9th Grade Listening

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Singaporean English is known as Singlish in the world. It is an English-based language which is

spoken in Singapore. Singlish was created with the arrival of the British and the establishment of
English language schools in Singapore. English is one of Singapore's official languages, but Singlish
is not respected. It is mainly used among the workers as an informal language. The Singaporean
government and mass media discourage the use of Singlish in schools and universities. In most
workplaces, Singlish is not used at job interviews or meetings with clients.
The vocabulary of Singlish consists of words borrowed from English, Malay, American and Australian
phrases or slang that all come from television series and films.
Local people use Singlish phrases in their discussions to make their speech humorous.

1. What is passage mainly about?

a) A low respected language in Singapore
b) Languages officially used in Singapore
c) Singlish as a language of humor
d) Vocabulary range of Singlish
e) The origin of Singlish

2. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage.

a) Singlish is a mixture of two languages
b) Singlish has a poor range of vocabulary
c) English is an official language in Singapore
d) English is more officially used than Singlish
e) Singaporean officials speak Singlish at home

3. Complete the statement according to the passage.

Singlish is a language of …
a) the government
b) job interviews
c) universities
d) newspaper
e) jokes

4. Choose the correct answer according to the passage.

Singlish is used by ______________ as an informal language.
1. working class
2. local people
3. journalists
4. educators
a) 3, 2
b) 1, 4
c) 2, 4
d) 1, 2
e) 1, 3

5. Complete the statement according to the passage.

The words of Singlish are borrowed from ____________and ____________languages.
Answer: English/ Malay
Mahammad Asadov street, 17 district, AZ5000
(+99418)6577553 (+99451)2713188

6. Write one of the two reasons why Singlish was created.

Answer: arrival of the British/ establishment of English language schools

There are about 7,000 languages in different language families in the world. It is difficult to determine
the oldest language among them. Many languages are thousands of years old. Some of them are
Mahammad Asadov street, 17 district, AZ5000
(+99418)6577553 (+99451)2713188

already extinct; another group of languages exists for a particular purpose, while others remain in
Scientists learn the age of the language according to the first time it appeared in texts and its use in
the present.
A researcher at Pennsylvania State University, Gonzalo Rubio studies the world’s very first written
languages Sumerian and Akkadian languages, which were used in ancient Mesopotamia. Sumerian
appeared first almost 5000 years ago and died when the Sumerian empire fell. Sumerian began to be
understood again in the 20th century. There is even a YouTube channel called LearnSumerian.

1. What is the passage mainly about?

a) The oldest languages in modern science
b) Researches about the oldest languages
c) Ways to define the oldest languages
d) The oldest languages in the world
e) The existence of world languages

2. Which is NOT mentioned about Sumerian language according to the passage?

a) Its first written texts were about the Sumerian Empire
b) It started to be understood in the 20th century
c) It is one of the world’s first written languages
d) It was first used in ancient Mesopotamia
e) It could be learnt by social media

3. Choose the correct statement according to the passage.

a) Sumerian language died about 7000 years ago
b) There are about 5000 languages in the world
c) LearnAkkadian is a new YouTube channel
d) Akkadian is the first spoken language
e) Not all old languages are in use

4. Complete the statement according to the passage.

Gonzalo Rubio ____________
1. lectures at Pennsylvania State University
2. teaches Akkadian through YouTube
3. is a Sumerian language teacher
4. studies first written languages
a) 1, 4
b) 2, 3
c) 1, 3
d) 1, 2
e) 3, 4

5. Which word in the passage is opposite in meaning to the word “exist”?

Answer: extinct

6. Complete the statement according to the passage.

There is even a YouTube channel called ____________
Answer: LearnSumerian
Mahammad Asadov street, 17 district, AZ5000
(+99418)6577553 (+99451)2713188

In old western movies, the Native Americans use a unique form of communication to send a
message. But the truth is that ancient people from all over the world have used this method. Soldiers
guarding the great wall in ancient China used smoke to give signals about the enemies and danger.
The Greeks created a very complicated system. The system involved an alphabet of smoke signals
Mahammad Asadov street, 17 district, AZ5000
(+99418)6577553 (+99451)2713188

used around 150 BC. The Greeks used torches but the Native Americans used damp grasses. Each
tribe in North America had its own signaling system and understanding. The location of the smoke
also played an important role. If the smoke came from the downhill, this would mean safety, but from
the top of the hill, it would mean danger.

1. What is the passage mainly about?

a) Communication inventions by different nations
b) Smoke as an unusual and old messaging system
c) Various materials used for communication
d) The meanings of the smoke signals
e) The purposes of using smoke

2. Choose the correct statement according to the passage.

a) All North American tribes used the same signaling system
b) The Chinese soldiers used smoke to show danger
c) Smoke coming from the downhill meant danger
d) Smoke signals were used only on the hills
e) Smoke coming from uphill meant safety

3. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage?

a) New American films demonstrate old signaling system
b) An alphabet of smoke was used around 150 BC
c) The location of the smoke was very important
d) There are movies about Native Americans
e) Smoke signals remain in use today

4. Choose the correct answer to the question according to the passage.

Who invented an alphabet of smoke signals?
a) North American tribes
b) Native Americans
c) Western nations
d) Chinese guards
e) The Greeks

5. Write the names of the materials that were used in making smoke signals.
Answer: torch / damp grass

6. Which word in the passage is closest in meaning to the definition “difficult to understand”
Answer: complicated

The Japanese show a great deal of respect and loyalty toward their families.
Nuclear and extended families are typical family models for the Japanese. A Japanese nuclear family
consists of parents and children. However, in extended families you can see grandparents and other
relatives. Grandparents from the father’s side may live with their family, but small Japanese houses
usually limit this situation. The father is the moneymaker and receives the highest respect from his
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(+99418)6577553 (+99451)2713188

family. Most Japanese mothers spend their time on housework and raising children. They have a lot
of control over their children.
If there is only one boy in the family, he controls the family business and cares for the aged parents. If
the family has only daughters, one of them stays at home. Her husband becomes an adopted son of
that family.

