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Team Training and Resource

Management in Health Care:
Current Issues and Future Directions
David M. Musson, MD, PhD and
Robert L. Helmreich, PhD

M any authorities have suggested

that some variant of team train-
ing is likely to be an effective
means to reduce human error in operat-
ing rooms, emergency departments, resus-
occasions over recent years.2-4 Team train-
ing is also currently suggested as part of
a comprehensive Patient Safety Plan pub-
lished by the Joint Commission on Ac-
creditation of Healthcare Organizations
citation teams and other settings within (JCAHO), the regulatory agency charged
healthcare where human interaction is with hospital accreditation in the United
common, and where breakdowns in com- Sates.5-6
munication and teamwork can have criti- A major problem, however, is that few
cal consequences. The implementation of clear guidelines exist to help guide the im-
formal training in teamwork for healthcare plementation of such recommendations
workers, analogous to aviation’s crew re- in healthcare settings. In general, training
source management (or CRM) used to programs designed to improve team skills
train pilots, was a specific recommenda- are a new concept for medicine, particular-
tion of the Institute of Medicine’s land- ly for physicians who are trained largely to
mark report, To Err is Human: Building a be self sufficient and individually respon-
Safer Healthcare System, released in 2000.1 sible for the care they deliver. While many
Indeed, our own research group has made parties acknowledge a need for such train-
this same recommendation on multiple ing, exactly how to go about developing

Dave Musson is a physician and research psychologist at Human

Factors Research Project at The University of Texas at Austin. His
primary research interest is in the performance of teams under
stress in aviation, space and medicine. Robert Helmreich is a
professor of psychology and the director of the Human Factors
Research Project at The University of Texas at Austin. He has
studied the behavior of aquanauts, astronauts, pilots and other
highly trained work groups for over 30 years.

Vol. 5, No. 1, Spring 2004 25


such programs is truly uncharted territory. ing in medicine. This leads to a number of
It is tempting to borrow such programs recommendations, some quite specific and
from industries such as aviation, and this some quite general, that will be elaborated
practice is certainly occurring in both the upon at the end of this paper.
patient safety research community and the
private quality improvement consulting
industry. Unfortunately, the experiences What is Team Training
of aviation and other industries have been or Crew Resource
that such training tends to be domain and
even organizationally and culturally specif- Management (CRM)?
ic, and that the straightforward transfer of Before exploring the nature and is-
training from one work setting to another sues surrounding team training and hu-
has often been ineffective and problem- man resource management programs in
atic, even despite initial appearance that healthcare any further, it is would be help-
the borrowed training programs seemed ful to more fully define what is meant by
to make sense. these terms and useful to discuss what
In the sections to follow, this paper will such programs typically entail in other in-
begin by clarifying in some detail what is dustries. In aviation, for example, training
involved in these team or human resource programs for aircrew have developed over
training programs. Following that, we a 25 year history to include basic educa-
will describe recent advances in applying tion about human factors and human limi-
team and resource management training in tations, appropriate techniques of leader-
healthcare, including an overview of the ship and followership, formal guidelines
involvement of our group, the efforts of for addressing safety concerns in the face
other researchers, and of the role currently of command hierarchies and interpersonal
played by private training and consulting disagreements and, in general, a shift away
groups. Following that, we will provide from autocratic and individualist styles of
some background of what historically has aircraft command to one that is more team
been involved in another industry, in this based with mutual interdependence and
case aviation, in designing and implement- shared responsibility.
ing such training. Aviation has frequently While a detailed elaboration of CRM
been cited as a model industry for the is beyond the scope of this paper, it is
employment of such programs, and it is worthwhile to cite key elements that have
our belief that the experience of aviation been identified as being particularly rel-
and other industries can provide valu- evant to healthcare. One such element
able lessons on how this training should includes the concept of briefings – short
be developed and implemented and how synopses of intended actions by the in-
it should not. Drawing on our research dividual in charge. In aviation, briefings
group’s experience with CRM and CRM- by the captain to other cockpit crew and
related training in aviation and an assess- to cabin crew have become standard. In-
ment of how such training is progressing tended course, any expectations of delay
in medicine, we present several concerns or bad weather, specific crewmember roles
about the way such programs are advanc- as well as expected norms of behavior are

