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Reference Guide
The 7 Habits 4.0 Overview
Paradigms and Principles of Effectiveness
By adopting highly effective paradigms, we increase our effectiveness, which is rooted in character,
because our effective habits flow from paradigms aligned with principles of effectiveness.

Key Concepts
7 Habits Promise Effectiveness Defined
The Roots of Effectiveness Maturity Continuum
See-Do-Get Paradigms
Principles of Effectiveness Teach to Learn

The 7 Habits Promise The Roots of Effectiveness
Maturity Continuum Paradigms
Principles Govern

Habit 1 – Be Proactive®
By taking responsibility for what we do and how we react to circumstances and situations in our work
and personal lives, we choose to be effective and increase our influence.

7 Habits Assessment Pause and Respond Based on Principles
Use Proactive Language Focus on Your Circle of Influence
Become a Transition Person Teach to Learn

Carry Your Own Weather Proactive Language
Circle of Influence Stone

© Franklin Covey Co. All rights reserved. 1

The 7 Habits 4.0 Overview
Habit 2 – Begin With the End in Mind®
By defining outcomes before we act, in both our work and personal lives, we establish measurable team
and personal goals that help set priorities and provide direction.

7 Habits Assessment Define Outcomes Before You Act
Create and Live by a Personal Mission Statement Teach to Learn

Begin With the End in Mind 80th Birthday Masterpiece

Habit 3 – Put First Things First®

By aligning our priorities with our mission, roles, and goals and scheduling our important things first,
we increase our effectiveness and get the important things done.


7 Habits Assessment Focus on Your Highest Priorities Eliminate the Unimportant

Practice Weekly Planning Stay True in the Moment of Choice Teach to Learn

Winning the Private Victory


Time Matrix Big Rocks Weekly Planning

Humor Short: Q2 Lifestyle

2 © Franklin Covey Co. All rights reserved.

The 7 Habits 4.0 Overview
Private Victory® To Public Victory®
By making sincere, consistent deposits into the Emotional Bank Accounts of others, we build
effective relationships.

Emotional Bank Account Build Your Emotional Bank Account with Others
Teach to Learn

Emotional Bank Account

Habit 4 – Think Win-Win®

By identifying the wins of all parties involved and using effective collaboration skills, we build high-trust
relationships and effective teams.

7 Habits Assessment Have an Abundance Mentality
Eliminate the Unimportant Balance Courage and Consideration
Consider Other People’s Wins as Well as Your Own Create Win-Win Agreements
Teach to Learn

Win-Win Thinking Green and Clean The Royal Ballet School

© Franklin Covey Co. All rights reserved. 3

The 7 Habits 4.0 Overview
Habit 5 – Seek First To Understand, Then To Be Understood®
By listening with the intent to understand, we increase our influence and can more effectively advocate
with respect, overcoming communication pitfalls.

7 Habits Assessment Practice Empathic Listening
Respectfully Seek to Be Understood Teach to Learn

Diagnose Before You Prescribe Autobiographical Listening Empathic Listening
Empathic Responses Clarifying Questions Seek to Be Understood
It’s Not About the Nail

Habit 6 – Synergize®
By leveraging diversity and building on the strengths of others, we collaborate more effectively, creating far better
solutions than we would alone.

7 Habits Assessment Value Differences
Seek 3rd Alternatives Teach to Learn
Winning the Public Victory

Nature of Synergy Synergy Practice Landfill Harmonic

4 © Franklin Covey Co. All rights reserved.

The 7 Habits 4.0 Overview
Habit 7 – Sharpen The Saw®
By balanced, daily self-renewal, continuous improvement, and learning, we achieve a life balance that allows us to
be more effective in our work and personal lives.

