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A wise man once said "Culture is the heartbeat of a society, pulsating with the beauty and

essence of its people, their traditions, and their shared stories." I’m not really sure who the

wise man is but someone said it

My name is Rishi Nair of 12 A and I am running for the post of cultural captain

As I stand before you today, I am reminded of the incredible journey that has brought me to

this moment Just a few years ago, the idea of standing on a stage like this, addressing a

gathering of so many people, would have been nothing short of a dream for me.I must

confess that this experience is not one that comes naturally to me. But the, driving force that

pushed me to give my name for this position and the reason I stand before you today is my

love for the performing arts, which I first discovered when I first touched the strings of a

guitar in the fourth grade. Now I am here in front of all of you to convince you to finish the

last part of the journey along with me.

Now why would you want to join me

Let me give you a few reasons

First and foremost by conducting surveys, holding open discussions , and encouraging

one-on-one conversations, I would gather feedback on the types of cultural activities

students are interested in and the roles they feel comfortable taking on. This will allow me to

create a diverse range of opportunities that reflect the varied interests and talents of our

student body.

To ensure that no student is forced into a role, rather than assigning roles, students will be

encouraged to choose activities and positions that align with their passions and strengths.
By providing clear and detailed information about each role and its responsibilities, students

will be able to make decisions based on their interests and comfort levels.

Furthermore, I will work closely with teachers, advisors, and mentors to provide support and

guidance to students who may be hesitant or unsure about participating in cultural


In summary, as the cultural captain, my approach would be to create an inclusive and

supportive environment. By listening to the needs and wants of students, ensuring voluntary

participation, providing support and mentorship, and promoting diversity and

representation.Together, we can create a vibrant and inclusive cultural community within our


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