26 Harvard Health Policy Review


all communicated before each flight. More mation of communications between crew-
specifically, in an ideal briefing, acceptable members and between air traffic control
means of communicating safety concerns and the crew. Such verifications are often
and the importance of having such con- highly formalized and require specific ac-
cerns dealt with in a manner acceptable to tions from specific crewmembers as pre-
all crew members are discussed. Further- scribed by standard operating procedures
more, specifics of the intended flight plan (SOPs) and the flight operations manual.
are communicated, and each crewmember As mentioned above, CRM programs
should be asked to verify their understand- also include education on issues relevant to
ing of those plans. This is generally re- flight safety and human performance limi-
ferred to as establishing a “shared mental tations. Typically, pilots will be instructed
model” of the flight and allows crewmem- on how fatigue may impair cognitive per-
bers to anticipate each other’s needs in a formance and thus lead to an increased
timely manner and to understand their likelihood of making errors, or how per-
own role in what is to come. Briefings oc- sonal concerns such as family illness or
cur not only before the flight, but at prede- marital discord may serve as a distraction
termined points in the flight where safety over the course of a long, monotonous
is critical (immediately before take off and flight. It is not rare to hear such issues be-
again before landing, for example) as well ing discussed during preflight briefings as
as whenever the crewmember in command crewmembers have become accustomed
decides such a briefing is appropriate. It to the idea that potential human perfor-
would also be a reasonable course of ac- mance decrements are simply another as-
tion for a junior crewmember to request a pect of flight safety that should be placed
briefing prior to something unfamiliar or on the table along with weather, fuel status
potentially complex. and terrain considerations.
Another key element of CRM includes In general, good CRM programs are
training crews in acceptable ways to chal- developed within a specific organization
lenge the actions of other crewmembers (military command or commercial airline)
and to assert safety concerns in a manner and are intimately combined with regular
that is not only appropriate but expected. training programs. While some of the
This has involved a shift away from the concepts of CRM may be communicated
belief that such behavior is a personal at- in a didactic setting, they are practiced at
tack or insubordinate to an understanding the same time as more technical skills, of-
that such behavior is expected and even ten in high fidelity simulators. Pilots are
demanded from fellow crewmembers. given feedback not only on their technical
A third essential aspect of CRM has skills and decision making strategies, but
been the incorporation of behaviors to also on crew management and resource
monitor other crewmembers on actions utilization.
that are critical to safety. Examples of A complete discussion of the various
such behavior include verifying inputs to aspects of CRM is beyond the scope of
autopilot and flight computer systems, this review, but the elements presented
reviewing aircraft configuration settings above should serve to illustrate the key ar-
performed by a crewmember, and confir- eas that many patient safety advocates have

Vol. 5, No. 1, Spring 2004 27


suggested are of practical importance for portant to note that a number of parties
health care. For more detailed discussions had made these recommendations in the
of CRM, the reader is referred to a num- years preceding this report. Most nota-
ber of authoritative works that have been bly among these have been David Gaba’s
written on the subject.7,8 group at Stanford University and Robert
Helmreich and Hans Schaefer’s collabora-
tion between the University of Texas and
Current Activity in The University of Basel Kantonsspital in
Healthcare CRM and Team Switzerland, and in later years, the com-
mercially available medical team training
Training program developed by the Dynamics Re-
Like many aspects of patient safety and search Corporation in Boston, Massachu-
error reduction in healthcare, much of setts.
the current interest in the applicability of At Stanford, David Gaba established a
CRM training and principles to medicine training program in the department of an-
stems from the Institute of Medicine’s esthesia that was entitled Anesthesia Crisis
2000 report To Err is Human: Building a Saf- Resource Management (ACRM) that bor-
er Health System. This report, with which rowed heavily from aviation CRM. Using
the reader is likely familiar, detailed cur- high fidelity patient simulators and princi-
rent concerns regarding excessive error ples of resource management, Gaba paved
rates in U.S. healthcare, and made sweep- the way for advanced anesthesia simulation
ing recommendations to ameliorate this training in the early 1990s. At around the
problem.1 Among its many recommenda- same time, Helmreich and Schaefer cre-
tions, specific reference was made to avia- ated the Team Oriented Medical Simulator
tion as an industry that has successfully (or TOMS) in the department of anesthe-
reduced human error in complex, safety siology at the Kantonsspital in Basel. The
critical operations. Even more specifically, TOMS was a complete operating room
this report suggested that healthcare look simulator incorporating an instrumented
to aviation and mannequin “patient” and was designed to
teach surgical team skills to mixed teams
establish team training programs of physicians and nurses.
for personnel in critical care areas Following the release of the IOM re-
(e.g., the emergency department, port, funding for research into patient
intensive care unit, operating room) safety and error reduction in medicine in-
using proven methods such as the creased dramatically. Through the Agen-
crew resource management training cy for Healthcare Research and Qual-
techniques employed in aviation[…] ity (AHRQ), multiple projects have been
(p.149) proposed and funded that look at various
aspects of teamwork and training. For ex-
While the impact of the IOM report has ample, the Center of Excellence in patient
been remarkable at initiating a virtual rev- safety research based at the University of
olution in systems thinking in medicine Texas Health Sciences Center in Houston,
(though still in its early stages), it is im- Texas has been funded to look at trans-

