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Results in gincerng 6 (2020) 100118 (Contents Lists available at ScienceDirect Results in Engineering Ba Pestreleneeeete a ete aa ee a Performance investigation of high-proportion Saudi-fly-ash-based concrete Y.H. Mugahed Amran “>”, Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto °, Rayed Alyousef*, Mohamed El-Zeadani “, Hisham Alabduljabbar’, Vegard Aune“! ‘pane of Cn going Cleo geri Prince Sut in Abate, 1192, Aa, Saud Arba prone of Cv Been acy erg an IT, Anew Urbs 977, Qua, war Yenc < geno Cl ering, Univesy of Keely, 161 Reyne Balding Lng, RY, 40506 USA “Damn of Cl gb Fay of Pern Unbra Pars Malay, 340, Seon Sto, Mla + seul pact Labora (SMa); Dymo Sracael Pree INU, NorwalanUniveaty of eee and Teas, nh, Moraay Gene fr Arnel SrcalAnas (CASA) NIN, Tee, Nery ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT Soy. (SE) [Approximately S44 milion tonnes of fy ash (FA) are generated annually worlwide, 80% of whichis disposed of fn landfle, Ths, using PA asa replacement for coment bas turned out to be popular in constuction indurtrles round the word because of i steoag properties and erclal ol in decreasing the volume of pollutats and CO; ‘roeed by cement production. Mesnvhile, the ase of Saudi FA (SFA) a4 suitable siplementl cementing ‘atrial to palysubstiure cement in the design of S#Acbased concrete Is highly imperative. An extensive ‘experimental study was conducted to tlre increased level f SEA inthe procvction of concrete. Six conerete ‘mixes were ill fve out ofthe sx mixes were made with diferent levels of SFA ad ne mix was sed as 8 ference, Ths sy presents the findings of wing diferent valumes of SFA with variable proportion i, O¥ 10%, 20%, 30% 409%, and SO). Experimental test were performed to sty the properties of SEA-ased com cree, incleding sump testa content, setting times, thermal prole,specine gravy, seve gradation, exoral strength, compressive stength, teal stengh, weat depth, restance to abrasion, and elastiiy modulus, at ‘iflerent ime intervals for one year. However, the hardened strength properties end reitance to abrasion exhibited incessant and substantial enhancement at 56 days and up to one eat, which s generally atrbuable to ‘he pozzoanic reaction of SFA. Subsequent, all scengihs increased when thermal heat decrease, and test r= sults indlete that SFA can potently subetite cement In concrete by up to 0% forthe fabrlestion of structural concrete element a the construction dusty. 1. Introduction Fig. 1 [6]. In particular, cement production emits approximately 1.5 billion tonnes of COz yearly or 94 ofthe total emissions contributed by Concrete isthe second most used construction material after water, ‘with an annual global consumption rate of approximately 25 x 10° metric tonnes; and the annual cement used is nearly 3.3 billion tonnes 11]. Concrete is widely used because ofits excellent durability, low cost, svailabiity of raw materials, and ability tobe fabricated into any shape 3], The binding methods and materials ulized for making concrete are also vital in construction technology [4], and thus far, cement isthe most widely used binding material in eonerete and RC applications [21 “The worldwide manufacturing of cement increases by 9% annually and generates almost 1 tonne of CO2 gas (SI. Both China and India are the Targest coal consumers fn 2018 with a consumption rate of 1906.7 and 4452.2 million metric tonnes of oil equivalent, respectively, as shown in multiple sectors worldwide (5,7,8]. The top 10 CO, polluting countries, thanks to cement manufacturing, ae presented in. 2. The greenhouse Influence avoids the reflection of solar radiation back into atmosphere, ‘hus preserving the regular heaton the surface of the Harth between 15 “Gand 18°C [9]. The CO» concentration in the air has lately augmented by 30% or approximately 467 milion tonnes (M0), 83% of which comes from the UK [9-13]. Therefore, an alteative sustainable supplemental cementing material (SCM) with similar or improved properties is required [14]. Considerable effort has been exerted recently to enhance the production of sustainable constriction materials. Among such efforts fs the replacement of hydrated lime in mortars with kaolinite ely [15]. Hydrated lime in mortars is particularly important as it ensures sufficient ~ Gavresponding author. Deparment of Civil Engincering, College af Enginering, Place Salam Bin Abdulale Ualvesty, 11942, Alar, Saudi Arabia, mal adres: arcane, mahos CF. Mgahed Aman. Iepe//dorg/10.1016 meng 2020.100128 Received 1 February 2020; Received in revised form 21 March 2020; Acepted 21 March 2020, 2590-12308 2020 The Author). Published by Elsevier 8V.Thisisan open access article under the C BY-NCND license (hip\//eeativecmmons.or/ceses/y weed 1H Mage Amr ett Ra ngicrig (200) 100118 Veram ff 243 Tawan [1393 Kaekhstan Turkey ML a23 ‘ustrala I 263 Poland sos Indonesia I 6.6 Germany I 664 South africa 85 Russia Mi 6s South Korea 68:2 Jepan Mm 1175 United States NN 317 co NN 352.2 0 250 500750 TT 105.7 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 ‘Conmution i lion metic tones oo equivalent 1 Coal Consumption by County in 2018, ig. 1. Countries with he largest coal consumption worldwide in 2018 (6). 