6th Grade Listening

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Lesson 1. Your Summer Holidays

Read through the questions. Then listen to the passage and answer the following

1. What is the passage mainly about?

a) Food for summer holiday
b) Places for summer holiday
c) Summer holiday with friends
d) Different summer camp activities

2. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage?

a) Children stay in a tent in the summer camp
b) Children pick flowers and mushrooms
c) Children sing songs around fire
d) Children go to the forest

3. Complete the statement according to the passage.

In the evening they make a fire on the bank of the river and cook
___________or __________

4. Which word in the passage means “a small transport on the water”

After hard and busy school year schoolchildren enjoy their summer holidays.
They enjoy spending their summer with their family and friends, because they
have a good time with them. They love spending their holiday near the river.
Joining a summer camp is also interesting for them because they can join
different activities. In the morning, they can swim in the river or they can go by
boat to the other side of the river. There is a forest there and they walk to the
forest to pick flowers and mushrooms. The evenings are also amazing in summer
camps. In the evening, they make a fire on the bank of the river, cook fish or
potatoes. Then they sing songs and perform different plays around the fire.
Summer holidays are always fun for children.
1. What is the passage mainly about?
a) Food for summer holiday
b) Places for summer holiday
c) Summer holiday with friends
d) Different summer camp activities
2. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage?
a) Children stay in a tent in the summer camp
b) Children pick flowers and mushrooms
c) Children sing songs around fire
d) Children go to the forest

3. Complete the statement according to the passage.

In the evening they make a fire on the bank of the river and cook
___________or __________
Answer: fish, potatoes

4. Which word in the passage means “a small transport on the water”

Answer: boat
Lesson 3. In the Museum

Read through the questions. Then listen to the passage and answer the following

1. What is the passage mainly about?

a) The history of old and modern museums
b) Types of museums in the world
c) Famous museums in the world
d) Visits to museums

2. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage?

a) Large museums are in big cities
b) Modern museums first opened in Europe
c) The British Museum is famous in the world
d) There are many open air museums around the world

3. Choose the correct statement according to the passage

a) Old museums showed collections of the kings
b) Many museums opened in the 18th century
c) The Vatican Museum is a new museum
d) Museum of Modern Art is in Paris

4. Write two kinds of museums according to the passage.

People visit museums for several resons.Someone to get information
about ancient people’s life,others are interested in Art or collections.There
are many kinds of museums in the World:Art Museums,Natural history
Museums,Science Museums and Children’s Museums.
The largest museums our planet located in major cities.Amongst the
world’s largest and most visited museums are the Lord in Paris,the British
museum in London and the Vatican in Italy .
The Vatican Museum was the second oldest museum in the world.All the
museums began as the private collections of the rich people or natural
objects.The majority of the museums in the world open during the 18 th
century.The Modern Museums fisrt opened in Europe .Museum of Modern
Art in Azerbaijan is one of them.

What is the passage mainly about?

a) The history of old and modern museums
b) Types of museums in the world
c) Famous museums in the world
d) Visits to museums
5. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage?
a) Large museums are in big cities
b) Modern museums first opened in Europe
c) The British Museum is famous in the world
d) There are many open air museums around the world
6. Choose the correct statement according to the passage
a) Old museums showed collections of the kings
b) Many museums opened in the 18th century
c) The Vatican Museum is a new museum
d) Museum of Modern Art is in Paris

7. Write two kinds of museums according to the passage.

Answer: art museums/ natural history museums/ science museums/
children's museums
Lesson 4. My Best Day Out

Read through the questions. Then listen to the passage and answer the following

1. What is the passage mainly about?

a) Virginia Mclaurin’s family
b) Virginia Mclaurin’s children
c) Virginia Mclaurin’s friends
d) Virginia Mclaurin’s meeting with B. Obama

2. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage?

a) Virginia Mclaurin was born in South Carolina
b) Her husband worked in the White House
c) In 1939 she moved to Washington
d) She has 50 grandchildren

3. Complete the statement according to the passage.

Virginia Mclaurin …
a) wanted to visit the White House
b) met Barack Obama in 1909
c) sent a letter to her daughter
d) was 83 years old

4. Which word in the passage means “the head of the country”

An African American woman, Virgina McLaurin says February 21st was the best
day in her life.
Virgina McLaurin was born in South Carolina in 1909. In 1939, she moved to
Washington, D.C. She had two children, her son died several years ago. Her
daughter is 83 years old. She has about 50 grandchildren.
When Barack Obama was a president, she wanted to see him. In 2014, 106 year
old McLaurin began a social media campaign and filmed a YouTube video. A
friend of hers also sent a letter with a note from Mclaurin to the White House.
One day she was watching TV at home. Her friend, Deborah Menkart, called to
tell her. She said that the president invited her to the White House for a Black
History Month celebration.
1. What is the passage mainly about?
a) Virginia Mclaurin’s family
b) Virginia Mclaurin’s children
c) Virginia Mclaurin’s friends
d) Virginia Mclaurin’s meeting with B. Obama
2. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage?
a) Virginia Mclaurin was born in South Carolina
b) Her husband worked in the White House
c) In 1939 she moved to Washington
d) She has 50 grandchildren
3. Complete the statement according to the passage.
Virginia Mclaurin …
a) wanted to visit the White House
b) met Barack Obama in 1909
c) sent a letter to her daughter
d) was 83 years old

4. Which word in the passage means “the head of the country”

Answer: A president

Lesson 1. I am Good at Singing

Read through the questions. Then listen to the passage and answer the following

1. What is the passage mainly about?

a) Mark’s family
b) Mark’s friends
c) Mark’s education
d) Mark’s programs

2. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage?

a) Mark was born in 1984
b) Mark was interested in computers
c) “Zucknet” is a messaging program
d) Mark sold his first program “Zucknet”

3. Choose the correct statement according to the passage.

a) Mark graduated from Harvard University
b) Mark’s programs never helped students
c) Mark made computer games alone
d) Mark’s family used his programs

4. Which phrase in the passage means “make programs”

Mark Zuckerberg was born on May 14, 1984, in New York.
Zuckerberg had an interest in computers at an early age. Creating programs was
his hobby. When he was about 12, he created a messaging program. He named
it "Zucknet." His father used the program in his dental office. The family also used
Zucknet to communicate within the house. Together with his friends, he also
created computer games just for fun.
After graduating from school, he entered the Harvard University. At university, he
created another program. It helped students choose their classes. Then, he
decided to create a site with his friends and left the university. This site is
Facebook and now most people in the world use it. He turned his hobby into his
1. What is the passage mainly about?
a) Mark’s family
b) Mark’s friends
c) Mark’s education
d) Mark’s programs
2. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage?
a) Mark was born in 1984
b) Mark was interested in computers
c) “Zucknet” is a messaging program
d) Mark sold his first program “Zucknet”
3. Choose the correct statement according to the passage.
a) Mark graduated from Harvard University
b) Mark’s programs never helped students
c) Mark made computer games alone
d) Mark’s family used his programs

4. Which phrase in the passage means “make programs”

Answer: Create programs
Lesson 2. What books do you like?

