2G-GTC85-33-2 Rev 2, 6-15-88

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AIR FORCE TO. 2G-G1C85-33-2 NAVY NAVAIR 93-105BC-32-1 py__NAVAIR 05 TECHNICAL MANU, AL pEPOT SAAINTENANCE MANUAL suPPORT EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE PNEUMATIC POWER GAS TURBINE ENGINE MODELS G@Tc8s-56 GTC85-70A (INCLUDES GTCcEs5-1 5) gtcs5-7 1A q@tTcs5-7 2 g1c85-} 16 rent nooot3 806-0602 crs publication BG of foorteon manuals covering, Depot Maina sppoy are nombered TO 266 a x ey ores putes NAN ALR A revaieable) and TO. Fin yeas 39-1 NAV Maik 03-205BC-32) e-cTeee sss (NAVAIR 08 ble) 2) Alter a Feortgen manuals sre received, te Towing manest® 2 ang all changes 2s pplemaats wil PE ‘supers 7.0, 26-GTCRES, gated 15 Bobruary, 196° TO, 26. GTC85 Ie, Gatad 15 May 1967 TO AIR 02 1OSEC 7 dates Y soptember 1079 NAN ATR 08 10580 27 Gated 1 March 1967 NAN AIR 19-1008-18 dated 5 September 3919 pstneuTion STATON -pexipaion autor OG government ag0r2ie rst ate 0 ONS S Deeper ess oF 5 Senter shat be re Atay AB HK 7024? 5000, na tei contactors fF so san Amonio NE! uannns The See conning echoed! ag i cesictod wg the MIT export Contch warie 22,052 904, conte soa) FINE ere traon Nt) sce, Tile £0. PEE hop. 280), =o, vans EI is ofa, sutet ot Pca nates: DES gesrmucrion NOTICE OSE wy any mettos rat wi event dacosre of om whe asic AND LL. CHANGES, HAVE BEEN MERGED Be MAKE, THIS 'n COMPLETE PUBLICATION - ADE, ver urortys NPE Secretary of wt A FOOSE orreconstuetion of 14 APRIL 1 9 6 cHaNGe2 - 18 7UN E 19, 88, AIR FORCE T.O. 2G-GTC85-33-2 NAVY NAVAIR 03-105BC-32.1 TECHNICAL MANUAL DEPOT MAINTENANCE MANUAL SUPPORT EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE PNEUMATIC POWER GAS TURBINE ENGINE MODELS GTC85-56 GTC85-70A (INCLUDES GTCE85-15) GTC85-71A GTC85-72 GTC85-116 GARRETT No0019-806-0602 ‘This publication is one of fourteen manuals covering Depot Maintenance. They are numbered 7.0. 2G-GTC8581 (NAVAIR not applicable) and 7.0. 2G-GTC85-93-1 (NAVAIR 03-1058C-32) through 1.0. 26-GTC85-33-15 (NAVAIR 03-105BC-82.12). After all fourteen manuals are received, the following manuals, incloding all changes and supplements, will be superseded: 7.0. 26-GT085-3 dated 15 February 1969 7.0. 26-GTC85-13 dated 15 May 1967 NAVAIR 03-105BC-24 dated 1 September 1979 NAVAIR 08-105BC-27 dated 1 March 1967 NAVAIR 19-105B-18 dated 1 September 1973 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT - Distnbution authorized to U S Government agencies and their contractors for ‘Administatve or Operational Use, ther requests fot this document shal be referred to San Antonio ALC/ MMEDI, Kelly AFB TX 78281-5000. WARNING - This document contains technica! data whose export restricted by the Arms Export Control [act ile 22, US.G~ See 2751, et 09) of the Export Adminstration Act of 1979, as amended, Tile 50, US.C, App. 2401 et sea, Violations of these export laws re subject to severe criminal pealies, Dissem nate in accordance with provisions of DoD Directive 5230.25. DESTRUCTION NOTICE Destoyby ay method that wil prevent disclosure of contents or reconsrcton of ‘the document. “BASIC AND ALL CHANGES HAVE BEEN MERGED TO MAKE THIS A COMPLETE PUBLICATION. Pubished under autor ofthe Secretary ofthe Ar Free 14 APRIL 1986 CHANGE 2 - 15 JUNE 1988 1.0. 26GTC85-33-2 RECORD OF CHANGES Original ...0 1M Apr 86 Change <1. 80 Apr 87 Change 2.22.16 Jun 88 ‘Total number of pages in this manual is 50 Page Change No. No. ‘Title 2 A. 2 NUMERICAL INDEX OF EFFECTIVE WORK PACKAGES. NOTE Only those work packages and subordinate work packages assigned to this manual arc listed in this index. Change pages are issued to a work package (WP) or subordinate work package (SWP). Insert the changed pages in the applicable work package or subordinate work package. The portion of the text affected in a change or revised WP or SWP is indicated by change bars or the change symbol “RY in the outer margin of ‘cach column of text. Changes to illustrations arc indieated by pointing hands or change bars, as applicable. ‘Changes to wiring diagrams are indicated by shaded areas. NOTE: This change was produced through the Automated Technical Order System (ATOS). Backup pages prefaced in ATOS are shown as being changed, although no changes have been effected. These pages wil fot contain change symbes. The ist of effective pages shows allthe pages i tis publication and the latest Change fesued to sach page. Insert latest changed pages: destroy superseded pager WP/SWP "Change ‘Number Title Number 00100 Alphabetical Index. 00200 Introduction... 00800 Master Special ‘Tools and Test Equipment 00400 Maintenance Instructions ‘Zero in this column indicates an original WP/SWP. A Change 2 AIR FORCE T.0, 2u-GTC85-33-2 WAVY NAVAIR 03-105BC-32.1 WP 01 U0 WORK PACKAGE ALPHABETICAL INUEX SUPPORT EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE EFFECTIVITY: ENGINE MODELS GTcas-56 Grcas-72 GTC85-70A, GTCB5~116 GTC85-714 LIST UF EFFECTIVE WP PAGES RECORD OF CHANGES Uriginal .... 