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 Demand —BCO2 Emission Fig. 2. Estimated demand for cement and 0D emission by 2020 (32) ‘workability. Typical mortar compositions have traces of cement: hy- “rated lime: send that vary from 1:1:6 to 1:2:9. That is, hydrated lime is ‘generally equal to or double the amount of cement in mortars (16]. This, is alarming asthe cost of hydrated lime could be 10-15% greater than ‘cement [17]. Purthermore, the production of 1 tonne of hydrated lime ‘could result in emitting 1.2 tonnes of CO; into the atmosphere; thereby ‘exacerbating the environmental problem [16]. As an alternative, re searchers have attempted to use kaolinite lay asa suitable replacement for hydrated lime [25) and results have shown that with upto 508% by- ‘rated lime replacement, the fresh and mechanical properties of the ‘mortars were perfectly adequate. Besides the incorporation of keolinitie clay in mortars, and in an attemp: to promote sustainable practices in ‘construction, several researchers have investigated the reuse of solid ‘wastes, such as stone residues, in coating mortars for building com strction [18,20]. For instance, the processing of cones, suchas granite, ‘results in huge amount of residues, and up to 80% of loss occurs from the original rocks [1]. As such, studies on the incorporation of granite residue as a replacement for send in mortars have shown positive results witha replacement level of upto 40% [1,21] In addition, researchers hhave also attempted to enhance the production of sustainable cement and the performance of geopolymer cement/conerete (GeoPC) [14,22,23] ‘This by-product is called fly ash (PA) or pulverized fuel ash in the UK [24]. FA sa coal incineration application that comprises fine particles of fuel obtained from coaLfired boilers and flue gases, and is used as SCM, thereby reducing the wlization of cement in concrete and decreasing the (CO, emissions and energy exhaustion [25,26]. Approximately 544 Me of A are generated annually worldwide, 80% of which are disposed of ia landfills (27]. A simplified schematic diagram of FA formation during pulverized fuel combustion is depicted in Fig. 3. In 1949, Australia recorded the frst FA application in construction, having less than 79% lime (25). While in the United States (US), FA was introduced from. Chicago (291, and subsequently became popular in the US in the 1930s after publishing the findings of a study on concrete encompassing FA [50]. The properties of FAs differ depending on the hopper from where tar ee GWA SY 6-4-4. /9 ig 2 Schematic of the formation of FA during coe combustion [2]. they are composed, Stakeholder interviews have indicated that the pices ‘of FA have increased between 859% and 100% in 2012-2016 owing to low FA availability [31] However, over 6 » 107 tonnes and 11.2 x 107 tonnes of FA aze ‘annually produced in the US and India (occupying. 26,304 ha in India, respectively, by burning coal for eletrie power production [34,35]. The majority of FAs are disposed of as solid wastes in landfills or surface impoundments, thereby resulting in a serious problem of inadequate disposal, Attemps to recycle wastes ste partially successful in reducing 43% ofthe total wastes [36,37]. Under such a condition, generating FA remains important and its finanetal and green application technology is desired [38-40]. For instance, PA has been used to form cementitious matrices together with natural fibre reinforced (NER) cementitious ‘composites that incorporate 20-30 mm strands of resin coated and un ‘coated flax/wool twine fn an effort to reduce the use of ordinary Portland ‘cement (OPC) and also to reduce the use of synthetic fibres [41}. The study illustrated that the use of flax/wool twine enhanced the perfor- mance of the mortars as opposed to the unreinforeed and uncoated samples. Such new applications are explored in sound and thermal Insulation applications in buildings, andthe goal is to achieve energy ‘efficiency. By doing s0, heating costs, energy demands and environ ‘meatal impacts will diminish. Advances in concrete technology have also included the us ofsilca-based crystallizing impregnant 42] and sodium ‘acetate [3] tenance the performance of concrete mixes Furthermore, numerous studies in different countries, including Saudi Arabia, have sssesed the potential of mixing various wastes with FA as raw materials 1)186,87,44-55]. BA is frequently utlized as a pozzolan to make plaster and a partial or full substitution forcement in the manufacturing ‘of eonerete [38] Parzolans guarancee plaster setting and afford concrete with further protection from chemical attacks and wet environments '56]. The selection of materials to make GeoPC relies on factors such as disposal urgency, availability, ditficuly of reveling, and final use (57. Published studies have indicated FA's favorable potential for producing dliffecent types of concrete for several applications. FA, along with other ppozzolans i extensively approved for current use asa SCM constituent in ‘concrete By main codes, with nearly 55% of FA content in the pozzolanie CEMIV in BS EN 197-1 [58). Thiscan be atteibuted tothe fet tha FA is recognized as an cco‘riendly material as its consumption aids in redicing the carbon footmark of cement manufacturing whichis nearly 5% ofthe overall CO emissions worldwide, However, the application of FA in high-performance and se-consolidating concrete remains limited, particularly in Saudi Arabia, and research on the usage of Saudi FA (SFA) ‘as 2 potential SCM for the partial replacement of cement content is ‘crucial. Construction industries in several countries demand the increased production of SCMS, such as FA, given thee indispensable role in reducing the amount of pollutants and CO, generated by cement Re gir (200) 100118 production. Many investigators have attempted to lower the use of coment by producing eco-friendly concretes that use certain byproduct ‘materials, The current study aims to investigate the performance prop- cries of SFA as a partial cement substitution for producing SFA-based concrete with the optimum dosage of superplasticizers (SPs) at Aiferent proportions of SEA (ee, 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, and 50%), including air content, shump test, unit weight, Commagiepie yy ars iss 8 ize tuna Li investigate trough experiments consistent with ASTM C494 [52 (see able3 Table _Agreats physi properties. rope 24, Proportions of micure earn Tar Tiere Inthe experimental work, sicmintures were prepared and designed in Spit gory den boo consistence with ASTM C 618 [53] 0 havea strengts of 45.52 MPa on Seer sw fd as 1s ‘the 28th day. One reference mixture and five other concrete mixtures sso sheet 00 oe me were fabricated by substituting OPC with 0%, 10%, 20%, 309,408, and Unrese ) its ia 50% SFA (las Cash) by mase and labelled ae BOO (reference mise), vaio me pa 510,820,890, B40, and B50, respectively (se Table 9. The water/SCM {development and promotion of the hydration of cement outputs 22. Properties of agregaes In this study, both aggregates (coarse and fine) were verified in accordance with ASTM C 136 [61]. The fine aggregates were river sand with 2 maximum size of 4.75 mm (see Table 6) and specific gravity of 2.62 (sce Table 3). Meanwhile, the coarse aggregates were crushed river stones with a maximum sie of 12.5 mum (see (able 6) and specie gravity ‘of 2.60 (see Table 3). Tables 3 and 6 show the physical properties and sieve analysis, respectively, of both aggregate types. 