7 Habits Assessment The Four Dimensions of Renewal
Achieve the Daily Private Victory Teach to Learn
Live the 7 Habits

Achieve the Daily Private Victory

Conclusion – The Upward Spiral

Upward Spiral

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6 © Franklin Covey Co. All rights reserved.
The 7 Habits Comparison
The 7 Habits Signature Program 3.0 vs. The 7 Habits
Signature Edition 4.0
Component Signature Program 3.0 Signature Edition 4.0
Participant Materials • Participant guide shrink-wrapped. • Elegant new box that holds all components.
• Three-color materials. • Full-color materials.
• Talking stick separate. • New talking stick.
• Optional planner. • New card decks:
• Follow-up videos on CD. –– Habit Summary Cards
• Quick-reference card. –– Practice cards
–– Skill Cards
• Q2 door-hanger card.
–– Big Rocks
• Audio CD.
• Contract – daily focus
• Contract – weekly focus.
• Mobile app (includes reminders, cards, other
• 7 Habits warm-up. content from the program, and access to a
7 Habits community).
• Videos on app for personal reminders.

© Franklin Covey Co. All rights reserved. 7

The 7 Habits Comparison
Component Signature Program 3.0 Signature Edition 4.0
General Content • Focus on learning the material. • Greater focus on practicing the material.
Differences • Skill practice in each habit. • More skill practice in most habits.
• Contract and accountability partner after • Contract, accountability partner, and app
the program. after the program.
• See-Do-Get used to introduce each habit. • See-Do-Get used to summarize each
• Focus on each individual habit. Victory, with a focus on results.

• Stephen R. Covey primary content narrator. • Focus on Private and Public Victories, then
habits, then practices.
• Some global content.
• Stephen R. Covey supports content. Other
• Behaviors. content pieces stand-alone.
• Habit-overview page based on See-Do-Get. • Extensive global content.
• xQ woven throughout. • Numbered practices.
• Habit-overview page based on effective vs.
ineffective paradigms and practices.
• xQ data removed.
• Greater emphasis on discovery-based
learning (more questions in facilitator guide
and results for each habit “discovered” by
the participant at the end of the habit).

8 © Franklin Covey Co. All rights reserved.

The 7 Habits Comparison
Component Signature Program 3.0 Signature Edition 4.0
Videos • Most videos feature Stephen R. Covey. • 34 new videos. Kept classic videos.
• New skill videos in Habits 5–6 show how
the skills apply at work and home.
• Most videos do not feature
Stephen R. Covey.

Assessment • 360° Benchmark. • 7 Habits Assessment or 360° Assessment.

• Assessment score page at the beginning of
each habit.

Teach-to-Learn • Content review plus Teach-to-Learn. • Identify insights and Teach-to-Learn.

© Franklin Covey Co. All rights reserved. 9

The 7 Habits Comparison
Component Signature Program 3.0 Signature Edition 4.0
Introductory Section • Section name: Foundation. • Section name: Paradigms and Principles
• Draw Maturity Continuum. of Effectiveness.

• Maturity Continuum section focused on • Fill in Maturity Continuum.

habits. • Maturity Continuum focuses on
• See-Do-Get is in Foundational Principles dependence, independence, and
and at the beginning of every habit. interdependence.
• See-Do-Get in Principles and Paradigms
of Effectiveness and at the end of the
Private and Public Victories.
• P/PC removed.

10 © Franklin Covey Co. All rights reserved.

The 7 Habits Comparison
Component Signature Program 3.0 Signature Edition 4.0
Habit 1 • New Skill Cards for proactive language.

Habit 2 • Enhanced mission-statement gallery.

© Franklin Covey Co. All rights reserved. 11

The 7 Habits Comparison
Component Signature Program 3.0 Signature Edition 4.0
Habit 3 • Included daily planning. • Daily planning removed.
• Weekly compass card. • Significantly shortened Big Rocks video.
• Aligns with the Weekly Planning model
in FranklinCovey’s The 5 Choices® to
Extraordinary Productivity.
• Big Rocks cards.

Private Victory to • Added Teach-to-Learn.

Public Victory

12 © Franklin Covey Co. All rights reserved.