1. What is the passage mainly about?

a) The responsibilities of the Japanese parents
b) Nuclear families versus extended families
c) The Japanese attitude towards family
d) The duties of the Japanese children
e) Unique Japanese family traditions

2. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage?

a) Japanese houses are small
b) The father is the moneymaker
c) All family members respect the father
d) The Japanese usually have 1 or 2 children
e) An extended family includes other relatives

3. Choose the correct statement according to the passage.

a) An extended family consists of only parents and children
b) Grandparents from mother’s side live with their family
c) In nuclear family you can also see other relatives
d) One of the daughters live with her parents
e) Japanese children are independent

4. Complete the statement according to the passage.

If there is only one son in the family ____________
a) He manages a family business
b) He lives with his grandparents
c) His wife cares for the aged parents
d) He controls his brothers and sisters
e) It resembles a model of extended family

5. Which word in the passage is closest in meaning to the definition “take somebody’s child into
your family and become its legal parent”
Answer: adopt

6. Write the duties of the Japanese mothers according to the passage.

Answer: do the housework/ raise children/ control children

Teenagers face real problems between 13 and 19 years of age. During this period, they are expected
to cope with social and parental influences, work and school pressures, etc. Stress, habits like
drinking and smoking and bullying are also among teenage problems. Changes in sleep and eating
habits, low interest in normal and healthy activities, dropping grades in school and college are all
early signs of teenage depression. New research shows that two fifths of 14-year-old girls use social
media for more than three hours per day compared with boys. As a result, teenage girls show more
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(+99418)6577553 (+99451)2713188

depressive symptoms and anxiety linked to social media than boys. But things are not so hopeless
after all.
According to the official figures, teenagers in England and Scotland are now more likely to go to
university than ever before.

1. What is the passage mainly about?

a) Social media’s negative impact on teenagers
b) Comparison of male and female teenagers
c) Challenging stage of people’s lifetime
d) The results of the latest researches
e) Good news to teenagers

2. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage

a) Teenagers face many problems during that period
b) Teenage period is between the ages of 13 and 19
c) Teenagers have to cope with social influences
d) Teenagers often need psychological support
e) Work and school put pressure on teenagers

3. Choose the correct statement according to the passage.

a) Teenagers are more interested in healthy activities
b) Today more teenagers are interested in education
c) Teenagers begin facing problems after the age 19
d) Teenage boys use social media more than girls
e) It is hard to predict teenage depression

4. Complete the statement according to the passage.

Wide usage of the social media by girls results in ____________
a) Dropping school and college grades
b) More anxiety and depression
c) Changes in eating habits
d) Parental influences
e) Changes in sleep

5. Write the main teenage problems mentioned in the passage.

Answer: stress, drinking/ smoking/ bullying

6. Complete the statement according to the passage.

Teenagers in the countries, such as ____________and ____________are more likely to go to
university than in the past.
Answer: England/ Scotland

Work life balance is a big subject that everyone struggles with.

Most people have the wrong idea of what work-life balance actually means. They think they should
have a little bit of work and a little bit of play to improve their quality of life. Work-life balance depends
on what you want to achieve in life and your ability to manage your time. If you want to be successful
in your career, you have to start earlier, work harder and stay later. Almost all successful people work
6 days a week. Average people work for 40 or 30 hours, but poor people work for 10 hours or less.
Mahammad Asadov street, 17 district, AZ5000
(+99418)6577553 (+99451)2713188

There are many ways to achieve a perfect work- life balance. Thinking positively about your daily
goals and working on these are some of the ways to work towards improving this balance.

1. What is the passage mainly about?

a) How to be successful
b) Achieving work- life balance
c) How to manage time
d) Contrasting ideas about work life balance
e) Setting goals for work- life balance

2. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage.

a) Successful people work six days
b) Rich people work about 10 hours
c) Average people work up to 40 hours
d) Poor people work less than 30 hours
e) Work- life balance improves quality of life

3. Complete the sentence according to the passage.

Work- life balance is ____________
a) a successful career
b) your life goal
c) working days
d) much work
e) off- days

4. Choose the correct statement according to the passage.

Work –life balance depends on ____________
1. positive thinking
2. working hours
3. daily goals
4. goal achievement
a) 2, 4
b) 1, 3
c) 3, 4
d) 1, 2
e) 2, 3

5. Complete the statement according to the passage.

If you want to be successful in your career, you have to____________
Answer: start earlier, work harder and stay later

6. Which word in the passage is closest in meaning to the word “skill”?

Answer: ability

The United Nations is a global organization that was established on October 24 1945, at the end of
World War II. It was created to prevent future wars. The organization has many missions, such as
maintaining international peace and security, developing friendly relations among nations and
protecting human rights. It also works for delivering aid and enforcing international law. The
headquarters of the UN is in Manhattan, New York City. Main offices are in Geneva, Nairobi and
Mahammad Asadov street, 17 district, AZ5000
(+99418)6577553 (+99451)2713188

Vienna. The organization is financed by voluntary contributions from its member states. The UN is the
largest and most powerful organization in the world. At the start, the UN had 51 member states.
Today it has increased to 193 countries. The organization and its members have won many Nobel
Peace Prizes.