Read through the questions. Then listen to the passage and answer the following

1. What is the passage mainly about?

a) The first printed books
b) Facts about books
c) Ancient books
d) Book readers

2. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage?

a) In Egypt and Italy people wrote books by hand
b) The Chinese made the first printed books
c) People use a lot of paper to print books
d) Books give us knowledge

3. Write two materials which people used to write on?

4. Complete the statement according to the passage.

5. Most readers prefer digital books, because they can __________ or

_______________ them on computer.

6. Choose the correct statement according to the passage.

a) It is difficult to find a book you want
b) You can buy books in the library
c) You can read books in the shops
d) Not all books are fun
There are around 130 million published books and one reader can at best get
through 6,000 in a lifetime. Not all books are fun or very memorable. Books are
like people; we meet many but love some of them.
Books help us to feel. They also give us knowledge and mind. In ancient time in
Egypt and Italy, people wrote books by hand and used different materials. They
wrote on papyrus plant, bamboos and animal skins. Then printing came into our
life. The Chinese made the first printed books. Now it is very easy to find a book
you want. You can buy them in the shops or read in the library. Most readers
prefer digital books, because they can download or read them on computer.
1. What is the passage mainly about?
a) The first printed books
b) Facts about books
c) Ancient books
d) Book readers
2. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage?
a) In Egypt and Italy people wrote books by hand
b) The Chinese made the first printed books
c) People use a lot of paper to print books
d) Books give us knowledge

3. Write two materials which people used to write on?

Answer: papyrus plant/ bamboo/ animal skin

4. Complete the statement according to the passage.

Most readers prefer digital books, because they can __________ or
_______________ them on computer.
Answer: download, read

5. Choose the correct statement according to the passage.

a) It is difficult to find a book you want
b) You can buy books in the library
c) You can read books in the shops
d) Not all books are fun
Lesson 3. Have a Nice Holiday

Read through the questions. Then listen to the passage and answer the following

1. What is the passage mainly about?

a) National holiday in Azerbaijan
b) National food on Novruz
c) Said’s favourite holiday
d) The symbol of spring

2. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage?

a) There are a lot of flowers everywhere
b) Said’s father helps his mother
c) Said lives in Azerbaijan
d) The weather is nice

3. Choose the correct statement according to the passage.

a) Everyone dresses beautiful clothes
b) On Novruz day they get up late
c) Novruz is at the late spring
d) Said’s sister dyes eggs

4. Which word in the passage means “make cookies, cakes ”

5. Why does Said love Novruz holiday?

Said lives in Azerbaijan and his favorite holiday is Novruz. He likes it because
there is no school on that day, his parents don’t work and he has a lovely day
with all his family. It is at the start of spring, the weather is good. You can see a
lot of beautiful flowers everywhere.
On Novruz day Said and his sister get up early. Their mother bakes national
pastries, dyes eggs and cooks delicious national food. Then Said and his sister
help their mother decorate the table for Novruz evening. Said loves Novruz
evenings, because in the evening everyone in the family dress up in beautiful
clothes. They give presents to each other and have dinner together. After dinner
their father takes them to the city to watch fireworks.
1. What is the passage mainly about?
a) National holiday in Azerbaijan
b) National food on Novruz
c) Said’s favourite holiday
d) The symbol of spring
2. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage?
a) There are a lot of flowers everywhere
b) Said’s father helps his mother
c) Said lives in Azerbaijan
d) The weather is nice
3. Choose the correct statement according to the passage.
a) Everyone dresses beautiful clothes
b) On Novruz day they get up late
c) Novruz is at the late spring
d) Said’s sister dyes eggs

4. Which word in the passage means “make cookies, cakes ”

Answer: Bake

5. Why does Said love Novruz holiday?

Answer: there is no school on that day, his parents don’t work, he has a lovely
day with his family
Lesson 1. How can You Learn English?

Read through the questions. Then listen to the passage and answer the following

1. What is the passage mainly about?

a) Sabir’s interview
b) A good language learner
c) Books in different languages
d) Different languages in the world

2. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage?

a) Sabir learnt Turkish from TV channels
b) Languages are interesting for Sabir
c) Sabir learns German with books
d) Sabir knows six languages

3. Choose the correct statement.

a) Sabir knows Arabic language
b) Sabir filmed a video about languages
c) Sabir knows French, Italian and Spanish
d) Sabir’s favorite language is German

4. Complete the sentence according to the passage.

It is good to know many languages, because you can…

5. What is the opposite of “harmful”

Sabir studies at university. He knows 6 languages, English, German, Spanish,
French, Turkish and Italian. One of TV channels made a video of him. On the
video Sabir says it is very interesting and enjoyable to learn languages. He gains
much knowledge and skills in learning these languages.
English is his favorite one, because it is an international language and people
speak English all over the world. It is also a language of internet.
Now Sabir buys many German language books. His German is not good and he
wants to speak it well. He also plans to learn Arabic. He thinks it is very useful to
know many languages, because he can read books, make new friends and find a
good job with the help of these languages.
1. What is the passage mainly about?
a) Sabir’s interview
b) A good language learner
c) Books in different languages
d) Different languages in the world
2. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage?
a) Sabir learnt Turkish from TV channels
b) Languages are interesting for Sabir
c) Sabir learns German with books
d) Sabir knows six languages
3. Choose the correct statement.
a) Sabir knows Arabic language
b) Sabir filmed a video about languages
c) Sabir knows French, Italian and Spanish
d) Sabir’s favorite language is German

4. Complete the sentence according to the passage.

It is good to know many languages, because you can…
Answer: read different books and novels/ make new friends/ find a good job

5. What is the opposite of “harmful”

Answer: Useful
Lesson 3. Your Language Record

Read through the questions. Then listen to the passage and answer the following

1. What is the passage mainly about?

a) Types of Latin language
b) The city of Rome
c) Italian soldiers
d) Tiber River

