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Số liệu – thay đổi (từ 2 năm trở lên) --- so sánh (1 năm, không có mốc năm)

Process --- man-made – nature

Miêu tả object
Miêu tả số liệu
The number of + N đếm đc
The amount of + N không đếm đc
The quantity of + N đếm đc / không đếm đc
The percentage of
The proportion of
the rate of
The figure for

Lượng thịt gà được tiêu thu là 5 tấn

consumed = eaten – consumption
The amount of chicken (which was) consumed is 5 tons/ tonnes
5 tons of chicken were consumed
There are 5 tons of chicken consumed
Lượng xe oto được sản xuất năm 2015 là 3 triệu chiếc
produced – manufactured - made
3 million of cars were produced in 2015
There are were 3 millions (bỏ s) of cars produced
The number of cars produced in 2015 was 3 million
Phần trăm sản phẩm từ sữa được sản xuất là 30% năm 2020
30% of dairy products was produced in 2020
the amount percentage of dairy products manufactured in 2020 was 30%
there was 30% tonnes of dairy products produced in 2020
Năm 2018 lượng du học sinh The UK 2M
The US 10M Canada 1M
Australia 4M VN 0,5M
Abroad students = people who study abroad = overseas students = international students = foreign students
In 2018, the number of international students in the US (the figure for the US) was highest, at 10M, while the figure for Australia was
significantly lower, at 4M. At the same time, there were 2M of foreign students in the UK compared to just 1M in Canada. Meanwhile,
0,5M abroad students chose VN to study overseas.
People who were 45-50
People in 45-50 age group
People aged 45-50
45-50-year-old people

Năm 2020 phần trăm ngân sách cho y tế 10%

giáo dục 40% đồ ăn 15%
giao thông 30% others 5%
budget for = funding = spending on = expenditure on
the amount of money invested in / spent on / allocated to
In 2020, the proportion of the spending on education is was highest, at exactly 40%, while the figure for
transportation was traffic is lower at 30%. At the same time, the percentage of expenditure on food is was 15%
compared to 105 for healthcare. Meanwhile, 5% of government funding was invested in others. medical and
others, at 10% and 5% respectively.
Năm 2021, lượng đồ ăn tiêu thụ Úc 6 tấn
Mĩ 10 tấn Mexico 6.5 tấn
Anh 7 tấn VN 4 tấn
In 2021, the amount of food consumed in America was highest, at 10 tons, while the figure for England was
lower, at 7 tonnes. At the same time, there were 6,5 tons of food consumed in Mexico compared to 6 tons in
Australia. Meanwhile, 4 tonnes of food were eaten in VN. . Just 6,5 tons in Mexico and 4 tons in Vietnam