1. What is the passage mainly about?

a) The main purpose of the UN establishment
b) The UN as a peacekeeping organization
c) Awards received by the UN
d) Member states of the UN
e) Missions of the UN

2. Which is NOT mentioned about the UN according to the passage?

a) It has main offices in several countries
b) It was established on October 24
c) It is financed by member states
d) It was created to prevent wars
e) It has 6 official languages

3. Choose the correct statement according to the passage.

a) The UN was established at the start of World War II
b) Nobel Prize conferences are organized by the UN
c) First mission of the UN was to attend wars
d) The UN receives aid from all countries
e) The UN now has 193 member states

4. Complete the statement according to the passage.

The main missions of the UN are ____________
1. Protect human rights
2. Pass international laws
3. Finance international events
4. Maintain international security
a) 1, 4
b) 1, 2
c) 2, 4
d) 1, 3
e) 3, 4

5. Which word in the passage is closest in meaning to the word “aid, help”
Answer: Contribute/ contribution

6. Write answer to the question according to the passage.

Where are the main offices of the UN?
Answer: Nairobi, Geneva, Vienna

In Ancient Rome government announcements were carved in metal or stone and posted in public
places. In China, news-sheets were produced by the government during the 2nd and 3rd centuries
A.D. They were called Dibao and were favorite reading materials for court officials. Later in the 8th
century, government news was handwritten on silk and read by Chinese officials. In 1556, the
Mahammad Asadov street, 17 district, AZ5000
(+99418)6577553 (+99451)2713188

government of Venice first published the monthly handwritten newsletters. They were used to deliver
political, military, and economic news quickly and efficiently to Italian cities. Although they shared
some characteristics of modern newspapers they were not considered true newpapers. The German-
language newspaper, called “Relation”, was printed in 1605 by Johann Carolus in Strasbourg. It is
often recognized as the first newspaper. The first English-language newspaper called “Corante” was
published in Amsterdam in 1620. After a year and a half, it was published in England.

1. What is the passage mainly about?

a) Kinds of newspapers
b) The evolution of the newspapers
c) The first newspaper in the history
d) Original purposes of the newspapers
e) Various materials in newspaper production

2. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage?

a) Chinese news- sheets were read by state officials
b) Metal was used for Roman announcements
c) Chinese news- sheets were high- priced
d) Venice newsletters were handwritten
e) “Corante” was published in England

3. Choose the correct statement according to the passage.

a) Venice government first published annual newspaper
b) Ancient Roman announcements were called “Dibao”
c) Chinese news- sheets were posted in public places
d) “Corante” is recognized as the first newspaper
e) “Relation” was published by J. Carolus

4. Complete the statement according to the passage.

In the past Chinese newspaper was ____________
a) handwritten
b) printed
c) stone
d) metal
e) silk

5. Which word in the passage is closest in meaning to the definition “a place where crimes and
legal issues are judged”
Answer: court

6. Write answer to the question according to the passage.

What kind of news did Venice newsletters use to deliver?
Answer: political/ military/ economic

Superstition is the belief that particular events bring good or bad luck. Different cultures have
incredible stories behind their superstitions. The Chinese don’t do anything connected with the
number four. This because the pronunciation of "four" is similar to the word for "death."
Instead of celebrating the New Year and drinking champagne, Spanish people traditionally stuff 12
grapes into their mouths at midnight. It is believed to bring good luck for the whole year.
Mahammad Asadov street, 17 district, AZ5000
(+99418)6577553 (+99451)2713188

Egyptians and Azerbaijanis believe that, if you see or hear an owl, terrible news is coming.
In Africa? local folklore advises women not to eat goat meat, because it grows hair on the face.
However, some people think that men created this superstition just so they could have more meat to

1. What is the passage mainly about?

a) Superstition as a part of national culture
b) The realities behind the superstitions
c) Superstitions in different cultures
d) The sources of the superstitions
e) The results of the superstitions

2. Which is NOT mentioned about the according to the passage?

a) Different cultures have various superstitions
b) There are superstitions about animals
c) Superstitions could be about numbers
d) Superstition is a good or bad luck
e) “Superstition” is a French word

3. Choose the correct statement according to the passage.

a) The Egyptians hate number 12
b) Goat meat grows hair on the face
c) The Spanish stuff 4 grapes into their mouth
d) African women prohibit men to eat goat meat
e) The Spanish ignore drinking champagne at New Year.

4. Write answer to the question according to the passage.

Why do the Chinese people hate number 4?
Answer: its pronunciation is similar to the word “death”

5. Which word in the passage is closest in meaning to the definition “a strong feeling that
something or somebody is true”
Answer: belief

6. Write answer to the question according to the passage.

What is the common belief of Egyptians and Azerbaijanis?
Answer: An owl brings terrible news

Advertisement is a notice, picture or film telling people about a product or service. It has a long
history. In the past, Egyptians used papyrus to make sales messages and wall posters. These types
of messages were found in Pompeii and ancient Arabia. Wall or rock paintings for commercial
messages is another ancient form of advertising. It still exists in many parts of Asia, Africa, and South
America. The tradition of wall painting goes back to Indian rock art paintings around 4000 B.C. The
Mahammad Asadov street, 17 district, AZ5000
(+99418)6577553 (+99451)2713188

world’s earliest printed advertising model is the bronze plate. It was created to print an advertisement
for the Liu family’s shop in China. Nowadays companies use unusual ways to advertise their
products. Street furniture, human billboards and skywriting are some common examples.

1. What is the passage mainly about?

a) Advertisements then and now
b) Leading countries in advertising
c) Examples of modern advertising
d) Materials used for advertisements
e) The first examples of early advertising

2. Which is NOT mentioned about advertisements according to the passage?

a) They give information about products
b) They can be in a form of notice or picture
c) First models of advertisements were paintings
d) Early sales messages were found in ancient Arabia
e) Companies spend a great amount of money on adverts

3. Choose the correct answer to the question according to the passage.

In which countries do the wall and rock paintings still exist?