The 7 Habits Comparison
Component Signature Program 3.0 Signature Edition 4.0
Habit 4 • Courage and Consideration grid. • Courage and consideration questions.
• Included DRGRAC. • Win-Win Agreements do not include
• Win-Win Systems. DRGRAC.
• Win-Win Systems now in 7 Habits Leader

Habit 5 • Focus on the first half of the habit. • Includes “then to be understood.”
• New videos that feature Stephen R. Covey
but do not depend on him.
• New Skill Cards:
–– Empathic Listening.
–– Ask Clarifying Questions, and Seek to
Be Understood.
–– Empathic Listening in the Digital World.
• Talking stick now introduced in Habit 5.

© Franklin Covey Co. All rights reserved. 13

The 7 Habits Comparison
Component Signature Program 3.0 Signature Edition 4.0
Habit 6 • 3.0 Synergy model. • New model focused on using previous
• Talking stick in Habit 6. habit skills.

• DB Richards scenario. • All new videos, including Landfill Harmonic.

• Individual participant situations.

Habit 7 • Primary focus is on achieving the Daily

Private Victory.
• Daily Private Victory gallery.

14 © Franklin Covey Co. All rights reserved.

The 7 Habits In-Depth Comparison
Comparison of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People® Signature Program 3.0 with The 7 Habits of Highly Effective
People®: Signature Edition 4.0 three-day work session.

Signature Program 3.0 Signature Edition 4.0

Introduction Paradigms and Principles Of Effectiveness
Introduction Introduction/Welcome
• Video: Introduction • Dr. Stephen R. Covey
• Video: 7 Habits Promise
• Review: Effectiveness defined
• Where will you become more effective?

The Process: Bringing the 7 Habits to Life The 7 Habits Process:

• Review: The 7 Habits contract • Introductions
• Review: Materials, process, agenda

Character: The Roots of Effectiveness Character: The Roots of Effectiveness

• Video: Roots of Effectiveness • Video: Roots of Effectiveness

Maturity Continuum Maturity Continuum

• Stages of the Maturity Continuum • Draw Maturity Continuum
• Stages of maturity (groups)
• Video: Maturity Continuum
• Complete the Maturity Continuum: The 7 Habits
• Review: Goose and the Golden Egg

See-Do-Get See-Do-Get
• Video: See-Do-Get • How to change habits
• Review: Effects of conditioning
• Examine your paradigms

• Word association
• Paradigms activity (groups)
• Video: Paradigms
• Paradigm shift

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The 7 Habits In-Depth Comparison
Signature Program 3.0 Signature Edition 4.0
Principles Govern
• Video: Law of the Harvest
• Review: Live by the principles of the 7 Habits

What Is Effectiveness? Principles of Effectiveness

• Video: The Goose and the Golden Egg • Review: 7 Habits principles of effectiveness
• Your P/PC balance • Video: Principles Govern

Teach-to-Learn Teach-to-Learn
• What did you find insightful?
• Using the 7 Habits Summary and Practice Cards and
the Living the 7 Habits app

Habit 1: Be Proactive Habit 1: Be Proactive

Introduction Introduction:
• See-Do-Get • Review: Principles, paradigms, and practices.
• What is proactivity?
• 7 Habits Assessment

Pause and Respond Based on Principles Respond Based on Principles and Desired Results
• Video: Carry Your Own Weather • Video: Carry Your Own Weather
• Individual Exercise: Using the space between stimulus • Your reactive behavior
and response • Soda/water demonstration
• Small Group: proactive vs. reactive responses • Where reactive behaviors come from (groups)
• Pairs: “Whine list” • Apply the 4 Unique Human Gifts
• Pause before responding (groups)

Use Proactive Language Use Proactive Language

• Video: Proactive Language • Whine and Cheese (pairs)
• Video: Proactive Language
• Proactive Language Skill Cards (groups)

16 © Franklin Covey Co. All rights reserved.

