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Pete the Refrigerator Rise of the Planet of the Refrigerators

For far too long, we have not discovered something that is living and intelligent. It has been upon us human beings since
1834, even though it has been in front of us this whole time. People these days that study aliens and cosmic technology
look up into space and think, “What and who else is out there?” But what they should also be thinking is, “What and who
else is on Earth with us?” Well, the answer to that is, besides aliens who are watching our every move, refrigerators.
In Brevard, Florida, right on the outskirts of Osceola, there lived an abnormal refrigerator named Pete. Well, he was
normal, but what he did one day was not.
For most of his life he has just sat there in the kitchen on a checkered floor, next to an old–timey sink and round, old,
dusty dinning table, mumbling to himself, about how the world was cruel, and letting people take food out from him. But
one day that was all going to change…
* * *
One day, when Pete was taking his daily nap, he awoke up to the sound of his owners having a discussion at the dinning
table. “I wonder what they are talking about,” Pete thought, “But whatever it is, it sounds serious.” He eavesdropped on
his proprietors.
“We need a new refrigerator,” Pete’s male owner said.
“ Like I aforesaid, it will cost too much money,” Pete’s female owner argued.
“But the one we have now has a broken handle, cracked drawer, and has a strong scent that smells a lot like wet cottage
cheese, because you put cheese without a package into one of the cup holders, and you forgot about it, so it grew mold
for a few months.”
“Actually, that was you.”
“Oh yea, you’re right,” he hesitated, “but you are missing the point. If we get a new refrigerator, all of the food we put
in there won’t smell bad, so there for we could save more money instead of having to go buy more food.”
“Hmmmm...that is a good observation, and when you put it like that, maybe we should purchase a new one.”
So it was decided. They were getting a new refrigerator, which means they were going to replace Pete with it. “I need
to act fast,” he thought. But there is not you much can do when you are a refrigerator, besides waiting for the worst and
hoping for the best.
* * *
The next day, Pete’s daily nap got cut short. He woke up to be surrounded by darkness with trash bags and other junk
that had a dreadful smell. The world around him was jerking around wildly. Then the world started going downwards. Eve-
rything got poured violently onto a rough, firm ground. Pete was frightened. He wasn’t familiar with all of this (except the
rotten smell).
“What is happening?!” he thought anxiously. He looked around. It was night. He was surrounded by tons of scattered
trash and debris. The floor was made of uneven clay, unlike the smooth, glossy, checkered floor at home. The big, bat-
tered truck that supposably held Pete and all of the garbage was backing up out of the gravelly terrain with a beep beep
beep out onto the noisy road.
Four people with gleaming orange vests and hard, orange work hats each went to a corner and hoisted up Pete with their
rough hands. They conveyed him to a pile of other things that were also made of aluminum and/or steel sheet and placed
him down, then walked off, talking.
“Hey,” Pete felt a goofy, friendly voice think. He looked around, surprised when the thought appeared in his mind, think-
ing someone was talking to someone else, but it was clear that the someone was thinking to him, and humans can’t do that.
He spotted another refrigerator that was placed next to him a few feet away.
“What, I didn’t know we could communicate.” Pete replied to him, stunned.
“Actually, it’s more of telepathy. Anyway, my name’s Stan, hihihihihihihihihihihihihihi,” Stan thought.
“What did you just say?” Pete thought back.
“Whoa, whoa there buddy. So many questions.”
“But I have only asked two questions,” Pete argued.