23. Superplastcizers This study used polycarboxylate ether (PCE) asa suitable SP to enrich the workability of fresh SFA-based concrete The integration of SEA can increase the complexity ofthe harmonization relationship between SCMs ‘and SP. Hence, a basic concern on the choice of well-suited interzeating pair emerges. This study showed that the best SP is detached directly from the pore solution after mixing The assimilation volume of the blend is principally measured using the cement type, fineness, and molecular ‘weight. The SP assimilation relies on the volume of CS and presence of the sulphates of soluble alkali in the blend paste, The current study illustrate that the integration of SFA in concrete lowers the need for SP (PCE) to gain the same slump flow because the concrete merely encom- passes cement as binder. The properties of PCE as a suitable SP was ratio was maintained to study the influences of substituting OPC with a high amount of SFA when other related parameters were nearly main- ‘ained to achieve the desired compressive strength with structural grades for all the SFA proportions. 25, Primary tests 25.1. Sieve analysis of the aggregates ‘The sieve test analysis was performed on coarse aggregates (see Table 6) using suficient amount of aggregate according 10 ASTM C 136; coarse aggregates wore placed over @ number of sieves to obtain the size of the ageregates (i.e, grading analysis) on the bass of the sieve open= ings. After the sieve analysis test, the percentage of passing (Le. fineness) ‘was weighed and the cumulative weights were calculated accordingly and articulated as a level ofthe entire weight. A known weight sample of fine aggregate (.e. fine sand; see Fg. 4 and Table 6) was dried by placing ‘the sample in an aven at 110 + 5°C. The sample was removed from the foven and weighed thereafter. The aggregate exhibited at least 95% essing through sieve no. 8 and 85% passing through sieve no, 4, Atleast 59% remained on sieve no, 8, Thereafer, nest of sieves were placed in a descending order and the sample was poured onto the top sieve and shaken using a mechanical shaker. After the fest, each sieve was weighed as the weight of retained aggregate and the passing percentage was also computed. The combination of aggregates withthe grading requirements was consistent with BS 882:92 (see Tale 6 and Fig. 4) [57 25.2. Seng times of cement ‘A Louis Viat plunger was wlized to measure the normal consistency 1H Mage Amro ett Resin gig 6 (2020) 100118 eee oe a ee Pe a Fax i vi 5 rio a is ed menue es ones Me Once ne pn sanes ener TeSys Fe ey tsn = ES = = SS SS ae = SS See ios Se =e = “Ba soo re Tee scape 13 a ais aa 75-100, 388 40-85 initial setting times. Siw am His aw 25:2 Seog a 2 i a a ams ao oe - the process started by weighing a sample of 4500 g from the used ag won ow - Pepatcaart ant coe al thats ‘of cement with interpolation to determine the amount of water needed {or the initial setting time (IST). In geneva, setting denotes the alteration inconsistency of a mixture fom aliquid toa sti—f state that reslt fom the hydration of eementing mixtures, Therefore, setting was controlled by the chemical reactions that occurred immediately after the water, 'SFA, and cement were mixed together. The final ane intial setting times of the concrete set were measured by the procedure of penetration ‘esistance in line with ASTM C 403 [65]. At the fresh state, the test included the elimination of coarse aggregates by sieving through seive tno. 4 (4.75 mm). Before starting the experiment, a normal consistency ‘test was performed using the Vieat apparatus with a plunger to achieve penetration for approximately 111 min; and the load needed to initiate the 10 + I-mm penetration depth of the indicator was divided by the Dearing surface area ofthe indicator. The paste reaches a penevation resistance of above 3.5 MPa, called the IST, when the required intial ‘contact of water and cement is achieved (see Tabe 1). IST must be per- formed to give the paste normal consistency. The materials ofthe refer ‘ence sample batch were prepared using 1000 g of OPC. For the other sample batches, the cement was party substituted with SPA a different proportions to attain a penetration of 25 = 1 mm, The final setting time (EST) was achieved when the depth of penetration resistance exceeded 28 MPa, Table 1 and Fig. 7 present the test data of both the final and This procedure was meant to determine the coarse aggregates volume and retained sample on the sieve used. Furthermore, the entire absorp sion ofthe aggregates was limited to 1.93%, which ie below 2%, thereby considerably matching the requirement of the design standard. Mean- hile, the specific gravities of the used SFA and cement were 2.51 (sce ‘Table 7) and 3.19, respectively. In the case of the mixtures encompassing SPAs where the fraction ofthe cement s substituted with asimilaz SEA, weight, fractions of cement, SFA, and water could be reported as given by Equation (1). Inthe equation, and vj are the specific gravity and frac- tion of SPA, respectively, This was computed as 1.80 by considering the specific gravity of C-S-H obtained from the pozzolanic reaction. How- ever, the efficient volume of SFA was subsequently identified to be 2.14 Bulk specific gravity was computed using the proportion ofthe weight of the given aggregate volume to an equal volume of water as follows (Bquaioa (2): & a Ee a mass oven dy ‘SSD ~ ase started sample @ Bulk volume oid volume ~ water pore