4. 1. South America a) 1, 2
2. Africa b) 2, 3
3. Asia c) 1, 3
4. All d) 4
5. None e) 5

5. Choose the correct statement according to the passage.

a) The Egyptians used papyrus for wall posters.
b) Lui family advertised their shop around 4000 BC
c) The first printed advertisement was found in India
d) Wall painting tradition goes back to ancient Pompeii
e) The bronze plate is an example of modern advertising

6. Which word in the passage is closest in meaning to the definition “a business that involves
doing something for customers”
Answer: service

7. Complete the statement according to the passage.

____________, ___________, _________ are some common examples of modern
Answer: Street furniture/ human billboards/ skywriting

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is the largest global organization for media workers in
the world. It aims to protect and strengthen the rights and freedoms of journalists. It is also working
for social justice, labor rights and human rights. The IFJ fights against poverty and corruption. The
organization supports journalists when they fight for their industrial and professional rights. The
Mahammad Asadov street, 17 district, AZ5000
(+99418)6577553 (+99451)2713188

federation has established an International Safety Fund to provide humanitarian aid for journalists in
need. It was first founded in Paris in 1926. The federation was reopened twice in 1946 and in 1952.
Today, the IFJ represents around 600,000 members in more than 100 countries. The main office is
located in Brussels, Belgium, and its official languages are English, French, and Spanish.

1. What is the passage mainly about?

a) The missions of the IFJ
b) Member countries of the IFJ
c) Official languages used by IFJ
d) IFJ as a defendant of journalists
e) IFJ as a humanitarian organization

2. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage?

a) The IFJ has established a Safety Fund for journalists
b) The IFJ is a global organization for media workers
c) The IFJ supports journalists’ professional rights
d) The IFJ started a global campaign in 2008
e) The IFJ protects freedom of journalists

3. Choose the correct statement according to the passage.

a) It was first established in Brussels
b) It was first founded in 1946
c) Its main office is in Paris
d) It was reopened twice
e) It has 600 members

4. Choose the correct answer according to the passage.

What does The IFJ fight against?
1. Human rights
2. Social justice
3. Labor rights
4. Corruption
a) 3, 2
b) 2, 4
c) 1, 4
d) 3
e) 4

5. Complete the statement according to the passage.

The IFJ’s official languages are _________, __________ and __________
Answer: English/ French/ Spanish

6. Which word in the passage is closest in meaning to the definition “state of being poor”
Answer: poverty

A satellite is a planet or machine that orbits around a planet or star. Satellites can be natural or
artificial. The Earth and Moon are examples of natural satellites. Artificial satellites are sent into space
and move around the Earth. There are about 1,100 working artificial satellites around the Earth.
Some of them take pictures of the Earth that help scientists to predict weather, especially hurricanes.
Mahammad Asadov street, 17 district, AZ5000
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Others take pictures of other planets, the Sun, black holes and faraway galaxies. These help
scientists to better understand the solar system and universe. The third group of satellites is used for
communication such as transmitting TV signals and phone calls. More than 20 satellites make up the
global positioning system or GPS. If you have a GPS receiver, these satellites can help you find your
exact location.

1. What is the passage mainly about?

a) Usefulness of artificial satellites
b) The roles of natural satellites
c) Artificial satellites as planets
d) Benefits of natural satellites
e) Global Positioning system

2. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage?

a) Satellites have two kinds
b) Satellites are sent into the space
c) Satellites move around the Earth
d) Satellite is either machine or planet
e) Satellites differ in size and country of origin

3. Choose the correct statement according to the passage.

a) Artificial satellites are moving in the solar system
b) Natural satellites are used in taking pictures
c) There are about 1,100 natural satellites
d) The Earth is a natural satellite
e) Satellites are black holes

4. Choose the correct answer according to the passage.

Artificial satellites are used by scientist to ____________
1. predict weather conditions
2. understand the solar system
3. transmit TV signals
4. find location
5. take pictures of planets

5. Complete the statement according to the passage.

GPS is made up from ____________and GPS receiver helps us to find the____________
Answer: 20 satellites/ location

6. Complete the statement according to the passage.

The third group of satellites are used for ____________
Answer: communication

In 1894 the young Italian inventor Guglielmo Marconi began working on the wireless telegraphy
system. He used radio waves for this experiment. First Marconi did research on the ideas of other
scientists who were also experimenting with radio waves. After much hard work Marconi managed to
create a system that could transmit signals up to 2 miles.
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Marconi's experimental invention was accepted as the first engineering-complete system. It was also
used to save 700 people who survived the tragic Titanic disaster. In 1900, Brazilian priest Roberto De
Moura transmitted the human voice wirelessly for the first time in Brazil.
Today radios are everywhere. 75% of households in developing countries have access to a radio.
There are about 44,000 radio stations broadcasting to 5 billion people worldwide.

1. What is the passage mainly about?

a) Radios in modern life
b) Radio stations nowadays
c) Experiments on radio waves
d) From radio waves to telegraph signals
e) Two inventors of the first radio model

2. Which is NOT mentioned about Guglielmo Marconi according to the passage.

a) He wanted to create a wireless telegraphy system
b) He did his first research in his laboratory
c) He began his experiments in 1894
d) He read other scientists’ ideas
e) He was an Italian scientist

3. Choose the correct statement according to the passage

a) 75% of houses in developing countries have a radio
b) Marconi did experiments with other researchers
c) Today there are about 44,000 radio programs
d) 5 million people listen to the radio every day
e) Radio saved 70 people in Titanic disaster

4. Choose the correct answer according to the passage.

Robert De Moura ____________
1. was a Brazilian researcher
2. was a priest
3. broadcasted first time in Brazil
4. has his own radio program
a) 3, 4
b) 1, 3
c) 2, 4
d) 1, 4
e) 2, 3

