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Contextualizing Love and the Brain

"The brain is built for love." – William Mobley

Why learn about love and the brain? We include a week on “love and the brain” because it is interesting to
learn about what happens in the brain when different kinds of love are expressed and/or experienced by
human beings. We hear from two speakers who do research on the brain and emotions, and we learn not
only about humans but also about some animals that may exhibit similar emotions. Cutting edge
technology in the field of neuroscience can show us the sorts of behavior and thinking that are similar to
or associated with love and kindness, and we can understand why love is important for an entire species.
We believe that a deeper understanding of the connections between love and the brain may ultimately
allow us to learn more about love, compassion, and kindness, thereby perhaps having a positive effect on
our societies and our planet.

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