volume 1H Mage Amr ett Fig. 5. Slump ts of 20% SFAbased concrete as an example. mass oven dey o To addition, apparent 6 rate stared ample sas oven ory ‘The bulk saturated-surface dry (SSD) specific gravity can also be ‘obtained by the ratio of SSD to the weight volume of water using Equa- tion (4: ssp specie eySSD = So ars santa samp o 26. Preparation, fabrication, casing and remedy of test specimens ‘The coarse and fine aggregates were made ready under the SSD condition beforehand adding them into dhe conerete mixture. The alka- line activator was aso arranged in the workroam by fraterization so dium hydroxide and sodium silicate solutions at the appropriate ‘proportion approximately half an hour prior to the real mixing of the ‘SFAcbased concrete. The SFA and aggregates were intially dried end ‘assorted ina conerete blender, Thereafter, aetivator solutions were added ‘and continuously mixed for another § min to make fresh SEA-based ‘concrete, SP and water were subsequently added during the addition of the last five mixtures (ie, BIO to B50). A total of 864 samples were prepared, mixed and cast in ready-steel molds inline with ASTM C 31 671, and the samples were equally divided as follows; 150 mm x 300 ‘mm cylinder samples (a total of 216 samples), 150 mm cubic samples (a ‘total of 216 samples), 65 mm > 65 mm > 60 mm samples (a total of 216 samples), and 105 mam % 105 mim x 815 mm prism samples (a total of 216 samples) After casting all samples were enclosed with hessan and 35 Average fempreture °C — B00 (0% SFA Reference) — B20 (20% SFA) —— B40 (40% SFA) Ra ngicrig (200) 100118 plastic canvas and let at ambient temperature of approximately 24 °C and 70 + 1096 relative humidity for 24 h, All samples were de-molded after 1 day and submerged in a water tank for curing under ambient conditions until the stipulated time of testing. The prepared samples were sed to test forthe splitting tensile stengtn (STS), compressive strengt, abrasion resistance, flexural strength, and elasticity modulus. 2.7, Fresh and hardened concrete properties 27. Presh tess Al fresh concrete properties, such as air content, slump test, work- (BS EN 12350: Part 2) [68], and unit weight, were measured ac- cording to ASTM ¢ 143 [65]. The actual test procedure Is presented In Fig, Sand Table Stabulates the reported results 272 Hardened texts ‘To obtain the hardened strengths of the concrete, the compressive, Aexural and sping tensile strengths, and elasticity modulus tests were performed at 3, 14, 28, 56, an 91 days and one year from the casting ate. The tests were performed in line with the ASTM C39 [70], ASTM 496 (711, ASTM C 78 [72], and ASTM C 469 [75], respectively. The pth of wear and abrasion resistance were also measured in accordance with ASTM C779 [74] All samples were completely dried out of water prior to testing to read and record the test results propery and with ‘minimal error. The findings indicate that the results were influenced by the wetmixing time, curing time, curing temperature, particles size (Gineness of SFA, type, and source of the aggregates and the testing condition [3,59] 2.73. Thermal profile ‘The measurement of the thermal profile is commonly conducted uring the test, thereby determining the temperature ofthe sample until 7 days from the time of casting. This procedure facilitates the elucidation ofthe influences of SPA with respect tothe temperature of the sample. Tae test was performed by connecting the test samples toa device using wie, which was calibrated to record the temperature, The temperature at the center ofthe samples (two samples for each group) was monitored Fig. 6 shows the average temperature change agent time. The temper- ature rate of the SPA-based concrete mortars increased slightly in com parison with the reference mortar. However, the peak temperatures were nearly 31.5 °C, 28.7 °C, 289°C, 28.4°C, 275°C, and 27.1 °C for mortars B00, 810, 820, 830, B40, and B50, respectively. When the SFA level of replacement increased, the temperature peak was marginally delayed ——BI0 (10% SFA) —B30 (30% SFA) B50 (50% SFA) 3 19 15 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 Time (Mins) Fig. 6, Average temperature profile vs. tine of testing 1H Mage Amr ett 35 0% t= (20% SFA) (40% SFA) Penetration resistance, MPa SFA, Reference) Resin girig 6 (2020) 100118 = (10% SFA) = (20% SFA) 9 (50% SFA) 18 10 128 15 Elapse time, hr ig 7. Penetration resistance vs lapse time. and subsequently decreased, 27:4, Micrasructure profile [A scanning electron microscope (SEM) Isa visual device utilized to ‘magnify concrete cracks and fractures or analyze the materials that aze not distinguishable using an optical microscope. SEM is considered an innovative method to comprebend the influence of SFA on the ‘morphology of the paste. In the X-ray difraction (XRD), the XRD device shoots X-rays that assist with the identification of minerals and other ‘cstaline materials, XRD is also beneficial for determining fine-grained materials, such as SFA or cement. XRD is a significant method for ‘quantitatively and qualitatively analyzing cement pastes and cement, However, a SEM prepared with an energy dispersive X-ray analyzers (SEM- EDX) is a significant complement to a visual microscope when inspecting novel, old, and worn concrete, SEM was ured to obtain images from fllsized concrete samples. Thereafter, these images were ‘employed to investigate the generation and contact of compressive ses induced microcracks and the influence of detention on the microcrack performance. XRD analysis was performed at room temperature via ‘powder XRD with a filtered 0.154-nm C,, Ke radiation, The SEA samples ‘were skimmed in an incessant mode from 100 “C-800 °C witha scanning rate of approximately 20 per min, Analysis and discussion of results ‘The experimental test results were analyzed and discussed in the ‘contexts of air content slump test; unit weight; setting times; thermal and microstructure profiles; specific gravity; sieve gradation; compressive, ‘and flexural strengths; wear depth; resistance to abrasion; and modulus of