2. Which is NOT mentioned about Latin language according to the passage?

a) Latin is an old language
b) Nobody speaks Latin now
c) Latin language is important
d) Many people learn this language

3. Choose the correct answer statement according to the passage.

a) People spoke Latin in the past
b) Italian soldiers spoke Spanish
c) Latin is a new language
d) Poets used Vulgar Latin

4. Complete the statement according to the passage.

Romance languages are _______________________________
Latin is a dead language. No one speaks this language now, but it is still
Latin played a major role in European history. Millions of people spoke this
language many centuries ago. Latin is the oldest member of the Indo-European
language family. Greek, Celtic and Germanic languages are other members of
this language family.
Latin appeared near the Tiber River in Italy and the oldest Latin is Archaic Latin.
The people who spoke this language built their own city and called it Rome.
Later Archaic Latin gave its place to Classical Latin. This was the language of
poets, and philosophers. From the 2nd to 5th centuries, soldiers in Italy spoke
Vulgar Latin. In the 5th century, Rome fell. Vulgar Latin quickly changed into the
Romance languages of French, Spanish, and Italian.
1. What is the passage mainly about?
a) Types of Latin language
b) The city of Rome
c) Italian soldiers
d) Tiber River
2. Which is NOT mentioned about Latin language according to the passage?
a) Latin is an old language
b) Nobody speaks Latin now
c) Latin language is important
d) Many people learn this language
3. Choose the correct answer statement according to the passage.
a) People spoke Latin in the past
b) Italian soldiers spoke Spanish
c) Latin is a new language
d) Poets used Vulgar Latin

4. Complete the statement according to the passage.

Romance languages are _______________________________
Answer: French/ Italian/ Spanish

Lesson 4. New Year Celebrations on TV

Read through the questions. Then listen to the passage and answer the following

1. What is the passage mainly about?

a) BBC news
b) TV workers
c) The first TV
d) TV channels and programs

2. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage?

a) Many people watch BBC news
b) There are channels for kids
c) BBC is the first channel
d) Presidents also use TV

3. Complete the statement according to the passage.

A TV channel BBC …
a) gives news only in English
b) has 39 journalists
c) started in 1927
d) is famous

4. Write three TV programs according to the passage.

The television first appeared in 1927. It is one of the most useful entertainments
of the 21st century. There are reality shows, soap operas, movies, cartoons,
music, documentaries, cookery programs, news etc. There are channels for kids,
teenagers and adults. There are also channels for educational purposes. When
we watch these channels, we learn about the history of the world, ancient life and
other historical facts. The leaders of the country also use television to
communicate with people.
A famous TV channel BBC started in 1932. It broadcasted only in English. Today
it broadcasts the news in 39 languages. Every week about one hundred and thirty
million people watch BBC news. In the Newsroom, a hundred and twenty
journalists work day and night. They write two hundred news bulletins every 24
1. What is the passage mainly about?
a) BBC news
b) TV workers
c) The first TV
d) TV channels and programs
2. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage?
a) Many people watch BBC news
b) There are channels for kids
c) BBC is the first channel
d) Presidents also use TV
3. Complete the statement according to the passage.
A TV channel BBC …
a) gives news only in English
b) has 39 journalists
c) started in 1927
d) is famous

4. Write three TV programs according to the passage.

Answer: reality shows/ soap operas/ movies/ cartoons/ documentaries/ cookery
Read through the questions. Then listen to the passage and answer the following

1. What is the passage mainly about?

a) Tommy’s favourite program
b) The prizes for the winners
c) A British producer
d) The first TV show

2. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage.

a) Winners of the show get money
b) The X-Factor started in 2004
c) The Voice is a talent show
d) Tommy is 10 years old

3. Choose the correct answer.

What is Tommy’s favorite program?
a) The Voice of Azerbaijan
b) The X – Factor USA
c) The Rising Stars
d) The Voice

4. Complete the statement according to the passage.

a) is a singer
b) wants to be famous
c) likes show programs
d) created a new TV show

5. Which word in the passage is the synonym of “contest”

My cousin Tommy likes to watch show programs. His favorite one is The Voice of
Azerbaijan. It is a television music competition and a talent show. People who
want to become famous singers join this show. A few people on the show are
excellent singers but a lot of them aren’t. This talent show first started in the UK.
A British producer created a new TV show in 2004 and named it The X-Factor.
The American version appeared on TVs in 2011 by name The X Factor USA.
Now there are many singing shows such as, The Voice and Rising Stars. In all
these music competitions jury help the finalists choose a song. Sometimes the
winners of the competition gets money, sometimes they get a recording contract
and become stars.
1. What is the passage mainly about?
a) Tommy’s favourite program
b) The prizes for the winners
c) A British producer
d) The first TV show
2. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage.
a) Winners of the show get money
b) The X-Factor started in 2004
c) The Voice is a talent show
d) Tommy is 10 years old
3. Choose the correct answer.
What is Tommy’s favorite program?
a) The Voice of Azerbaijan
b) The X – Factor USA
c) The Rising Stars
d) The Voice
4. Complete the statement according to the passage.
a) is a singer
b) wants to be famous
c) likes show programs
d) created a new TV show

5. Which word in the passage is the synonym of “contest”

Answer: competition
Read through the questions. Then listen to the passage and answer the following

1. What is the passage mainly about?

a) A cartoon about American family
b) The history of “The Simpsons”
c) A popular cartoonist
d) A Christmas present

2. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage?

a) The cartoonist described his family in “The Simpsons”
b) We can watch this cartoon in many languages
c) The Simpsons is a family with three children
d) The Simpsons live in Springfield, America

3. Complete the statement according to the passage.

There is also a computer ___________ of “The Simpsons”

4. Which word is the synonym of “popular”

5. Choose the correct statement according to the passage.

a) Matt Groening has 3 children
b) “The Simpsons” has 3 seasons
c) “The Simpsons” has 30 seasons
d) “The Simpsons” is about Christmas
The Simpsons is a popular animated television series in U.S. history. We can
watch it in many languages. Matt Groening was a famous cartoonist and he
made in 1987. It was a short cartoon. It is about one family with their three
children. They live in Springfiled, US. First two years it had three seasons. In
1989 the cartoonist decided to make it longer as a Christmas present and
developed into a half hour cartoon. Till 1990 the cartoon was not very famous. In
2007, they showed the movie in cinemas and it brought $ 527 million. Now it has
more than thirty seasons and there is also a game of it.
1. What is the passage mainly about?
a) A cartoon about American family
b) The history of “The Simpsons”
c) A popular cartoonist
d) A Christmas present
2. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage?
a) The cartoonist described his family in “The Simpsons”
b) We can watch this cartoon in many languages
c) The Simpsons is a family with three children
d) The Simpsons live in Springfield, America