The 7 Habits In-Depth Comparison
Signature Program 3.0 Signature Edition 4.0
Expand Your Circle of Influence Focus on Your Circle of Influence
• Video: Circle of Influence • Typical day (groups)
• Group Exercise: Circle of Influence vs. Circle of • Video: Circle of Influence
Concern • Circle of Influence challenge
• Individual Worksheet: proactive challenge

Become a Transition Figure Become a Transition Person

• Video: Stone • Video: Stone
• Individual Worksheet: Become a transition figure • Become a transition person

Teach-to-Learn Teach-to-Learn
• What did you find insightful?
• Using the 7 Habits Summary and Practice Cards and
the Living the 7 Habits app

Habit 2: Begin With The End In Mind Habit 2: Begin With The End In Mind
Introduction Introduction:
• Draw by design • Line drawing
• Review: See-Do-Get • Review: Principles, paradigms, and practices
• Video: Two Creations • 7 Habits Assessment
• Review: Mental precedes physical creation

Envision Outcomes Before You Act Define Outcomes Before You Act
• Individual Exercise: Top three goals • Review: First/Second creation
• Small Group Exercise: Apply Habit 2 • Video: Begin With the End in Mind
• How will you know?

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The 7 Habits In-Depth Comparison
Signature Program 3.0 Signature Edition 4.0
Create and Live by a Personal Mission Statement Create and Live by a Personal Mission Statement
• Review: Personal Mission Statement and benefits • People who influenced you
• Video: 80 Birthday
• Discover yourself
• Individual Exercise: Tribute statements for key roles • Roles
• Individual Exercise: Long-term goals • Video: 80th Birthday
• Individual Exercise: Discover yourself • Tributes, Goals
• Individual Exercise: Reflect • Video: Masterpiece
• Video: Masterpiece • Fast Write
• Individual Exercise: Fast writing • Review: Revise + Refine
• Review: Refine and revise; museum • Review: Gallery
• Homework (mission statement object)

Teach-to-Learn Teach-to-Learn
• What did you find insightful?
• Using the 7 Habits Summary and Practice Cards and
the Living the 7 Habits app

Habit 3: First Things First Habit 3: First Things First

Introduction (Day 2)
• Walking Your Talk • (Mission statement objects)
• Review: See-Do-Get • (Day 1 lightening review)
• Review: Principles, paradigms, practices
• 7 Habits Assessment

Focus on Top Priorities Time Matrix

• Video: The Time Matrix • What could make a difference?
• Review: Clock and compass • What stops you? (group)
• Small Group Exercise: Life in the time matrix • Video: Time Matrix
• Video: QII Policing

18 © Franklin Covey Co. All rights reserved.

The 7 Habits In-Depth Comparison
Signature Program 3.0 Signature Edition 4.0
Eliminate the Unimportant Focus on Your Highest Priorities
• Review: Live north of the line • Identify feelings and long-term impact of quadrants
• Small Group Exercise: Eliminate QIII in the workplace (group)
• Review: Quadrant self-check

Plan Weekly Eliminate the Unimportant

• Video: Big Rocks • Personal
• Review: Tips for weekly planning • Work
• Video: Weekly Planning • Video: Big Rocks
• Review: Three steps; weekly compass • Your important things
• Individual Exercise: Plan weekly

Plan Daily Plan Every Week

• Review steps • Video: Weekly Planning
• Individual Exercise: list, prioritize, and number • Review: Three steps of weekly planning
• Review: Things to remember • Practice weekly planning
• Review: Core four • Share best practices (groups)
• Video: QII Lifestyle

Stay True in the Moment of Choice

• Stay true in the moment of choice (groups)
• Your moment of choice
• Video: Q2 Lifestyle

Teach-to-Learn Teach-to-Learn
• What did you find insightful?
• Using the 7 Habits Summary and Practice Cards and
the Living the 7 Habits app

Private Victory To Public Victory (EBA) Private Victory To Public Victory (EBA)
Introduction Introduction
• Private Victory to Public Victory • Review: Private to Public Victory
• Gandhi Story

© Franklin Covey Co. All rights reserved. 19

The 7 Habits In-Depth Comparison
Signature Program 3.0 Signature Edition 4.0
Emotional Bank Account Emotional Bank Account
• Video: Emotional Bank Account • Deposit or withdrawal?
• Deposit or withdrawal? • Video: Emotional Bank Account
• Build your emotional bank account • Build your emotional bank account with others