elasticity. B.A. Seeing times ‘The effect of SPA on setting time may be in the physieal and chemical properties [1,11-13). Physically, utlzing SFA to replace an amount of ‘OPC entails thatthe greater the OPC volume in the mixture, the higher the OPC setting will be, thereby accelerating the hydration of cement ‘outputs. Chemically, SEA could influence cement hydration and some SSFAS can also react themselves. ig. 7 shows the penetration resistance versus the elapsed time for concrete containing different levels of SEA. ‘The setting times of the reference samples were delayed longer than those of the SPA-based concrete mortars, depending onthe level of SEA, content addition and the reduction of cement content in the concrete ‘mortars, However, the increase in SPA volume without aay alteration in cement content can delay the setting of SFA-based conerete mortars even farther. Tis results evident fom those of previous studies 58]. Thats, ‘the Longer deferral in seting time of SFA (Class CA) than that of lass F FA could be acredited tothe higher sulfate contents of SFA of upto 1.89% 50s of SFA compared with the 0.55%-0.879 $05 of Class FA. alkalis were reported to have an influence on the setting times of FA-based concrete because they commonly hasten the setting time. Moreover, a relatively large alkali content could even result in an impressive set. The alkali content i of equal volume a the sodium oxide of SFA (i, 1.80), whieh may be atrbuted to the highly delayed setting of SFA. As the SFA levels increased, the blend paste began to harden. in particular, the strengths of the SFA-based concrete slightly decreased, thereby delaying. the seting time of the cement when the ammoniated SPA was used because of the influences of the hostile sulfate and ammonium fons. For all Jevels ofthe SFA replacement for OPC in the SFA-based eonerete, the final and initial even setting times of concrete increased in comparison with those of the reference mix. However, the length of delay in seting was slightly diverse in each level of SFA substitutions. The inerease inthe {nikal time of setting ranged from 15 min to 4h and 45 min and that in ‘the Final setting time was fom 1 h to 5 hand 25 min (see Table | and ig. 8). In general, the increasing volume of SFA causes no change in the (OPC content and could even lead to further delay inthe setting time of SPAcbased concrete. Several studies on another source of SFA-based coneretes with higher than 50% SFA were conducted, which indicated a high roduetion in all strengths of SFA-based concretes with large SFA levels 3.2, Thermal profile ‘The thermal performance of all the mixtures was assessed by exposing the SPA-based concrete mortars Lo various temperatures (i.e, 100 °C, 300 °C, 500 °C, 700 °C, 900 °C, and 1000 °C). The weight loss in the ferent mixtures at 300 °C was approximately 13.296, which may be attributed to water surface evaporation in the voids, physical binding of ater to the reaction outputs and partial sublimation of carbon afforded by SFA [75]. At elevated heats this reduction is aseribed to the thirst, 1H Mage Amr ett 6 1 (0% SFA, Reference) 1 (20% SFA) s = (40% SFA) Ba gs = do Intial setting time Resin girig 6 (2020) 100118 (10% SFA) (30% SFA) = (50% SFA) UL, Final setting time Fig. 8. Delay ofthe nal and lll sting dines of OPC/SFA-based conerete mortars. procedure of the microstructure of geopolymer coneretes [76-78] and ‘decay ofthe caleium and sodium carbonates recognized by XRD. At 1000 °C, the weight losses forall the mixture systems assessed difered by carly 2% between the 10% and 50% SFA-based concretes, which could be related to the mineral content in the used cement. Ths finding is according to the chemical composition of the cement presented in “Table 1. The integration of SO% cement into the mix contributed to a 1,239 loss in ignition, leading tobe nearly equal tothe carbon dioxide of the decay of existing limestone inthe used cement fraction. in volumetric alteration of the type of materials used, expansion and contraction ‘erations happened. The physical presence of the samples at 1000 °C ‘enhanced the transition ofa bushy mass into a permeable structure with spongeske manifestation {see ig. 9, SEM), The findings of hardened strengths ofthe mixtures were 39.2 MPa and 26,5 MPa at 28 remedy days for the 1036 nd 50% SFA concrete mortars, respectively. After heating at ‘500 °C andl up o 700 °C an increase in strength of 14.4% was noticed in the FA-based conerete, while @ decrease of 9.3% was detected in the hybrid of SFA content. These findings are equivalent ro those reported in another study (771. At 1000 °C, the extreme extension of the tested specimens prevented the assessment of the hardened strength and showed no crack inthe microstructure (Wg, 5). Another investigation of performance with the hollow particles present in the SFA, easing the Stampede of the evaporation of water, and hence reducing intensive ‘racking in the microstructure [77,79]. Heating at diferent temperature rates could contribute to macifying the color ofthe tested specimens to ‘gray with minor red points, which were detected in the mixtures con taining more than 40% of SFA. The tested samples encompassing 100% 'SFA-based concrete showed an orange color, which is attributed to iron ‘oxidation and carbon loss [80-84]. For clarity, when the levels of SEA replacement inereased, the rate of the temperature decreased, and the color changed significantly, and vice versa. 