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Exercise of SIE

1. Animals can be classified into vertebrates and invertebrates. Vertebrates are animals with a
backbone while invertebrates are ....
2. An example of invertebrate with no jointed legs is ….
3. They have a mouth surrounded by tentacles and they use these tentacles to sting and paralyze. It is
characteristics of ….
4. To give the lobster’s body its shape and protects it, is the function of ....
5. To protect itself, snail use it ....
6. Plants make their own food. Plants make food in their ....
7. If a plant produces more sugar than it can be used, the sugar is stored as starch in ....
8. Stomata are openings found on ....
9. The Greater Dodder is a small plant with no leaves and ....
10. The examples of plants that store starch in stems are ....
11. An ecosystem consist of all the …… living together in area and their interaction with one another
as well as their environment.
12. The environment of a habitat is made up of both the abiotic and the biotic factors. An example of
abiotic factor is ......
13. Organism living in each ecosystem are affected by the abiotic and biotic factors found there, for
example in Lizard, lizards increase their body temperature by ……
14. One of the biotic factor that affect organism is man, because of the man hand’s to the forest ….. the
habitats of several animals.
15. Starfish, sea urchins and sea cucumbers are invertebrates with no jointed legs. They are found in the
16. Plants make their own food through a process called ....
17. Ginseng store starch in it ....
18. Two examples of biotic factors are bacteria and fungi. These factors causes ....
19. Two examples of invertebrates that have a mouth surrounded by tentacles are …..
20. The similarities between slugs and snails are ….
21. The products of photosynthesis are ….
22. Two plants with non-green leaves pigment are ….
23. Ecosystem is ….

Asesmen Sumatif Tengah Semerter I SD Islam Al Azhar 21 Pontianak TP. 2022/2023 1

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