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What happens after death – the extraterrestrial connection from the


It is an intriguing question that has made every one think for ever! There is no direct answer to it
because no one for sure knows what really happens. There are all kinds of doubts against the NDE
(Near Death Experiences).

Modern science for the first time is getting a chance to bring all the data back to computer
simulation to understand what really happens after death. Who are we? Where do we come from
and where do we go to after death? What is life? What influences everything that happens around

Computers have assembled all the data that is available. It is trying to logical inference from the
NDE effects, the reincarnation data (results of thousands of interviews), quantum physics, the
extraterrestrial influence on ancient civilizations, the physics of higher dimensions, the natural
phenomenon of the universe, the dark matter question, the black hole singularity, the concepts of
tachyons and imaginary mass and much more.
What we are going to describe below is the most probable scenario. Till terrestrial technologies can
break into higher dimensions in a massive particle collider in future, there is no way to prove the
same. In 1916, Bose and Einstein mathematically proved that a perfect fluid of zero viscosity is
possible when temperature is close to absolute zero – the temperature outside this physical
universe in Hyperspace. The theory was finally experimentally confirmed in laboratory setting in
1998. Bose Eistein condensate – the fluid gives the first signal what really existed just around the
time of big bang. So whatever you think is fictional, can be true. Ignorance and over confidence are
the biggest reasons for the lack of understanding anything that is not obvious.

Hyperspace is what contains the endless numbers of Universe. It is at absolute zero temperature
(-273 degree Celsius). The quantum mechanics and physics are still valid there. The Hyperspace
has many more dimensions than our physical universe. It creates universes like bubbles in the
ocean that float for a while and then disappears. A chilled universe below it that forms the platform
holds the Hyperspace. The Hyperspace has connection to out physical universes through black
hole singularities. Hyperspace is not immortal. Everything above the chilled universe is in cycle of
birth, tenure of life and eventual death. That includes life, Hyperspaces, Universes, Galaxies,
Constellations, Stars and Planets and everything within the universes.

An immortal civilization of extraterrestrials lives in the chilled universe. They have achieved
immortality, as the chilled universe where all laws of physics fail, is indestructible. Civilizations in the
universes race towards realizing a status of immortality. We are part of a type IV civilization that are
increasing their zero point energy (ZPE) levels through recycling ZPE through the physical universe.
Every living being is a signature of recycling ZPE. When these ZPE that form part of the overall
consciousness attain the required energy level through demonstration of detachment from material
attraction, compassion and love, they can move into the chilled universe. The race is on for moving
from Hyperspace to the chilled universe to attain immortality.

Life is nothing but ZPE. When we die, we instantaneously transform into the realm of higher
dimensions. The NDE (Near Death Experience) is real. We as individual ZPE can evaluate our
energy levels and then recycle again into one of the universes. Some accidents sometimes happen
but these are very seldom. It is the case when the ZPE is detached from body (death) but fails to
enter the realm of higher dimension of the Hyperspace. These are the cases of reincarnation.
Please note most reincarnation happens within fifty miles of the point of death. As most of the ZPEs
recycle the universes, there is really very little chance that it will recycle in the same universe. There
are trillions of universes; each contains many millions of planets. Unless it is case of reincarnation,
there is no way one can remember the past life because switching from Hyperspace dimensions to
physical universe requires dump of all memory for the life span.

The advanced Type IV extraterrestrial civilization in the Hyperspace monitors the breeding grounds
for ZPEs. Earth happens to be on of the many in billions of universes. They try and protect the
breeding grounds. They can do so through advanced hyper-dimensional projection system. It is just
not possible to see advanced Type IV UFOs because they are just projections.
The extraterrestrial UFOs are real but they are actually from other ‘earth like planets’ from our
universe and other universes. We in earth are Type Zero civilization.Iin Hyperspace scale of
technology sophistication, we are insignificant and have just started opening our eyes. The UFOs
are from Type I, II or III civilizations – advanced than the earth’s civilization. They use antigravity
and space-time curvature manipulation and tachyons to transport back and forth in the space.

The evolution of life and all events are guided by the Type IV civilization in the Hyperspace as per
instruction sets from the Chilled universe. That is the reason why earth looks like an electrical
engineering marvel – a perfect dynamo to protect life as a breeding ground for higher energy
collecting ZPEs.

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