3. Microstructure profile ig. 10 shows that the early strength of the SPA-based concrete ‘mortars was lesser than that of the OPC-hased concrete mortars. How- ‘ever, the majority of concrete mortars gained their strength after 28 days ‘and above, Tis variation in strength may be attributed to the degree of ‘Bneness of the SFA contents. However, the sorptivity and SEM images show that the high fineness of SFA contents enhanced the porosity and _mierostrueture of the mortars matrix. An elastic correlation was detecced between the degree of hydration and the strength. The strength devel- ‘opment ofthe SFA-based concrete mortars may beestmaced onthe basis ofthe mere distribution of the particle sizeof the used SPAs. Meanwhile, a small effect ofthe chemical composition of SFA on the cement hydra ‘lon and strength development was detected. At 90 days, the samples were tested and passed through 2 180-um sieve and subsequently alienated into small cubes and positioned in the SEM molé for investi= gallon. Several studies have examined cement hydration products, {including their reactions through thermal analysis, SEM, and XRD [85]. XRD was utilized to clasiy the stages inthe pastes hydrated with SPA. For example, the Ca0/SiO; hydrate was the chief hydration product, Which aids in the development of strength and microstructure binding ‘Tye rato of Ca/S in hydrated OPC was slightly adjustable, limited ro the range of 0.75-2.15 and dependent on the cement composition, SEA, and escription technique used [86]. In general, the degree of fineness of SFA. ‘an raise the microstructure of the SFA-based concrete, thereby leading to hardened strengths, reduced porosity, reduced sorptivity, and improved impermeabilty of the mas. Fg. 1 demonstrates tat the main crystalline phases are mullite and quartz, The presence ofa large per- ‘centage of aluminosilicate glassy phase (mullite) in SFA is mainly eatsed Dy the rapid evoling at elevated temperature, The ratio of alumina to silica of the present mullite is approximately 5.1:2.2. Mullite isa chem- eal substance added into the SFA-based concrete mortar. The XRD patter of SFA implies thatthe remaining crystalline phase is hematite (CaO and Fez0;). Hematite, mullite, and quartz are denoted by #, M, and , respectively. The relatively low intensity of CaO in the XRD pattern verifies the insignificant presence of Ca in the SFA specimens. Consistent withthe ACI code, the presence of CaO, hematite, and quartz upsurges the strength and enhances the durability of the SFA-based concrete Furthermore, the presence of low CaO content in the proportions of. SPA-based conerete mortars lowers the strength and delays the devel= ‘opment compared with a high CaO content. Hence, 50% SFA-based concrete mortar has a higher intensity (1043 eps at 29.3") than the 100% SFA-based concrete mortar (47 cp). 3.4. Compressive srength ‘ig. 12 shows the average compressive strength of the SFA-based concrete mortars versus the time of testing (ie, after 3, 14, 28, 56, and 91 days and at 1 year). At 3 and 28 days, the reference mortar 800 (0% 100°C Fig. 9. Mleographs using SEM for dhe SFA-Desed concrete exposed 10 v SPA) attained average compressive strengths of 143 and 42.4 MPa, with ‘a standard deviation (SD) of 0.55 and 2.91, respectively, anda coefficient ‘of variation (CV) of 3.86% and 6.87%, accordingly. On the other hand, ‘mortars B10 (10% SFA), B20 (20% SFA), 830 (3096 5A), B40 (40% SEA), [B50 (50% SFA) achieved average compressive strengths of (13.1 (SD 100, CV 7.63%) and 32.9(SD - 2.97, CV - 9.054%), (10.9 (SD - 0.60, GV = 5.50%) and 34.4 (SD = 3.14, 913%), (8.30 (SD = 0.21, CV = 2.52%) and 31.3 (SD ~ 0.85, CV ~ 2.7199), (638 (SD — 0.75, CV. 10.98%) and 28.8 (SD = 2.00, CV = 6.94%), and (6.10 (SD = 0.90, CV 14.6195) and 26.5 (SD ~ 1.00, CV = 3.775) MPa, respectively. These resulis indicate reductions of (8.399% and 7.5584), (23.78% and 18.40%), (41.96% and 26.18%), (52.45% and 32.08%), and (57.34% and 37-5006), respectively, compared tothe strength of the reference mortar 'B00 (0% SEA). The findings at 56 days, 91 days and 1 year showed a substantial development in strength after 28 days. However, the ‘enhancement in compressive strength was limited between 14.62% and 29.43% from 28 to 56 days, between 20.75% and 38.4936 from 28 t0 91 ‘days, and between 32.78% and 43.45% from 28 days to 1 year. The i ‘cremens in compresive strength might have occurred due to the su tained hydration of OPC. This considerable upsurge i strength of high proportion SPA-based concrete is also caused by the pozzolanic Rat grin (2020) 100118 1000°C ed temperatares. reaction of SEA. At 3, 14, 28, 56, and 91 days and 1 year, the paral substitution of 50% OPC with SFA reduced the concrete compressive strength by 57.34%, 41.61%, 37-50%, 29.42%, 28.32%, and 35.52%, respectively (Pig. 12). Nonetheless, the compressive strengths indicated that even mortars B40 (40% SFA) and B50 (50% SFA) can continue to be potentially utilized for fabricating structural concrete elements, {including precast concrete, inthe construction industry 35, Flexural strength presents the average flexural strength of the SEA-based con- ‘rote mortats versus the time of testing (Le, after 2, 14,28, 6, and 91 days and 1 year), The average flexural strength followed a similar trend to the average compressive strength (Le. decreased by increment of SFA and inereased by age) At 3, 28, and 91 days, reference mortar BOO (0% SFA) attained flexural strengths of3.1 (SD = 0.25, CV = 803%), .2(SD = 06, GV = 11.546), and 5.8 KN (SD = 0.15, CV ~ 2.658), whereas ‘mortars B10 (10% SFA), B20 (204% SFA), B30 (308 SEA), B40 (40% SFA), and 850 (50% SFA) have achieved flexural strengths of (2.9 (SD = 0.2, CV = 6.90%), 4.6 (SD = 0.45, CV = 9.73%), and 5.5 (SD = 04, CV 7.2790), (2.6 (SD = 0.46, CV = 17.54%), 4.4 (SD = 0.55, CV = 12.61%), 1H Mage Amro ett Rat grin (2020) 100118 0% SFA 10% SEA 100% SFA ig, 10, eA-besed concrete samples via SEM images, 1H Mage Aner eta Resin gig (2020) 100118 aaa — B00 096 SEA. reference) — B30 3096 SFA) — B0co%e ska — B50 (5096 sta) — Bioaosesray Q — —B100 (10098 SFA) 1000 Intensity ps) 8 8 ‘Theta (des) ig, 1. xND profiles of 06/SHA-basd concrete B00 (0% SEA, Reference) B10 (10% SFA) 60 320 (20% SFA) B30 30% SFA) B40 (40% SFA) B50 (50% SFA) 3 50 z 3 40 z = 30 z é 3 4 28 56 a 1 year Time, days ig. 12 Compressive svengh vs. ne of testing. '=B00 (0% SFA, Reference) "B10 (10% SFA) 7 1520 (20% SFA) B30 (30% SFA) B40 (40% SFA) = B50 (50% SFA) & zZ i 5 = 3 4 28 56 91 1 year Time, days ig, 18. Flexural strength vs. dine of esting. 