3. Complete the statement according to the passage.

There is also a computer ___________ of “The Simpsons”
Answer: Game

4. Which word is the synonym of “popular”

Answer: Famous

5. Choose the correct statement according to the passage.

a) Matt Groening has 3 children
b) “The Simpsons” has 3 seasons
c) “The Simpsons” has 30 seasons
d) “The Simpsons” is about Christmas

Lesson 1. World Around Us

Read through the questions. Then listen to the passage and answer the following

1. What is the passage mainly about?

a) Canada and maple tree
b) Nature in Canada
c) Food in Canada
d) Canadian flag

2. Which is NOT mentioned about according to the passage?

a) People build wooden houses from maple trees
b) Maple syrup is sweet and famous
c) Maple trees are red in autumn
d) Maple tree is tall and strong

3. Choose the correct statement about Canada according to the passage.

a) Canada is famous for its mountains
b) Canada is in South America
c) Canada is a small country
d) Canada’s flag is red

4. Complete the statement according to the passage.

People like to eat maple syrup on ____________and ______________

5. Which word in the passage means “a place with many trees”

Canada is in North America and it is the world’s second large country. Canada is
famous for its mountains, lakes and forests, and very cold winters.
The Canadian flag is red and white. There is a picture of maple leaf in the center
of the flag. The maple leaf is the symbol of Canada. In autumn, the leaves of the
maple trees change from green to red and yellow and they make the forests look
very beautiful.
Canadians use maple trees for many reasons. People build wooden houses,
make tables and chairs from these trees.
Maple syrup is also the product of the maple trees and it is very famous in the
world. It is very sweet and people like to eat maple syrup on their pancakes and
ice cream
1. What is the passage mainly about?
a) Canada and maple tree
b) Nature in Canada
c) Food in Canada
d) Canadian flag
2. Which is NOT mentioned about according to the passage?
a) People build wooden houses from maple trees
b) Maple syrup is sweet and famous
c) Maple trees are red in autumn
d) Maple tree is tall and strong
3. Choose the correct statement about Canada according to the passage.
a) Canada is famous for its mountains
b) Canada is in South America
c) Canada is a small country
d) Canada’s flag is red

4. Complete the statement according to the passage.

People like to eat maple syrup on ____________and ______________
Answer: pancakes, ice cream

5. Which word in the passage means “a place with many trees”

Answer: Forest
Lesson 2. There is a Country

Read through the questions. Then listen to the passage and answer the following

1. What is the passage mainly about?

a) Sports in the US
b) Seasons in the US
c) Central Park in the US
d) Interesting places in the US

2. Which is NOT mentioned about Central Park according to the passage?

a) It is in New- York
b) It is a big park in the US
c) It is very quiet and peaceful
d) It is a good place for concerts

3. Complete the statement according to the passage.

The Rocky Mountains…
a) are in California
b) are beautiful in autumn
c) are dangerous in winter
d) are in the east of the country

4. Complete the statement according to the passage.

When you take a trip to Hollywood you can see someone famous at the

5. Which word in the passage means “a short journey”

The USA is a huge country and there are many different places to visit. You can
start in New York. The skyscrapers are amazing -- they are so tall. They are
made of glass and metal. Central Park is a very quiet place and in this park you
can listen to music. People can also go to different concerts in this park.
In the west coast, you can visit Rocky Mountains. Skiing is dangerous in the
mountains during winter. But summer is a good time to enjoy the view from the
In California, you should not miss San Francisco because it is famous for its
amazing bridge. You can take a trip to Hollywood where movies are made. You
can see someone famous at the film studios.
1. What is the passage mainly about?
a) Sports in the US
b) Seasons in the US
c) Central Park in the US
d) Interesting places in the US
2. Which is NOT mentioned about Central Park according to the passage?
a) It is in New- York
b) It is a big park in the US
c) It is very quiet and peaceful
d) It is a good place for concerts
3. Complete the statement according to the passage.
The Rocky Mountains…
a) are in California
b) are beautiful in autumn
c) are dangerous in winter
d) are in the east of the country

4. Complete the statement according to the passage.

When you take a trip to Hollywood you can see someone famous at the
Answer: film studios

5. Which word in the passage means “a short journey”

Answer: a trip
Lesson 3. Different Countries - Different Traditions

Read through the questions. Then listen to the passage and answer the following

1. What is the passage mainly about?

a) Places in Mumbai
b) Wildlife in Mumbai
c) Languages in Mumbai
d) National Park in Mumbai

2. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage?

a) People come from a lot of countries to Mumbai
b) Chowpatty Beach and Juhu Beach are popular
c) Marine Drive is a famous street in Mumbai
d) Mumbai is in the west of India

3. Write three animals that you can see in the Sanjay Gandhi National Park?

4. Complete the statement according to the passage.

There is another language called Hinglish. It is a mix of ____________ and
Mumbai is a very busy city. More than 15 million people live there. There are
people from many different countries. Mumbai is famous for its holidays and
The most famous street in Mumbai is Marine Drive. The street is 3 km long.
Mumbai has also some famous beaches such as, Chowpatty Beach and Juhu
The Sanjay Gandhi National Park is a forest in the north of the city. It has
crocodiles, leopards, deer, snakes, monkeys and many different kinds of birds
and insects. It is a great place to enjoy the nature.
Hindu is the most popular language in Mumbai, but you can hear other languages
too. Most people also speak English. Hinglish is a mix of Hindi and English
languages. Many people know and speak it.
1. What is the passage mainly about?
a) Places in Mumbai
b) Wildlife in Mumbai
c) Languages in Mumbai
d) National Park in Mumbai
2. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage?
a) People come from a lot of countries to Mumbai
b) Chowpatty Beach and Juhu Beach are popular
c) Marine Drive is a famous street in Mumbai
d) Mumbai is in the west of India

3. Write three animals that you can see in the Sanjay Gandhi National Park?
Answer: crocodile/ deer/ leopard/ snakes/ monkeys/ birds/ insects.

