PSM 26 - Wrap-Up (v2)

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Process Safety Management Boot Camp Training

Oil & Gas Skills (OGS)


Module 26


Course programme
Day 1 and day 2: Introduction Day 4: Manage risk
Mod 1 Introduction and welcome Mod 13 Elem 8 Operating procedures
Mod 2 Introduction to PSM Mod 14 Elem 9 Safe work practices
Mod 3 Introduction to hazards and risk Mod 15 Elem 10 Asset integrity and reliability

Mod 4 Introduction to barrier concept Mod 16 Elem 11 Contractor management

Mod 5 Introduction to HSE management systems Mod 17 Elem 12 Training and performance assurance
Mod 18 Elem 13 Management of change
Day 2: Commit to process safety Mod 19 Elem 14 Operational readiness
Mod 6 Elem 1 Process safety culture Mod 20 Elem 15 Conduct of operations
Mod 7 Elem 2 Compliance with standards Mod 21 Elem 16 Emergency management
Mod 8 Elem 3 Process safety competency
Mod 9 Elem 4 Workforce involvement Day 5: Learn from incidents
Mod 10 Elem 5 Stakeholder outreach Mod 22 Elem 17 Incident investigation
Mod 23 Elem 18 Measurement and metrics
Day 3: Understand hazards and risk Mod 24 Elem 19 Auditing
Mod 11 Elem 6 Process knowledge management Mod 25 Elem 20 Management review and continuous improvement
Mod 12 Elem 7 Hazard identification and risk analysis
Mod 26 Course wrap-up

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Course aim

 Explain what process safety management is

 Describe why it is important
 Explain how it can be achieved
 Provide an overview of the key elements of process safety management

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Managing process safety – holistic view

Safety culture  Known and understood process safety

hazards and associated risks
 Process safety hazards are managed by
three types of barriers
– Plant
– Process
– People
Hazards  Barrier management is embedded in a
(safety) management system
People  Safety culture embodies the
Management system fundamentals of the management systems

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Group exercise –

 Think about your expectations you formulated on Day 1

– Did the training course meet your expectations?
– If not, hat was lacking
 Any other feed-back or suggestions that could improve the training

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Thank you!

 Thank you for your attendance…

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SAFER, SMARTER, GREENER are the properties of companies in the Det Norske Veritas group. All rights reserved.

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