28 Harvard Health Policy Review


lating some of the error reduction strate- near the forefront of corporate trainers
gies developed in aviation into health care, in medical team training and is expanding
including CRM. Another AHRQ funded beyond its emergency department train-
project combines resources at the Uni- ing program into the labor and delivery
versity of Florida, Dalhousie University, environment – another area frequently
Northwestern University and Brown Uni- cited as potentially benefiting from CRM-
versity and is looking at error reduction in like interventions. To its credit, DRC has
emergency rooms. Still another AHRQ partnered with a number of institutions in
funded project is looking at human fac- an effort to advance and validate its train-
tors and trauma resuscitation at the Uni- ing programs. The number of consulting
versity of Maryland. Certainly these and and training groups offering CRM, team
other projects share some common lines or human factors training to the healthcare
of investigation, yet each is focused on industry is growing rapidly. Products of-
different issues and poses different ques- fered run the course from one-shot, day-
tions to be answered. Some investigations long classroom lectures to major over-
look at system factors, some at ergonomic hauls of routine operations, with highly
and technical issues, while others focus on involved training sessions and complete
team related and CRM specific issues. process analyses and restructuring. Many
As much as agencies such as AHRQ have of these training entities have prior experi-
solicited proposals and funded research ence in aviation.
projects, the demand from the healthcare A simple fact of the matter is that the
industry for solutions appears at the pres- aviation human factors industry was al-
ent time to outstrip what a handful of re- ready highly competitive before Septem-
search projects are able to supply in terms ber 11, 2001, and the massive downturn in
of validated training solutions. Spurred the aviation industry since that tragic day
on by a combination of sincere desire has left fewer dollars for contractors, in-
for improvement, recent requirements by cluding human factors training specialists.
regulatory agencies to demonstrate proac- Medicine, in contrast, is a sellers market for
tive attempts to reduce error, an explicit anyone offering expertise in system safety,
requirement to implement loosely defined error reduction and CRM. Virtually all of
“team training” and, perhaps, a certain fear the current commercially available train-
of accountability, scores of Health Main- ing programs have their roots in aviation
tenance Organizations (HMOs), private CRM or CRM-like training programs. It
and public healthcare institutions, medical appears to us that such programs are high-
schools, medical groups and other bodies ly variable in the degree to which they have
are currently seeking out some form of borrowed training materials and course
team training to both reduce error rates content directly from aviation. Since most
and demonstrate their commitment to pa- such training providers consider their
tient safety. course content to be proprietary, there is
Many healthcare organizations are turn- little opportunity to objectively compare
ing to the private sector to provide such such programs or to evaluate their specific
training. Among such entities, Dynamics training products.
Research Corporation (DRC) is probably

