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unit -2

Children and women in sports

l. MOTOR DEVELOPMENT IN CHILDREN: Motor development is related to smooth

3rd coordinated movement. Motor development refers to the development of a child’s bones,
muscles, and ability to move around and manipulate their environment. It provides perfection in

and graceful movement. This is very important for children. Motor development in children

is divided into two parts

Gross Motor Development: It involves the development of large or big muscles of the body.
These big muscles help them to stand, sit, run, jump, etc.

Fine Motor Development: It involves the development of small muscles (especially hands
and fingers) in the body. These muscles help them to do fine work like catching, throwing,

picking, kicking, dancing, balancing, skill perfection, writing, etc.

Factors affecting Motor Development : (I)Parents and Heredity (ii) Immunisation

(iii) Nutrition (iv) Environment (v) Psychological Feedback and Motivation (vi) Disability and
Disease (vii) Regular Practice (viii) Mental Ability (ix) Rest and Relaxation (x) Safety Measures
(xi) Body Weight (xii) Gender or Sex Difference (xiii) Proper Training (xiv) Interest and

POSTURE: Posture is the specific body position. It may be static or dynamic such as
sitting, standing, lying, walking, running, reading, etc. There are different views about posture,

According to Physical Educationists, "Posture is a tool Of mechanical efficiency of the body which

causes minimum stress to muscles. Moreover, maximum output of physical efficiency can

be attained". According to Doctors, "Posture is soundness of physiological balance of the body.'

Good posture helps the body to function efficiently and effectively. Good posture reflects the

personality of an individual, Correct or good posture is the position of the body held withOUt

any sense of effort. Posture is directly related to the health status of an individual. Incorrect

posture, the various organs of the body to get rest. the body does not get easily tired and the

person remains in sound health. Good posture keeps our bones in their natural shape and

proper alignment.

Correct Standing and Sitting Posture: In the correct standing posture, feet apart about 4
to 6 inches (roughly shoulder width). Feet should be parallel to each other and balanced

evenly on both feet. One should stand straight and erect. In this the head straight: chin paro

to the floor; shoulder, hips, and knees in a straight line. Body weight on both legs and evens

balanced. Incorrect sitting posture, the backbone should be correct so that the natural curve should

visible. The upper region of the backbone should be straight against the back of the chair Head should be in line with
the hip and shoulder. The thighs should be in a straight line resting on the seat of the chair and the legs should rest
vertically on the feet. Advantages of Correct Posture •

 Attractive Physical Appearance

 Psychological Balance
 Improves Social Status note- please brief these points on your own
 Improves Appetite
 Better Skill Perfection
 Optimum Physical Efficiency
 Good body balance.

Causes of bad Posture :

Accident, Lack of Nutritional Diet, improper Treatment, Lack of Sufficient Strength, Disease
Wrong Postural Habits, Psychological Stress, Age Factor, Bad Shoes or Clothing

note- please brief these points on your own


(A) Knock Knees In this postural deformity the legs are bent inward and knees strike each
other while walking or running, i.e., knees touch or overlap each other in a normal standing
position. In the Knock-knees problem, the knees join together while there is a wide gap between
the ankle varying directly with the degree of deformity.

Causes: The main causes of this deformity are Rickets, Deficiency of Vitamin D, weak legs, obesity
during childhood, overweight, Calcium Deficiency, Heavy Normal Weight, etc.

Corrective Measures : (a) Vriksh Asana (b) Akarn Dhanur Asana (c) Padma Asana (d) Pillow
Exercise (e) Outward Walking

A. Side Step-ups. Side step-ups are done on a weight bench, Stand to the right side facing the
bench and arms in front of the chest. Then place your right foot on the bench, press down, and lift
the body in the air as shown in the picture. When the right leg is straight. hold for a second, lower
yourself, and repeat. After doing 10 to 12 repetitions, switch sides.

B. Lying Abduction It is done from a side-lying position. Lie on the right side with legs stacked.
Then lift the left leg at a 45° angle to the floor and hold for a second. Slowly lower your leg, repeat
for 10 to 12 repetitions, and switch sides.

