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Consumer Insight Project

TOPIC: - Consumer Buying Behaviour

Towards Different Brands of Chocolate
Purchasing by Age Group 18-30

Submitted To: - Submitted By: -

Dr. Ajitabh Dash Prince Singh Bhadoriya

I hereby declare that this project report is a genuine record of my work completed throughout
the class term.
This information/data is accurate and has not been submitted to any institution or institute for
any reason.

Prince Singh Bhadoriya


 Introduction
 Background of study
 Statement of the research problem
 Objective of the study
 Conceptual Framework
 Method
 Method of investigation”
 Target Population
 Sample design
 Demographic profile of the sample respondents”
 Period of the study
 Statistical tools and techniques used
 Data analysis and interpretation
 Findings and conclusions
 Findings of the study
 Conclusion of the study
 Implications
 Limitations”


Consumer preferences for FMCG products, such as chocolates, in the domestic market are
the focus of this study in special context of Cadbury, Nestle & Amul chocolates.
Consumer behaviour describes how people search for, purchase, use, assess, and discard
products and services they feel will suit their needs. Consumer behaviour study is concerned
with how people allocate their limited resources like- time, money, and effort to
consumption-related activities. It comprises investigating what people buy, why they buy it,
when they buy it, where they buy it, how often they buy it, and how often they use it.


For gaining a detailed look into the foundations of real-world company difficulties, research
work, or management speak, is crucial. For every management student who strives to be the
best in the world. It is vital that students learn some practical knowledge in addition to
theoretical information. The goal of this survey report is to give management students a
chance to get real-world experience. Consumer Perception and the different factors that
influence a consumer's decision to purchase a specific brand of chocolate are the focus of my
Consumers are influenced by a multitude of factors when determining which brand of
chocolate to buy because chocolate is one of the most popular fast-moving consumer goods
FMCG products. Price, flavour, packaging, and brand identity are just a few of the factors to
think about. Because consumer perceptions are always shifting and different corporations
dominate the market, I felt compelled to perform research in this area. My research's main
purpose is to look at the effects of a variety of factors on client purchasing perceptions.


 The purpose of this research is to look into the effects of numerous factors on
purchase behaviour.
 To find out which of the three chocolate brands available on the market, Amul,
Cadbury, and Nestle, customers prefer.
 Determine whether or not clients are satisfied with the chocolate bars they're using.
 The goal of this study was to see how loyal consumers are to different chocolate
 To investigate the use of chocolate goods and brand awareness among people aged 18
to 30.

In this research, I have used consumer perception toward purchasing.
Consumer Perception- The method by which a person chooses, organizes, and analyses
stimuli to create a meaningful picture of the world.
 Absolute threshold- It is the most basic level at which a person can feel a sense.
 Differential threshold- It is the smallest variation between two comparable stimuli
that may be noticed. Also known as Just a smidgeon of a difference.
Perceptual Process-
1. Perceptual Selection- The stimuli they choose will be based on what they believe is
relevant or appropriate for them.
2. Perceptual Organization- After receiving and paying attention to the input from the
selection stage, the input or information is arranged into a coherent form.
3. Perceptual Interpretation- Perceptual interpretation is the last step in the perceptual
process. A meaning is retrieved from the input after it has been given attention and
structured into a cohesive shape. Perceptual interpretation is the term for this.

To analyse purchase habits, sample survey methods have been utilised, but other
methodologies are also necessary. This method is given top attention in modern research
because of its broad use in modern research to explore the relationships between numerous
causes, attitudes, and behaviours in society, as well as to investigate problems that cannot be
handled by experimental methods.
To collect data, the sample survey method i.e., questionnaire, employs a range of approaches.
The greater use of questionnaires is likely due to social scientists' increased focus on
quantitative measurement of uniformly gathered data.

Consumers of chocolate bars between the ages of 18 and 30.

Due to time constraints, it is impossible to contact every single person in the population. As a
result, the study should ideally be reduced to a representative sample to make it more
With the study's aims and resource constraints in mind, 72 respondents were chosen.
Responses- 72 (age group 18-30)
Sampling Unit- It defines the target population that will be sampled i.e., it answers who is to
be surveyed. In this study, the sampling unit is youth within the age group of 18-30 years.
Sampling Size- It indicates the number of people to be surveyed. Though large samples give
more reliable results than small samples due to constraints of time, the sample size was
restricted to 72 respondents.


The research will last about a month. I realise that there isn't enough time for research, but I
did my best in this study on consumer perceptions of chocolate purchases.


