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Industrial Workshop Report




Bachelor of Computer Science & Engineering

Submitted To:
Dr. Mohammad Aman Ullah
Associate professor,
Dept. of CSE, IIUC.
Convener, Industrial Training, Collaboration, Accreditation, and Placement Committee

Submitted By:

This report is submitted for the partial fulfillment of the

Course Code: CSE-4708(Fieldwork)

Semester : 8th

Date : 12th , October 2022

Table of Contents

Declaration ……………………………………………………………………………………… 3
Abstract………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4

Main Report…………………………………………………………………………………. 5-12

References …………………………………………………………………………………….. 13


I hereby certify that the contents of this report are original, unless specific reference is made to
the work of others, and that it has not been submitted, in whole or in part, for any other degree or
grade at this or any other university. I will be punished if any part of the report is found

Md Saifur Rahman


Why is it necessary to attend industrial training? The solution is to gain experience with the
actual work that engineers are expected to do. Let's take, for example,Doctor work on Hospital.
At university, a student learns only a limited amount of practical skills in addition to a
considerable amount of theory,but during a three to six month internship a student learns how to
provide a treatment for a patient .How handle & treat an emergency condition patient.
Such industrial training should be required as part of engineering education so that students are
exposed to real work during study periods. Each branch follows the same reasoning.Industrial
training is a term used to describe a program that provides quality practical training over a period
of time. It is offered by both public and commercial organizations.
Students participating in industrial training achieve valuable skills and real-world experience that
inspire them to pursue successful careers as engineers. During the entire training period,
students acquired both theoretical and practical knowledge. After successful completion of the
session, students have to complete the internship evaluation. Industrial training offers real jobs.
Students can choose to work in several different jobs. It is essential to upgrade your current skills
through industry training programs to improve your chances of finding better job opportunities.
Most graduates pass it, preparing them for the professional work environment. The training
program covers several important ideas, including mobile phone development, marketing and
sales, recruitment and HR .

Main Report

Section 1 Introduction

The purpose of the industrial workshop is to train the graduates and introduce them to the latest
technologies. It brings professionals and students from several famous companies for a period.
The training program teaches many IT and programming related skills. The training and
workshop was led by trainers from a large and respected telecommunications company. The
company name is Banglalink Digital Communications Ltd. which is a telecommunications
company based in Dhaka, Bangladesh.It's the third-largest mobile network operator in
Bangladesh. The session was enjoyable throughout. We share our knowledge and experience
with graduates to help them develop into effective engineers. It helps students become more
confident and guides those who are ready to enter the world of professional work.

Section 2 Profile of the Industry

AppLink :

AppLink is a platform providing an enormous opportunity for both developers and non
developers to create and manage their own telco services. It exposes the resources of Banglalink
to provide valuable services to the Bangladesh community. AppLink operates on a revenue share
based model where subscriber will be charged based on the services they obtain and this sum is
divided in between the service provider and Banglalink on an agreed revenue ratio.AppLink
provides a streamlined approach for local developers to make apps available for download by
Banglalink customers and gives them a convenient way to monetize their apps while following
local regulations.

Section 3 Profile of the resource persons

1. Faisal Ahmed
Digital Platform Director,

2. Abrar Ahmed Abir

Digital Product Manager,

3. Labib Bin Rahman

Alumni of CSE, IIUC,
Developer Evangelist,

4. Mahfuj Ahmed Anik

Developer Evangelist,

Section 4 Sessions details

Session 1: Introduction and Thank you note

Conducted By: Faisal Ahmed (Digital Platform Director , Banglalink)

The session started with a warm welcome from the IIUC teachers and students to the members of
Applink. Then The Digital Platform Director of AppLink introduced him and his colleagues
from the company and shared their professional field with the students. He also shared a little
information about the structure of the AppLink.

Session 2: Career in Technology & Development

Conducted By: Abrar Ahmed Abir (Digital Product Manager) , Banglalink

The next session was to give us, the students, an idea about various career paths in Information
Technology. There are various careers like Software development, Computer support,
Cybersecurity, Networks and systems, Web development, Data Analysis, Cloud computing, SQA
and many more. We are constantly influenced by technology, and we can consider cell phones,
iPods, computers, and game consoles to be the most crucial IT tools of the twenty-first century.
While the majority of us spend our days utilizing these devices for communication, socializing,
and work completion, they only represent a small portion of IT equipment. If we spend the time
to go through our lecture and challenge ourselves to research the options, there are practically
endless ways to obtain a career in information technology. The biggest industry worldwide is and
will be information technology. Computers and communications are IT. Business, education,
entertainment, health care, and government are all driven by IT. IT focuses on fusing the power
of computation with the study of managerial expertise. To efficiently resolve challenges and to
ingeniously investigate potential future IT solutions. The information age, which centers on your
daily life, is made possible by IT. So, in this session we came to know about the career paths that
we can take in IT and have a basic idea about how to start our career.