C. Wall Abductor Squeeze These exercises are done with the help of an exercise ball as shown in
the picture. Stand with the right side facing the wall, and hold the ball against the floor at stomach
height. After lifting the left leg hold it for a second. Slowly release the pressure and repeat. After
doing 10 to 12 repetitions, switch sides.
A. Side Step-ups. B. Lying Abduction C. . Wall Abductor Squeeze

(B) Flat Foot: Flat Foot is an abnormal condition of the foot in which the arch of the foot
collapses, with the entire sole coming into complete or near-complete contact

with the ground, i.e. no arch in the foot and the foot is completely flat. In this default of feet, the
person gives a complete print of their foot sole over the plane surface (walking barefooted). In a
flat foot, the inner curve of the foot bulges more than normal.

Causes: The main causes of Flat foot are wearing flat Normal Foot Flat Foot slippers or shoes,
improper shoes, poor quality shoes without sole curves, obesity and overweight, prolonged
standing, weak muscles of the foot, the rapid increase of body weight, etc.

Corrective Measures : (a) Tarr Asana (b) Walking on Sand (c) Regular Running (d) Good Quality
Shoes (e) Pressure Over Foot (f) Writing with Foot

A. Heel Stretch Stand on the floor keeping your feet flat on the floor. After this lift both feet's toes
and feet except the heel. Hold in this position for 10-15 seconds. Repeat this exercise 5 times for
both feet as shown in the picture.

B. Using Proper Shoes Wear shoes that have proper arch support. Wearing high heels should be

C. Twisting Feet Sit with legs straight touching the floor. Lift the right foot and touch the last toe
finger of the left foot. This foot exercise is an effective stretching to build an arch.

A. Heel Stretch C. Twisting Feet

(C) Bow Legs: this is the defect of legs that bend outward. The space between the knees widens
up and the legs take a curve shape. Bow legs cause a lot of pressure over the lateral edges of the

Causes: The main cause of Bow legs deformity is Rickets, deficiency of Vitamin D and Calcium in
diet, early childhood walking with weight, obesity, default footwear, etc.

Corrective Measures: Ardha Matsyendra Asana, Garud Asana, Ardh Chakra Asanas, Special
shoes, Walking with Inward toe.

A Leg Strengthening Exercises Leg strengthening exercises always develop muscles around the
knee and help to improve bowed legs. Strengthening exercises can be performed by lying flat on
an exercise bench. Place a 10-lb. weight between feet. Bend at the knees, bringing your feet back
until the weight hits you in the buttocks. Fully extend legs and repeat.

B. Pilates Pilates is the best exercise for Improving body alignment. Lying down on the back and
lifting both legs off the ground and quickly moving legs up and down. At the same time tighten
abdominal muscles and lift the upper torso slightly off the ground.

A Leg Strengthening Exercises B. Pilates

(D) Kyphosis: This is the problem of the thoracic cage and cervical spine, i.e. an abnormal
curvature Of the spine at the front.

Causes: It causes a hump at the back of the body. Thus, the shoulder comes forward and the neck
drops forward. This postural deformity causes convexity of the thoracic cage. Thus, body weight
is shifted forward. It causes an unbalanced position for the individual during standing and a lot of
pressure on the toes.

Precautions : (i) One should not lean forward during the prolonged study. (ii) One should do
regular exercise. (iii) One should take a balanced diet. (iv) One should learn the correct sitting and
standing posture to avoid this deformity.

Corrective Measures of Kyphosis They are mostly backward bending asanas or exercises. (ii)
Dhanur Asana (iii) Bhujang Asana (iv) Ushtt Asana (i) Chakra Asana(v) Backward Bending (vi)
Reverse Sit up (vii) Interlock fingers at back and pull hands up while looking up. It is the postural
defect in

A. Posture Good posture while standing, sleeping, walking, or sitting often protects against
postural deformities like Khyposts. Many times we often bend our upper back including
shoulders to avoid lower back pain. Avoiding this can protect Khyposis.
B. Stretching While Sitting on Chair Sit straight in the chair keeping your spine, hands, and head
straight. After this position starts bending your head down as much as you can. This gives A
stretch of the back muscles. Repeat this exercise 2-3 times a day for 2 weeks.

