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Few Assignment Submission Guidelines

You must provide a separate page along with your assignment that details how you put together the
assignment you have submitted.

You must not copy and paste from the text directly as I told you before that you will be judged as a
plagiarized text provider. Write in your language about what you have read and refer to them correctly.

The guidelines:

1. This separate page should mention which literatures you have gone through including that is
not in the assignment but helped you understand the topic of your dissertation. You must go
through at least 20 pieces of literature and list them all.
2. This page should also mention which ‘literature review’ theme you followed here. Please refer
to the class lectures on “how to write the literature review”. [hint: Chronological, Thematic,
Theory & Method]
3. It should also mention what is your citation style [Hint: Harvard and Chicago Manual]
4. Link to your Google Drive or OneDrive or Dropbox location where the reviewed literature can
be found. The documents should be highlighted in color from where you have taken the
information from. This would help me understand how you came up with the portion of the text
you are referring to.

Tanvir Morshed

June 12, 2023

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