“That, I just said, was the greeting that refrigerators do, because we can’t shake hands like humans.”
“Oh, um, and my name’s Pete,” Pete thought.
“Well, nice to meet you Pet.”
“Actually, it’s Pete,” Pete corrected him.
“Sorry, Pete,” Stan apologized, ”So, why are you here?”
Pete sighed. “My owners got rid of me and are going to get a new refrigerator to place me because I’m ran down.”
Stan said, “Awww, that’s sad. Well, I’m here because I lived at a store, where I was for sale. One day a small, cheeky
kid around the age of 6 probably thought it was a good idea to live in me, so he opened my big door on me, went inside, and
shut the door behind him. But I’m one of those fancy type of refrigerators, and I automatically lock when the door shuts,
and the kid couldn't get out. He yelled and cried for one whole hour, and I couldn't go to sleep, so I had to listen to that
for a long time. It was after that hour that people noticed him. They tried to open me, but it wouldn’t budge. Eventually,
they got me open and the kid was safe, but they had to take off my hinges on the door somehow. They couldn’t fix me, so
I was useless, and they brought me here. That is why I don’t have my big door like you do.”
Pete looked at him. He hadn’t noticed that Stan didn’t have his big door. “Man, that sounds sad and painful.”
“It was,” Stan admitted. In his mind he had an image of water droplets dripping from the sky, which meant he was sad.
Pete knew Stan wanted to be left alone, so he looked into the deep, dark, depths, of the star infested sky at the moon.
It was the first time he had seen them, and he thought they were amazing. As he watched the moon drift across the sky,
he himself started to drift off into a deep slumber.
* * *
A loud noise awoke Pete. He looked into his new friend’s soft, comforting thoughts. Stan hadn’t woken up from the load
noise. “Man, he is a hard sleeper,” Pete thought to himself.
The sound was coming from the truck that had brought Pete to the dump, but for some reason unlike last time, it was
backing up towards Pete! Pete didn’t want to wake up Stan, because even if he woke him up, he couldn’t do anything about
it. Pete just had to face it himself.
The truck was getting closer, and Pete just wanted to go into a deep, dark hole and shut himself inside. Eventually, the
truck got so close to Pete, he thought this was the end, but it wasn’t. It stopped. But that was not the end. The back of
the truck tilted back and released a bunch of garbage. A bunch of dirty diapers fell onto Pete and clung to him, used tis-
sues stumbled onto Pete and were blown off into the dark by the wind, and around two dozens of trash bags filled with
thrown away items staggered onto Pete. The back end of the truck tilted back up and drove of into the black night.
“Whoa, that was close,” Pete thought. After Pete thought that to himself, he felt something slimy ooze down his metal
side and slid into his insides. The strange goo oozed through every nook and cranny inside Pete. Then a weird and fast
transformation overcame him. He could all of a sudden move. He hopped side to side. He had to show Stan.
“Hey, dude, wake up,” Pete thought out to Stan.
Stan woke up and thought groggily, “What, Pete, I was having the most spectacular dream.”
“Well, does your dream compare to this!” Pete showed off his awesome moves (he just slid from side to side).
“Actually, it does. I was eating salami, and it was amazing because I can’t actually do that, and-”
“Ahem, off topic.”
“Anyway, my dream was amazing, but that is awesome how do you do that??????”
“Oh, some kind of slimy wheteveritisamabob gave me these powers,” Pete replied.
“Do you have anymore of that slimy stuff so I can do that?”
Maybe, let me check. Thanks to that slimy, Pete turned around and scanned through all of the scattered trash. He spot-
ted a peculiar glowing substance that was oozing from a 4 meter tall can. He, somehow, with his powers, picked/levitated
it over to Stan and made it float above him. Pete dripped a little drop of it onto Stan and it was absorbed into him. Stan
moved a foot. He was overflowing with excitement.
“Oh my goodness, I can move and also move stuff!” Stan thought to Pete.
“I know right!”