4. Complete the statement according to the passage.

There is another language called Hinglish. It is a mix of ____________ and
Answer: Hindi, English


Lesson 2. What is Charity?
Read through the questions. Then listen to the passage and answer the following
1. What is the passage mainly about?
a) Shamsi Asadullayev’s education
b) Shamsi Asadullayev’s village
c) Shamsi Asadullayev’s family
d) Shamsi Asadullayev’s life
2. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage?
a) Vasily Kokorev started oil business in Amirjan
b) Shamsi Asadullayev was hardworking
c) Shami Asadullayev had a large family
d) Shamsi Asadulayev was born in 1840
3. Choose the correct statement about Shamsi Asadullayev according to the
passage. a) His father was a businessman
b) He died in Amirjan village
c) He was born in Russia
d) He was an oilman

4. Which word in the passage is the opposite of “greedy”


5. Complete the statement according to the passage.

Shamsi Asadullayev spent much money on education. He sent young people to

Shamsi Asadullayev was born in 1840 in Amirjan village in Baku. His father was a
farmer and he helped his father. He was a hardworking boy. In the 19th century,
a Russian businessman Vasily Kokorev started oil business in Amirjan. Many
farmers began to work there. Shamsi also worked with these farmers. In 1893 he
became an oilman. He did many useful and noble things. He was a generous
person. He also spent much money on building of sea forces and education. He
paid for the education of young people to study in Germany, France, Russia, etc.
Shamsi Asadullayev died in 1913 in Yalta in Russia.
1. What is the passage mainly about?
a) Shamsi Asadullayev’s education
b) Shamsi Asadullayev’s village
c) Shamsi Asadullayev’s family
d) Shamsi Asadullayev’s life

2. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage?

a) Vasily Kokorev started oil business in Amirjan
b) Shamsi Asadullayev was hardworking
c) Shami Asadullayev had a large family
d) Shamsi Asadulayev was born in 1840

3. Choose the correct statement about Shamsi Asadullayev according to the

a) His father was a businessman
b) He died in Amirjan village
c) He was born in Russia
d) He was an oilman

4. Which word in the passage is the opposite of “greedy”

Answer: generous/ noble

5. Complete the statement according to the passage.

Shamsi Asadullayev spent much money on education. He sent young people to
Answer: Germany/ France/ Russia

Lesson 3. Heroes Never Die!

Read through the questions. Then listen to the passage and answer the following

1. What is the passage mainly about?

a) Armenian attack
b) Khojaly airport
c) National hero
d) Khojaly city

2. Which is NOT mentioned about Alif Hajiyev according to the passage?

a) He fought for the airport and city
b) He was the head of the airport
c) He called his friends for help
d) He was born in Khojaly

3. Complete the statement according to the passage.

In Khojaly there was no electricity, communication, ___________and

4. Which word in the passage is the synonym of “courageous”

Alif Hajiyev was born in Khojaly on June 24 in 1953. In December 1990, Alif
the head of Khojaly airport. In the autumn of 1991, life in Khojaly became difficult.
There was no food, no electricity, no gas, no communication. The night of
February 25-26, 1992 was the last day for many people of the city. The Armenian
attack on Khojaly began. Alif and other 39 defendants fought for the airport and
city against the enemy for several hours.
The enemy burnt the airport and many people alive in their homes, especially
near the airport. On the road to Agdam, many people died near the village. Alif
Hajiyev helped the women, children and old people. He died when he crossed
the third group of people. He bravely served his country and became a National
1. What is the passage mainly about?
a) Armenian attack
b) Khojaly airport
c) National hero
d) Khojaly city
2. Which is NOT mentioned about Alif Hajiyev according to the passage?
a) He fought for the airport and city
b) He was the head of the airport
c) He called his friends for help
d) He was born in Khojaly

3. Complete the statement according to the passage.

In Khojaly there was no electricity, communication, ___________and
Answer: food, gas

4. Which word in the passage is the synonym of “courageous”

Answer: brave

Lesson 4. Help Hungry Children

Read through the questions. Then listen to the passage and answer the following

1. What is the passage mainly about?

a) Children in need around the world
b) Charity organization for children
c) Homeless and hungry children
d) Children during World War II

2. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage?

a) UNICEF is the first organization for children
b) UNICEF is an international organization
c) UNICEF gives food to hungry children
d) UNICEF finds families for children

3. Complete the statement according to the passage.

a) is from Italy
b) lives in Ghana
c) is 11 years old
d) has a new family

4. Choose the correct statement about UNICEF according to the passage

a) It builds shelters for displaced children
b) It started before World War II
c) It is in 16 countries
d) It opened in 1956

5. Which word in the passage means “a lot of water in the dry area”
The United Nations International Children's Education Fund is an international
organization. It started on 11 December in 1946 after the World War II. The
organization began to help the children in need during the war. The children
didn’t have houses to live in. Hunger was also a great difficulty for them. Now
UNICEF is in 156 countries. They help children in the areas where there is
tsunamis, earthquakes, floods. UNICEF helps the children in different ways. It
builds shelters for displaced children and gives food to hungry children. It finds
families for children. A 16 year old Oumar from Ghana is one of them. He didn’t
have a family and lived on streets. Now he has an Italian family. He goes to
school and has new friends.
1. What is the passage mainly about?
a) Children in need around the world
b) Charity organization for children
c) Homeless and hungry children
d) Children during World War II
2. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage?
a) UNICEF is the first organization for children
b) UNICEF is an international organization
c) UNICEF gives food to hungry children
d) UNICEF finds families for children
3. Complete the statement according to the passage.
a) is from Italy
b) lives in Ghana
c) is 11 years old
d) has a new family
4. Choose the correct statement about UNICEF according to the passage
a) It builds shelters for displaced children
b) It started before World War II
c) It is in 16 countries
d) It opened in 1956

5. Which word in the passage means “a lot of water in the dry area”
Answer: flood

Lesson 1. The Food You Eat

Read through the questions. Then listen to the passage and answer the following

1. What is the passage mainly about?

a) Weather change on the Earth
b) Age of nature on the Earth
c) Greenland farmers
d) Types of weather

2. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage?

a) Winds, rain, volcanoes change the Earth
b) Weather is getting hotter and drier
c) Some of the changes are slow
d) Greenland is 50 years old

3. Choose the correct statement according to the passage

a) The Amazon Forest is 15000 million
b) Mount Everest is 60 million years
c) The Baltic Sea is 4.6 billion years
d) The Earth is 10 million years