Vol. 5, No. 1, Spring 2004 29


Early research has already suggested were identified as being contributory in

that, in general, CRM-like training in med- a significant proportion of aviation ac-
icine has initially been well received, and cidents. Commercial aviation embraced
a small number of studies have suggested training before it was made mandatory by
that errors may indeed be reduced. As has the Federal Aviation Administration both
been found in aviation, however, it appears because it was seen as a significant safety
from multiple accounts and the experience initiative and because of fears liability in
of our own and other research groups that the event of an accident could be greater
the implementation of such programs is if crews had not received such training.
as complex a question as what to train. While resistance to mandated training
among some individuals was not insignifi-
cant, key players acknowledged that some-
The Aviation Experience thing needed to be done. This situation
was not dissimilar from the current climate
Before we comment on specific concerns surrounding CRM training in medicine.
about the current situation surrounding A common criticism of early aviation
CRM and human factors training in medi- CRM programs is that they were overly
cine, it is worth reviewing what our com- theoretical and based on techniques from
parison industry, aviation, has done well management training programs of the day.
and not so well in its struggle to develop Such programs often involved role playing
effective CRM training. Such an analysis and games designed to elicit the value of
may provide some guidance for similar ef- teamwork. Predictably, most pilots did
forts in medicine, and hopefully will allow not see benefit in this approach and some
us all to avoid repeating some hard learned argue that early resistance among pilots to
lessons. subsequent CRM training was due in part
First and foremost, it would be wrong to perceptions of the ineffectiveness of
to assume that the development of CRM these programs.
in aviation was simple and happened rath- In the early years of CRM, airlines usu-
er quickly. Most researchers acknowledge ally established the requisite educational
that current programs have significantly program within their pre-existing train-
improved over the last 10 years, and that ing departments, though typically as stand
programs in the early 1990’s were far su- alone courses of variable quality. Even
perior to the initial programs of the 1980s. from the start, these departments have
By such comparisons, medicine should tended to communicate with each other
have good CRM by 2020 unless the learn- between airlines; as such training was
ing curve is steeped somewhat. conducted under the super-ordinate um-
The initial interest and mandate to train brella of flight safety. Since they existed
aviation human factors grew out of a se- as part of flight safety, shared resources
ries of studies and workshops organized and expertise did not threaten airline com-
by NASA in the early 1980s. Crew break- petitiveness, and a collegial community of
downs in communication, fixation of the flight safety and CRM development has
crew upon sometimes trivial mechanical been characteristic of the airline industry
failures, and other non-technical issues for many years. In addition to airline flight

30 Harvard Health Policy Review


safety and training personnel, this com- It is probably reasonable to state that
munity has also consisted of academic in aviation, the major advances in CRM
researchers from aviation safety programs, have come from a combination of gov-
team training, social psychology, cognitive ernment funded, academic research and
science, human factors and aerospace en- commercial flight safety and training ef-
gineering and even military stakeholders. forts. While there are a number of cor-
While early courses consisted of man- porate CRM trainers for smaller airlines
agement theory and role playing games as that do not have the capacity for internal
described above, more effective subsequent training development, it is our position
training has been based upon more practi- that these commercially available training
cal material. Initially, CRM was founded programs draw heavily and appropriately
upon results of crash and incident investi- from major airline practices and academic
gations, and on the expert input of expe- research. These commercially available
rienced operators and specialists in group corporate CRM trainers fulfill a critical
dynamics and performance under stress. role in providing quality training to smaller
More recently, the most effective courses carriers, independent operators and pilots
combine material garnered from analyses in training during the early stages of their
of specific incidents and operational ex- careers.
periences within each airline. In addition, An extremely important outcome of
data from observations of crew behavior the 25 year history of CRM in aviation has
in actual flight operations are integrated been what is best described as a reform of
into CRM training in an ongoing and itera- the professional culture of pilots. As pilots
tive process. The Line Operations Safety come into an airline, basic flight training
Audit (LOSA) developed at the Univer- includes training in CRM principles and
sity of Texas at Austin is an example of practice, and CRM subsequently becomes
such an observational methodology, and part of how they do their job. Currently
is currently being used by a number of in aviation, CRM has become the normal
U.S. and international carriers to inform way of doing business – for many pilots
CRM training within those airlines.9 Such it has been there throughout their careers.
CRM training is generally viewed as rel- As these pilots rise to positions of man-
evant by aircrew since it incorporates spe- agement, it is arguable that if they perceive
cific events and experiences from pilots’ the principles of CRM to be valuable, they
own complex work environment. Over both foster them within the systems they
the last ten years, CRM has shifted from manage and incorporate their principles in
a set of formal, static behaviors to a com- the way they do their job – even though
bination of core behaviors and constantly they may no longer spend the majority of
evolving lessons-learned from actual flight their time in the cockpit. In general, good
operations. This later approach has been pilots are now seen as those individuals
termed “Threat and Error Management” with the requisite skills, and this now in-
and reflects what our group feels is the cludes good CRM.
state of the art in threat avoidance and er-
ror mitigation in aircrew performance.