Teach-to-Learn Teach-to-Learn
• What did you find insightful?
• Using the 7 Habits Summary and Practice Cards and
the Living the 7 Habits app

Habit 4: Think Win-Win Habit 4: Think Win-Win

Introduction Introduction
• Activity: Tic–Tac–Toe Extreme • Tic–Tac–Toe Extreme
• Review of See-Do-Get • Review: The habits of the Public Victory
• Video: Win/Lose Conditioning • Review: Principles, paradigms, practices
• 7 Habits Assessment

Six Paradigms of Human Interaction Six Paradigms of Human Interaction

• Exercise: Six paradigms role play • Paradigms role play (group)
• Abundance or Scarcity mindset assessment • Win-win thinking in competitive environments
• Video:Win-Win Thinking • Video: Win-Win Thinking
• Exercise: Benefits and Challenges of competition
• When to think Win-Win

Balance Courage and Consideration Have an Abundance Mentality

• Individual Exercise: Courage and Consideration Grid • Abundance Assessment

Seek Mutual Benefit Balance Courage and Consideration

• T-Chart • Assess your levels
• Individual Exercise: T-Chart • Strategies to increase courage and consideration (group)

20 © Franklin Covey Co. All rights reserved.

The 7 Habits In-Depth Comparison
Signature Program 3.0 Signature Edition 4.0
Create win-win agreements Consider Other People’s Wins as Well as Your Own
• Video: Win-win Agreements • Identify the wins case study (group)
• Define DRGRAC • Video: Royal Ballet School
• Review win-win agreements examples • Identify wins
• Individual Exercise: Craft a win-win agreement
• Video: Green and Clean

Build Win-Win Systems Create Win-Win Agreements

• Review Examples • Video: Green and Clean
• Responses to questions about win-win systems • Review: Win-win agreement gallery
• Create a Win-win agreement

Teach-to-Learn Teach-to-Learn
• What did you find insightful?
• Using the 7 Habits Summary and Practice Cards and
the Living the 7 Habits app

Habit 5: Seek First To Understand, Habit 5: Seek First To Understand,

Then To Be Understood Then To Be Understood
Introduction Introduction
• Small Group Exercise: Assumptions • Words
• See-Do-Get Habit 5 • Review: The habits of the Public Victory
• Review: Principles, paradigms, practices
• 7 Habits Assessment

Diagnose Before You Prescribe Autobiographical Listening

• Video: Diagnose Before You Prescribe • Video: Diagnose Before You Prescribe
• Individual Exercise: Diagnose Before You Prescribe • What gets in the way of listening?
• Autobiographical responses • Review: Autobiographical responses
• Video: Autobiographical Responses • Video: Autobiographical Listening
• Psychological air demonstration

© Franklin Covey Co. All rights reserved. 21

The 7 Habits In-Depth Comparison
Signature Program 3.0 Signature Edition 4.0
Listen Empathically Practice Empathic Listening
• Video: Empathic Listening • Video: Empathic Listening
• Watch the signals (when to use Empathic Listening) • Identify the impact
• The Elements of Empathic Listening • Empathic Response Skill Cards (group)
(you feel __ about __) • Empathic Listening challenge (homework)
• Large Group Exercise: Rounds 1-3 (DAY 3)
• Small-group scenario practice • (Day 2 Speed Review)
• Trio Exercise: Empathic listening practice • (Empathic Listening challenge report)
(Empathic Listening continued)
• Review: When to listen empathically
• Video: Empathic Responses (skill)
• Review: Clarifying questions
• Video: Clarifying Questions (skill)
• Clarifying Questions Skill Cards (group)
• Review: Talking Stick
• Triad practice with Talking Stick

Seek to Be Understood From the Other’s Perspective Respectfully Seek to Be Understood

• Video: Nobody’s Listening • Review: Speak your point of view using “I” messages
• Small Group Exercise: Revising the text • Video: Seek to Be Understood (skill)
• Seek to Be Understood Skill Cards (group)
• Triad practice: Empathic communication

Empathic Communication in the Digital World

• Review: Tips
• Practicing empathic communication via text, phone,
email (group)

Teach-to-Learn Teach-to-Learn
• What did you find insightful?
• Using the 7 Habits Summary and Practice Cards and
the Living the 7 Habits app

Video: It’s Not About the Nail

22 © Franklin Covey Co. All rights reserved.