4. Complete the statement according to the passage.

In Greenland it is getting warmer and farmers _________________, which was
not possible 50 years ago
The Earth is 4.6 billion years old. But mountains, rivers and forests are younger
than the Earth. For example, Mount Everest is about 60 million years old and the
Amazon Rainforest is only 10 million years old. The Baltic Sea is about 15000
years old and it is the youngest.
Wind, rain, volcanoes and earthquake change the Earth every year. Some
changes are very slow and some are very quick. Water and ice also make a big
change to our planet. In some countries, the temperature is rising and weather is
getting drier, in others the weather is getting wetter. These changes on the Earth
are very bad but it is not bad for everyone, because in Greenland it is getting
warmer and farmers grow vegetable. That was not possible 50 years ago
1. What is the passage mainly about?
a) Weather change on the Earth
b) Age of nature on the Earth
c) Greenland farmers
d) Types of weather
2. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage?
a) Winds, rain, volcanoes change the Earth
b) Weather is getting hotter and drier
c) Some of the changes are slow
d) Greenland is 50 years old
3. Choose the correct statement according to the passage
a) The Amazon Forest is 15000 million
b) Mount Everest is 60 million years
c) The Baltic Sea is 4.6 billion years
d) The Earth is 10 million years

4. Complete the statement according to the passage.

In Greenland it is getting warmer and farmers _________________, which was
not possible 50 years ago
Answer: Grow vegetables
Lesson 3. Eat well - Stay Healthy

Read through the questions. Then listen to the passage and answer the following

1. What is the passage mainly about?

a) Swiss people
b) Health problems
c) Chocolate eaters
d) From cacao beans to chocolate

2. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage?

a) The tree grows in Africa and Latin America
b) People in Switzerland eat much chocolate
c) There are fruit beans in the cacao trees
d) People pick cacao beans in spring

3. Choose the correct order of the chocolate making process according to the
a) Take the beans out, pick the fruit, dry and cook
b) Pick the fruit, take the beans out, dry and cook
c) Pick the fruit, take the beans out, cook and dry
d) Dry the fruit, take the beans out and cook

4. Which word in the passage means “the taste of sugar”

Chocolate comes from a cacao tree. The tree grows in Africa and Latin America.
Cacao trees have fruit beans inside. Workers pick the fruit and take the beans
out. First, they dry them and then cook to turn into chocolate.
People from Switzerland eat the most chocolate in the world. Last year people in
Switzerland ate about 10 kilograms per person.
In some ways, eating sweet foods like chocolate can be good for health. But
eating too many sweet products can cause problems. Sugar and chocolate have
a lot of food energy. We can measure this energy in units. We call these units as
calories. All people want to be healthy and they need to eat healthy food and be
careful about calories of food.

1. What is the passage mainly about?

a) Swiss people
b) Health problems
c) Chocolate eaters
d) From cacao beans to chocolate

2. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage?

a) The tree grows in Africa and Latin America
b) People in Switzerland eat much chocolate
c) There are fruit beans in the cacao trees
d) People pick cacao beans in spring
3. Choose the correct order of the chocolate making process according to the
a) Take the beans out, pick the fruit, dry and cook
b) Pick the fruit, take the beans out, dry and cook
c) Pick the fruit, take the beans out, cook and dry
d) Dry the fruit, take the beans out and cook

4. Which word in the passage means “the taste of sugar”

Answer: Sweet
Lesson 4. Can You Cook?

Read through the questions. Then listen to the passage and answer the following

1. What is the passage mainly about?

a) Different hamburger meats
b) Stories about hamburger
c) The city of Hamburg
d) Hamburger inventor

2. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage?

a) Americans made modern hamburgers
b) Hamburger is a popular fast food
c) Mongolians ate uncooked meat
d) Hamburgers are bitter

3. Choose the correct answer.

Who ate the first hamburgers?
a) Mongolian soldiers
b) Mr. Hamburg
c) Americans
d) Germans

4. Which word in the passage is the opposite of “sweet”

Hamburger is a popular fast food in the world. There are different stories about
first hamburgers.
One of the stories tells that Mongolian soldiers were first people who ate
hamburgers. First, they soften the meat and then they ate the meat without
cooking. Hundreds of years later, people in town of Hamburg, Germany, started
to make “Hamburg steak”. It was a salty meat on round bread. In the 1900s,
some German people moved to live in the US and brought this food with them.
The “hamburger” that we know today really started in the US. In 1885 a man in
Hamburg, New York, decided to sell meatballs between pieces of bread. The
food was easy for people to eat while walking. Without knowing it, he made a
new type of food.
1. What is the passage mainly about?
a) Different hamburger meats
b) Stories about hamburger
c) The city of Hamburg
d) Hamburger inventor
2. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage?
a) Americans made modern hamburgers
b) Hamburger is a popular fast food
c) Mongolians ate uncooked meat
d) Hamburgers are bitter
3. Choose the correct answer.
Who ate the first hamburgers?
a) Mongolian soldiers
b) Mr. Hamburg
c) Americans
d) Germans

4. Which word in the passage is the opposite of “sweet”

Answer: salty

Lesson 2. The Weather in England

Read through the questions. Then listen to the passage and answer the following

1. What is the passage mainly about?

a) The weather of Sweden
b) Regions of Sweden
c) Winters in Sweden
d) The Gulf Stream

2. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage?

a) Winter ends in February in Sweden
b) Swedes talk about weather a lot
c) Summer is very hot in Sweden
d) Sweden has three big regions

3. Choose the correct statement according to the passage

a) Gotaland is in the south of Sweden
b) Many people live in Norrland
c) It never snow in Svealand
d) The Gulf Stream is cold

4. Complete the statement according to the passage.

In Norrland winters are _________________________________
Swedes love to talk about Swedish weather. Most people think of winter when
they hear of Sweden. The winter here is milder than we think, because of the
warm Gulf Stream. Winter lasts from November to February. The country has
three major regions: Gotaland in the south, Svealand in the middle and Norrland
in the north. Seasons are different in these regions.
In Gotaland, winters are shorter and milder. It doesn’t snow a lot.
In Svealand the temperature is below zero in January. Snowfall is more common
here. There are many popular ski resorts in this part of Sweden.
In Norrland winters are long, cold and dry. Winter in Norrland last several months.
Few people live in Norrland because there is also much snow here.
1. What is the passage mainly about?
a) The weather of Sweden
b) Regions of Sweden
c) Winters in Sweden
d) The Gulf Stream
2. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage?
a) Winter ends in February in Sweden
b) Swedes talk about weather a lot
c) Summer is very hot in Sweden
d) Sweden has three big regions
3. Choose the correct statement according to the passage
a) Gotaland is in the south of Sweden
b) Many people live in Norrland
c) It never snow in Svealand
d) The Gulf Stream is cold