1H Mage Amr ett and 5.2 (SD = 1.00, CV = 19.23%), (2.3 (8D = 0.06, CV = 2.47%), 39 (SD = 1.00, CV ~25.64%), and 5.1 (SD = 0.65, CV = 12.679%)),(2.2(SD. 0.29, CV - 12.99%), 35 (SD - 0.67, CV - 19.21%), and 4.2 (8D (0.65, CV =15.62%)), and (1.9 (SD =0.70, CV = 36.84%), 3.2 (SD =0.4, ‘CV= 12.50%), and 3.7 (SD = 0.57, CV ~ 16.29%) kN, respectively; that is reductions of (6.45%6, 11.5496, and 5.17%), (16.13%, 15.38%, and 10.34%), (35.81%, 25.00%, and 12.07%), (29.0395, 32.69%, and 27.59%), and (88.71%, 38,4696, and 36.2196) when compared to the strengths of the reference mortar B00 (0% SEA), respectively. This sub stantial increment in flexural strength of high-proportion SFA-based ‘concrete may be caused by the pozzolanic reaction of SFA and continuous hydration of OPC. After 3, 14,28, 56, and 91 days and I year, the partial substitution of OPC with SFA (rom 10% to $0%) condensed the flexural strength of concrete by 24.489, 30.77%, 30.43%, 33.33%, 32.73%, and 136.8496, respectively (see Fig. 13). Th Findings also show that contin- uous flexural strength development was maintained, even beyond 28 days. The increase in flexural strength of 30% SFA-based conerctes from 28 t0 91 days and from 28 to 1 year were up by 30.77% and 38.46%, respectively 36. Splting tensile strength ig, 14 Mustates the STS of SFA-based concrete mortars versus the time of testing (Le, after 3,14, 28, 6, and 91 days and 1 year). The tend seen in the STS against SFA content was also observed in the compressive ‘and Nexural strengths (ie the STS reduced with arise in SFA content). At 3 and 28 days, the STSs ofthe reference mortar B00 (O% SEA) were 2.2 (MPa (SD = 0.35, GV = 16.21%) and 5.5 MPa (SD = 0.38, CV = 6.849), respectively, whereas mortars B10 (1036 SFA), B20 (20% SEA), B30 (3036 'SFA), B40 (4036 SFA), and B50 (50% SFA) exhibited STSs of (2.0 (SD = 10.20, CV = 10.00%) and 5.5 (SD = 0.35, CV = 6.4296), (1.9 (SD = 0.20, CV = 10.53%) and 5.3 (SD = 0.35, CV = 6.67%), (17 ($0 = 020, 0 11.768) and 4.3 (SD = 0.55, CV = 12.71%), (1-4 (SD = 0.44, CV 31,8396) and 2.8 (SD = 0.42, CV = 10.8649), and (1.2 (SD = 0.30, CV 25.00%) and 2.9 (SD = 0.35, CV ~ 11.97%)) MPa, respectively; a reduction of (9.09% and 3.64%), (13.64% and 10.91%), (22.73% and 21.82%), (36.36% and 30.91%), and (45.45% and 47.37%), respectively, ‘compared with the STS strength of the reference mortar BOO (03% SFA). However, STS was observed to continuously increase with time, ALS6 and ‘91 days, mortars BOO (0% SFA), BIO (109% SFA), 820 (20% SFA), 830 (30% SPA), BAO (40% SPAY, and BSO (50% SFA) attained STSs of 8 (SD_ 45, CV = 7.739) and 6.0 (SD =0.4, CV = 7.01), (85 (SD = 0.53, CV Resin girig 6 (2020) 100118 = 9.62%) and 5.7 (SD = 0.45, CV = 7.9686), (5.1 (SD = 075, CV = 14.623) and 5.3 (SD ~ 0.69, CV = 13.07%), (44 (SD = 0.57, CV = 12.8996) and 46 (SD - 0, CV 10.87%), (40 (SD ~ 0.42, CV 10.326) and 4:3 (SD = 0.57, CV = 13.33%), and (3.1 (SD = 0.25, CV = 8.03%) and 3.2 (SD = 0.4, CV = 12.50%) MPa, respectively, thereby showing increases of (5.45% and 9.09%), (3.77% and 7.55%), (4 083¢and 8.1694), (2.339% and 6.98%), (5.26% and 13.16%), and (6.90% and 10.34%), respectively, compared withthe values recorded atthe 28-day STS strength. The increase in the L-year STS values with the inreasing percentage of SF inthe BOO (0¥s SFA), B10 (10% SFA), B20 (20% SFA), '830 (8096 SEA), B40 (40% SEA), and BSO (50% SFA) when compared to the 28chday STS strength were 22.64%, 16.99%, 12.24%, 9.20%, 18.42%, and 13.79%, respectively. The attained results reveal that the ratio ofinerement in STS strengths 91 daysand 1 year from 28ays was, considerably high for the SFA-based concrete mortars and reference ‘mortar, This could be due to the active parzolane reactions inthe SPAS, 37, Modus of elasticity ‘This smdy adopted the modulus of elasticity (MoE) as the secant ‘modulus on the basis of a common scientific term and considered a descending string from the radix to a particular spot point on the stress-strain relationship curve. However, the secant modulus computed {in this investigation was approximately 36.3% ofthe highest stress peak point. MoBs of the SFA-based concrese mortars were measured at interval periods of 3, 14, 28, $6, and 91 days and 1 year. Pg, 15 Mustrates the [MoE of SFA-based concrete mortars versus the time of testing (i, at 3, 14, 28, 6, and 91 days and 1 year). The experimental investigation re- sults display thatthe use of high-proportion SFA condensed the MoE of the SFA-based concrete mortars when compared with that of the refer- fence mortar. At 28 days and 1 year, reference mortar BOO (O¥ SFA) obtained Mots of 30.2 GPa (SD = 2.00, CV = 6.623) and 31.6 GPa(SD = 0.65, CV = 2.06%), espeetvely, whereas morcars B1O (109% SFA), 820 (20% SEA), B30 (30% SEA), B40 (40% SFA), and BSO (50% SFA) ob- tained MoES of (27.8 (SD = 1.94, CV = 6.97%) and 31.5 (SD = 0.67, CV = 2.1206)), (245 (SD ~ 1.91, CV = 7.7986) and 30.0 (SD = 1,29, CV = 4.299), (22.9 (SD = 1.19, CV = $.2236) and 27.1 (SD = 1.79, 6.60%), (20.8 (SD = 2.10, CV = 10.13%) and 23.9 (SD = 2.00, CV £8,379), and (19.0 (SD _ 1.50, GV - 7.90%) and 22.1 (SD - 0.95, CV 4.29%) GPa, respectively. Moreover, at 56 and 91 days and 1 year, the findings showed that the MoE of SFA-based conerete mortars contin cusly increased with the time, 8 = BOO (0% SFA, Reference) ™ BIO (10% SFA) 20 (20% SFA) 30 (30% SFA) 1 18 B40 (40% SFA) 18 B50 (50% SFA) 4 3 £ z & 3 4 28 56 91 1 year Time, days Fig 14, Spliting tensile strength vs. time of testing. 1H Mage Aner eta Resin gig 6 (2020) 100118 B00 (0% SFA, Reference) B10 (10% SFA) 4s 1820 20% SFA) B30 30% SFA) B40 (40% SFA) B50 (50% SFA) 30 é 2 25 é z g20 S15 z Z00 7s ° 3 4 8 56 91 year Time, days Fig. 15. Modulus of elasticity vs. time of testing. 