“Now we can give the ability to the rest of the refrigerators!”
Pete stopped celebrating. “Wait, what, there’s more?”
“Well, of coarse! Did you think we were the only ones here? Stan thought smartly.
Stan started hopping forward. He turned around. “Aren’t you coming?”
“Oh, ok,” Pete thought. They hopped over to the other side of the towering trash mountain. As Pete did this, he picked
up the battered can, plugged up the hole that was oozing with the slime with a nearby tissue, and followed Stan. As they
hopped around the corner, some refrigerators came into sight, five to be exact.
“Whoa, Stan, how are you doing that?!” one of the refrigerators thought as he gazed at him. “and who’s the new guy?”
“Regie, Kason, Robert, Kasie, and Trent, this is Pete,” Stan nodded towards Pete wile shaking excitedly.
“Hihihihihihihihihihihihihihi,” Pete thought to them shyly.
“And he has found the answer to our wildest dreams-”
“The ability to teleport to Tacoville in Tacoland!?” Kason interrupted.
“Ye– no! Of coarse not! Don’t be so absurd. It’s the ability to move, like humans!”
“Yea, that is great, I guess,” Kason thought to himself ungratefully wile everyone else cheered.
“Ok, so how do we even get the ability?” Kasie thought.
“We just pour a small drop from this mysterious, probably toxic slime that probably also has side affects onto you, and
you somehow absorb it into your exoskeleton then spreads all throughout your body rapidly,” Pete explained.
Everyone stared at him. They were thinking if they shou-
“Eh, lets do it!” Trent thought as he rudely interrupted the narrator.
Pete took out the rolled up tissue that was clogging the hole and poured out a small douse of the glowing slime onto first
Trent, Regie, Kason, Robert, and last but not least, Kasie.
Everyone watched as the small drop was absorbed into each of their them. All their bodies had a faint green glow ap-
pear then disappear as quickly as it appeared. They waited for something else to happen, but it never did. Then, as if by
instinct, Robert hopped up to Pete and thought ,”Why isn’t it wor– oh my goodness, it worked!”
“Hurray!” everyone thought out together. They started dancing, or more like hopping up and down and around in circles.
“Hey, guys,” Stan thought out to them. Everyone paused and put all their attention onto him. “ We still need to search
the rest of the place, there could be more refrigerators.”
“Yea, I’d feel bad if we left some here,” Regie thought out thoughtfully. Everyone hopped up and down in agreement.
“Maybe we should split up, you know, to cover more ground?” Kasie thought out her suggestion.
“Great idea,” Pete congratulated her.
“Everyone scatter!” Stan instructed them. They all hopped in different directions.
Six minutes later, they all checked every nook and cranny in the junk yard. Everyone met back up where they began. In
total, they had scavenged seven more refrigerators. Pete found one, Stan found one, Trent two, Regie and Kason none,
Robert one, and Kasie found two.
The new refrigerators were awestruck to be seeing the others moving. Stan told them all the story how it happened,
with slight exaggerations, and then Pete distributed small amounts of the slimy substance onto each one of them.
They were just as amazed at the fast transformation as the other refrigerators. The small droplets were absorbed
into their bodies, and then the fain glow appeared and disappeared. They waited for a moment, then they each started
hopping forward one by one and telling their names to the other refrigerators.
“My name’s Steve,” the first one hopped up and said, “My name is Billy,” “My name’s Jerry,” “My name is Kathren,” “ My
name’s Herald,” “My name is Colten,” and “My name’s Rose.” They could barely contain their excitement.
Pete thought, “ Nice to meet ‘yall,” he could see they were shaking with excitement, so he thought to them, “All of you
can move about now.”