0s... 14 Apr 86 Total Number of Pages in this WP is 2 PAGE CHANGE NO. Nu. 14 APRIL 1986 AIR FORCE T.0. 26-GTC85-33-2 NAVY NAVAIR 03-1058C-32.1 WP 001 00 ALPHABETICAL INDEX Subject WP /SWP_No. Introduction .. sess 002 00 Abbrev iations/Symbols Description of Nanual Instructions for Use Introduction Maintenance Instructions Illustrated Parts List Maintenance Procedures Cleaning Preparation and Inspection Storage Master Special Tools and Test Equipment List ..eeeeeeeeeeeeee Special Tools and Test Equipnent ova 00 003 00 TO, 26-67C85-33-2 WP 002 00 WORK PACKAGE INTRODUCTION SUPPORT EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE EFFECTIVITY: ENGINE MODELS GTC85-56 ercss-72 GNC8S-70A GTCEE116 GTCEETLA LIST OF EEFECTIVE WP PAGES RECORD OF CHANGES 1M Apr 86 15 Jun 88 Original . 0. ‘Change «2 ‘Total Number of Pages in this WP is 2 PAGE CHANGE NO. NO. TQ ensnnnnnn = Be 14 APRIL 1986, Change 2.1. 7.0. 2G-G1C85.33.2 we 002 00 1. INTRODUCTION. This work package provides a description of this manual, i Jist of abbreviations symbols. 2. DESCRIPTION OF MANUAL. ‘This manual provides depot level maintenance procedures for electrical components of the Paeunatic Power Gas Turbine Engine Modol No. GTC35.56/-70A/-T1A/-72/-116, Included is ‘an alphabetical index of work packages. 3. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE. Follow those stops to select the correct work package. a. ‘The work package number is at the top of each page. ‘Turn to work package 001 00 in the manual. is the alphabetical index. {ruetions for use and a 1. In the alphabetical index, find the information needed. For example: Subject WP/SWP No. Maintenance Instruetions 004 00 Master Special Tools und Test Equipment List. 008 00 Find the work package in the column to the right of the subject. Turn to this work package and find the neeiled infurmation, 4. AMBREVIATIONS/SYMBOLS. ‘The use of abbreviations are held to a minimum. ‘Those abbreviations ised will be in aeeordanee with the requirements of MIL-STD-12, The terms for new abbreviations and symbols will be provided in a list of abbreviations/symbols. mbols Definitions c Centigrade/Cetsivs F Farenh swe Subordinate Work Package WP Work Package ENERAL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS. — All personnel are responsible for review and familiarization ofall ‘ble yeneral warning und safety precautions prior to performing maintenance of any sort. Refer to T.0. C8581, WP 002 00, parayraph 6. 2 Change 2 T.0. 26-GTC85.33-2 wr 003 00 WORK PACKAGE ‘TECHNICAL PROCEDURES SUPPORT MAIN’ ANCE MASIER SPECIAL TOOLS AND TEST EQUIPMENT LIST EFFECTIVITY: ENGINE MODELS PAGE xo 12 2 19.2 sure GTC85.56 GTC85-12, GIC8-70A GTC8E116 GTC85-T1A LIST OF EFFWCTIVE WP PAGES RECORD OF CHANGES Original... 0. 14 Apr 86 Change 1. 30 Apr 87 Change <2. 15 Jun 88 ‘Total Number of Pages in this WP is 20 CHANGE NO, Change 2 1 1.0. 26-G1C85.33-2 WP 003 00 CABLE SUPPORT EQUIPMENT. None 2 APPLICABLE TCTO'S. None. REFERENCE MATERIAL REQUIRED. None. 4. CONSUMABLE MATERIALS. None, 5. INTRODUCTION. This work package provides # mastor list (see Table 1) of special tools and test equipment required Tor dopot level maintenance. ‘Table 1 identifies by .0. and work package where in the manual set the special tool or tost oquipment is used and on which engine model. 6. SPECIAL ‘TOOLS AND TEST BQUIPMENT. a. This master list contains the approved government tools. b. Equivalent tools and test equipment approved by local engineering may be used. 2 Change 2 AIR FORCE T.0. 26-GTC85-33-2 NAVY NAVAIR 03-105BC~32,1 WP 003 00 Table 1. Master List Of Special Tools and Test Equipment Engine Model GTcas- Technical Order Too! Number Nomenclature 56 70A 71A 72 115 Number 2G-GTC85- WP/SWP No. PE-C-9037 Seal Mold (Naval XxX xX XX 33-12 004 00 -1/-2 Air Rework Facil~ ity, Marine Corps Air’ Station, Cherry Point, NC 28533 253057 Holder Assembly, x xX eX XX 33-12 003 00 Test, Oi] Tempera~ ture Control Valve 253105 Adapter Assembly, =X X xX X X 31 004 00 Hoisting, Gas 31 006 00 Turbine Compressor 33-4 003 00 33-13 003 00 253107 Wrench Assembly, xX xX xX xXx 33-3 008 00 Spanner 33-3 009 00 33-3 010 00 33-3 011 00 33-4 019 00 33-4 020. 00 33-4 021 00 33-4 022 00 33-8 011 00 33-8 012 00 33-8 013 00 253426 Puller Assembly, X ox xX KX 33-12 003 00 Tube 253598-1 Driver, Bushing X x kX XX 33-7 004 00 253626-1 Holder Assembly, Xx xX KX XX 33-10 011 00 Bearing Pressing 253630-2-1 Calibrator Set XX kK XK 33-10 O11 00 Assembly, Centri~ fugal Switch AIR FORCE T.0. 