town for the homecoming celebrations.

Religious holiday allowance (THR)

I spent my religious holiday allowance to buy some gifts
for my relatives.

Forgive (memaafkan)
We always forgive each other for all mistakes we've made
throughout the year.

Look for
My parents always go to the market to look for some gifts
for their nieces and nephews.
Pinching my cheeks (mencubit pipiku)
Grandma would greet us from afar and give me a kiss
after pinching my cheeks with affection.

Cookies (kue kering)

People say that grandma never run out of hugs and cookies.

Squealed (menjerit)
My little sister who usually squealed with delight because
someone was paying attention to her.

Exciting (mengasikkan)
Fishing is always an exciting thing to do to kill time in the
1. Why do you think visiting grandma's house is
always the most exciting day of the year?

2. When did the writer need to sit with her mom

when her mom and grandma talked?
My Exciting Homecoming
People say that grandma never run out of hugs and cookies. That's one reason why visiting
grandma's house is always the most exciting day of the year. We have happy memories of extended,
cozy visits to our grandma’s house with our family. We love the delicious food which is cooked by

My grandmother's house has a very special place in my heart. I visited my grandma’s house many
times when I was younger. The drive to grandma's house usually takes about forty-five minutes. Dad
will always drive. My job is to look for some updated news about the traffic. After counting the
numerous road signs and staring at the seemingly endless fields of corn, we'll arrive at grandma's house.

Every visit to grandma's is memorable. When we get there, grandma will greet us from afar and give
me a kiss after pinching my cheeks. She willl then do the same to my little sister who usually
squealed with delight because someone has paid attention to her. Then, after all the greeting was done,
the family will go inside and have lunch. After lunch, we forgive each other. I am always required to sit
with my mother while she and grandma are talking. A lot of the time I listen heartedly. Mom is really
good about paying attention. After spending a couple hours at grandma's house, the visit will come to an
end, and we'll all pile back into the car to drive home.
State True (T) or False (F)!
People say that grandma never run out of hugs and cookies. That's one
1.) Visiting grandma’s house is
reason why visiting grandma's house is always the most exciting day of the
year. We have happy memories of extended, cozy visits to the most exciting day of the
our grandma’s house with our family. We love the delicious food which is week. (T/F)
cooked by grandma.
2.) I don't have anything to do
My grandmother's house has a very special place in my heart. I visited my
grandma’s house many times when I was younger. The drive to grandma's in the car. (T/F)
house usually takes about forty-five minutes. Dad will always drive. My job
is to look for some updated news about the traffic. After counting the 3.) The writer love to see her
numerous road signs and staring at the seemingly endless fields of corn, grandma when she was kid.
we'll arrive at grandma's house.

Every visit to grandma's is memorable. When we get there, grandma will 4.) The first thing that grandma
greet us from afar and give me a kiss after pinching my cheeks. She willl loves to do when she meets the
then do the same to my little sister who usually squealed with delight kids is asking them to have
because someone has paid attention to her. Then, after all the greeting was
lunch. (T/F)
done, the family will go inside and have lunch. After lunch, we forgive each
other. I am always required to sit with my mother while she and grandma
are talking. A lot of the time I listen heartedly. Mom is really good about 5.) The writer is interested in
paying attention. After spending a couple hours at grandma's house, the visit listening to her mother and
will come to an end, and we'll all pile back into the car to drive home.
grandma talking. (T/F)
Ever Vs Never
Ever Never
At any time/ all time at no time in the past or future; on no
[tidak terbatas pada suatu durasi di masa lalu occasion; not ever. not at all.
atau di masa depan.] [tidak pernah yang tak terbatas juga pada
suatu durasi di masa lalu atau di masa depan.]
• I will ever be on your side. Example:
• I will never be on your side.
(Saya akan, sampai kapanpun, berada di
(Saya tidak akan, sampai kapanpun, berada di

• Nothing ever bothered me back then. • He's never helped me.

(Tidak ada, dari dulu, yang menggangguku di (Dia belum pernah, dari dulu, membantuku
masa lalu)
1. What is your favorite activity during your homecoming? Share your ideas.

2. What do you usually spend your religious holiday allowance for? Tell us the reason.

3. Do you prefer to go homecoming by public transportation? Why/why not?

4. In your opinion what is the best hamper for our grandparents? Explain your answer.

5. What do your grandparents/ relatives usually ask to you when you meet them? What are
your responses?

6. What things don't you like of having a homecoming? Why?

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