Vol. 5, No. 1, Spring 2004 31


Current Concerns Indeed, aviation has taught us that lessons

learned and illustrative materials should
This brings us back to healthcare and to best come from within one’s own indus-
concerns that were hinted at in the open- try. Specific trained behaviors and practic-
ing paragraphs. In general, we see a cer- es must come from medical experiences.
tain lack of community in medical human While undoubtedly many of the lessons
factors training and a definite lack of shar- learned in aviation will have counterparts
ing information. in medicine, trying to directly apply one
The leading role in developing CRM industry’s practices to the other risks both
type programs in healthcare is currently the application of unwarranted elements
being taken by private corporations. The as well as the omission of aspects specific
Joint Commission on Accreditation of to medical practice. In the larger picture
Healthcare Organizations (or JCAHO) this risks both ineffectiveness and subse-
and other forces have created a sense of quent backlash when such programs are
need for team training in healthcare orga- shown to be minimally effective. Particu-
nizations. Unfortunately, as much as we larly worrisome are one-time team train-
agree with this concept, there are currently ing programs – typically provided by avia-
precious few resources to satisfy this need. tion training organizations with little or no
Private entities are stepping forward to consideration for the specific healthcare
fill this demand, and in doing so they are organization in question, or (more wor-
laying the foundations of team or CRM risome) little or no development within
training in the industry, and with a few no- the healthcare setting. While such courses
table exceptions are drawing very heavily may offer introductory awareness of hu-
from aviation. Even companies that are man factors issues, the very lesson of avia-
doing things in a manner that may be ap- tion human factors training has been that
propriate tend to be somewhat protective a lack of operational relevance was a se-
of programs that have been expensive to rious shortcoming of early CRM training
develop and whose content is essential to programs. It is somewhat ironic that these
their future economic success. Perhaps lessons have been forgotten by some, and
this is a cultural characteristic of medicine. the very industry that learned them may
As practitioners fulfill their primary role be inflicting the same mistakes on health
in patient care, development of new tech- care.
nologies is often left to private industry A major reason for the tendency to bor-
– driven by the incentive of patent pro- row directly from aviation is that current
tection and future profits. We see patient research funding programs encourage the
safety, however, as something akin to prac- development of CRM training through rig-
tice guidelines – something to be shared, orous scientific research. While few would
debated, continually improved upon and argue against the importance of such an
hopefully embraced by the larger commu- approach, it may not be the most practical
nity. for improving system safety. This point
We also have specific concerns about has been well made by various authors,
the way CRM is developing in medicine in most notably by Leape, Berwick and Bates
that it is drawing so heavily from aviation. in a recent issue of the Journal of the

32 Harvard Health Policy Review


American Medical Association (JAMA).10 examine how other industries have sup-
It is important to remember that the major ported such research, and how successful
advances in aviation CRM have been due interventions were employed, rather than
to accident investigation, incident analysis attempt to adopt specific training elements
and expert opinion on the most effective or seek validation of every component of
and safest manner in which to command complex and institutionally specific train-
an aircraft. Many of the most important ing programs. A random, double blind,
threats in flight safety are rare and strict placebo-controlled study of the utility of
scientific validation of the effectiveness team training programs may be both virtu-
of an intervention to prevent them is ex- ally impossible and potentially meaningless
ceedingly difficult. Things are often done in its results. It is important to recognize
because it seems to all involved to be the that while this study design may be the
safest way to get the job done. gold standard for validation in medicine,
Current funding practices for patient it may not be appropriate for complex so-
safety research, and more specifically for cio-technical interventions. This does not
the development of team training and re- mean that the intervention itself is inap-
source management programs, may not propriate.
be optimally designed to produce the
desired results. The scientific model for
funding research, with its emphasis on re- Recommendations
producibility and scientific rigor may suit
the development of pharmacologic and The concerns articulated above lead us to
therapeutic interventions but may not be propose a number of specific recommen-
completely appropriate for matters that dations for the development of team train-
are more sociological and anthropological ing and CRM training in medicine. These
than healthcare agencies are used to sup- recommendations are open for debate;
porting. While a given therapeutic agent indeed debate is invited. We see lack of
should usually be expected to work in most debate on these issues among some parties
individuals suffering the identical disorder, as a major failing of patient safety at the
the same may not be true for a team train- present time.
ing curriculum. Training may need to be Hospitals, medical organizations and,
highly customized for the size of an insti- most importantly, teaching centers must
tution, the nature of the procedures being take the lead in developing team training
performed, the culture of the organization and CRM programs in health care. To fail
and even the national or regional cultures to do so will result in private consulting
of the individuals employed. While we are taking the lead. While private consulting
not suggesting that a rigid scientific ap- undoubtedly has a role to play, human
proach to the development of these pro- factors and resource management train-
grams in medicine should be completely ing must be lead by institutions willing to
abandoned, we are suggesting that there share their experiences, training materials
are important additional approaches to and lessons learned in an open forum for
consider in designing training interven- scholarly debate and feedback from practi-
tions. Health care may be well advised to cal experience.