4. Complete the statement according to the passage.

In Norrland winters are _________________________________
Answer: long/ cold/ dry
Lesson 3. Environment

Read through the questions. Then listen to the passage and answer the following

1. What is the passage mainly about?

a) Climate of the planet
b) Wet and dry places
c) Climate change
d) Weather types

2. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage?

a) High temperature is bad for animals
b) The Earth is hotter than in the past
c) The Sun is warming our planet
d) Climate change is dangerous

3. Which word in the passage is the opposite of “dry”

4. Which word in the passage means “the fauna of the country”

Climate is a big picture of temperatures, rains, wind and other weather types.
Climate change is the process of our planet getting higher temperature.
Last century the Earth warmed by 1 C. Rising temperature is big thing for people
and the wildlife around the world. It is not a nice weather. The changing climate
will make our weather more dangerous. In some places weather will get wetter, in
other places drier. Higher temperatures make life difficult for animals and plants.
1. What is the passage mainly about?
a) Climate of the planet
b) Wet and dry places
c) Climate change
d) Weather types
2. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage?
a) High temperature is bad for animals
b) The Earth is hotter than in the past
c) The Sun is warming our planet
d) Climate change is dangerous

3. Which word in the passage is the opposite of “dry”

Answer: wet

4. Which word in the passage means “the fauna of the country”

Answer: Wildlife
Read through the questions. Then listen to the passage and answer the following

1. What is the passage mainly about?

a) Water pollution
b) Cutting down trees
c) Factories and plants
d) Changes in the environment

2. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage?

a) People cut many forests
b) People change the environment
c) Water pollution is harmful to animals
d) People have plans to save the environment

3. Complete the statement according to the passage.

Factories and cars are sending ________ and ____________ to the air

4. Which word in the passage means “trash, rubbish”

People are changing the environment a lot. They are cutting down forests
(trees)and building cities and villages. Cutting down trees also change the
weather on the Earth. It takes more than four billion years to grow forests.
Factories and cars are sending gas and smoke to the air. Factories and plants
also pour their waste into rivers, lakes and seas. This waste affects drinking
water, rivers, lakes and oceans all over the world. Water pollution is very harmful
to people, animals and water life. Fish in polluted waters die or become sick.
People catch to eat them and they also get sick. 1.8 million people die because of
water pollution.
1. What is the passage mainly about?
a) Water pollution
b) Cutting down trees
c) Factories and plants
d) Changes in the environment
2. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage?
a) People cut many forests
b) People change the environment
c) Water pollution is harmful to animals
d) People have plans to save the environment

3. Complete the statement according to the passage.

Factories and cars are sending ________ and ____________ to the air
Answer: gas, smoke

4. Which word in the passage means “trash, rubbish”

Answer: waste

Lesson 1. Do You Know Planets?

Read through the questions. Then listen to the passage and answer the following

1. What is the passage mainly about?

a) Trips to Mars
b) First travelers
c) Trip to Australia
d) Scientists’ beliefs

2. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage?

a) It is difficult to live without water on Mars
b) A trip to Mars will take at least a year
c) One day people will travel to Mars
d) Mars is small and red

3. Complete the statement according to the passage.

First travelers can wash their ______________________________with

4. Which word in the passage is the synonym of “difficult”

Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun. It is small and red. Scientists believe that
one day people will travel to Mars. First travelers will have difficulty to find water.
People use a lot of water and it is hard to live without it. First travelers can wash
their face and body with sponges. Some scientists say that there was water in
Mars many centuries ago and it may still be under the ground of the planet.
A trip to Mars will take at least a year- six months to get there and six months to
return to Earth. It is a not long time because people in the past spent six months
to go to Australia by ship.
1. What is the passage mainly about?
a) Trips to Mars
b) First travelers
c) Trip to Australia
d) Scientists’ beliefs
2. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage?
a) It is difficult to live without water on Mars
b) A trip to Mars will take at least a year
c) One day people will travel to Mars
d) Mars is small and red

3. Complete the statement according to the passage.

First travelers can wash their ______________________________with
Answer: face and body

4. Which word in the passage is the synonym of “difficult”

Answer: face and body
Lesson 2. Space Flights

Read through the questions. Then listen to the passage and answer the following

1. What is the passage mainly about?

a) Ages of stars
b) Different stars
c) Colors of stars
d) The size of stars

2. Which is NOT mentioned about red stars according to the passage?

a) They stars never die
b) They stars are the coolest
c) They are the smallest stars
d) They live for 100 billion years

3. Choose the correct statement according to the passage.

a) There are more blue stars than red stars
b) Stars differ in size and color
c) Stars burn after their death
d) The Sun is a planet

4. Write two things about blue stars.

5. Which word in the passage means “an outer area with planets and stars”
Stars are large balls in outer space that give light. It takes a long time for light
from stars to come to Earth.
Stars burn for a long time before they die. They can be large or small, and they
can be white, yellow, red and blue. The smallest stars are red stars. Red stars
are also the coolest. There are more red stars than blue stars. These stars live
for about 100 billion years.
Blue starts are the hottest and the largest. Blue stars live for about 10 million
The Sun is also is a star. It is a big and yellow star.
When small stars begin to die, first they become bigger and hotter. Then they
lose most of their gas and become very small. They do not burn any more but
they are still hot.
1. What is the passage mainly about?
a) Ages of stars
b) Different stars
c) Colors of stars
d) The size of stars
2. Which is NOT mentioned about red stars according to the passage?
a) They stars never die
b) They stars are the coolest
c) They are the smallest stars
d) They live for 100 billion years
3. Choose the correct statement according to the passage.
a) There are more blue stars than red stars
b) Stars differ in size and color
c) Stars burn after their death
d) The Sun is a planet

4. Write two things about blue stars.

Answer: hot/ large/ live for 10 million years.

5. Which word in the passage means “an outer area with planets and stars”
Answer: Space
Lesson 3. Are You Fond of Travelling?

Read through the questions. Then listen to the passage and answer the
following questions.

