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Unit Paper No 37

Circular Motion

A/L Paper Class



ONLINE CLASSES (Combined Maths)

LONDON A/L's Edexcel)

G.C.E. (A/L)
NO. 37
MODEL PAPERS (Unit Papers)
CIRCULAR MOTION Duration : 2hours & 40 minutes
¨ answer all the questions. Part A
Short Questions

01. In a conical pendulum the speed of the bob is V and radius of the circle in which it
gr 2
moves is r, If the length of the string is l, show that V 2 = and find the time of
2 2
one revolution. l -r

02. A light inelastic string of length l has one end fixed to a point O and a particle P of
mass m is attached to the other end. The particle P is held vertically below O with this
string taut and is projected horizontally with speed 3gl
(i) Find the tension in the string, when OP makes an angle q with the upward vertical.
(ii) Find the value of q when string becomes slack.

03. A particle rests on the top of a fixed smooth sphere of radius a. With what speed must
it projected from this position so that it may leave the sphere when the radius of it has
turned through the angle arccos (3/4).

04. A smooth sphere of radius a and centre O is rigidly fixed to the horizontal plane. A
particle P of mass m rests at the highest point of the outer surface of sphere. If the
particle is slightly disturbed from rest so that it begins to travel in a vertical circle.
Find the speed of the particle when OP makes a (< ) with upward vertical. Show
that the reaction exerted on the particle from sphere at this moment is
-1 2
m(3gCosa - 2g). Hence show that when a = Cos ( ) particle leaves the surface of

05. A particle P is gently released from the point A on outer surface of a sphere of radius a
and centre O. OA makes an angle a with upward vertical. show that the velocity of
the particle when OP makes an angle q with the upward vertical is 2ag (cos a - cos q )
Final the reaction on the particle at this instant. Show also that the particle leaves the
2cos a
surface when OP makes an angle cos -1 with upward vertical.
06. A particle moves on the smooth internal surface of a vertical circle of radius a. If the
particle is projected along the circle from the lowest point with a velocity , then
show that it leaves the circle and find where. Show further that the particle passes
through the lowest point of the circle in the subsequent motion.

02 Pasan Mandara
Part B
Essay Questions
07. One end of a light inextensible string of length a is attached to A
a fixed point O and the other end is attached to a particle P of
mass m. As shown in the diagram the fixed point O is a
vertically above the point C which is on the horizontal plane
with a distance of a. In the beginning P is kept vertically above
O with a distance of a. When P is projected with a
horizontal velocity 12ga from the point A the circular locus
of P is ABC. C
(i) Find the velocity of P at the point C?
If the particle P directly collides with another particle Q of mass 2m which is
moving in the opposite direction of P with a velocity of 2 ga at C, then
(ii) show that the velocity of the particle P. Just after the collision is 4e ga where e
is the coefficient of restitution between P and Q. If OP makes an acute angle of b
with OC after the collision then. find the tension in terms of m,g,e, B.

08. A bowl is made up from a fixed smooth spherical shell with

centre O and radius a removing the upper part cut of by the
horizontal plane at a distance above O. O is fixed in a vertical
plane with the open part uppermost and OA horizontal and the
lowest point B of the bowl touching a fixed horizontal floor as
shown in the figure. A smooth particle P of mass m is projected
vertically downwards into the bowl from the point A with speed 2ag . The particle
P, when it reaches the point B, collides directly another smooth particle Q of mass m
which is rest inside the bowl at B. The coefficient of restriction between the particle
is e.
(i) Show that the velocity of the particle Q just after the collision is (1 + e ) ag .
(ii) In the subsequent motion, if the Q will leave the edge C of the bowl,
13 - 5
show that e ³

09. A small bead P of mass m in threaded on a smooth circular wire, of radius a and centre
O, fixed in a vertical plane, Initially, the bead is placed at the lowest point A of the
wire and projected along the wire with speed u. Denoting by q the angle through
2 2
which OP has turned at time t, show that,
( ) ()

Find the value of u in order that the bead just reaches the highest point of the wire. For
this value of u, show that,
dq g q
dt Ö
= 2 a cos 2

03 Pasan Mandara
(ii) the reaction between the bead and the wire is (2+3 cosq)
(iii) the time taken by the bead to reach the point where the reaction changes its
direction is =
ln 6 + 5 )
10. A particle P inside and at the lowest point of a fixed smooth hollow sphere, of radius a
and centre O, is projected horizontally with speed u such that 2ga<u <5ga. Find its
speed when OP has turned through an angle q and the particle is still in contact with
the surface of the sphere. Show that the particle will leave the surface of the sphere

with speed v = u - 2ga when it is moving upwards in a direction making an acute


( 2

angle a = cos u - 2ga with the upward vertical horizontal. In the subsequent free

motion under gravity, if the particle passes through the centre O of the sphere show
that tan2 a = 2 and u 2 = 2 + 3 ga)
11. A and B are two fixed points on the same vertical line at a distance c apart, with A
above B. They are connected by a light inextensible string passing through a heavy
small ring C which cam move freely. When the ring C is describing a horizontal
circle whose centre is on AB, with constant angular speed w , the distance of C from A
and B are b and a respectively. Show that b>a and that w is given by
(cosA - CosB) w2 = g ( 1a + 1b ), where A and B denote BAC and ABC respectively.
Use the cosine formula for the triangle ABC to show further that
2gc ( a + b )
w2 =
(b - a )éë(a + b )2 - c2 ùû

12. A smooth narrow hollow tube, bent into the form of a circle of centre O and radius a,
is fixed with a its plane vertical. Two particles P and Q of masses m and km
respectively, are connected by a light inextensible string of length and are placed
in the tube with P vertically above O and Q level with O, the string lying in the tube.
The system is released from rest at time t = 0. If OP makes an angle q with the upward
vertical at time t, show by using the principle of conservation of mechanical energy
that, d q2 = (sin q + k cosq) Provided that the string is taut. Deduce that the
dt a(1+k)
above equation is valid only when o £ q < p4 . Find the reaction on the particle P and
show that its direction changes before the string becomes slack if k > 3 - 2 2 .

04 Pasan Mandara
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07 Pasan Mandara
Student's Details
Name :- .................................................. School :- ..........................................
Mobile No :- ..........................................
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Total
Part A
Part B
Final Marks

08 Pasan Mandara

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