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with Tom Cronin

Accessing The Stillness Within
Your Private Action Guide
with Tom Cronin

Your Name: _______________________

Mindfulness: Accessing The Stillness Within
with Tom Cronin

Welcome to Your Private Action Guide

8 Simple Tips To Using This Action Guide Effectively

1. Print out this guide before the class starts so you can write down your notes as
you listen.

2. Make sure you've set aside private time for this session so you’ll be able to
focus and fully receive the benefits of the session.

3. Review the preparation exercises so that you can best set the space and
intention to experience this class.

4. Have a glance at the Masterclass Summary so you know what to listen out for.

5. During the Masterclass, write down interesting quotes, thoughts, ideas, and
inspirations you get while listening — that way you won’t lose the information
most relevant to you.

6. Consider how you can quickly implement the secrets revealed in this session.

7. Refer back to this guide after the class is over to fill in any thing you may have
missed, or to work on any exercise you’d like to explore deeper.

8. Use the space to be creative, expressive, and honest.

“Make each day your masterpiece”

- John Wooden
Mindfulness: Accessing The Stillness Within
with Tom Cronin

Your Preparation Tips for This Masterclass

• This Masterclass will be best experienced in quiet place where nothing can
distract you.

• Be in a comfortable position so you can fully take part in any guided meditations
or visualization exercises that may be a part of the class.

• Before starting, take a deep breath. Breathing deeply slows the heart rate and
relaxes the muscles to help you have a comfortable experience during any guided
meditations or visualizations that may happen during the class.

• Be open to the experience and to the learnings you are about to receive.

Pre-Masterclass Intention Setting Exercise

What was your intention for attending this Masterclass? What are you hoping to get it out
of it? Set your positive intentions here.








“A good intention clothes itself with sudden power”

-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Mindfulness: Accessing The Stillness Within
with Tom Cronin


Part 1: Meditation, Mindfulness and Stillness Explained

Part 2: Guided Meditation 1: Concentration

Part 3: Guided Meditation 2: Contemplation

Part 4: Self Reflection

Mindfulness: Accessing The Stillness Within
with Tom Cronin

Part 1: Mindfulness, Meditation and Stillness Explained

~The active process of being aware

1. Mindfulness involves the ability to watch your own ____________. The type of
meditation it involves is ______________________

2. Around ____________% of your daily thoughts are conditioned thoughts that you
have been having throughout your life.

3. The thoughts you have on a day to day basis are often dictated by outside factors. List
some of the outside forces below

_____Your Parents ______ _______The Media _____

______________________ _____________________

______________________ _____________________

85% of the thoughts you had today were the SAME THOUGHTS that you
had yesterday, and the day before, and the day before….

4. According to Tom Cronin, Rene Descartes may not thinking like a meditator when he
uttered the famous phrase, "I think therefore I am"

We could instead modify the phrase to simply, “ _____________” as to infer

“I am something other than my thoughts.”

Mindfulness: Accessing The Stillness Within

with Tom Cronin

Exercise: Awareness of both thoughts and actions

After this Masterclass, PICK ONE of the following scenarios from both the “Thoughts” and
“Actions” column and journal about your personal experience with it. If you want, you an
use the diagram below. Remember: Be honest and truthful to yourself.

Thoughts: Actions:

1. When a loved one smiles and hugs you, 1. Describe how you eat your food on a regular
what are some thoughts that come up for basis.
you? 2. Describe how you typically interact with a friend or
romantic partner when you speak to them?
2. What are some of the thoughts that might 3. How is your posture and body language and
be serving or dissolving you as awareness in this very moment?
you navigate your your day?

My Thoughts

My Actions
Mindfulness: Accessing The Stillness Within
with Tom Cronin

~The practice of stilling the mind

5. Meditation involves getting into deep states of ____________, which in turn influences
your physiology

6. Takes notes about the 4 difference types of meditation in the boxes below.

Type #1: ____________ Type #2: ____________

Type #3: ____________ Type #4: ____________

7. Place a star next to the type of meditation that seems the most compelling to you right

8. _______________Meditation is the type best utilised with a yoga practice.

Mindfulness: Accessing The Stillness Within
with Tom Cronin

9. _______________ meditation involves developing a muscle of self control over

the mind.