2G-GTCB5-33-2 NAVY NAVAIR 03-105BC-32,1 WP 003 00 Table 1. Master List Of Special Tools and Test Equipment (Cont) Engine Model GTca5~ Technical Order Tool Number Nomenclature 56 70A 7IA 72 116 Number 2G-GTCB5- WP/SHP No. 253648 Driver Assembly, XX x KX 33-9 004 00 Seal, Hand 253666 Puller Assembly, x x 33-10 012 00 Bearing and Gear 253676-1 _Dynamometer XX xX KX 33-10 003 00 Assenbly, Motor 33-10 004 00 Test 253678-1 Panel Assembly, xX xX xX KX 33-10 003 00 Test, Electrical 33-10 004 00 253680 Holder Assembly, Xx xX xX KX 33-9 003 00 Atomizer, Gas Turbine 253682 Adapter Assembly, =X X xX X X 33-9 003 00 Torque Wrench 253752 Holder Assembly, x xX xX XX 33-12 003 00 Tool, Tube 253754-1 Puller Assembly, xX x xX xXx 33-12 003 00 Tube 253755 Handle Assembly, X xX xX XX 33-12 003 00 Tool, Tube 253756-9 -Tip-Bumping Tube X xX xX XX 33-12 003 00 253756-10 Tip-Bumping Tube x xX xX xX x 33-12 003 00 263756-11 —Tip-Bumping Tube X xX xX KX 33-12 003 00 253756-28 —Tip-Bumping Tube xX xX x XX 33-12 003 00 253756-29 —Tip-Bumping Tube xX xX x xX Xx 33-12 003 00 253862 Tester Assembly, xX x xX XX 33-11 004 00 Ball Valve AIR FORCE T.0, 2G-GTC85-33-2 WAVY NAVAIR 03-1058C-32.1 & WP 003 00 Table 1, Master List Of Special Tools and Test Equipment. (Cont) Engine Model GTC85~ Technical Order Tool Number Nomenclature 36 70A TIA 72 TI6 Number 2G-GTCB5- WP/SWP No. 253906 Stand Assembly, x x 33-10 012 00 Test-Aircraft 33-10 017 00 Generator 256066 Roller Assenbly, XX xX KX 33-12 003 00 Burring Tube 256068 Roller Assembly, Xx xX KX XX 33-12 003 00 Tube-Expander 256070 Tip-Pulling Tube KX X XX 33-12 003 00 256071 Tube Assenbly, Xx xX x XX 33-12 003 00 Tool -Loosener 256116-1 Swaging Assembly, =X X X X X 33-12 003 00 Machine-Tube and Header 256121-18 —Bit-Swaging, xX xX xX xX x 33-12 003 00 Machine 256121-20 Bit-Swaging, X xX X XX 33-12 003 00 Machine 256121-21 —Bit-Swaging, x x x xx 33-12 003 00 Machine 256326 Adapter Assembly, = XX X XX 33-4 023 00 Positioner, 33-8 006 00 Accessory Assembly 256377-3 _Insert-Balancing XxX xX XK 33-7 004 00 Support, Rotating 33-8 003 00 Assembly 256377-6 —_Insert-Balancing x xX xX xx 33-7 004 00 Support, Rotating Assembly AIR FORCE 7,0, 2G-GTC85-33-2 NAVY NAVAIR 03~1058C-32,1 WP 003 00 Table 1. Master List Of Special Tools and Test Equipment (Cont) Engine Model GTC85- Technical Order Tool Number Nomenclature 56 70A 71A 72 116 Number 2G-GTC85- WP/SWP No. 256377-7 Insert-Balancing XX X KX 33-7 004 00 Support, Rotating Assembly 256377-9 __Insert-Balancing KX xX xX xX 33-7 004 00 Support, Rotating Assembly 256377-11 _ Insert-Balancing XxX xX Xx 33-7 004 00 Support, Rotating 33-8 003 00 Assembly 256403 Driver Assembly, XX X KX 33-3 003 00 Seal 33-8 006 00 257576-1 Sling Assembly, x 33-4 003 00 Multiple Leg 33-13 003 00 257584 Adapter Assembly, Xx xX X XK 31 004 00 Maintenance Stand, 33-4 003 00 Gas Turbine Com- 33-13 003 00 pressor Test 257640 Tester Assembly, xX xX xX XX 33-10 o11 09 Leakage, Centri- fugal Switch 257710 Driver Assembly, X xX XK KX Bearing 008 00 009 00 010 00 011 00 004 00 005 00 257714 Holder Assembly, Hous ing Removal , Rotating Assembly 008 00 009 00 010 00 011 00 024 00 025 00 026 00 ALR FORCE T.0, 2G-GTC85-33-2 NAVY NAVAIR 03-1058C-32,1 WP 003 00 Table 1, Master List Of Special Tools and Test Equipment (Cont) Engine Model cTcas- Technical Order Tool Number Nomenclature 56 70K 71K 72 116 Number 2G-GTC85- WP/SWP No. 257940-1 Adapter Assembly, XX KX KX 33-4 023 00 Torque Wrench, 33-8 006 00 Splined 257942 Holder Assembly, Xx xX xX XX 33-3 003 00 Seal Pressing, 33-8 006 00 Accessory Assenbly 257944-1 Driver Assembly, X xX X XX 33-10 011 00 Bearing 257984 Puller Assenbly, XxX xX xX x 33-9 004 09 Mechanical Governor Cage Assembly 257962 Holder Assembly, xX xX xX XX 33-3 008 00 Bearing Press 33-3 009 00 33-3 010 00 33-3 011 00 33-8 004 00 33-8 005 00 257978-1 Holder Assenbly, KX xX xX x 33-3 012 09 Housing Assembly, 33-4 026 00 Compressor 33-8 003 00 257990 Stand Assembly, x x xX xX 33-12 003 00 Test Oi] Tenpera- ture Control Valve, Synthetic (258356 Tank Assembly, xX xX XK xX 31 004 00 O41 Lubricating, Gas Turbine Test AIR FORCE T.0. 26-GTC85-33-2 NAVY NAVAIR 03~105BC-32.1 WP 003 00 Table 1, Master List Of Special Tools and Test Equipment (Cont) Engine Model GTC85~ Technical Order Tool Number Nomenclature 56 70A 71A 72 116 Number 2G-GTC85- MP/SWP No. 258616 Hose Assembly, xX xX xX XX 31 004 00 Metal 258834 Adapter Assembly, x xX Xx x 33-12 003 00 Leakage Test, 01 Cooler 258834-2 Adapter Assembly, x 33-12 003 00 Leakage Test, 01 Cooler 289272 Puller Assembly, xX xX xX XK 33-10 003 00 Bearing 33-10 004 00 259800-1 Driver Assembly, X xX xX xX x 33-3 003 00 Seal 33-8 006 00 259814 Test Set Assembly, X X XK X X 33-10 003 00 Insulating, 33-10 004 00 AC and DC 33-10 012 00 259814-1 Test Set Assembly, X X xX X X 33-10 003 00 Insulating, 33-10 004 00 AC and OC 33-10 012 00 259898 Puller Assembly, KX KX xX x 33-9 004 00 Mechanical Seal, Fuel Pump 261851 Adapter Assembly, XK xX XK KX 33-3 008 00 Shaft, Torque 33-3 009 00 Wrench, Splined 33-3 010 00 33-3 011 00 33-4 024 00 33-4 025 00 33-8 004 00 33-8 005 00 262648 Plate Assembly, % x 33-10 