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Industrial Workshop Report

International Islamic University Chittagong

Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering

Name: Mahabub Rahaman

ID: C173003

Submitted to

Industrial Training, Collaboration, Attachment, and Placement Committee


This report is submitted for the partial fulfillment of the Course

CSE-4708 (Fieldwork)

31 July, 2022
Table of Contents

Declaration ……………………………………………………………………………… 3
Abstract…………………………………………………………………………………. 4
Main Report…………………………………………………………………………….. 5-14

References………………………………………………………………………………. 15


I hereby declare that except where specific reference is made to the work of others, the contents of this
report are original and have not been submitted in whole or in part for consideration for any other degree
or qualification in this, or any other university. I will face punishment if any part of the report is found
to be plagiarized.

Name: Mahabub Rahaman

ID: C173003

Why is it necessary to attend industrial training? The solution is to gain experience with the real
work that engineers are expected to perform. Let's take the case of a mechanical engineering
student who will attend training at an automaker or organization. At college, the student will
only study a limited number of practical skills in addition to a substantial amount of theory, but
during the three to six months of on-the-job training, the student will observe and learn about the
real work of mechanical engineers.

These kinds of industrial trainings should be made required as part of engineering studies so that
students would be introduced to real job during study courses. Each Branch follows the same

Industrial training is a term used to describe a program that provides high-quality practical training
within the allotted period. It is provided by both public and commercial sector organizations.

Students that participate in industrial training gain valuable skills and real-world experience, which
inspires them to pursue careers as successful engineers. Throughout the training time, the students
will pick up both theoretical and practical expertise. The training assessment should be taken by
the students once they successfully complete the session. Real-world employment obligations are
provided by industrial training. The students can choose their job in a variety of workplaces. It's
crucial to refresh your current abilities through industrial training programs in order to improve
your chances of finding better employment possibilities. Most graduates can access it, preparing
them for the professional work environment. The training program is connected to a number of
important ideas, including mobile app development, marketing and sales, hiring, and human

Main Report

Section-1 Introduction

The purpose of the industrial workshop is to educate the graduates and introduce them to the
newest technologies. For a set time, it brings professionals and students from numerous reputable

Many IT and program-related skills are taught in the training program. Trainers from a big and
reputable software company led the training and workshop at ours. The company name is BRAC
IT, which is a software company based on Dhaka, Bangladesh.

The session was enjoyable throughout. With the graduates, we share our expertise and experiences
in order to help them develop into effective engineers. It helps students become more self-assured
and mentors those who are prepared to enter the world of professional employment.

Section-2 Profile of the industry


One of the top providers of IT solutions & services in Bangladesh, BRAC IT Services Limited
(biTS) is a proud member of the illustrious BRAC family and specializes in offering a broad variety
of software solutions and end-to-end technology service management. It started off in 1999 as
Documenta Limited, a digital archiving business controlled by BRAC. With a few international
software development projects, DocumentaTM Limited launched its business and completed them
to the satisfaction of its clients. Later in 2013, BRAC Bank Limited acquired 51% of the business,
integrated it with its IT Division, and changed the business' name to BRAC IT Services Limited

BRAC acquired the majority of the shares in BRAC IT Services Limited in October 2017, and as
a result, the business is now a BRAC subsidiary. The plan was to consolidate and outsource the
majority of the group's IT services in order to increase efficiency and bring about synergy, all
while turning it into a lucrative business that also served external clients. Since its beginning, biTS
have helped numerous firms by offering high-quality IT solutions and resolving their issues with
integrating IT with corporate strategies.

The BRAC IT is a digital engineering and innovation company that uses cutting-edge technology
and human-centered design to provide customers with meaningful customer experiences.

Their knowledge goes beyond creating digital goods and services to inspire an innovative culture
that will prepare you for the future. They are a community of solution designers, architects,
developers, analyzers, and more, with more than 250 experts. The work they undertake and the
impact we want to have been influenced by our shared values and beliefs.

Section 3: Profile of the resource persons

1. A. K. Sabbir Mahbub
Chief Executive Officer (CEO),
BRAC IT Services Limited

2. Md. Minhajul Abedin

Chief Technology Officer (CTO),
BRAC IT Services Limited

3. Mohammad Asif Atick

BRAC IT Services Limited

4. Md. Saiful Islam Masuk

Technical Lead, Software Engineering,
BRAC IT Services Limited

5. Maliha Samshad
Head of Business Analysis,
BRAC IT Services Limited

6. Arif ur Rahman Chowdhury

Head of Commercial,
BRAC IT Services Limited

7. Mohammad Kafil Uddin

Alumni of CSE, IIUC
Software Engineer,
BRAC IT Services Limited

Section-4 Sessions details

Session 1: Introduction and Thank you note

Conducted By: Md. Minhajul Abedin (CTO, BRAC IT)

The session started with a warm welcome from the IIUC teachers and students to the members of
BRAC IT Ltd. Then The CTO of the company introduced him and his colleagues from the
company and shared their professional field with the students. He also shared a little information
about the structure of the company BRAC IT LTD.