C. Strengthening Cervical Muscles Isometric exercises are the best to strengthen the neck and
shoulder muscles. The following exercise can be performed: [n] Press palms against the forehead.
After this slowly start pushing your head. Hold at this position for 5-6 seconds. Relax and repeat
3-4 times.

(b) After attaching a rope to the seated cable row place both the feet on the footpads as shown in
the picture. Then flex your knees a little. Hold the rope in each hand and then pull it towards the
chin. Like this few sets of exercises are done.

(c) Lie flat on the ground. Then hands are placed on the sides. After contracting back muscles
move to head up. Slowly raise your chest as much as you can. Hold for a few seconds. Relax and
repeat it 8-10 times.

D. Reduce Crunches It has been observed that heavy weight training done for bodybuilding can
lead to Khyposis. So, a reduction in crunches helps to avoid this. Crunches lead to reflexive
weakness of the muscles in the spine.

A. Posture B. Stretching While Sitting on


C. Strengthening Cervical Muscles D. Reduce Crunches

E) Round Shoulders: shoulders become round and sometimes they are projected forward, i.e.
shoulders are bent forward. The chin is downward and the head is bent forward. This gives the
round shape of the shoulder.

Causes: The main causes of this deformity are: carrying an overloaded school bag children,
wearing tight fitted clothes, weak muscles on the chest and shoulder, the wrong posture during
reading or writing over a chair or bed, faulty furniture, etc.
CORRECTIVE MEASURES They are mostly backward bending asanas or exercises. (ii) Dhanur
Asana (iii) Bhujang Asana (iv) Ushtt Asana (i) Chakra Asana(v) Backward Bending (vi) Reverse Sit
up (vii) Interlock fingers at back and pull hands up while looking up

A. Standing Chest Stretch After standing near a wall, the left upper arm is lifted and kept parallel
to the floor. Bend the elbow at a right angle. Then place right forearm with palm facing front on
the wall. Exhale, lean forward a little, and twist your body to the left. Hold this stretch for 40 to 60
seconds, then relax. Like this repeat the exercise for another side also.

B. Supine Chest Stretch Lie faces up on an exercise bench with your spine and head supported on
the bench. Place both arms out to the sides at right angles from the body with palms facing up.
Exhale and stretch arms toward the floor until a comfortable position is achieved. Then stretch in
chest muscles. Hold this position for 40 to 60 seconds.

C. Bridging Exercise After lying on the back with the knees bent and feet flat on the floor the hips
are raised as shown in the picture. Hold for 5-10 seconds, rest, and repeat. Initially do 2 sets of 10

D. Reverse Shoulder Stretch Stand looking straight ahead. feet shoulder-width apart and arms by
your sides. Clasp your hands behind your back with thumbs pointing towards the floor. Stand
tall, open your chest and move your hands back and towards the ceiling. Hold in this position for
20-30 seconds.

A. Standing Chest Stretch B. Supine Chest Stretch

C. Bridging Exercise D. Reverse Shoulder Stretch

F)Lordosis: Lordosis is the problem of lumbar-spine. In this postural deformity, the lumbar
spine bends in front beyond the normal level. Lordosis is an abnormal curvature of the spine in
front of the lumbar spine. Thus, the abdomen is ahead of the body and the shoulder comes
outward and sideward. In Lordosis deformity, the body weight is shifted backward. Thus, a lot Of
pressure is over heels. This problem is also known as Hollow Back, it causes back pain.

Causes: The main causes of Lordosis deformity are: weak abdomen muscles, overweight or
obesity, sedentary lifestyle, etc.

Corrective Measures: All forward bending asanas or exercises help correct Lordosis.

(a) paschimottan Asana (b) Hal Asana (c) Fonvard Bending (d) Alternate Toe Touching

(e) Stoop Walking (Long Stride Walking) (g) Balanced Diet (h) Proline Lying.

A Hip Flexor Stretch Stretching the iliopsoas muscle, attain the position with one
knee on the floor as shown in the picture Gently push the hips towards keeping the
back upright unit a complete stretch is performed Hold for 20-30 seconds, repeat 3-5
times, several times a day.