10. In transcendent styled meditation, we are often lead into deeper states through the
means of a mantra.
Explore the root of the word “mantra” in the spaces below, which will help you best
understand how a mantra should be used.

Manas (Sanskrit: मनस्, “___________”)

Tra (Sanskrit: त्र, “________________”)

Mantra = (Sanskrit: मंत्र, “_______________”)

Use the analogy of an ocean to best understand the nature of the mind (for
question 11-12)

11. The waves at the surface represent the most

obvious aspects of our _________________.

12. Meditation is much like an ocean: the more deep you go, the more still_____________
your mind becomes.

Thinking is not THE ONLY aspect of your awareness it is just the most OBVIOUS
aspect of your awareness
Mindfulness: Accessing The Stillness Within
with Tom Cronin

13. When in meditation, and specifically in transcendent meditation, the body enters a
physiological state of ________________. This state can make all other trivial thoughts

The Mind Body Connection

14. A ____________________ mind leads to a stimulation body. Whereas a _________

mind leads to a calm body.

Exercise. Understanding the Mind Body Connection

After this Masterclass, consider the diagram above. Label and identify where you
physically seem to hold onto most of your stress. In the space below, journal about what
is would be like to alleviate this for good.




Mindfulness: Accessing The Stillness Within
with Tom Cronin

15. Samskaras as otherwise known as ________________ throughout the body. You can
remember this word and it’s definition because it’s where we get our english word “scar.”

The Paradox of Meditation:

While meditation aims towards stilling the mind, the very act of releasing our
samskaras will often take us out of “stillness.” Therefore, you will not have a meditation
where you are consistently still.

Exercise. Affirmation for mindfulness.

After this Masterclass, come back and write an affirmation to remind yourself of gifts
stillness could grant you. You can use the example below, or write something more
personal to you.

“I am committing to removing stressors so that I can live vitality, joyfully and abundantly. I
aim to take full control over my mind so that I can go about my days effortlessly with ease
and love. I want to have days where I can easily manifest things, and have the kind of
health and energy that springs me out of bed in the morning”








Mindfulness: Accessing The Stillness Within
with Tom Cronin

Part 2: Guided Meditation 2: Concentration

Benefits: Stimulating the rest and digest system in your body, disarming the stress
response and inducing calmness.
Best Uses: After a meeting, before bed bedtime, after a long day at work.

Describe with all 5 of your senses what it feels like to focus on your breath alone






How do you feel coming out of a concentration meditation? Describe any positive emotions
that came as a result of it below






Remember: Embrace whatever came up during your meditation. Sometimes it is

involves samskaras surfacing, but know that it is cleansing to let this release.
Mindfulness: Accessing The Stillness Within
with Tom Cronin

Part 3: Guided Meditation 2: Contemplation

Benefits: Expand the love in your heart, become laser-like focused on anything you put
intention on.
Best Uses: After deeper styles of meditation, in the morning before your day begins.

Describe what the Golden Light inside of your heart feels like. What is the sensation that it
gives to your body as it permeates to other areas?






How do you feel coming out of a contemplation meditation? Describe any emotions that
came up as a result of it below.





Mindfulness: Accessing The Stillness Within
with Tom Cronin

Part 4: Self Reflection

The right questions can spur your subconscious to feed you the right answers. So ask
yourself. . .

How do you feel after the Masterclass? What were some of your biggest insights and

Write down the 3 reasons how you believe bringing stillness into your life could benefit you
right now.

~ A Thought to Take Away

Write down a quote or phrase here that you heard in this Masterclass that resonates the
most with you.



Mindfulness: Accessing The Stillness Within
with Tom Cronin

Additional Notes

To sign up for Faster Deeper Bliss, Tom’s course on The Mindvalley Academy, please
visit the Mindvalley Academy for more details.

TIP: Near the end of the Masterclass, his new course will be offered at a special price
as a Thank-You Gift for class attendees.
Mindfulness: Accessing The Stillness Within
with Tom Cronin


“Faster Deeper Bliss has helped me achieve an amazing sense of calmness

and clarity.”

Faster Deeper Bliss has helped me achieve an amazing sense of calmness and clarity;
with my loved ones, in my career and more importantly in my relationship with myself.