5. Which word in the passage is closest in meaning to the phrase “send signals”
Answer: transmit signals

6. Which word in the passage is closest in meaning to the definition “a thing or idea that has been
Answer: invention

A French educator named Louis Braille invented a system of reading and writing for the blind. Braille
was blinded in both eyes as a result of an early childhood accident. He learned a communication
system called “night writing”. It was invented by Captain Charles Barbier in the French Army in 1821.
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It was a complicated code of dots and dashes and could be read by the touch of a finger. This system
was designed for soldiers to communicate on the battlefield without speaking or using light. Inspired
by this invention, Braille created his own system by adding mathematics and music symbols. In 1829,
he published the system and in 1833, he worked as a professor at the university. In 1854, Braille’s
system was used in the Royal Institute. The system remains unchanged and is known worldwide as

1. What is the passage mainly about?

a) Early childhood accident
b) Systems used in the French Army
c) Instructions to the “night writing”
d) A new invention in the 19th century
e) From personal need to system development

2. Which is NOT mentioned about Braille Louis according to the passage?

a) He was a French educator
b) He was a professor at university
c) He taught geometry and algebra
d) He created a system for the blind
e) He was inspired by Captain Charles

3. Choose the wrong statement according to the passage.

a) Night writing system was read by the touch of a finger
b) Night writing system was used for secret information
c) Night writing system was invented by a military man
d) Night writing system was a code of dots and dashes
e) Night writing system was a communication system

4. Choose the correct answer about Braille system.

a) It includes reading and listening
b) It is named after its inventor
c) It was published in 1854
d) It has changed a lot
e) It was used at night

5. Write answer to the question according to the passage.

Where and how did the soldiers use “night writing”?
Answer: on the battlefield /without speaking or light

6. Complete the statement according to the passage.

Braille differs from “night writing” because Louis added __________ and ___________
Answer: math and music symbols

Online gaming is one the fastest growing trends of today. Keeping kids busy with online games can
be both useful and harmful for them. However, it is not advisable to keep them totally away from
gaming. The Internet is an open place where you can access quite a lot of information. Kids may
download games from the suspicious sites. As a result, they can also download spam, viruses, or
Mahammad Asadov street, 17 district, AZ5000
(+99418)6577553 (+99451)2713188

other unwanted software. Kids can be deceived, cheated or abused online. However, internet games
have positive sides. Online gaming makes children more mentally active. They try to complete
various levels or missions in a limited time. This helps the kids to learn more about time management.
Hand-mind connection is another important advantage. Kids learn to connect their mind with the
actions of their hands while gaming.

1. What is the passage mainly about?

a) Advice about online games
b) Online gaming as a danger to kids
c) Online gaming as a brain energizer
d) Positive and negative results of online gaming
e) Online gaming as a road to suspicious websites

2. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage?

a) Kids use suspicious sites
b) Kids can download spams
c) Kids can be cheated online
d) Kids get addicted to games
e) Kids can copy data with viruses

3. Choose the correct answer according to the passage.

a) Online games are burned on CDS
b) Online games are totally harmful
c) Online gaming is a slow growing trend
d) Online games have access to much info
e) Online games are recommended for children

4. Choose the wrong statement according to the passage.

a) Online games make children more active
b) Online games are played in a limited time
c) Online games teach the children time management
d) Online games force children to spend money on them
e) Online games encourage the players to complete levels

5. Which word in the passage is closest in meaning to the definition “use something for a bad
effect or purpose; misuse”
Answer: abuse

6. Complete the statement according to the passage.

Hand-mind connection is ____________________________________
Answer: connecting the mind with the actions of the hands while gaming

Education in Finland relies very little on testing and homework. However, Finland took first place at
PISA test in 2000. They maintained their position as number 1 until 2009. During that time, the US
averaged 15th in Reading, 24th in Math, and 21st in Science. Minnesota alone ranks number 17 in
Math worldwide.
Mahammad Asadov street, 17 district, AZ5000
(+99418)6577553 (+99451)2713188

Less testing allows Finnish students to develop their own learning style. They assume a high degree
of personal responsibility in the classroom. As a result, teachers are available for the students who
need more time individually.
To achieve equality and excellence in education the Finnish government spread the school network
to the whole country. So pupils then have a school near their homes whenever possible. If the
students live in rural areas, they are provided with free transportation.

1. What is the passage mainly about?

a) Test results reveal the truth
b) Finnish students’ intelligence
c) Finnish way to successful education
d) Finnish government’s attention on education
e) Finnish education in contrast with the US education

2. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage?

a) In 2015 Finland took 3rd place at PISA
b) The US averaged 21st in Science at PISA
c) Until 2009 Finland was number 1 at PISA test
d) The US took 15th place in Reading on average
e) Finland was in the first place at PISA test in 2000

3. Choose the correct statement according to the passage.

a) Teachers spend less time with the students individually
b) The US education provides students with less testing
c) Minnesota takes the 17th place in Science at PISA
d) Every Finnish pupil has a school near his home
e) Finnish students do more homework

4. Complete the statement according to the passage.

Advantages of less testing for students are _____________
1. expanding school network
2. developing own learning style
3. achieving excellence in education
4. become more personally responsible
a) 1, 2
b) 2, 4
c) 3, 4
d) 2, 3
e) 1, 4

5. Which word in the passage is closest in meaning to the definition “to have the same rights”
Answer: equality

6. Complete the statement according to the passage.

If the students live in rural areas, they are provided with _________________
Answer: free transportation
Mahammad Asadov street, 17 district, AZ5000
(+99418)6577553 (+99451)2713188

Buddhism the world's fourth-largest religion has over 520 million followers. These followers are called
Buddhists. Buddhism was established in ancient India between the 6th and 4th centuries B.C. The
word comes from 'budhi' which means “to awaken”. For many people Buddhism means more than a
religion. The Buddha who established the roots of Buddhism was born into a royal family. The 29 year
old Buddha realized that wealth and luxury do not provide happiness, so he wanted to find the key to
human happiness. After 6 years of study and research, he became more knowledgeable. Until his
Mahammad Asadov street, 17 district, AZ5000
(+99418)6577553 (+99451)2713188

death, Buddha taught the principles of Buddhism. Buddhism is popular in Western countries, because
it has answers to many of the problems in modern societies and a deep understanding of the human