B.Lower Back Stretch Lie on your back with the knees bent. Pull the knees in
towards the back. as far as comfortable. Hold for 20-30 seconds and repeat 3.5 umes,
several times a day,

C. Strengthening Abdominal Crunch Lie on your back with knees bent. After this
gently slide hands up towards the knees and back down again, raising the head and
shoulders off the floor. Repeat this exercise until you feel the abdomen muscles
working hard. Rest for a minute and aim to do 2-3 sets.

D. Twisting Crunch After lying on the back with the knees bent and feet flat on the
floor. The hands are placed on the sides of the temples as shown in the picture.
After rising the head, twist the upper body so that the right elbow moves towards
the left knee. Return to the starting position and repeat, alternating between left and
right twists. Start by performing 2 sets of 10 repetitions and gradually increase
towards 3 sets of 20.

A Hip Flexor Stretch Stretching B.Lower Back Stretch

Strengthening Abdominal Crunch D. Twisting Crunch

(G) Scoliosis: It is the problem of the spine in Which the vertebral column bends sideward.

causes one shoulder down and the other to be raised. Body weight is shifted sideward and it

a lot of pressure on one side of the foot.

Causes: The main causes of Scoliosis deformity are differences in leg lengths; undeveloped legs or
backbone; lifting weight towards one side of the shoulder in routine, disease or injury of
backbone; weakness or paralysis, disease like TB or Rickets; heredity, etc.

Corrective Measures: All opposite sideward bending exercises or asanas help correct Scoliosis.
Some of them are :

(a) Ardh Chakra Asana (b) Trikon Asana (c) Tarr Asana (d) Chin-ups

A. Spiral Movement and Tension This exercise is the best for scoliosis, Initially stand straight
keeping your feet apart as per the width of your shoulders. Turn head to the left but don't let the
shoulders move. When the head reaches the end of its rotation then allow the shoulders also to
turn as shown in the picture. Also, perform the same exercise for other directions.

B. Hip Roll & Bridge Hip Roll and Bridge is an exercise done while raising vertebrae to form a
full circle. As the circular position is maintained in the opposite direction, the problem gets good.
C. Spine Release Exercise This exercise is performed lying on the floor. The knee is raised to form
a T shape and then moved to the left direction. The shoulders should be kept flat on the floor.
Lower the knees to a comfortable point as shown in the picture. Repeat the same for the other side

A. Spiral Movement and Tension B. Hip Roll & Bridge

C. Spine Release Exercise

Women’s participation in Sports-Physical, Psychological and Social Benefits

The participation of women and girls in sports, physical fitness, and exercise have been recorded
to have existed throughout history. However, participation rates and activities vary by the
nation’s era, geography, and stage of economic development. While initially occurring informally
the modern era of organized sports did not begin to emerge either for men or women until the late
industrial age, Physical Benefits: Sports have been one of the most important socio-cultural
learning experiences for boys and men for many years. Those same benefits should be afforded to
girls and women. Girls and women who play sports have higher levels of confidence and self-
esteem and lower levels of depression. As little as four hours of exercise a week may reduce a
teenage girl's risk of breast cancer Girls and women who play sports have a more positive body
image and experience a higher up to 60% state of psychological well-being than girls and women
who do not play sports. 40% of women over the age of 50 who were not permitted to play sports
or encouraged to participate in weight-bearing exercises suffered from osteoporosis (brittle bones).

Psychological and Social Benefits: Various psychological traits of women athletes are:

1. Gender Role Orientation: Many sports like wrestling, weight lifting, bodybuilding, etc. have
been considered inappropriate for women because of the potentially harmful masculinizing effects
of sports.

2. Competitiveness: Males are found to be competitive in comparison to females. The female is

more goal-oriented and performs magnificently in artistic activities such as gymnastics,

3. Confidence: Female sportsperson has less confidence in comparison to male sportsperson.

While sportswomen are significantly more confident than non-sportsperson.

4. Self-esteem: Female athletes have low self-esteem in comparison to male athletes. Intensive
training helps in enhancing self-esteem.

5. Self-image or body image: Sports participation is helpful in the enhancement of positive body
image. It provides a good shape and a well-balanced body and finally, it improves self-image.

6. Playing promotes healthy competition: Competitiveness includes, liking to win. competing

against other teams or Individuals and even friendly competition among teammates, was one of
the primary reasons girls provided for why sports are fun

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