1500 – 2000
increase (v) / (n) + to
increase (n) + of
increase (v) + by
Lượng than đá được sản xuất tăng đến 50% năm 2017
The number percentage of coals (bỏ s) (which was produced/manufactured/ made) increased significantly to
50% in 2017
there was a productive proportion increase of 50% in coal in 2017
There was a considerable rise to 50% in the proportion of coal manufactured in 2017
3. the percentage of coal manufactured witnessed a significant increase of to 50 % in 2017
a significant increase to 50% was seen in the proportion of coal made generated in 2017
5. the year of 2017 witnessed a significant increase to 50% in the percentage of coal produced.
Lượng con trai chơi bóng đá năm 2021 tăng được 3 triệu
the number of boys/ males/ men playing football rose slightly by 3 million in 2021.
there was a significantly increase to of 3 million in the amount number of boys playing football in 2021
the number of boys playing football witnessed a significant increase to of 3 million in 2021
A considerable growth to of 3 million was witnessed in the number of boys playing football in 2021
The year of 2021 witnessed a significant increase of 3 million in the number of boys playing football.
Phần trăm ngân sách cho giáo dục năm 2015 30% 2018 50% 2020 60% 2021 40%
funding = spending on = expenditure on = budget for
the amount of money invested in / spent on / allocated to
The percentage of spending on education started at 30% in 2015, after which it experienced an increase to
50% in 2018, followed by a climb to 60% in 2020, before ending at 40% in 2021
30% of expenditure was allocated to education in 2015, with a subsequent rise to 50% in 2018, followed by an
upward trend to 60% in 2020, and a final decrease to 40% in 2021.
Starting at 30% in 2015, the proportion of the amount of money invested in education grew to 50% in 2018,
followed by an uptick to 60% in 2020, and a final fall to 40% in 2021.
The rate of expenditure on education went up from 30% in 2015 to 50% in 2018, rising to 60% in 2020, but
declined to 40% in 2021.
Lượng khách du lịch đến VN năm 2010 3tr 2017 8tr 2022 9tr
travelers = tourists = holidaymakers = visitors
people/ individuals going to/ visiting/ coming to/ travelling to
1. the number of tourists to Vietnam started at 3 million in 2010, after which it experienced an increase to 8
million in 2017 before ending at 9 million in 2020.
2. 3 million of tourists travelled to Vietnam in 2010, with a subsequent rise to 8 million in 2017, and a final
growth to 9 million in 2022.
3. starting at 3 million in 2010, the proportion number/ quantity of tourists who travelled/ travelling to
Vietnam grew to 8 million in 2017, followed by a final rise to 9 million in 2022.
Lượng cá được tiêu thụ năm 2013 5 tấn 2015 8 tấn 2019 8 tấn
1. The amount of fish consumed started at 5 tons in 2013, after which it experienced a considerable growth
to 8 tons in 2015 before ending at 8 tons in 2019.
2. 8 tons of fish were eaten in 2015, with a subsequent rise to 8 tons in 2015, and a final stability at (this
level) 8 tons in 2019.
3. 3. Starting at 5 tons in 2013, the amount of fish consumed increased to 8 tons in 2015, followed by a final
stability at 8 tons in 2019.
Lượng người 15-20 xem hoạt hình năm 2013 4tr 2017 7tr 2019 6 tr 2021 6tr
cartoons = animation = animated films
1. 4 million of people at the age of who were 15 to 20 watched cartoons in 2013, with a subsequent rise to
7 million in 2017, followed by a slight decrease to 6 million, and a final stability at this level in 2021.
2. The quantity of cartoon audiences in at the age of 15-20 age group started at 4 million in 2013, after
which it experienced a significant increase to 7 million in 2017, followed by a slight drop to 6 million in
2019, before ending at the same level in the year of 2021.
3. Starting at 4 million in 2013, the number of individuals aged 15-20 watching animation increased
significantly of 3 million in 2017, followed by a decline to 6 million in 2019, and a final stability at 6million
in 2021.
4. The number of 15-20-year-old individuals at the age of 15 to 20 watching cartoon increased from 4
million in 2013 to 7 million in 2017, Falling to 6 million in 2019, then remained the same in 2021.
The number of international tourist arrivals in Brazil
started at 10 million in 1995, after which it experienced
an increase to 15 million in 2005, before ending the
period at 17 million in 2010.
9 million of the number of people traveled to Egypt in
1995, with a subsequent rise to 12 million in 2000,
followed by a growth to 15 million in 2005 and a final
uptick to 20 million in 2010.
Starting at 22 million in 1995, the number of
international holidaymakers travelling to Malaysia
witnessed an increase to 30 million in 2000, followed
by a rise to 33 million in 2005 and a final boost climb to
45 million in 2010.
The line graph illustrates the number of foreign travelers from 2005, while the quantity for France continued its
coming to five different nations over a period of 15 years. upward trend, the number of visitors to the USA
Overall, it is clear that there was an increase in the slightly reduced. surprisingly, the figure for both
number of overseas visitors in all countries. In addition, nations were similar with approximately 87 millions
the USA had highest figures throughout the period people.
S + v + o, Ving, then/ but Ved
The figure for the USA rose from 70M in 1995 to 85M
9 million of the number of people traveled to Egypt in 1995,
in 2000, going up to reach a peak of (hit the highest
with a subsequent rise to 12 million in 2000, followed by a
point at) 91M in 2005, but dropped to 90M in 2010.
growth to 15 million in 2005 and a final uptick to 20 million in
30 million of foreign tourists traveled to France in
2010. Similar changes can be seen in the figure for Brazil,
1995, with a subsequent significant growth to 60
starting at 10M in 1995 and ending at 17M in 2010.
million in 2000, followed by an increase to 68 million in
2005, and a final considerable rise to 90 million in