012 00 Retaining-Generator AIR FORCE T.0, 2G-GTC85-33-2 NAVY NAVAIR 03-105BC-32.1 uP 003 00 Table 1. Master List Of Special Tools and Test Equipment (Cont) ep) Engine Model . GTC85~ Technical Order Tool Number Nomenclature 56 70A TIA 72-I16 Number 26-GTCB5- WP/SWP No. 262724 Tool Assembly, XX XxX XX 33-9 004 00 Lapping-Bushing, Hand 262730 Cutter Assembly, XxX x XX 33-11 003 00 Valve Seat, Hand 33-12 003 00 262742 Arm Assembly. xX xX xX KX 33-8 006 00 Test, Pinion Backlash 262780 Puller Assembly, xX xX KX XX 33-4 023 00 Mechanical, Bearing 265832-1 Mount Assembly, x xX k Kx 31 004 00 ‘ Vibration Pickup 266524-1 Adjuster Assembly, X X X X X 33-10 003 00 End Play Rotor, 33-10 004 00 Multi-Purpose 266674 Test Set Assembly, x xXx 33-10 003 00 Arva ture 267106 Puller Assembly, Xk xX kX 33-11 004 00 Mechanical Bearing, Expanding Collet 272413-1-1 Tester Assembly, xX xX xX KX 33-10 003 00 Leakage Motor Seal 33-10 004 00 278399-1-1 Fixture Assembly, =X =X X X X 33-10 003 00 Bearing Pressing 33-10 004 00 280166 Adapter Assembly, X X X X X 33-11 004 00 Torque Wrench 280173 Puller Assembly, xX xX X XX 33-3 012 00 Mechanical, 33-4 026 00 Hous ing AIR FORCE 7.0, 2G-GTC85-33-2 NAVY NAVAIR 03-105BC-32, 1 WP 003 00 Table 1, Master List Of Special Tools and Test Equipment (Cont) Engine Model GTCes- Technical Order Tool Number Nomenclature 36 70A 7IA72 116 Number 2G-GTC85S- MP/SWP No. 280190 Adapter Assenbly, =X X X xX X 33-3 012 00 Torque Wrench, 33-4 026 00 Splined 33-8 003 00 280330 Wrench Assembly, KX xX xX XX 33-10 013 00 Socket, Right Angle 33-10 O14 00 Offset 33-10 015 00 33-10 016 00 280346 Puller Assembly, XX xX KX 33-4 026 00 Mechanical Scroit 280353, Screwdriver and XX xX XX 31 005 00 Wrench Assembly 33-9 004 00 280970 Holder Assembly, X xX X XX 33-11 004 00 Valve, Switcher 280980 Arbor Set Assenbly, X X X X Xx 33-7 004 00 Balancing 280994 Support Assembly, =X X X X X 33-7 004 00 Balancing, Turbine Wheel 281028 Puller Assembly, XxX XxX KX 33-4 023 00 Mechanical, Shaft 281107 Gage Assembly, x x 33:3 004 00 Shim Clearance 33-8 015 00 33-8 016 00 33-10 012 00 281128 Mandrel, Machine xX xX kK XX 33-7 004 00 Solid, Straight 281160 Panel Assembly, Test X X X xX X 331 004 00 Pneumatic Control 10 AIR FORCE T.0. 2G-GTC85-33-2 NAVY NAVAIR 03-1058C-32.1 wP 003 00 Table 1, Master List Of Special Tools and Test Equipment (Cont) Tool Number Engine Model GTCBS~ Technical Order Nomenclature 56 70A 7IA 72 116 Number 2G-GTC85- WP/SHP No. 281199 281270-0-3 281326 281327 281374 281407-2 28142i-1 281431-1 Cable Assembly, x x 33-10 012 00 Special Purpose Electrical Stand Assembly, Xx X X xX X 31 004 00 Portable, Gas 33-4 003 00 Turbine Engine 33-8 007 00 33-8 008 09 33-8 009 00 33-8 010 00 33-13 003 00 Adapter Assembly, 9X xX X xX xX 31 004 00 Maintenance Stand 33-4 003 00 33-8 007 00 33-8 008 00 33-8 009 00 33-8 010 00 33-13 003 00 Adapter Assembly, xX xX X xX xX 31 004 00 Maintenance Stand 33-4 003 00 33-8 007 00 33-8 008 00 33-8 009 00 33-8 010 00 33-13 003 00 Thermocouple x 33-13 003 00 Assembly, Immersion Turbine Exhaust Duct Assembly, XX X XX 31 004 00 Bleed-Air, Gas Turbine Positioner Assembly, X X X xX X 31 005 00 Ball Valve Alignment Tool KX xX KX 33-7 004 00 Assembly, Diffuser ul 7.0. 26-6TC85.33-2 we 003 00 ‘Table 1. Muster List Of Speviat Tots ond Tet EauipmentCont) Engine Model ‘Tool GICB5__—_Technical Order Number Nomenclature 5G 70A TA T2116 Number 26-6108 _ WP/SWP No. 2814501 ‘Tester Assembly, xX X XX 339 (004 00 Fuel Nozzle 2814601 ‘Holder Assembly, x ox ihe x 387 004 00 Inducer 2814611 Filing Assembly, XX XX Xx 337 004 00 Machine, Pncumatic, 338 008 00 Portable 2814641 Holder Assembly, XX XXX 339 003 00 Atomizer Distributor 2814981 Driver Assembly, XX XXX 339 004 00 Bearing and Bushing, 15081 Pilot, Seat XXX XX 338 008 00 Installing 2915081 Driver, Bearing xX XXX 338 012.00 and Bushing 338 008 00 281510-1 ‘Thermocouple XxX XXX a1 004 00 Assembly, Immersion 2815181 Alignment Tool XX XXX 3310 01100 ‘Assembly, Lever and Cover 2815201 Adapter Assembly, XxX XxX Xx 31 004 00 ‘Tail Pipe 281582 Mandrel Assembly, XX XXX 337 004 00 Machined, Solid, Straight 281583 Mandrel Assembly, XX XXX 337 04 00 Machined, Solid, Straight 2819891 Holding Assembly, xX XXX 338 006 00 Tool, Gear, Backlash Checking 12 Change 1 AIR FORCE T.0, 2G-GTC85~33-2 NAVY NAVAIR 03-1058C-32.1 WP 003 00 Table 1, Master List Of Special Tools and Test Equipment (Cont) Engine Model ____GTCB5~ Technical Order Tool Number Nomenclature 86 7OA 71A 72 116 Number 2G-GTC85- WP/SHP No. 281600-4-1 Test Stand xX xX kK XX 33-9 003 00 Assembly, Fuel 33-9 004 00 Accessories 281675-1 Cap Assembly, xX xX xX XX 33-11 004 00 Valve Test 281676-1 Cap Assembly, X xX xX KX 33-11 004 00 Valve Test 281695 Nandrel Assembly, = X =X X XxX xX 33-7 004 00 Machined, Solid, Straight 281713-1 Holder Assembly, X xX xX XX 33-8 003 00 Compressor, Concen- tricity and