Session 2: Career in Technology

Conducted By: Maliha Samshad (Head, Business Analysis) and Md. Saiful Islam Masuk
(Technical Lead, Software Engineering)

The next session was to give us, the students, an idea about various career paths in Information
Technology. There are various careers like Software development, Computer support,
Cybersecurity, Networks and systems, Web development, Data Analysis, Cloud computing, SQA
and many more.

We are constantly influenced by technology, and we can consider cell phones, iPods, computers,
and game consoles to be the most crucial IT tools of the twenty-first century. While the majority
of us spend our days utilizing these devices for communication, socializing, and work completion,
they only represent a small portion of IT equipment. If we spend the time to go through our lecture
and challenge yourself to research the options, there are practically endless ways to obtain a career
in information technology.

The biggest industry worldwide is and will be information technology. Computers and
communications are IT. Business, education, entertainment, health care, and government are all
driven by IT. IT focuses on fusing the power of computation with the study of managerial

To efficiently resolve challenges and to ingeniously investigate potential future IT solutions. The
information age, which centers on your daily life, is made possible by IT. So, in this session we
came to know about the career paths that we can take in IT and have a basic idea about how to
start our career.

Session 3: Life at BRAC IT

Conducted By: Md. Saiful Islam Masuk (Technical Lead, Software Engineering) and Md.
Kafil Uddin (Software Engineer)

In this session, we came to know about the professional life at BRAC IT Ltd. BRAC Bank and
BRAC jointly own BRAC IT Services Ltd. (biTS), an organization that provides IT solutions and
services. In 2013, the IT Division of BRAC Bank and a subsidiary IT business controlled by BRAC
merged to form BRAC IT. The goal of BRAC IT is to establish itself as the most reliable provider
of IT services and technological solutions in Bangladesh. BRAC IT has a team of highly qualified
and competent employees committed to delivering high productivity, efficiency, and creativity.

BRAC IT delivers end-to-end solutions for industries including Banks, Non-Banking Financial
Institutes, Educational Institutes, Micro-Finance, NGOs, FMCG, etc. By modernizing their current
operations with our best value solutions and services, we are dedicated to helping our customers
achieve operational efficiency.

Session 4: Workshop on Spring boot

Conducted By: Md. Minhajul Abedin (CTO, BRAC IT)

In this session we learned about the basics of Spring boot framework which is based on Java
programming language. Java Spring Framework (Spring Framework) is a popular, open source,
enterprise-level framework for creating standalone, production-grade applications that run on the
Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

Java Spring Boot (Spring Boot) is a tool that makes developing web application and microservices
with Spring Framework faster and easier through three core capabilities the we learned:
 Autoconfiguration
 An opinionated approach to configuration
 The ability to create standalone applications

These features work together to provide you with a tool that allows us to set up a Spring-based
application with minimal configuration and setup.

Spring Framework offers a dependency injection feature that lets objects define their own
dependencies that the Spring container later injects into them. This enables us to create modular
applications consisting of loosely coupled components that are ideal for microservices and
distributed network applications.

Spring Framework also offers built-in support for typical tasks that an application needs to
perform, such as data binding, type conversion, validation, exception handling, resource and event
management, internationalization, and more. It integrates with various Java EE technologies such

as RMI (Remote Method Invocation), AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol), Java Web
Services, and others. In sum, Spring Framework provides developers with all the tools and features
the need to create loosely coupled, cross-platform Java EE applications that run in any
environment. In this session we made a simple demo web application to know about the core
concepts of the framework.

Session 5: Workshop on Object Detection with YOLOv5

Conducted By: Md. Asif Atick (Consultant)

In this session we learned about how we can detect objects using YOLOv5. YOLO is an acronym
that stands for You Only Look Once. We are employing Version 5, which was launched
by Ultralytics in June 2020 and is now the most advanced object identification algorithm available.
It is a cutting-edge convolutional neural network (CNN) that accurately detects objects in real-
time. This method processes the entire image using a single neural network, then divides it into
parts and forecasts bounding boxes and probabilities for each component. The predicted
probability weighs these bounding boxes. The technique "only looks once" at the image since it
only does one forward propagation loop through the neural network before making predictions.
Detected products are then delivered following non-max suppression (which ensures that the
object detection algorithm only identifies each object once).
In the session we learned about:

1. Setting up the virtual environment in Windows 10.

2. Cloning the GitHub repository of Yolo v5.
3. Preparation & Pre-Processing of Dataset.
4. Training the model.
5. Prediction & Live Testing.