1. What is the passage mainly about?

a) The followers of Buddhism
b) Main principles of Buddhism
c) The logic behind the Buddhism
d) Buddhism in Western countries
e) Buddha as a founder of Buddhism

2. Which is NOT mentioned about Buddhism according to the passage?

a) It has more than 520 followers
b) It was established in ancient India
c) It is the 4th largest religion in the world
d) Scientists do research on the temples of Buddhism
e) It was formed between the 6th and 4th centuries BC

3. Choose the correct statement about Buddha according to the passage.

a) He learnt principles of Buddhism from his family
b) He wanted to find the key to happiness
c) He established Buddhism in 6 years
d) He was born in a poor family
e) He died at the age of 29

4. Choose the correct answer according to the passage.

What does “budhi” mean?
a) humanist
b) religious
c) wealthy
d) awaken
e) happy

5. Which word in the passage is closest in meaning to the definition “the enjoyment of special and
expensive things, clothes, etc.”
Answer: luxury

6. Write answer to the question according to the passage.

Why is Buddhism popular in Western countries?
Answer: it answers to all problems/ has a deep understanding of the human mind

The Missionaries of Charity is a religious organization. It was established in 1950 by the winner of the
Nobel Peace Prize, Mother Teresa. The organization began as a small community with 12 members
in Calcutta. Today it has over 4,500 sisters in more than 133 countries. The sisters are head of
orphanages and charity centers. They also care for refugees, the blind, disabled, the poor and the
homeless. The organization pays attention to the victims of floods, and famine all over the world.
They have schools controlled by volunteers to educate street children. They also have soup kitchens
and other services according to the community needs.
Mahammad Asadov street, 17 district, AZ5000
(+99418)6577553 (+99451)2713188

The House of Charity was established in Azerbaijan in 2005. There are five sisters working here. The
house is located near Zikh road and it is open to all people in need.

1. What is the passage mainly about?

a) A woman of charity
b) Policy of charity houses
c) Volunteer sisters in charity houses
d) The House of Charity in Azerbaijan
e) Community needs met by Missionaries

2. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage.

The Missionaries of Charity ____________
1. is a religious organization.
2. was established by Mother Theresa
3. was founded in 1950
4. was funded by government
5. offers scholarship for children

a) 1, 3, 6 b) 1, 2 c) 3, 5
d) 2, 5, 6 e) 4, 5

3. Choose the wrong answer according to the passage.

The sisters of the organization care for _____________

a) the blind b) the disabled

c) the refugees d) the schools
e) the homeless

4. Choose the correct statement about Missionaries of Charity according to the passage.
a) It had 4500 sisters in 1950
b) It hires workers every year
c) It educates children in Calcutta
d) It exists in less than 100 countries
e) It cares for the victims of natural disasters

5. Write answer to the question according to the passage.

When was the House of Charity established in Azerbaijan?
Answer: in 2005

6. Complete the statement according to the passage.

There are ________sisters working in the house of Charity in Azerbaijan and it is located
Answer: five, Zikh road
Mahammad Asadov street, 17 district, AZ5000
(+99418)6577553 (+99451)2713188

Today in Azerbaijan approximately 4,000 children live in governmental institutions. Most of them are
abandoned by their families for economic or psychological reasons. In 2012 a group of 10 children
moved from dormitories to a Small Group Home near Baku. This new project allows children to grow
up in a family environment. The children here have dancing, drawing, English and other classes
during the day. Over the last years, all children have made progress in their personal and social
To raise happy and self- confident children for the society is another aim of this project. This Project is
called “SOS Children Villages”. The project was brought to Azerbaijan by organization called
Mahammad Asadov street, 17 district, AZ5000
(+99418)6577553 (+99451)2713188

Hilfswerk and funded by the European Union. The Ministry of Education constructed the house and is
one of the project‘s supporters.

1. What is the passage mainly about?

a) A project caring for abandoned children
b) Subjects taught to SOS children
c) Reasons to abandon families
d) Aims of the SOS project
e) Supporting institutions

2. Choose the correct variant according to the passage.

Most of the children are abandoned by their families for ________or ________ reasons.

1. traditional 2. economic
3. political 4. psychological
a) 1, 2 b) 2, 3 c) 3, 4
d) 1 ,3 e) 2, 4

4. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage.

The aim of the SOS project is to _________
a) provide children with family environment
b) raise happy children for the society
c) contribute children’s future careers
d) bring up self- confident children
e) prepare children for social life

5. Choose the correct statement according to the passage.

1. 4000 abandoned children study at schools
2. Abandoned children left Group Homes in 2012
3. Hilfswerk brought “SOS Children Villages” to Azerbaijan
4. The Ministry of Education built the houses for the village
a) 1, 2
b) 2, 4
c) 3, 4
d) 2, 3
e) 1, 4

6. Complete the sentence according to the passage.

The SOS project was funded by _______
Answer: the European Union

7. Which word in the passage is closest in meaning to the definition “a large bedroom for a
number of children in a school”
Answer: dormitory
Mahammad Asadov street, 17 district, AZ5000
(+99418)6577553 (+99451)2713188

The United Kingdom has a developed and varied transport network. It also has a rich transport
history. The first steam train was invented in the early 19th century in the UK.
In recent years, The UK government pays special attention to the public transport system, especially
in big cities. Many UK cities are providing the citizens with more eco-friendly public transport. Today,
in the UK, new bike lanes and paths are being created to make cycling a safer, more enjoyable travel
choice and to encourage people to cycle more. You can rent or buy bikes from companies throughout
the country for reasonable prices. London has created a public bike rental service across the city. The
service is called ‘Boris Bikes’ after the Mayor who set up the system. The bike sharing culture is
growing and currently present in several other UK cities.
Mahammad Asadov street, 17 district, AZ5000
(+99418)6577553 (+99451)2713188