The new refrigerators started moving around, picking up stuff and examining it, and hopping up and down wildly. Some
time later, when they all calmed down, everyone gathered together and stood in a circle.
“Ok, let’s start discussing matters. We can move now, so we don’t have to stay in this pointless place anymore. What
should we do?” Colten thought.
Regie shared his statement, “We should go somewhere where there aren’t any cruel humans, because they dumped us
“Yea, somewhere where we could start our own community!” Colten agreed.
“Ooo, I have an idea,” Stan thought and paused for effect, “the moon!”
Rose thought, “But the moon is so small.”
Stan replied, “It is not small, it’s just very, very far away.”
“Now that I think about it, my owners worked at a space agency, but I forgot what it was called. I think it’s called
NASAE.” Pete thought.
“No, I think it’s called NASIA.” Jerry shared his thought.
“Actually, it is called NASA Kennedy Space Center,” Steve thought.
“How do you know smart guy?” Jerry challenged him.
“When I was first taken here, some humans put me tilting against a window that was on a small, brick building. I didn't
really have anything to do, so I examined everything that was through the window. There was a messy desk and some fill-
ing drawers. But what caught my sight was a big map of Florida, and if I remember correctly, it is called that and it
should take about 28 minutes to get there from here.”
Pete thought out a plan after Steve said that. When he was done creating it, he shared it with his friends, “So, here’s
the plan. Steve, do you remember where the small, brick building is?”
“Yes sir.”
“Good. Take Robert with you, he will keep lookout for you. Steve, go inside and get the map. Oh, and look for a pen and
some loose change-”
“Why?” Steve thought curiously.
“Just do it. Everyone else, stay here with me.”
They obeyed and went off to do their task while the rest stayed behind. As they waited for them to get back, they all
fell asleep except Stan who stayed awake from dusk till dawn to keep watch and Pete who was starring at something but
eventually fell asleep.
* * *
Stan went into all of the sleeping refrigerators minds. “They are back.”
Pete and the others woke up reluctantly. After Pete Awoke, he saw the sun glinting off of Steve holding up a folded up
map and a fine tip pen, and Robert holding a glass jar with change and surprisingly, some cash.
“Awesome! This is just enough for my plan to work, and great job with finding the money, Robert. That’s more than
enough for me to pay for us to ride on the bus.”
“Oh, that’s what it’s for!” Steve exclaimed, “But there are still a few holes in your plan. Why do we need the pen and
where are we going to find a bus stop?”
“The pen is to write on the map where we are going from here and give it to the bus driver. And there’s a bus stop at
the front entrance of this dump. After I was dropped off here and I met Stan and fell asleep, in the morning after I
woke up, I saw a bus stop at the front of the entrance. So the bus should stop around, um, NOW. Hurry we need to get
moving!” Pete grabbed the jar filled with money and the map, wrote where they were and where they were going on it,
then started hopping quickly towards the entrance.
The rest of the refrigerators followed him. When they got to the entrance, surely enough, there was a bus parked at
the curb. Pete hopped in and gave the map and jar to the bus driver, and went to the back of the bus and hopped onto a
seat. Then the rest of them flowed into the bus and hopped onto the empty seats.
“Man, I must have not gotten enough sleep last night,” the bus driver told himself.

All the refrigerators fell asleep on the way there, unaware of the adventures that lied ahead.
* * *
Pete woke up to some bumping, and then it all of a sudden stopped. “We’re here!” he herd the bus driver call out. He had
forgotten that he and the rest of the refrigerators were still on the bus. It had only been about half an hour, but it
seemed like an eternity.
Stan was in the seat next to him. All of the others were still waking up, but he was still sleeping. “Stan, wake up,” Pete
thought to him softly. “We are here.” Stan stirred and his thoughts were up and running, which meant he was awake.
Pete hopped out of his seat and hopped to the front of the bus. He was followed by Stan, Regie, Kasie, and the rest.
They all hopped out of the bus and out onto the sidewalk. The bus driver thought to himself, I definitely didn’t sleep well
last night. The bus drove off on down the noisy highway.
All the refrigerators gazed at the massive building in front of them. It looked about 25 yards tall. It had a huge pic-
ture of the American flag and the symbol of NASA on the building. Next to it there was a railroad, which is why it was
bumpy at the end of the ride on the bus. There was also a small parking lot that had about ten cars in it, and to the left
of it, there was the tallest spike coming out of the ground that connected a small bridge to the building but also a colos-
sal spaceship that it was holding. That’s our ticket to the moon, Pete thought to himself.
“Now what’s our next move?” Colten asked all the refrigerators, but intently Pete.
“I–Don’t know,” Pete replied unconfidently.
“I know! We wait till night to pounce. I’ve seen enough mystery movies to know.” Billy thought.
“That’s a great idea! But how did you watch TV?”
“My old owners put me in the kitchen which had an opening into the living room with the TV. It was a very small house.”
“Ok. So, we will just sleep till it’s night, because we need our energy, and when everyone leaves we will get ourselves a
spaceship and go to the moon!” The refrigerators found some tall grass so they wouldn’t get noticed and slept peacefully
till moonrise.
* * *
All the refrigerators woke up at nightfall. Pete had to wake up Stan, because like he said, he was a hard sleeper. Once
they all woke up, they walked into a dimly lit parking lot. “We need to do this fast confidently, and quietly, so lets go, go,
go!” Pete reassured his friends. But right when he said that, Trent rammed himself straight into the double glass doors to
the space agency, sharp glass shards reflecting the moon light and scattering in all directions.
“What part of be quiet do you not understand?” Pete scolded Trent.
“Um, the last part.”
“Aaaa, it’s to late to go back. Come on, lets go. And look for an elevator or some stairs. We need to get to that small
bridge that is connected to the spaceship.” Pete hopped over the remaining fragments of the glass doors and was inside.
All of the other refrigerators looked at each other nervously and followed Pete single filed.
They were hopping around the coiling labyrinth of the hallways, looking for a way to get to the next level. Finally, after
what seemed like an hour, Katheren found a winding stairway that went up to the next couple of floors. Finally, Pete
thought to himself. They all hopped up the stair way to the upper floor, where the small bridge was. They all crossed it
onto the looming spike where there were a few controls that were for the spaceship. Completely out of the blue, Trent
push literally every button in the small room, except the big red button that said do not push, because even reckless re-
frigerators have their limits.
“Why do you keep-” Pete started to scold Trent again but was cut of by a voice. “LIFT OFF STARTING IN 10…”
“Never mind. Hurry refrigerators, we need to hustle!” Pete cried to the refrigerators over the earsplitting voice. “9,
They rushed over the bridge to the spaceship and climbed inside.
Rose locked the round door behind her because she was the last one in. Then everyone darted allover to find a seat.
When they each found an empty seat, they snaped in their seatbelts in a hurry.