The 7 Habits In-Depth Comparison
Signature Program 3.0 Signature Edition 4.0
Habit 6: Synergize Habit 6: Synergize
Introduction Introduction
• Group Exercise: Fast ball • Fast ball
• Review: See-Do-Get • Review: The habits of the Public Victory
• Video: Nature of Synergy • Review: Principles, paradigms, practices
• 7 Habits Assessment

Value and Celebrate the Differences The Path to Conflict, The Path to Synergy
• Video: Mauritius • Video: Nature of Synergy
• Individual Exercise:Value the differences and small • Review: Path to conflict
group discussion • Review: Path to synergy
• Review: “What is Synergizing” chart
• Review: Types of interactions chart

Value Differences
• Value differences: rounds 1+2 (group)
• Strengths table

• Practice creative cooperation • Seek 3rd Alternatives

• Review Check willingness • Review: Be willing, clarify end in mind, seek first to
• Exercise: Blocks to synergy understand, then to be understood, explore alternatives

• Review: Reflect viewpoints • Table-top tower (group)

• Review: Talking Stick • Video: Synergy Practice

• Assessment: Humility and reverence for others • Synergy practice scenarios

• Review: Create new ideas • Practice your own situation

• Review: How do you know • Video: Landfill Harmonic

• Small Group Exercise: Getting to Synergy Scenarios

• Pairs Exercise: D.B. Richards

• Teach-to-Learn • Teach-to-Learn
• What did you find insightful?
• Using the 7 Habits Summary and Practice Cards and
the Living the 7 Habits app

© Franklin Covey Co. All rights reserved. 23

The 7 Habits In-Depth Comparison
Signature Program 3.0 Signature Edition 4.0
Habit 7: Sharpen The Saw Habit 7: Sharpen The Saw
Introduction Introduction
• Video: Sharpen the Saw • Review: Principles, paradigms, practices
• Review: See-Do-Get • 7 Habits Assessment
• Video: Tokyo Star Bank • Identify the habits (group)
• Using the habits to increase your effectiveness

Renew Regularly in the 4 Dimensions Achieve the Daily Private Victory

• Individual Exercise: Assessment • Review: The four dimensions of balanced renewal
• Small Group Exercise: Success stories • Start, stop, continue
• Small Group Exercise: Assumptions • Video: Achieve the Daily Private Victory
• Balanced renewal
• Achieve (schedule) the Daily Private Victory
• DPV gallery

Be Strong in the Hard Moments Be Strong in the Key Moments

• Individual Exercise: Overcoming obstacles • Strategies for staying strong
• Weekly compass • Tips

Teach-to-Learn Teach-to-Learn
• What did you find insightful?
• Using the 7 Habits Summary and Practice Cards and
the Living the 7 Habits app

Live the 7 Habits

• The 7×7 Contract
• Living the 7 Habits app and cards

Video: Leave a Legacy Video: Upward Spiral

24 © Franklin Covey Co. All rights reserved.

Leader Implementation
Coaching Your Team to Higher Performance

Leading Highly Effective Teams

The 7 Habits Leader Implementation is a new offering that supports the implementation of The 7 Habits of Highly
Effective People® Signature Edition 4.0 in intact work teams, divisions, and organizations.

This one-day work session develops and applies the skills a leader needs to implement the new 7 Habits Signature
Edition 4.0 inside their work team. Built on extensive, global research with clients who are highly successful at
implementing 7 Habits Signature inside their organizations, this new solution teaches leaders how to make the
7 Habits the operating solution for their team, division, or organization.