Normal~ ity Checking 281714-1 Adapter Assembly, =X X X X X 33-4 026 00 Torque Wrench 33-8 003 00 281715-1 Gage Assembly, x xX x XX 33-8 003 00 Shim Clearance 281717-1 Holder Assembly, xX xX xX XX 33-8 003 00 Impeller Assenbly 281726-1 Adapter Assembly, =X X xX XX 33-3 012 00 Holder-Compressor 33-8 003 00 Housing Assenbly 281737-1 Holder Assembly, X xX xX XX 33-8 003 00 Compressor Housing Assembly 281752-1 Holder Assenbly, xX xX xX KX 33-4 026 00 Impeller 33-7 004 00 13 AIR FORCE T.0, 26-GIC85-33-2 NAVY NAVAIR 03-105BC-32,1 WP 003 00 Table 1, Master List Of Special Tools and Test Equipment (Cont) Engine Model rcs: Technical Order Tool Number Nomenclature 56 70K 71N 72 116 Number 26-GTCBS- WP/SWP No. 281913-1-1 Gace Assembly. Ko xX xX xX 33-8 006 00 Concentricity Checking 281941-1-1 Driver Assembly, x x xX 33-10 003 00 Bearing 281942-1-1 Puller Assembly, x xx 33-10 003 00 Mechanical, Bearing and Race 281943-1-1 Adapter Assembly, xX x x 33-10 003 00 Torque Wrench, Lug Type 281972-1-1 Test Stand, Seal x xx 33-6 004 00 33-7 004 00 281977-1-1 Cable Assembly, XxX xX xX x 33-10 011 00 Special Purpose Electrical 282917-23 —-Restrictor Unit KX XK KX 33-11 004 00 Assembly, Air Flow 283236-1 Adapter Assembly, = XX xX Xx X 33-9 003 00 Fuel Atomizer 284131-1-1 Gage Assembly, Mon, 1X 33-10 004 00 Concentricity Checking 284146-4-1 Pin Set, xX xX xX XX 33-11 004 00 Alignment 284236-1-1 Test Stand Assembly, X xX X Xx X 33-11 003 00 Pressurizing Regu- lator, Fneunatic 284282-1-1 Adapter Plate, Seal x x Xx 33-6 004 00 Testing Stand 33-7 004 00 14 AIR FORCE T.0, 2G-GTC8S-33-2 NAVY WAVAIR 03-105BC-32,1 WP 003 00 Table 1, Master List Of Special Tools and Test Equipment (Cont) Engine Model GTces- Technical Order Tool Number Nomenclature 56 70K 7IA 72 116 Number 2G-GTC85- WP/SAP No. 284283-1-1 Arbor, Seal Testing x x x 33-6 004 00 33-7 004 00 284327-1-1 Adapter Assembly, =X X xX XK X 33-4 026 00 Torque Wrench, 33-8 003 00 Spl ined 284355-1-1 Adapter Assembly, = XX X X X 908 00 Torque Wrench, Lug 009 00 010 00 011 00 024 00 025 00 004 00 005 00 284356-1-1 Driver and Holder =X «XX OX OX 33-3 008 00 Assenbly, Bearing 33-3 909 00 33-3 010 00 33-3 O11 00 33-8 004 00 33-8 005 00 284366-1-1 Gage Assembly, X xX xX Xx 33-3 008 00 Scribing 33-3 009 00 33-3 010 00 33-3 011 00 33-8 004 00 33-8 005 00 284383-1-1 Drive Assembly, Jet X X X xX X 33-7 004 00 Air 33-8 003 00 284521-1-1 Cap Assembly, XxX xX x Xx 33-8 006 00 Pressure Test 284555-1-1 Gage Assembly, XX xX XX 33-8 006 09 Gear Setup 284856-1-1 Arbor, Seal Testing X x 33-6 004 00 33-7 004 00 15 AIR FORCE T.0, 26-GTC85-33-2 NAVY NAVAIR 03-105BC-32,1 WP 003 00 Table 1. Master List Of Special Tools and Test Equipment (Cont) Engine Model ___GTC85-__— Technical Order. Tool Number Nowenclature 56 70A TIA 72 116 Number 2G-GTC85- WP/SHP No. 284857-1-1 Adapter Plate, x x 33-6 004 00 Seal Testing Stand 33-7 004 00 284861-1-1 Mandrel, Straight x x 33-7 004 00 Solid Mechanical 284977-1-1 Puller Assenbly, x 33-7 004 00 Mechanical, Inducer 33-8 003 00 285541-1-1 Holder Assembly, x Xx 33-10 004 00 Clutch Torquing 285775-1-1 Press Tool, XX x Kx 33-9 004 00 Valve Seat 285777-1-1 Driver Assembly, ed ale eX 33-9 004 00 Bearing 285778-1-1 Puller Assembly, XxX x KX 33-9 004 00 Bearing 287158-1-1 Cutter Bit, Wheel =X X X X X 33-7 004 00 Annulus 287159-1-1 Cutter Bit, Wheel =X xX X X X 33-7 004 00 Annulus 287160-1-1 Cutter Bit, Wheel) =X X X Xx X 33-7 004 00 Anruvlus 287214-1-1 Electrode Assembly, X X XxX Xx X 33-7 004 00 Electrical Discharge Machine 287215-1-1 Puller Assembly, X xX KX XX 33-7 004 00 Exducer 287216-1-1 Holder and Driver =X =X X XX 33-7 004 00 Assembly, Exducer Instal Ving 16 AIR FORCE T.0, 2G-STC85-33-2 NAVY NAVAIR 03~105BC-32,1 WP 003 00 Table 1. Master List Of Special Tools and Test Equipment (Cont) Engine Model GTCa5~ Technical Order Tool Number Nomenclature 56 70M 71A 72 116 Number 2G-GTCB5- WP/SWP No. 291115-1 Lapping Tool xX xX x XX 33-9 004 00 Assembly, Bushing, Hand 293775-1 Holder Assembly, xX xX xX XX 33-3 008 00 Rotating 33-3 009 00 33-3 010 00 33-3 011 00 33-8 004 00 33-8 005 00 293776-1 Gage Assembly, x xX x XxX 33-3 008 00 Shim Clearance 33-3 909 00 33-3 010 00, 33-3 011 00 33-8 004 00 33-8 005 00 293777-1 Gage Assembly, XX Xx XX 33-3 008 00 Scribing 33-3 009 00 33-3 010 00 33-3 011 00 33-8 004 00 33-8 005 00 29378-1 Fixture Assembly, =X =X X XxX X 33-3 008 00 Center Rotating 33-3 009 00 33-3 010 00 33-3 011 00 33-8 004 00 33-8 005 00 296178-1 Calibration Set XX xX XX 33-10 011 00 Assembly, Centri- fugal Switch 296696-1/-2 Cap Assembly, x x kK XX 33-3 012 00 Pressure Test 33-8 903 00 7 AIR FORCE T.0. 2G-GTC85-33-2 NAVY NAVAIR 03-105BC-32. 