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Title: Eren Yeager: A Complex Protagonist Driven by Freedom and Justice

Introduction: Eren Yeager, the central character in Hajime Isayama's renowned manga series "Attack on
Titan," is a captivating and multidimensional protagonist. Born and raised in the brutal world within the
Walls, Eren's traumatic experiences and unwavering resolve shape his ambitions, views on freedom, and
his response to discrimination and genocide. As the story unfolds, the revelation of Eren's true beliefs,
concealed from his comrades, proves to be both a hindrance and a motivation to his plans.
Background and Character Development: Eren Yeager's early life is marked by tragedy and loss. Born into
a world where humanity cowers behind massive walls to protect themselves from the Titans, Eren
witnesses the destruction and devouring of his mother at a young age. This traumatic event serves as a
catalyst for his intense desire to eradicate the Titans and ensure humanity's survival. Eren's unwavering
determination, honed through rigorous military training, leads him to become a crucial member of the
Scout Regiment.

Eren's Views on Freedom: From the beginning, Eren has a profound appreciation for freedom. He resents
the oppressive nature of the Titans and the restrictions imposed by the Walls. Eren believes that true
freedom lies beyond the confinement of the Walls and seeks to explore the world outside. His longing for
freedom is fueled by a desire to liberate humanity from the Titans' relentless threat. Eren's unwavering
conviction in pursuing freedom becomes the driving force behind his audacious plans.
Discrimination and Genocide: As Eren ventures beyond the Walls and encounters the outside world, he
becomes acutely aware of the discrimination faced by the Eldians, a race to which he belongs. The Eldians
are despised and persecuted due to their association with the Titans. Witnessing the oppression faced by
his people, Eren grows increasingly frustrated with the injustices perpetrated against them. He sees the
Marleyan government's use of the Titans and the Eldians' suffering as a grotesque form of control.
Motivation and Hindrances from Comrades: Throughout the series, Eren conceals his true intentions and
beliefs from his comrades, Armin, Mikasa, and the rest of the Scout Regiment. This secrecy poses both
hindrances and motivations to his plans. Eren understands that his radical ideas may be met with
resistance, and keeping his comrades in the dark protects them from being burdened by the weight of his
choices. However, the lack of awareness also causes misunderstandings and tensions within the group.
Eren's isolation and the burden of his hidden intentions fuel his determination to carry out his plans

Conclusion: Eren Yeager emerges as a complex protagonist with a deep-rooted desire for freedom,
justice, and the eradication of discrimination and genocide. Born from the trauma of his past and driven
by his unwavering resolve, Eren's pursuit of freedom propels him to challenge the status quo and
confront the oppressive forces that have plagued humanity. As his comrades remain unaware of his true
intentions, the secrecy both hinders and motivates Eren, culminating in a gripping narrative that explores
the complexities of his character. Eren Yeager stands as a compelling testament to the power of
conviction and the lengths one is willing to go to achieve true freedom.

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