1. What is the passage mainly about?

a) The UK’s concerns about transport system
b) Eco-friendly transport system in the UK
c) Growing culture of biking in the UK
d) The policy of bike sharing service
e) Old transport system in the UK

2. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage?

a) The UK government takes care of transport system
b) The UK is a home to the first steam locomotive
c) The UK government invites transport experts
d) The UK transport is a developed network
e) The UK has a rich transport history

3. Choose the correct answer according to the passage.

a) The first steam train was invented in the 20th century
b) Bike sharing culture is present only in London
c) The UK citizens are only allowed to rent bikes
d) The UK public transport is more eco-friendly
e) Bike rents are very expensive

4. Write answer to the question according to the passage.

Why is the bike rental service called “Boris Bikes”?
Answer: because Mayor Boris set up the system

5. Complete the statement according to the passage.

New bike lanes make cycling _____________ and _______________ for people.
Answer: safer/ more enjoyable

6. Which word in the passage is closest in meaning to the definition “to motivate and give
somebody support”
Answer: encourage

Guba is situated in the north-east of Shahdag Mountain and on the right bank of the Kudyal River. It
has a population of about 40,000 people. A village of Khinalig is one of the highest remote areas and
frequently visited by tourists.
Red Town in Guba is the world’s last surviving Jewish village. The people of the village moved here
from the village of the Mountain Jews.
One of Guba’s tourist attractions is Afurdja. It is 75 meter high.
Nizami Park named after poet Nizami Ganjavi was built by the German soldiers and civilians in 1946.
These Germans were caught by Soviet Army during World War II.
Guba is also a center of the carpet industry. The carpet "Golu Chichi" was made here in 1712. It is
now exhibited in the Metropolitan Museum in New York.
Mahammad Asadov street, 17 district, AZ5000
(+99418)6577553 (+99451)2713188

1. What is the passage mainly about?

a) Landscape of Guba
b) Park construction in Guba
c) Touristic attractions in Guba
d) The carpet industry in Guba
e) Guba as a center of tourism and carpitism

2. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage?

a) Guba has a population of 40,000 people
b) Khinalig is a remote village in GUba
c) Khinalig experiences severe winter
d) Guba is on the bank of the river
e) Tourists mostly visit Khinalig

3. Complete the statement according to the passage.

Red Town in Guba ________
a) is village of carpets
b) was a German village
c) was built over the river
d) was visited by Nizami Ganjavi
e) was inhabited by mountain Jews

4. Choose the correct statement according to the passage.

a) Afurdja is 75 meter high
b) German soldiers lived in Guba
c) Nizami Park was first visited in 1946
d) “Golu Chichi” is NIzami Ganjavi’s carpet
e) The Soviet Army soldiers built Nizami Park

5. Which word in the passage is closest in meaning to the definition “to show something in public
for people to enjoy or give information”
Answer: exhibit

6. Complete the statement according to the passage.

“Golu Chichi” is now demonstrated in the ___________ in New- York.
Answer: Metropolitan Museum

Vancouver is a busy seaport in British Columbia. It is one of Canada’s most populated cities. It has a
population of 2.4 million people. This popular filming location is well- known for its nature. It also has
breathtaking art, theatre and music scenes. Tourism is the second-largest industry of this city. The
city takes its name from George Vancouver. He explored the harbour of Burrard Inlet in 1792.
Vancouver has one of the largest urban parks in North America. Stanley Park, which covers 405
hectares is one of them. Vancouver is one of the top five cities for quality of life. Vancouver has
hosted many international conferences and events, including the 2015 FIFA Women's World Cup, the
2010 Winter Olympics and Paralympics, as well as others.

1. What is the passage mainly about?

a) Vancouver as a city of conferences
b) Vancouver as an industrial city
Mahammad Asadov street, 17 district, AZ5000
(+99418)6577553 (+99451)2713188

c) Vancouver as a city of beauty

d) Vancouver as an exciting city
e) Vancouver as a city of art

2. Which is NOT mentioned about Vancouver according to the passage?

a) It is named after George Vancouver
b) It is popular for its nature
c) It is an important seaport
d) It is a multinational city
e) It is in British Columbia

3. Choose the correct statement according to the passage.

a) Vancouver was established by George Vancouver
b) Vancouver is well- known for its quality of life
c) Tourism is the first industry in Vancouver
d) Canada’s population is 2.4 million people
e) Vancouver is famous for its films

4. Choose the correct statement about Stanley Park according to the passage.
Stanley Park _________
1. is an urban park
2. was opened in 1792
3. covers 405 hectares
4. is in South America
a) 1, 2
b) 1, 3
c) 2, 3
d) 2, 4
e) 3, 4

5. Write the adjectives from the passage that describe Vancouver.

Answer: busy, most populated, well-known

6. Write the names of conferences or events organized in Vancouver.

Answer: 2015 FIFA Women's World Cup, the 2010 Winter Olympics and Paralympics

Stonehenge England’s and the world’s most famous historical monument was built about 5,000 years
ago. It consists of a circle of standing stones. Each standing stone is around 4.0 m high, 2.1 m wide
and weighs around 25 tons. Some people think that the stones were brought by boat or with the help
of oxen.
Stonehenge is older than the pyramids of Giza and there is no written record of its construction or its
original purpose. A number of myths surround the stones. For some researchers it was a place of
healing. For others it was a place of worship the Sun and Moon. According to the third group of
scientists, it was a place to study the movements of the stars. The monument was added to
UNESCO's list of World Heritage Sites in 1986.