3.8. Depth of wear penetration ig. 16 shows the variation ofthe wear depth of the SFA-based con- ‘rete mortars versus the time of testing (Le. 3, 14, 28, 56, and 91 days and 1 year after) under 1 h of abrasion, The results reveal that the wear ‘depth of OPC:based concrete mortar BOO (086 SFA) containing ero SFA was higher than those of SFA-based concrete mortars B10 (1036 SFA), 1820 (2096 SFA), B30 (30% SFA), B40 (40% SFA), and B5O (50% SFA) that ‘comprise 108, 20%, 30%, 409%, and 50% SPA, respectively. At 28 days ‘and 1 year, the wear depths of mortars B00 (036 SFA), B10 (10% SEA), 1820 (20% SFA), BBO (30% SFA), B40 (40% SFA), and BSO (50% SFA) were (8.02 SD "010, CV - 3.3196) and 2.82 (SD 0.17, CV 687%), (288 (SD =0.18, GV = 6.22%) and 242 (SD =0.10, CV = 4.1386), (272, (SD =0.20, CV =7.3596) and 2.36 (SD = 0.20, CV = 8.47%), (2.41 (SD 20, CY = 8.3086) and 2.28 (SD = 0.10, CV = 4.189%), (2.01 (SD. (0.06, CV = 2.74%) and 2.21 (SD = 0.11, CV = 4.75%)), and (1.51 (SD 0.10, CV = 6.6296) and 1.96 ($0 = 0.05, CV =2.57%6) mm, respectively. The wear depths decreased from 28 days to 1 year by approximately 16.56%, 15.97%, 13.2486, and 5.39% when SFA addition increased by 096, 10%, 20%, and 30%, respectively. Thereafter, the wear depths ‘Increased from 28 days to 1 yearby nearly 9.95% and 29.80% when SEA Increased to 40% and 50%6, respectively. The results indicated that the wear depth could substantially inerease when the added volume of SEA, exceeds 40% of OPC substitution. 28.1. Abrasion resistance ‘igs 17 ond 18 demonstrate the variation of abrasion resistance ofthe ‘SPA-based concrete mortars versus the time of testing a 28 days and 1 year under 70 min of abrasion, The tes findings showed thatthe abrasion resistance values of conerete mortars BIO (10% SFA), B20 (20% SFA), 1830 (8036 SFA), B40 (4036 SFA), and BSO (50% SEA) that comprise 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, and 50% SEA, respectively, were less than that of the 35 = B00 (0% SFA, Reference) B10 (10% SFA) mo am st) nao aire Sra) = B40 (40% SFA) = B50 (50% SFA) 3 =2s i 22 = Eis = 1 os ° 3 4 2 56 ot year Time, days Fig, 16. Wear depth at 1h of abrasion, YO Mate Aen et gig 5 (202010018 3.00 B00 (0% SFA, Reference) B10 (10% SFA) 1820 (20% SFA) 1330 (30% SFA) = B40 (40% SFA) B50 (50% SFA) 250 Wear depth, mm é 8 6 5 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Time of abrasion, mins Fig. 17, Wear dep vie of abrasion a 28 days. 35 = B00 (0% SFA, Reference) B10 (10% SFA) = B20 (20% SFA) = B30 (30% SFA) 3 = B40 (40% SFA) B50 (50% SFA) ‘Wear depth, mm 10 20 30 40 50 0 ‘Time of abrasion, mins Fig. 18, Wear depth sine of abrasion at 1 year reference mortar HOO, At 28 days and 1 year, the wear depth for mortars [B00 (0% SFA), B1O (10% SFA), B20 (20% SFA), B30 (30% SFA), B40 (40% SEA), and 050 (50% SEA) were (1.47 (SD = 0.02, CV = 1.19%) and 1.63 (SD = 0.03, CV = 2.13%), (1.43 (SD = 0.02, CV = 1.40%6) and 1.59 ($0 ~ 0.15, CV ~ 9.26%), (1.86 (SD ~ 0.003, GV ~ 0.19%) and 2.07 (SD 04, CV = 1.9350), (209 (SD = 0.02, CV = 0.83%) and 2.32 (SD = 0.11, GV = 4.5498), (2.28 (SD = 0.01, CV = 0.479) and 2.48 (SD =0.01, CV 0.2850), and (2.64 (SD 0.01, CV. 0.539%) and 2.93 (SD 0.08, (CV =3.139%)) mm, respectively. The diference ofthe abrasion resistance ‘with period of times for al A-based concrete mortars at ages 3,14, 56, and 91 days produced the same results as those at 28 days and 1 year. ‘Therefore, wear depth increased with the extension ofthe abrasion time for all mortars. All strengths, particularly compressive strength, signif ‘cantly influenced the abrasion resistance ofthe SFA-based concrete 44. Conclusions ‘This research paper presents the performance properties of high proportion SFA-based concrete at different times of testing (ic, 3, 14, 28, 56, and 91 days and 1 year) The use of SFA asa suitable SCM 10 partly substitute cement in the fabrication of SEA-based conerete Is ‘nicial. To increase the SFA levels, an extensive experimental work was carried out to utlize SPA In the production of concrete. Six concrete sixes were utilized: five out ofthe six mixes were prepared with different SBA levels and one mix was used as the reference. Tis research presents the findings of adding high volumes of SF at diferent proportions (Le, (0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, and 50%). Experimental tests were performed ‘on the properties of SFALased concrete, including slump test, aie con- fen, seting times, thermal profile, specific gravity, sieve gradation, flenural strength, tensile strength, compressive strength wea, resistance to abrasion, and elasticity modulus, at diferent time intervals for one year. The subsequent conclusions were observed on tse bases of the ‘major results of this study. ‘The substitution of OPC with five proportions of SFA condensed all scengths, including MoE of SPA-Dased conecete at 28 days of testing YH Mage Amr eta time. However, an incessant and considerable development of strength properties was stil observed after 28 days. ‘The strengths ofthe SPA-based concrete with 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, and 50% SFA contents after 28 days were found to be adequate forthe fabrication of structural concrete elements in the construction industry. ‘The wear depth was also highest 1h after abrasion forall SFA-based concrete mortars. ‘The resistance to abrasion ofthe FA-based concrete was substantially affected by its hardened strength, regardless of the SPA content. “Meanwhile, the resistance to abrasion improved with the increment in age fr all SFA-based concrete mortars SPA has emerged as a new engineering material, contributing towards environmentally sustainable construction and building products, at construction industries today. Further investigations are recommended, such asthe enhancement of the durability and strength of SFA in the hardened state using fbers and the exploration of the potential application of FA inthe construction of green buildings and forthcoming sustainable cities witha reduced carbon Footprint. Acknowledgment ‘The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, Prine Sattam [Bin Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia; the Department of Civil Engi neering, Faculty of Engineering, Amran University, Yemen, and the valuable guidance and supervision by the Structural Impact Laboratory (SintLab), Department of Structural Engineering, Norwegian University ‘of Science and Technology, Norway fr this research, References (1 K.celt mera, AF. Gua, PK. Meh, A. 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