- Aishah Sinclair, TV Presenter and Actor

“My life has been transformed.”

“you have changed my life! I started meditating with your technique in May of last year. I
have been religiously meditating every day. My life has been transformed. I am a better,
more peaceful, thoughtful, nicer person. In my 59 years on this planet, I have finally found
IT through you. Thank you.”

- Kate Kassam

“Your meditation technique and its simple honesty in common sense have
led me to a better me today”

“A little over a year ago I could barely string some words together due to my adrenal
fatigue and I know having come across your meditation technique and its simple honesty
in common sense have led me to a better me today and I have you to thank for for who I
am today and working towards. Thank you for the explanations and for being you. With
warm regards."

- Sarah

“I am finally enjoying life again.”

"I purchased the 21 Steps To Faster Deeper Bliss program a couple of months ago and
have been practising meditation twice daily ever since. I am SO THRILLED with the
difference it has made to me after suffering from post natal depression and anxiety for the
past two years. I am finally enjoying life again.”

- Clare J
Mindfulness: Accessing The Stillness Within
with Tom Cronin

“I have nourished my soul.”

"I am currently going through the 21 steps meditation program, and today, I feel an
amazing feeling, like I have nourished my soul. WOW!! What a truly wonderful thing.
Thank you Stillness project, thanks Tom. This is the start of something life giving for

- Tracey

“I've definitely noticed improvements in my creativity, sense of calm.”

“Thank you for the energy and effort you put into this program. I believe your program was
so helpful to me as it gave me a daily anchor and also explained so clearly what was
happening and why. Thank you for the energy and effort you put into this program. I've
definitely noticed improvements in my creativity, sense of calm, and my ability to step back
to observe a situation, rather than react impulsively. Congratulations on a great program,
and again, thank you.” 

- Christie

“I'm IN LOVE!”

"I'm IN LOVE! I've tried meditation several times and gave up on it EVERY time. Each day
I CAN'T wait for my next meditation. THANK YOU for taking the mystery out of meditation.”

- Leslie E. B

“That stillness sound is just amazing!”

"I just wanted to say that, I'm only up to step six, as I've only been doing it maybe once a
week, but when I do actually do it, I feel like I go so deep. It's a feeling I've never felt
before since I've been meditating for a couple of years now. That stillness sound is just
amazing. Just wanted to let you know of my progress. :)”

- Helen Vargas
Mindfulness: Accessing The Stillness Within
with Tom Cronin


“She no longer has depression.”

Clare had been suffering postnatal depression for two years since the birth of her first child
. After only two months of using Faster Deeper Bliss, she no longer has the depression an
d in her words is finally enjoying life again.

“She discovered her purpose in life.”

Teresa was a stay-at home mum and feeling directionless and unhappy with life.
 After six months of using the Faster Deeper Bliss program, she discovered her purpose in
 life and is now a law of attraction life coach.

“Within a week he no longer needed sleeping pills.”

John is a leading comedian in the USA. He spends a lot of time travelling 48 weeks a year,
 and is often in three time zones a week. He had tried many techniques to help manage hi
s anxiety and stress levels but it wasn’t until he experienced FDB meditation did he really n
otice a change. Within a week, he no longer needed sleeping pills and the chatter in his he
ad had died down. He says: "I loved I could learn it ASAP at my computer. I, with all my he
art, recommend this program more."

“Her confidence grew and the anxiety faded away.”

Trent sent us a thank you for saving his mother. She was suffering anxiety, depression and
 agoraphobia. She had become incapacitated and spent much of her days locked in doors.
 After she used our FDB program, she noticed the fear subsiding. Her confidence grew an
d the anxiety faded away. Trent says: "I have seen her change and become a happy and a
mazing person these last seven or eight months. You mean a lot to her, thank you!”

“After suffering many years with an eating disorder, Michelle is now free.”

After suffering many years with an eating disorder, Michelle is now free. Once she started
meditating using her Faster Deeper Bliss program she found an inner peace and
wakefulness that enabled her to break free of her eating disorder. She says: "Your
program is helping me to reconnect and separate and redirect my energy into joy and
health. No small feat. I was ready and your program entered. Thank you.”

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