The 7 Habits Leader Implementation shows a leader who has already attended the 7 Habits (and whose team has
already attended the 7 Habits) how to keep the 7 Habits alive and make it the team operating system. Rather
than re-teaching the 7 Habits, this solution teaches leaders and managers how to reinforce the 7 Habits through
feedback, coaching, and creating the right environment.

Program Outline
1. End-in-mind: to become a highly effective work team, department, or organization.
When we use the 7 Habits as the operating system, we create a team where people achieve great results by:
a. Being individually effective.
b. Working well with others.
c. Consistently renewing.
2. Identify best practices:
a. Review the key factors that make a 7 Habits implementation successful by looking at other organizations
that do it.
3. Cement leader’s role:
a. Leaders are the key leverage point. The values that leaders believe and model become the team’s values.
A great culture must be created consciously.
4. Use the implementation model to identify what leaders need to do to make the 7 Habits:
a. Commit:
i. Draft a personal commitment statement to lead effectively.
b. Model:
i. Live the habits and be open to feedback.
c. Reinforce:
i. Create an effective environment — 7 Habits “everywhere and somewhere.”
ii. Be a coach.
iii. Hold weekly touchpoint meetings.

© Franklin Covey Co. All rights reserved. 25

Leader Implementation
Coaching Your Team to Higher Performance

5. Prepare an implementation plan:

a. Leaders leave with an implementation plan for creating team culture.

Key Skills and Competencies

In this session, leaders consistently create and install an effective team culture. Other compentencies include:

• Coaching • Modeling
• Giving and receiving feedback • Relationship management
• Motivating others • Ethics and values
• Delegation • Integrity
• Conflict management • Performance management
• Execution • Integrity and trust
• Results orientation

Client Question Possible Answer
1. When will The 7 Habits Leader Currently it is expected to launch on March 17, 2104.
Implementation be ready?

2. How much is it? Pricing has not been finalized, but we estimate it will be around $149.

3. Who is this product for? Any team leader whose whole team has taken or is about to take 7 Habits
Signature Edition 4.0.

4. Does the leader need to take Yes, and preferably before taking this program. It will not make much sense if you
7 Habits Signature Edition 4.0? are not familiar with the 7 Habits work session.

5. What about old clients who Yes, but only if they have done 7 Habits in the past year. Further back than that
took The 7 Habits of Highly and they should retake 7 Habits or 7 Habits LiveClicks again, since they will not
Effective People® Signature remember enough about 7 Habits.
Program? Can their leaders
take this program too?

6. Will they need extra Clients who are doing Leader Implementation and who did the old 7 Habits
materials? Signature will need to purchase the cards separately ($25/participant).

26 © Franklin Covey Co. All rights reserved.

Leader Implementation
Coaching Your Team to Higher Performance

Client Question Possible Answer

7. How long is the work session? Allow one day (6½ hours of content plus lunch and breaks).

8. Who can teach it? Anyone who is certified to teach 7 Habits will be able to teach Leader
Implementation. We recommend using a FranklinCovey 7 Habits consultant where

9. How does a facilitator They must first be certified in 7 Habits. Leader Implementation certification will be
get certified? available on the virtual certification site in March – April 2014.

10. What is in the participant kit? The participant kit contains:

• A participant guide
• 7 Habits cards
• Leader Implementation cards
• USB drive or DVD with implementation videos and tools
• The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People® book

11. What is the difference 7 Habits Leader Implementation is designed solely to teach leaders how to
between this solution and implement the 7 Habits into their culture. The 7 Habits for Managers is designed
The 7 Habits for Managers® as a stand-alone program to teach frontline management and supervisory skills
solution? to leaders.

How to Position 7 Habits Leader Implementation

1. Personal and interpersonal effectiveness is needed more today than ever.
a. The 7 Habits are that operating system for individuals.
2. Real results come when you have all the people doing it — that’s what creates culture.
a. Leaders are the key leverage point for creating culture.
b. Great culture is created consciously by the leaders.
3. Leaders need a framework or operating system to create greater team effectiveness.
a.  Leader Implementation is the program that empowers your leaders to install the 7 Habits as their key
operating system.

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32 © Franklin Covey Co. All rights reserved.

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