1 WP 003 00 Table 1, Master List Of Special Tools and Test Equipment (Cont) Engine Node1 GTCB5- Technical Order Tool Number Nomenclature 56 70k TIA 72 116 Number 26-GTC85- WP/SHP No. 296711-1 —Dunmy Shaft XxX XX 33-3 008 00 Assembly, Shroud 33-3 009 00 Clearance 33-3 010 00 33-3 011 00 33-8 004 00 33-8 005 00 296777-1 Fixture Assembly, =X X X Xx X 33-3 008 00 Micing, Turbine 33-3 009 00 Wheel Assembly 33-3 010 00 33-3 011 00 33-8 004 00 33-8 005 00 296782-1 Adapter Assembly, x x 33-10 004 00 Torque Wrench 296937-1 Puller Assenbly, Xa toemnyeny 33-12 904 00 Mechanical, Seal 298088 Adapter, Torque x x x x 33-3 008 00 Wrench 33-3 009 00 3343 010 00 33-3 911 00 33-8 004 00 33-8 005 00 298089-1 Adapter, Vacuum XxX xX Xx 33-3 008 00 Check, Turbine 33-3 009 00 33-3 010 00 33-3 011 00 33-8 004 00 33-8 005 00 298186-1 Sleeve Assembly, x XX 33-10 003 00 Guide, Sprag Clutch 18 AIR FORCE T.0. 2G-GTC85~33-2 NAVY NAVAIR 03-1058C-32.1 WP 003 00 Table 1. Master List Of Special Tools and Test Equipment (Cont) Engine Model GTC85- Technical Order Tool Humber Nomenclature 670A 71A 72116 Number 2G-GTCBS- WP/SNP No. 4020-¢ Puller, Proto x x 33-10 004 00 7837196 Puller, Mechanical X KX KX XX 33-4 026 00 Housing (Alt for 280173) 7839355 Fixture Assembly, XX kK XX 33-10 ll 00 Speed Switch 7839423 Gage, Speed Switch XX X XK 33-10 011 00 19/(20 blank) a AIR FORCE T.0. 2G-GTC85-33-2 WAVY WAVAIR 03-105BC~32.1 WP 004 00 WORK PACKAGE TECHNICAL PROCEDURES SUPPORT EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS EFFECTIVITY: ENGINE MODELS GTC85-56 GTCas-72 GTC85~708 GTC85~116 GTC85-7 14 LIST OF EFFECTIVE WP PAGES RECORD UF CHANGES .u Original 14 Apr 86 Total Number of Pages in this WP is 26 PAGE CHANGE NO. NO. 14 APRIL 1986 AIR FORCE T.0, 2G-GTC8S-33-2 NAVY NAVAIR 03-1058C-32.1 WP 004 00 1. APPLICABLE SUPPORT EQUIPMENT. None. 2. APPLICABLE TCTO'S. None. 3. REFERENCE MATERIALS REQUIRED, General Information, Depot Maintenance Manual 1.0. 26-GTC35-33-1, WP Uu3 00 4, CONSUMABLE MATERIALS. NOTE, Index nunbers are for reference to master consum- able list T.0. 2G-GTC85-33-1. All references to consumables in text will be preceded by 33. (Example: Oi (33-81) Index No, Nowenclature 21a Brush, Bristled (Non-Metallic) 78 of 123 Solvent, Dry Cleaning 5. INTRODUCTION. This work package provides general siaintenance procedures for special tools and test equipment. This coverage is limited to special tools and test equipment that do not have a separate maintenance manual or other governnent publication. Detailed procedures for removal/replacement of components shown in the ‘illustrated parts Vist are not provided, standard Air Force shop niaintenance prac- tice shall be used. HALNTENANCE PROCEDURES. a. Preparation and Inspection. Prior tu use of each piece of support equipment, perform a visual inspection to determine serviceability. Repair or replace defective components as required. The following inspection requirenents apply to all support equipment as applicable. (1) Inspect all critical surfaces for nicks, burrs, scratches and corrosion. (2) Inspect al] threaded fasteners for crossed, stripped or peened threads and for damaged wrenching flats. (3) Inspect for damaged, deteriorated or missing packings. (4) Inspect for loose or missing nuts, bults, washers, screws, cotter pins and locking devices. (5) Inspect captivated components for security of attachment and for damaged or missing wire ropes. AIR FORCE T.0. 2G-GTC85-33-2 NAVY NAVAIR 03-1058C-32.1 WP 004 00 (6) Inspect valves and gages for freedom of movenent. (7) Inspect storage cases for general condition and for security of attachment of nameplates and contents plates. (8) Inspect electrical cables for security of wiring, cuts, chaffing and con- nectors for security and for bent or loose pins. b. Storage. Support equipment in service shall be stored on shelves or racks which will provide maximum protection against mechanical damage. All open fittings, connectors, sealing ports and orifices will be capped or plugged when not’in use. Storage areas shall be selected which will limit equipment exposure to corrosive atmosphere. Support equipment that has been removed from service shall be preserved with a thin fil of of] (33-79). c. Cleaning. (1) Use a soft bristled brush (33-218) to loosen dirt and remove foreign material. WARNING Use solvent in a well-ventilated area. Avoid ex- cessive skin contact or prolonged inhalation of vapor, Do not use near open flare or in area where high temperatures prevail. (2) Remove grease using dry cleaning solvent (33-123). Wipe solvent from sup- port equipment with clean, dry, lint-free cloth. Use approved personal protective equipment (goggles/face shield) when using compressed air. Provide protection fron flying particles. Do not direct airstream towards self or other personnel. Air pressure is restricted to 30 psig. (3) Dry thoroughly with clean, filtered, compressed air regulated at 15 to 30 psig. 7, ILLUSTRATED PARTS LIST. The following is a mumerical index to the figures con- tained in the Tlustrated parts list. This list provides those bits and pieces