The percentage of environmentally friendly energy

sources provided in Australia was started at 9% in 1997,
after which it experienced a slight decline to 7% in
2000, before ending at 5% in 2010. Opposite changes
can be seen in the figure for Sweden, starting at 5% in
1997 and ending at 9% in 2010.
Starting at 47% in 1997, the percentage of
environmentally friendly energy sources provided in
Iceland witnessed an increase at to 60% in 2000 and
The given bar chart compares the percentage of final rise to 70% in 2010. Meanwhile, 39% of energy in
renewable resources provided in various nations over
a period of 13 years. Turkey was renewed supplied in Turkey in 1997, with a
Overall, it is clear that there was an increase in the subsequent increase to 40.5% in 2000, and a final drop
proportion of RE supplied in Sweden and Iceland,
while a downward trend was seen in the figures for to 32% in 2010.
Australia and Turkey. In addition, Sweden had the
lowest figure in 1997, which was replaced by Australia
in later years, whereas the opposite was true with
Iceland throughout the period shown.
Supply = provide
While = whereas = whilst
The given line graph compares provide information about
the amount fruit produced in four countries/ various nations
(France, Spain, Germany, Turkey) over a period of 40 years/
from 1970 to 2010
Overall, it is clear that there was an increase in the amount
of fruit made in Turkey and France, while a downward trend
was seen in the figures for Spain and Germany. In addition,
France had the lowest figures from 1970 to around 1985,
which was replaced by Germany in later years, whereas the
opposite was true with Spain throughout the period shown.

Starting the period at exactly 2 tons, the quantity of fruit

made in Turkey witnessed a marginal rise to roughly 2,8 tons
in 1990, followed by a climb to 3 tons in 2000, and a final
uptick to 3.5 tons in 2010. 3 and 3,5 tons in 2000 and 2010,
respectively. The amount of fruit manufactured in France
was over 1 ton in 1970, after which it underwent a soar to
roughly 2 tons in 1990, followed by a decline to 1.7 tons in
2000, before ending at 2.2 tons in 2010. before another 0,3
decline in 2000 and reached the same figure for 1990 at the
last year of the period.

Regarding Spain, the amount of fruit manufactured in this

country started at 5.6 tons in 1970, after which it
experienced an increase to 6.2 tons in 1980, before ending
the period at 5.1 in 2010. As for Germany meanwhile, 2.6
tons of fruit which were produced in Germany in 1970, with
a subsequent decrease to 1.4 tons in 1990, and a final drop
to 1.1 tons in 2010
The given bar chart illustrates the amount of oil
production capacity in six countries over a period of 20
Overall, it is clear that there was an increase in the amount
of oil production capacity for most of in all these countries.
In addition, Saudi Arabia had highest figures, while the
opposite was true with Qatar throughout the period
shown. bar Qatar, had expanded during this period, while
Saudi Arabia was the leader in oil production.
In addition, Saudi Arabia took the least in producing oil
while the opposite was true with Qatar throughout the
period shown.

Will = to be expected to V = to be projected to V= to be estimated to V = to be likely to V = to be predicted

to V
Expectation = projection = prediction = estimate
Before ending the period at…… ----- before being expected to end at….
And a final projection to increase to …. In …..
The percentage of population in Canada started
at 16,32% in 1988, after which it experienced a
growth to 20,67% in 2000, before being
predicted to end at 26,35% in 2030.
20.45% of residents coming came from
Germany in 1988, with a subsequent increase
to 25.32% in 2000 and a final expectation to
rise to 30.42% in 2030
Starting at 14,23% in 1988, the percentage of
population in the UK followed by a rose to
14,89% in 2000 and a final uptick to 20,35% in

The given bar chart illustrates the percentage of total

of global population in India, China, the USA, Japan
from 1950 to 2002 and projections for 2050
Overall, it is clear that there is a downward trend in
the rate of inhabitants in China, the USA, Japan, while
an upward trend can be seen in the figure for India. In
addition, population in China had a highest the figures
from 1950 to 2002, which is projected to be replaced
by India in 2050, whereas and until expections for
2050, the opposite it is true with Japan throughout the
period shown. that the proportion inhabitants in

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