“1… we have lift off.”
The spaceship took off, filling the land beneath it with dense, black smoke. It was shaking tremendously as it shot of
into the cloudy, night sky.
“Arrrrrre. Weeeee. Thhhhhheeerrreeee. Yeeeettttt?!” Herald thought out loudly, his thoughts jittery.
“Of coarse not, we just got in here, like, five minutes ago!” Pete strained the thought out to him because of the loud,
trembling spaceship. Pete was shaking in his seat. He looked out the small, square window to his left. He saw that they
were just breaking the atmosphere and going into deep space. He looked at the bottom of the window and saw something
memorable, Earth. He never thought he ‘d view his home planet from space.
Then everything just stopped. The spaceship stopped shaking and all the noise was just gone. The voice from earlier
broke the silence and said, “YOU ARE FREE TO MOVE ABOUT THE CABIN.”
No one knew what that meant, but they snapped out of their seat belts anyway and hopped out of them, but instead of
hitting the ground, they floated. They all thought the zero gravity was amazing.
They floated for awhile, then the spaceship hit solid ground. This time, everyone looked out the window that was clos-
est. They had made it. They were on the moon.
They all were congratulating each other, and Pete opened the big, round door. Everyone watched him. Pete hopped out
the door down the slope that the spaceship somehow provided and took first hop onto the moon. He was among the first
refrigerators in history to take first hop on the moon. The refrigerators broke out in “Hurrays” and “You did its.”
“I didn't do it,” he thought, “we all did it.” The others hopped down the slop slowly because of the lack of gravity, but
finally made it to the rocky ground and celebrated.
Sometime later that week, they built little houses made of the moon rock with some pickaxes that were from the
spaceship, and they thrived on the moon and lived happily, ever, after.

The End

Pete’s old owners were enjoying their new, high-tech refrigerator. Pete’s male owner poured some hot coffee into a
small mug and went into the living room to watch the news. What was on the news was beyond belief. “Honey, come here,
you need to see this!” he called out to his wife.
She came in the living room and said, ”What is i-” she stared at the news on the TV.
It said, “Breaking news! At the NASA Kennedy Space Center in Brevard, Florida, there was a break in. The front doors
were shattered. They were clearly not trying to be secretive, and wait…, we have video footage of the criminals, that are
suspected to have stolen the spaceship!” The screen showed a black and white video that showed Pete and the refrigera-
tors hopping in single file in the hallway. “One of them left a foul smell in the hallway that smells a lot like wet cottage
cheese.” Pete’s male owner spited out his coffee out in a stream of hot, brown liquid.

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