Section 5: Good practices I have learned by attending the 2-Day

Industrial Workshop:

 Practical skills and knowledge:

When a student is working in a IT company, they will work on projects in real-time. They
will understand how to design a product from scratch and in this Industrial Workshop we
had an idea about how to start our career efficiently and professionally.

 Skill enhancement:
Soft skills and hard skills can be used to help us build our overall personality. While hard
skills include both practical and theoretical knowledge, our personalities will determine
how soft skills work. When we work with others, our hard skills are polished. We start to

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develop soft skills like problem-solving abilities, communication skills, adaptability, and
creativity. In the workshop we learned how to adapt these skills in our life.

 Overall Personality development:

When we enter the workforce, our daily interactions with colleagues, supervisors and team
members will assist in developing our personality for this dynamic and competitive era in
the IT sector.

 Professionalism:
Many university students have difficulty choosing the right career path. Sometimes, they
end up in a job that is not suitable for them. A student may have many career options, but
isn’t certain which one suits them the best. During varsity life, this industrial training can
help us to gain a better understanding of the professional likes/dislikes.

Section 6: Exploring the key-points that I have learned by attending

the workshop and seminar (Life-long learning).

Industry events are a great way of meeting like-minded people in the IT industry to discuss a wide
array of topics related to the career path that I want to choose.

 Learning something new:

Knowing that knowledge is power, why wouldn't someone desire to expand their
knowledge base and develop their professional expertise? One of the finest methods to ask
questions right away is to physically attend an event where industry professionals are
speaking or presenting. I might not have that much personal experience in the IT industry,
and even though a lot of the technical information can go over my head, I still firmly think
that whatever knowledge I can acquire, no matter how little, would help me in my
professional career.

 Confidence:
If someone is a frequent participant or someone who exudes confidence naturally, he/she
may be at home at such events, but regrettably, not everyone possesses that quality.
Sometimes it can be intimidating to meet new people. Anyone who is nervous should try
not to worry because others will be or have been in a similar situation, and once I am at the
event, others will undoubtedly make an effort to make me feel welcome.

 Building a brand:
It's a terrific approach to develop your brand, whether it's for the business you work for or
for you personally, to attend industry events. At an event, we never know who we might
run into or what potential future benefits there may be. Meeting potential customers in
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person is far more efficient than communicating with them by phone or email, and it
ultimately enables you to forge a more personal connection—after all, "people buy from
people," as the proverb goes.

 Keeping up to date with industry trends

We all know how rapidly things can change in the IT industry, especially in the realm of
technology, so staying on top of the newest news and trends in the sector is essential to
making sure I stay ahead of the curve. Industry events frequently offer fresh trends that are
already dominating the market or will do so soon, so keeping up with this kind of
information will be essential to my personal and professional growth.
Any industry event is a fantastic chance to connect with many like-minded individuals who
have similar interests. The people I met could turn out to be useful resources in the future,
whether it's a potential new client, customer, employment opportunity, or even new
friendship. I know from attending the event that there is always a sense of community,
especially in my industry.

To sum up, I believe that attending any such event in the industry, regardless of anyone’s
profession or the sector they work in, should be beneficial to me personally. I advise anyone
considering attending their first to just go for it.

Section 7: How this workshop added value to our future career


The workshop is designed to be very interactive. Applying the skills, I learn in the workshop will
help me to find a job, pursue your education goals. I will also have an increased confidence in
my ability to be successful in my career goals. Now we know how to enter in the IT industry by
applying our skills.

Section 8: Suggestions about how the workshops can more benefit the

It would be great, if increasing the workshop time. The sessions were informative. Few of the
speakers were delightful & energetic. Thank you.

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Section 9: My Resume

Mahabub Rahaman
+88(0)1843180191, +88(0)1793540211
Malek Company Villa, 27No Battery Goli, Bagmoniram Lane, Dampara, Chittagong.

November 2017 – Present Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering

International Islamic University Chittagong (IIUC)

July 2014 – September 2016 Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC)

Chattagram Biggan College.

January 2008 –March 2014 Secondary School Certificate (SSC)

Bakolia High School, Chittagong.

Field of Interest:
A caring, kind, calm and consistent young person who has the special skills, interest and passion
to support in the field of Machine learning, Data Science and Deep learning. Able to communicate
clearly, concisely and with empathy. Looking for an opportunity to make a genuine difference in
the progressive ML & DL Area.

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Participated On:

November 2017 – Present IIUC TECH FEST 2017

Programming Contests by Computer Club

Skills & Activities:

Languages C, C++, PHP, Python

Database MySQL

Web Programming HTML, CSS, Java script,



1. Bus Service Manager.

2. Online Catering Services.
3. I-Voting with Online Election Campaign. (running on development)
4. DX-Ball game by using JAVA.

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