of support equipment that are subject to loss or wear and tear. Part numbers listed are provided as a reference only and may or may not be stock listed. Complex equip= ment that is covered in their own technical order are excluded fron this list. AIR FORCE T.0, 26-GTCB5-33-2 NAVY NAVAIR 03-1058 WP 004 00 Tool No. Nomenclature Figure No. 253105 Adapter Assenbly, Hoisting, Gas Turbine Conpressor i 253626-1 Holder Assembly, Bearing Pressing ard 253066 Puller Assembly, Bearing and Gear B 256326 Adapter Assembly, Positioner, Accessory Assenbly T4 257584 Adapter Assenbly, Maintenance Stand, Gas Turbine 15 Conipressor Test 257640 Tester Assembly, Leakage, Centrifugal Switch 16 25774 Holder Assembly, Housing Removal, Rotating Assembly 7 257942 Holder Assembly, Seal Pressing, Accessory Assembly 18 257954 Puller Assembly, Mechanical Governor Gage Assenbly 19 259898 Puller Assembly, Mechanical Seal, Fuel Pump T10 262780 Puller Assembly, Nechanical, Bearing m1 267106 Puller Assembly, Mechanical Bearing, Expanding Collet m2 280173 Puller Assembly, Mechanical, Housing 113 280353 Screwdriver and’Wrench Assembly ng 280970 Holder Assembly, Valve, Switcher TAS 281028 Puller Assembly, Mechanical, Shaft 116 28107 Gaye Assembly, Shin Clearance m7 281493-1 Driver Assembly, Bearing and Bushing 118 281713-1 Holder Assembly, Cowpressor, Concentricity and T19 Normality Checking 281715-1 Gage Assembly, Shin Clearance Teo 282917-23 Restrictor Unit Assenbly, Air Flow T21 284383-1-1 Drive Assembly, Jet Air Tee 284521-1-1 Cap Assembly, Pressure Test 123 284555-1-1 Gage Assembly, Gear Setup 124 284856-1-1 Arbor, Seal Testing 125 284857-1-1 Adapter Plate, Seal Testing Stand 126 284977-1-1 Puller Assembly, Mechanical, Inducer q27 285541-1-1 Holder Assembly, Clutch Torquing 128 285778-1-1 Puller Assembly, Bearing 129 293778-1 Fixture Assembly, Center Rotating 730 296937-1 Puller Assenbly, Mechanical, Seal 31 AIR FORCE T.0, 2G-GTC85-33-2 ik Index Part Number 1 255507 2 255506 Figure Tl. Index Part Number a 261171 2 261170 3 282951 Figure 12, Holder Assembly, NAVY NAVAIR 03-105BC-32.1 WP 004 00 K-19A-1553 Nomenclature Quantity Lift Plate 1 Turn Screw 2 Adapter Assembly, Hoisting, Gas Turbine Compressor Part No. 253105 YQ! ees efi 3 G K-14 1592 Nomenclature Quantity Driver 1 Arbor 1 Adapter 1 Bearing Pressing Part No. 253625-1 AIR FORCE 1.0, 2G-GTC85-33-2 NAVY NAVAIR 03-105BC-32,1 WP 004 00 K-19A-1590 Index Part Number Nomenclature Quantity 1 254981 Screw 1 2 254982 Leg 1 3 254983, Leg 2 Figure 13. Puller Assembly, Bearing and Gear Part No. 253666 f—s— I a a f 2 K-19A-1528 Index Part Number Nomenclature Quantity 1 1260704 Plate 1 2 260770 Stud 3 Figure T4, Adapter Assembly, Positioner, Accessory Assembly Part No. 256326 AIR FORCE T.0, 2G-GTC85-33-2 NAVY NAVAIR 03-105BC-32.1 WP 004 00 2 1 K-194-1527 Index Part Number Nomenclature Quantity 1 AN335~16 Nut 2 2 AN960-1616 Washer 2 Figure T5, Adapter Assembly, Maintenance Stand, Gas Turbine Compressor Test Part No. 257584 4 Ka19A-1826 Index Part Number Nomenclature Quantity 1 266836 Jackscrew i 2 266837 Clamp Hl 3 266838 Pad i 4 ANB18~4C Nut a Figure 16. Tester Assembly, Leakage, Centrifugal Switch Part No. 257640 AIR FORCE T.0. 2G-GTC85-33-2 NAVAIR 03-1058C~32.1 NAVY WP o 104 00 Index Figure 17. Part Nunber 261649 261646 261650, 261647, 94-1808 Nomenclature quantity Top Plate 1 Side Plate 2 Brace 1 End Plate 1 Holder Assembly, Housing Removal, Rotating Assembly Part No, 257714 AIR FORCE T.0, 26-GTC85-33-2 NAVY NAVAIR 03-105BC-32.1 we 004 00 Ko19A.1525 Index Part Number Nomenclature Quantity 1 261721 Driver 1 2 ANS25-932-4 Screw 2 3 261720 Pin 1 4 261723, Plate 1 Figure T8. Holder Assembly, Seal Pressing, Accessory Assembly Part No. 257942 Ke19A-1520 Index Part Number Nomenclature Quantity 1 263060 Hook 2 2 263063 Spring 1 3 263061 Brace 1 4 263062 Handle 1 5 263064 T-Bol t 1 Figure T9. Puller Assembly, Mechanical Governor Gage Assembly Part No, 257954 AIR FORCE T.0, 2G-GTC85-33-2 WAVY NAVAIR 03-105BC-32.1 WP 004 00 N, 2 Kot9A-1522 Index Part Number Nomenclature Quantity 1 261560 Hous ing 1 2 201559 Shaft 1 Figure T10. Puller Assembly, Mechanical Seal, Fuel Pump Part No. 259898 ne Ko19A-1521 Index Part Number Nomenclature quantity 1 200651 Shaft 1 2 280652 Nut 2 3 280053, Jaw 3 4 280654 Yoke 1 5 282836 Adapter 1 6 MS16555~29 Pin 2 Figure Tll. Puller Assembly, Mechanical, Bearing Part No. 262780 10 AIR FORCE T.0, 2G-GTC85-33-2 WAVY — WAVAIR 03-1058C-32,1 WP 004 00 K-194-1520 Index Part Number Nomenclature Quantity 1 267977-2 Tip 1 2 282419-5 Collet Assenbly 1 3 267972-2 Hanmer 1 4 267971, Rod 1 5 AN3LOC-B Nut 2 Figure T12. Puller Assembly, Mechanical Bearing, Expanding Collet Part No. 267106 K-19A-3507 Index Part. Humber Nomenclature quantity 1 280401 Yoke 1 2 2g0d02 Shaft 1 3 280403 Adapter 1 Figure T13. Puller Assembly, Mechanical, Housing Part No. 280173 LL AIR FORCE T.0, 26-GTC85-33-2 NAVY NAVAIR 03~105BC-32,1 WP 004 00 Index 12 K-19A-1515 Part Number Nomenclature Quantity 280865, Screndriver 1 280866 Sleeve 1 280867 Wrench, Socket Assembly 1 Figure T14, Screwdriver and Wrench Assembly Part No. 280353 AIR FORCE T.0. 