Session 3: Learning about AppLink

Conducted By: Labib Bin Rahman (Developer Evangelist) , AppLink

In this session we learned about the basics of AppLink.The main agenda of this session are:

★ Technology Industry Today & Challenges

★ AppLink-Stepping Store to Digitalising & Innovation
★ Design Thinking & Innovation
★ Design Thinking Hands On Session
★ Presenting Ideas
★ Appstore
★ Conclusion
Here we learn how to sign up and sign in an Applink by creating a new account.Also learn how
we can choose an application type.There 4 types :
➢ Contact : Keep In Touch With Your User Base
➢ Vote : Create SMS based Voting App for users to vote for their favorite candidate
➢ Alert : Create SMS based Alert Applications and Instantly Notify Your Subscribers
➢ Schedule Messages : Create SMS based Scheduled Alert Applications to Notify Your

Session 4: Create an AppLink Application

Conducted By: Mahfuj Ahmed Anik (Developer Evangelist) , AppLink

In this session Abrar Ahmed Abir (Developer) gave us a task to create an AppLink
Application.Every student created an application.I also created an application which was alert
type.Also clearly discuss about App Store And Wizard. AppLink Wizard is a revolutionary
solution that provides you a way to create and manage your own telco applications using a
simple set of flexible, easy-to-use application templates that we provide, eliminating the tiresome
task of having to write your own code.

In the session we learned about:

1. Sign up & login AppLink.
2. Create a wizard type application.
3. How to develop my own application.
4. How to work in a team.

Some Photos on Running Session

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Section 5 Exploring the key-points that I have learned by attending the
workshop and seminar.

Industry events are a great way of meeting like-minded people in the IT industry to discuss a wide array
of topics related to the career path that I want to choose.
● Learning something new:
Knowing that knowledge is power, why wouldn't someone desire to expand their
knowledge base and develop their professional expertise? One of the finest methods to ask
questions right away is to physically attend an event where industry professionals are speaking or
presenting. I might not have that much personal experience in the IT industry, and even though a
lot of the technical information can go over my head, I still firmly think that whatever knowledge
I can acquire, no matter how little, would help me in my professional career.
● Confidence:
If someone is a frequent participant or someone who exudes confidence naturally, he/she
may be at home at such events, but regrettably, not everyone possesses that quality. Sometimes it
can be intimidating to meet new people. Anyone who is nervous should try not to worry because
others will be or have been in a similar situation, and once I am at the event, others will
undoubtedly make an effort to make me feel welcome.
● Building a brand:
It's a terrific approach to develop your brand, whether it's for the business you work for or
for you personally, to attend industry events. At an event, we never know who we might run into
or what potential future benefits there may be. Meeting potential customers in person is far more
efficient than communicating with them by phone or email, and it ultimately enables you to forge
a more personal connection—after all, "people buy from people," as the proverb goes.
● Keeping up to date with industry trends :
We all know how rapidly things can change in the IT industry, especially in the realm of
technology, so staying on top of the newest news and trends in the sector is essential to making
sure I stay ahead of the curve. Industry events frequently offer fresh trends that are already
dominating the market or will do so soon, so keeping up with this kind of information will be
essential to my personal and professional growth. Networking Any industry event is a fantastic
chance to connect with many like-minded individuals who have similar interests. The people I
met could turn out to be useful resources in the future, whether it's a potential new client,
customer, employment opportunity, or even new friendship. I know from attending the event that
there is always a sense of community, especially in my industry.

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Section 6 How this workshop added value to our future career preparation.

The workshop is designed to be very interactive. Applying the skills I learn in the workshop will help me
to find a job, pursue your education goals. I will also have an increased confidence in my ability to be
successful in my career goals. Now we know how to enter the IT industry by applying our skills.

Section 7 Suggestions about how the workshops can more benefit the

It would be great if I could increase the workshop time. The sessions were informative. Few of the
speakers were delightful & energetic. Thank you.

Section 8 AppLink Team Members Opinion After Completing All Session.

We are delighted to share with you all some of the pictures taken at our AppLink: Design
thinking and Innovation workshop hosted by the computer department of International Islamic
University Chittagong. The workshop was attended by 150+ students and that meant we received
a significant amount of innovative ideas from the session. We would like to thank the authorities
and all the participants and volunteers who arranged this workshop. We look forward to visiting
them again in the future with more innovative workshops.

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