Because the questionnaire is normally seen as the heart of a survey operation, I employed a
survey form or questionnaire on consumer buying behaviour toward chocolate purchases. As
a result, it should be constructed with care. It's a type of investment that's widely used to
collect various types of data and comes with long lists of questions that may be used to
collect any type of information. People are more honest when answering to a questionnaire
than when responding to an interview schedule, in my experience. It is less expensive, but it
has a number of downsides, including incomplete submissions and wrong responses. The
responders' educational qualifications, on the other hand, are an extra element that makes this
method the most reliable.

Question-1 Which Chocolate Manufactures do you like to purchase from? 

Cadbury has the highest market share, of 52.8% as Shown in the graph. Amul has the
smallest market share 22.2%, followed by Nestle 25%. Customers' responses to a
questionnaire regarding Cadbury is the largest and out of 72 responses customer mostly like
Cadbury chocolate among all the three brands I have chosen.

Question-2 What is your pattern of consumption?

According to the pie chart, the majority of consumers consume chocolate 3-4 times a week,
accounting for 72 percent of the total number of consumers polled. Second, the majority of
customers who consume chocolate do so on a weekly basis that is 36%. And there are least
consumer who take chocolate rarely with 9.7%.
Question-3 Do you always purchase the same chocolate when you go for shopping?

As shown in the graph, only 25% of customers buy the same chocolate every time, indicating
that the majority of customers are taste and quality conscious. And 50% of customers don't
buy the same chocolate every time, indicating that they aren't brand loyal and swap chocolate
brands based on flavor, quality, and brand.

Question-4 If not, what element do you think about when choosing a new chocolate

According to the pie chart, 44.4% of consumers regard Quality to be the most essential
element when switching to another brand of chocolate bars, with Brand coming in second
with 40.3%. While there are least no. of consumers who get influence by advertisement and

Question-5 While purchasing chocolate, what factor do you consider the most?
As illustrated in this pie chart, 33.3% of chocolate bar consumers say the most important
aspect in deciding whether or not to buy a particular quality of milk chocolate bars. and price
are the least interesting factors. While Brand is also an important factor.

Question-6 Which sort of advertisement did you find most persuasive in convincing you
to buy a specific chocolate?

Different types of marketing have an impact on customer purchasing behavior. Electronic

media, such as television, is the most influencing factor as seen in the pie chart, while
newspaper is the second most influencing one and Radio is the least.

Question-7 Which of the following reference groups has the most influence on your
decision to buy a particular bar of chocolate?
Family is the most influencing factor that motivates a consumer to purchase a particular
brand of milk chocolate, as demonstrated in the pie chart. And 33.3% of milk chocolate bar
consumers agree with this notion. Retailer is the second most influential element in
influencing a customer's decision to buy a certain brand of milk chocolate bar, according to
26.4% of consumers.

Question-8 How satisfied are you with the chocolate brand that you buy on a regular

Approximately 29.9% of consumers are extremely satisfied with the current Milk chocolate
bar brands, while 50% are satisfied, while only 1.4% consumers are dissatisfied with


Cadbury, Nestle, and Amul are the three most popular chocolate brands, according to the
results of a poll of customer buying behaviour. The most popular brand is Cadbury, which is
followed by Nestle and Amul. Cadbury has the largest market share of the three with 52.8%,
Nestle has 25%, and Amul has 22.2%. Cadbury is the only one of these firms that has the
most chocolate brands.


The project was finished effectively, but there were certain limits. These restrictions were as
 Due to the time constraints, some facts were overlooked.
 The study's sample size is set at 72 participants. This could potentially be a research
 Some consumers may have their genuine behaviour disguised because they refuse to
fill out the questionnaire during data collection. It's also possible that this is a
limitation on research.


 When it comes to chocolate bars, quality is the most significant factor for 44.4% of
customers, while taste is the most important factor for Brand with 40.3%. Other
factors are taken into account, but quality is the most important.
 Customer purchase behaviour is influenced by several sorts of marketing. The most
influential medium is electronic media, such as television, while the most influential
reference group is family.
 Quality is the most important factor to consider when switching from one brand of
milk chocolate bar to another.
 Consumers prefer foreign brands like Cadbury and Nestle, and they demand that more
foreign milk chocolate bars, such as those created by Swiss and French chocolatiers,
be available on the market. As a result, foreign items are more popular among
consumers, who demand more of them. Brands like Amul, on the other hand, are
unable to find a respectable foothold in the market despite superb advertising.
 Most of the customers is loyal to a single brand with Quality.
 Price, flavour, packaging, and brand are all elements that influence customer
purchasing behaviour for various brands of milk chocolate bars.
 When buying chocolate, Most of people check or think about the manufacturing and
expiration dates. The expiration date is something that only 50% of buyers think about
sometimes and sometimes not. This is something that should be taken seriously.

Questionnaire On Consumer Buying Behaviour Towards Different Brands of Chocolate

Purchasing by Age Group 18-30

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