1. What is the passage mainly about?

a) Researches about Stonehenge
b) The background of Stonehenge
Mahammad Asadov street, 17 district, AZ5000
(+99418)6577553 (+99451)2713188

c) Stones used for the monument

d) The construction of Stonehenge
e) Stonehenge as a mysterious monument

2. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage.

a) The Queen of England prohibited to visit it
b) It consists of a circle standing stones
c) Each stones weighs about 25 tones
d) It was built 5000 years ago
e) It is a historical monument

3. Choose the correct answer according to the passage.

a) The main purpose of it was to hide from the Sun
b) Scientists found the plan of the monument
c) It was built for the honor of the Queen
d) No one knows how it was built
e) Stonehenge is as old as Giza

4. Choose the correct statement according to the passage.

According to the researchers, Stonehenge was a place to ___________
a) watch the sunrise
b) observe the Moon
c) visit healing people
d) worship the pyramids Giza
e) study the movement of the stars

5. Complete the statement according to the passage.

People suppose that the stones were brought either by __________ or ______________
Answer: boat/ with the help of oxen

6. Complete the statement according to the passage.

Stonehenge was added to UNESCO’s list of ________________ in _______________
Answer: World Heritage Site, 1986

1. What is the passage mainly about?

a) Key factors of decreasing longevity
b) The benefits of Okinawan cuisine
c) Okinawan secret for longevity
d) Foods used in Okinawan diet
e) The cuisine for longevity
2. Choose the correct answer according to the passage.
How many people living more than a century are there in Okinawa?
a) About 40
b) About 140
c) About 400
d) About 1400
e) About 4000
Mahammad Asadov street, 17 district, AZ5000
(+99418)6577553 (+99451)2713188

3. Which is NOT mentioned about Okinawan cuisine according to the passage?

a) Fish and pork
b) Soy and rice
c) Vegetables
d) Chicken
e) Fruit
4. Choose the correct answer according to the passage.
a) Cuisine is the least important factor for longevity
b) Okinawan diet consists of bigger meal portions
c) Okinawan vegetables increase blood sugar
d) Seaweed is rich in protein and magnesium
e) Seaweed is hardly ever eaten
5. Which word in the passage is closest in meaning to the definition “a thing that you drink in
order to cure an illness”
Answer: medicine
6. Complete the statement according to the passage.
Recent years Okinawan longevity has fallen down, because of the factors, such as
___________ and ____________
Answer: fast food/ disease

A yawn is a reflex consisting of the breathing in and breathing out. Yawning is commonly connected
with tiredness, stress, sleepiness and hunger. In humans, yawning is often activated by others
yawning. This process is also observed in reptiles, birds and other species. There are a number of
surveys explaining why humans and other animals yawn. One study shows that people yawn when
their blood contains a high amount of carbon dioxide. So the person needs oxygen that a yawn can
Another study explains that yawning is the body's way of controlling brain temperature. The other
research suggests that yawns are caused by the chemicals in the brain. These chemicals affect
emotions, mood and appetite. The more these chemicals are activated, the more frequencies of
yawning increase.

1. What is the passage mainly about?

a) Yawning in human beings
b) Yawning in different species
c) Different definitions of yawning
Mahammad Asadov street, 17 district, AZ5000
(+99418)6577553 (+99451)2713188

d) The main causes of animal yawning

e) Studies revealing the causes of yawning

2. Choose the wrong answer according to the passage.

Yawning is commonly connected with … .

a) tiredness b) stress c) sleepiness

d) hunger e) anger

3. Choose the correct statement about yawning.

1. Yawning is a reflex of breathing in and out
2. Not only humans but also animals yawn
3. The theories of yawning state the results of it
4. A human’s yawning is activated by oxygen

a) 1, 2 b) 2, 3 c) 3, 4
d) 1, 3 e) 2, 4

4. Choose the correct statement according to the theories of yawning.

Yawning happens when…
a) people breathe in and out
b) blood has a lot of oxygen
c) chemicals disappear in the brain
d) there is less carbon dioxide in the blood
e) body needs to control the brain temperature

5. Write the names of animal species that yawn.

Answer: reptiles, birds

6. Write answer to the question according to the passage.

What do the chemicals on the brain affect?
Answer: emotions, mood and appetite

Pet therapy is a part of medical programs in hospitals or college campuses. This kind of therapy helps
both children and adults with different physical and mental issues. It reduces blood pressure, stress,
anxiety, depression and increases positivity and socialization. Lots of animals are used in pet therapy,
such as dogs, cats to fish, guinea pigs, horses, and others. The type of animal for therapy is chosen
according to the person’s treatment plan. Some of the biggest risks of pet therapy involve safety and
sanitation. People who are allergic may have reactions during the therapy. Animals may also suffer
an injury or abuse in this process. In some cases people become so close to the animals that they
don’t want to give them up after a session. This can result in depression and anxiety.

1. What is the passage mainly about?

a) Risks of pet therapy
b) A new treatment method
c) A treatment plan for people
d) Animals used in pet therapy
e) Disadvantages of pet therapy
Mahammad Asadov street, 17 district, AZ5000
(+99418)6577553 (+99451)2713188

2. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage.

a) Pet therapy helps with different physical or mental issues
b) The kind of animal is chosen due to treatment plan
c) Allergic people have reactions during the therapy
d) Allergic people are diagnosed in advance
e) Animals may suffer during the therapy.

3. Choose the correct statement according to the passage.

1. Lots of animals are used in the therapy
2. The therapy helps neither children nor adults.
3. The therapy increases positivity and socialization.
4. Safety and sanitation are not the risks of the therapy.

a) 1, 2 b) 1, 3 c) 3, 4
d) 1, 4 e) 2, 4

4. Choose the wrong answer according to the passage.

The therapy reduces ___________
a) blood pressure
b) depression
c) positivity
d) anxiety
e) stress

5. Write answer to the question according to the passage.

Why can the therapy end up with depression?
Answer: because people become closer to animals

6. Write the names of animals used in pet therapy which are mentioned in the passage.
Answer: dog cat, fish, guinea pigs, horses

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