2G-GTC8S~33-2 NAVY NAVAIR 03-1058C~32.1 WP 004 00 . te : ope. : L Index Part Number Nomenclature Quantity 1 280970-5 Clamp 1 2 $8152N32-0-500 Pin 1 3 280970-3 Clamp 1 4 280970-7 Stud 1 5 Ms9048-070 Spring 1 Figure T15, Holder Assembly, Valve, Switcher Part No. 280970 2 —— 3 a Index Part Number Nomenclature Quantity 1 $81152N16-2-000 Pin 1 2 AN355-6 Nut 1 3 AN960C616, Washer 1 4 AN150407 Nut 1 Figure T16. Puller Assembly, Mechancial, Shaft Part No. 281028 1B AIR FORCE T.0. 2G-GTC85-33-2 NAVY NAVAIR 03-105BC-32.1 WP 004 00 keAtst9 Index Part Nunber Nomenclature quantity 1 282018 Adapter 1 2 282017 Shaft 1 3 232019 Collar 1 Figure TI7, Gage Assenbly, Shim Clearance Part No. 281107 " vst98s07 Index Part. Number Nomenclature quantity 1 281493-3 Driver 1 2 53950120 Wire Rope 1 3 281493-5 Bushing 1 Figure 118. Driver Assembly, Bearing and Bushing Part No. 281493-1 14 AIR FORCE T.0, 2G-GTC85-33-2 NAVY NAVAIR 03-1058C-32.1 NP 004 00 2 3 J K-19A-1535 Index Part Number Nomenclature Quantity 1 ms35425~44 Nut 1 2 791-509-9004 Washer 1 3 281713-5 Ring 1 Figure T19, Holder Assembly, Compressor, Concentricity and Normality Checking Part No. 281713-1 15 AIR FORCE T.0, 26-GTC85-33-2 NAVY NAVAIR 03-1058C-32.1 WP 004 00 K-19A-1506 Index Part Number Nomenclature quantity 1 281715-5 Screw Plate 1 2 MS35458-15 Screw 6 Figure T20. Gage Assenbly, Shim Clearance Part No. 281715-1 K-19A=1505 Index Part Number Nomenclature Quantity 1 ANB15~4¢ Union 2 2 MS16562-4 Pin 1 Figure T21, Restrictor Unit Assembly, Air Flow Part No, 282917-23 16 AIR FORCE T.0. 2G-GTC85-33-2 NAVY NAVAIR 03~1058C-32.1 WP 004 00 KeiActse7 Index Part Number Nomenclature Quantity 1 452-502-9002 Knob Hand 1 2 28438315 Sten 1 3 284383-11 Body 1 4 284383~13 Clamp 1 5 3100 Coupling 1 6 906-85 Valve 1 7 523-502-9002 Nipple 1 8 Nipple 1 9 Nut, Coupling 1 10 MS20B19-4C Sleeve 1 iL 248383-17 Tubing 1 Figure 122. Drive Assembly, Jet Air Part No. 284383-1-1 7 AIR FORCE T.0, 26-GTC85-33-2 NAVY NAVAIR 03-1058C~32.1 WP 004 00 Index Part Number iF ANG16~4-4 2 284521-13 K-198-1539 Nomenclature Quantity Union 1 Gasket 1 Figure 123. Cap Assembly, Pressure Test Part No. 284521-1-1 Index Part Number 1 Ns16997-32 2 M515555-630 3 51655-6027 4 MS16555-20 Ke 19A-1597, Nomenclature Quantity Screw 2 Pin 2 Pin 1 Screw 1 Figure 124, Gage Assembly, Gear Setup Part No. 284555-1-1 18 AIR FORCE T.0. 26-GTC85-33-2 NAVY NAVAIR 03-105BC-32,1 K-19A-1974| Index Part lumber Nomenclature 1 284856-15 Nut 2 284856-13 Spacer 3 284856-11 Arbor Figure 125. Arbor, Seal Testing Part No. 284856-1-1 WP 004 00 Quantity at 1 1 19 AIR FORCE T.0. 2G-GTC85-33-2 NAVY NAVAIR 03-105BC-32.1. We 004 00 Ke19A-t975 Index Part Number Nomenclature Quantity ft sa057AV226 Packing 1 2 §S35206-245 Screw 3 Figure T26. Adapter Plate, Seal Testing Stand Part No, 284857-1-1 20 Index AIR FORCE T.0, 2G-GTC85-33-2 NAVAIR 03-1056C~32.1 NAVY WP 004 00 Figure 127. Part Number 246-502-9004 525-564-9109 284977-23 284977-10 284977-14 MS16997-44 284977-15 28497 7-11 fs 1697-46 284977-13 MS16562-48 K-198-1709 Nomenclature Crank Hand Nut, Extended Plate Adapter Cap Screw Adapter Plate Screw Slide Pin, Spring Quantity 2a 12 36 Puller Assembly, Mechanical, Inducer Part No, 284977-1-1 aL AIR FORCE T.0. 26-GTC! NAVY NAVAIR 03-1051 WP 004 00 Index eNanaene Figure T28, 22 B5-33-2 BC-32.1 Part Number Ms51965-40 260400 MS16997-61 MS16555-347 MS51975-16 288084-1 282092 260399 K-19A-1998, Nomenclature Set Screw Pin Screw, Socket Head Dowel Pin Screw, Shoulder Ring Set Pin Base Quantity Holder Assembly, Clutch Torquing Part No. 285541-1-1 AIR FORCE T.0, 2G-GTC85-33-2 NAVY NAVAIR 03-1056C~32.1 WP 004 00 K-19A-1504 Index Part Number Nomenclature Quantity 1 285778-15 Plate 1 2 MS16997-60 Screw 3 3 MS16555-46 Pin 2 4 655-507-9001 Scraw 1 5 285778-13 Plate 1 6 285788-11 Base 1 7 285778-17 Pin 1 8 NAS1201C10B12B Chain 1 9 s5207-26 Screw 2 Figure 129. Puller Assembly, Bearing Part No. 285778-1-1 23 AIR FORCE T.0, 2G-GTC85~33-2 NAVY NAVAIR 03-1058C-32.1 WP 004 00 KAIVAM154 Index Part Number Nomenclature Quantity 1 MS51975-26 Screw 1 2 MS16997-61 Screw 10 3 MS16555-348 Dowell 4 4 293778=25 Cap 1 5 293778-23 Plate 1 6 293778-3 Ring 1 7 293778~19 Tube 1 Figure T30, Fixture Assembly, Center Rotating Part No, 293778-1 24 AIR FORCE T.0, 26-GTCBS5~33-2 NAVY NAVAIR 03-1058C-32.1 WP 004 00 # Ko1pAat5a4 Index Part Number Nomenclature Quantity 1 MS16555-27 Pin 2 2 MS35691-37 Nut 3 3 296937-17 Rod 1 4 296937-15 Bar 1 5 296937-11 Adapter 1 Figure T31. Puller Assembly, Mechanical, Seal Part No, 296937-1 U.8, GPO 570-000 P.0, 43210 10/91-100 25/(26 blank)

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