1. What is the passage mainly about?

a) Amelia and her assistant
b) The first woman pilot
c) Amelia’s travels
d) The last flight

2. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage?

a) Amelia’s first flight was bad
b) Amelia had many accidents
c) Amelia was a woman pilot
d) Amelia’s plane was small

3. Choose the correct answer

Where was Amelia’s last flight?
a) South America
b) Pacific Ocean
c) Africa
d) Asia

4. Which word in the passage is the opposite of “safe”

Amelia Earhart was the first woman pilot. She loved flying and always wanted to
be a
pilot. So Amelia decided to fly around the world. Her first flight was not
successful, but she didn’t stop. She tried her second flight in 1937 with her
assistant Fred Noonhan. Their plane was very small and they didn’t take anyone.
They flew from Oakland to San Fransico and then they traveled to South
America. Their airplane flew over many places, such as Asia, India and Africa.
Their most dangerous flight was over the Pacific Ocean in 1928 and it was their
last flying. No one saw them again.
1. What is the passage mainly about?
a) Amelia and her assistant
b) The first woman pilot
c) Amelia’s travels
d) The last flight
2. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage?
a) Amelia’s first flight was bad
b) Amelia had many accidents
c) Amelia was a woman pilot
d) Amelia’s plane was small
3. Choose the correct answer
Where was Amelia’s last flight?
a) South America
b) Pacific Ocean
c) Africa
d) Asia

4. Which word in the passage is the opposite of “safe”

Answer: dangerous

Lesson 1. Around the World

Read through the questions. Then listen to the passage and answer the following

1. What is the passage mainly about?

a) The Sahara Desert
b) Age of the deserts
c) Food in the deserts
d) Desert plants and animals

2. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage?

a) Desert animal look for food at night
b) People ride camels on the desert
c) Days in the desert are hot
d) Deserts are very dry

3. Choose correct statement according to the passage.

a) There are many plants in the desert
b) Deserts are cold in the afternoon
c) Desert Sahara is in Europe
d) An owl is a desert animal

4. Write a desert animal or plant name.

Many deserts appeared 8,000 to 10,000 years ago. Deserts are the driest places
in the world. It is very hot in the daytime but very cold at night. Few plants can
grow in deserts, because there is not enough water to drink. Cactus is a desert
plant. Camels and snakes can live in the desert. There some other desert
animals, such as a desert fox, an owl, a Kangaroo rat, etc. Desert animals stay
under the ground during the day. They look for their food at night.
The Sahara Desert is the largest desert in the world. It is located in North Africa.
It is nearly as large as Europe or the United States. The name Sahara comes
from the Arabic word for desert, sahra.
1. What is the passage mainly about?
a) The Sahara Desert
b) Age of the deserts
c) Food in the deserts
d) Desert plants and animals
2. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage?
a) Desert animal look for food at night
b) People ride camels on the desert
c) Days in the desert are hot
d) Deserts are very dry
3. Choose correct statement according to the passage.
a) There are many plants in the desert
b) Deserts are cold in the afternoon
c) Desert Sahara is in Europe
d) An owl is a desert animal

4. Write a desert animal or plant name.

Answer: desert fox/ kangaroo rat/ snakes/ cactus
Lesson 2. What is Wildlife

Read through the questions. Then listen to the passage and answer the following

1. What is the passage mainly about?

a) Reptiles’ age
b) Reptiles’ nest
c) Reptiles’ body
d) Turtles and lizards

2. Which is NOT mentioned about reptiles according to the passage?

a) They lay eggs
b) They eat insects
c) They have limbs
d) They move quickly

3. Complete the statement according to the passage.

a) have warm blood
b) have poisons
c) have legs
d) have fur

4. Which word in the passage means “a thing that covers birds’skin”

5. Write two adjectives about snakes according to the passage.

Reptiles include crocodiles, snakes, lizards and turtles. Some reptiles have
poisons and they are very dangerous. They live in holes in dry land, rivers and
seas. Most reptiles lay eggs. They don’t have fur or feathers. Hard, dry scales
cover their skin. Scales protect their bodies. A reptile’s blood is cold. They stay in
the sun to warm themselves. When they get too hot, they can go into the water.
Reptiles don’t have legs, but four limbs. They can move very quickly. Snakes are
legless reptiles but they also move very fast. Turtles are reptiles with a big shell
to protect them. Some turtles can live for more than 100 years.
1. What is the passage mainly about?
a) Reptiles’ age
b) Reptiles’ nest
c) Reptiles’ body
d) Turtles and lizards
2. Which is NOT mentioned about reptiles according to the passage?
a) They lay eggs
b) They eat insects
c) They have limbs
d) They move quickly
3. Complete the statement according to the passage.
a) have warm blood
b) have poisons
c) have legs
d) have fur

4. Which word in the passage means “a thing that covers birds’skin”

Answer: feather

5. Write two adjectives about snakes according to the passage.

Answer: Legless/ fast
Lesson 4. Nature of My Country

Read through the questions. Then listen to the passage and answer the following

1. What is the passage mainly about?

a) Azerbaijan nature and wildlife
b) Fish and plant types
c) Karabakh horses
d) Kinds of trees

2. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage?

a) There are 102 animals in Azerbaijan
b) Karabakh horse is very popular
c) People hunt a lot of animals
d) Flora of Azerbaijan is rich

3. Choose the correct statement according to the passage

a) There are 4500 national parks
b) There are 17 game fields
c) Hirkan is a special tree
d) Eldar is a forest

4. Write two animals that you can see in Azerbaijan forests and mountains.
Azerbaijan has a rich flora and fauna. There are 8 national parks, 12 national
nature reserves and 17 game reserves in Azerbaijan flora and fauna. There are
more than 4,500 kinds of plants in the country.
In the forests of Azerbaijan, you can see many kinds of trees. One of these
forests is Hirkan. Hirkan is in the south of the country. Eldar is a special tree in
Azerbaijan forests.
Azerbaijan’s fauna is as rich as its flora. It has 607 animal species. There are 102
different mammals such as mountain goats, Persian leopards, gazelles, red deer,
roe deer, bears, squirrels, etc. One of the most popular animals in Azerbaijan is
the Karabakh horse. There are also 357 species of birds,67 species of reptiles,97
species of fish in Azerbaijan.
1. What is the passage mainly about?
a) Azerbaijan nature and wildlife
b) Fish and plant types
c) Karabakh horses
d) Kinds of trees
2. Which is NOT mentioned according to the passage?
a) There are 102 animals in Azerbaijan
b) Karabakh horse is very popular
c) People hunt a lot of animals
d) Flora of Azerbaijan is rich
3. Choose the correct statement according to the passage
a) There are 4500 national parks
b) There are 17 game fields
c) Hirkan is a special tree
d) Eldar is a forest

4. Write two animals that you can see in Azerbaijan forests and mountains.
Answer: Mountain goats/ Persian leopards/ gazelles/ red deer/ bears/ squirrels

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