Vol. 5, No. 1, Spring 2004 33


Physicians, in particular, need to take a plinary skills. This point has been made
leadership role in designing and develop- before, but it is as valid now as ever.
ing the kinds of training described in this One of the main outcomes of CRM
paper. Much as pilots have been among has been a gradual change in the culture
the principal developers of human fac- of aviation to one of safety. For this rea-
tors training in aviation, physicians must son, human factors awareness and inter-
step forward to do the same in medicine. professional teamwork training needs to
Failing to do so will undoubtedly result be introduced early in healthcare training
in decreased acceptance of such training – specifically at the medical student and
programs among the physician communi- nursing student level as this is the period
ty, and the reduced effectiveness of those of acculturation in to these professions.
courses. Medical and nursing schools must invest
Team training as a concept is much nar- in curriculum development to address
rower than what is really required to im- these issues at the earliest stages of clinical
prove patient safety. Improved safety will training. As medicine becomes even more
come from a combination of many factors. complex in years to come, non-technical
In terms of training, this may entail educa- and interpersonal skills will become in-
tion about basic human performance, for- creasingly important. Changes in the pro-
mal training in running small groups and fessional culture begin with the first few
the opportunity to practice such training years of training.
until it becomes a part of “normal” opera-
tions. Team training should be integrated
with these other elements in a compre- Summary
hensive educational approach whose goal
is to reduce error, not simply form better In this paper we have attempted to explain
teams. how health care is moving towards team
Simulation in aviation, maritime and training and some variant of CRM. While
other environments suggests that realistic we have strongly advocated the value of
role play is essential for acquisition of new such training in medicine for a number of
skills, and that recurrent practice is essen- years, we have some concerns about how
tial for skills maintenance. Key to this pro- it is being implemented. The overwhelm-
cess is the opportunity to learn from non- ing demand for such training at the pres-
threatening debriefing by a qualified peer ent time exceeds available resources, and
or instructor. It seems important to allow commercial training entities are largely
people to make mistakes in the learning fulfilling that need. Our major concerns
process, and medicine needs to find ways stem from the fact that in aviation CRM
of doing this that do not put patients at was successfully developed in an open,
risk. Currently exemplified by a number shared and non competitive forum over a
of leaders in this area, most notably in an- significant period of time. In our view it is
esthesia, medicine needs to expand virtual imperative that academic institutions and
and simulated training opportunities to publicly funded research programs take
enhance not only technical skills, but also the lead in producing theoretical and prac-
interpersonal, small group and interdisci- tical training solutions in the most trans-

34 Harvard Health Policy Review


parent manner possible. References

Furthermore, we are somewhat wary of
the dependence upon the specific aviation 1. Institutes of Medicine. 2000. To Err is Human: Building
a Safer Health System. Edited by L.T. Kohn, J. Corri-
content of some currently available train- gan, and M. S. Donaldson. Washington, D.C.: National
ing programs. In their recommendation Academies Press.
for medicine to adopt CRM like practices 2. Robert. L. Helmreich and Hans. G. Schaefer. 1994.
Team performance in the operating room. In Human
from aviation, the authors of the IOM re- Error in Medicine, edited by Bogner, M. S. (Hillsdale,
port were wise in their caution that such N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates).
programs should be developed largely 3. Robert. L. Helmreich and David. M. Musson. 2000.
Surgery as a team endeavor [Editorial]. Canadian Jour-
within medicine and not borrowed directly nal of Anaesthesia 47, no. 5:391-392.
from aviation. We fear that this caution 4. Robert. L. Helmreich, David. M. Musson, and J. Bryan
Sexton. 2001. Applying Aviation Safety Initiatives to
has been overlooked by some in their rush Medicine. Focus on patient safety; newsletter of the
to provide services to health care. Such National Patient Safety Foundation 4, no.1:1-2.
programs risk irrelevance and may hinder 5. “Patient Safety: Instilling Hospitals with a Culture
of Continuous Improvement” Testimony of Dennis
future programs with more valid content. O’Leary, M.D. President, Joint Commission on Ac-
We firmly believe that CRM develop- creditation of Healthcare Organizations, Before the
ment in medicine should be conducted in Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs. Webpage
Created: Wednesday, June 11, 2003, Last Modified:
an open, debated and shared manner. We Thursday, January 08, 2004 2:50:38 PM, Accessed:
have no objection to private corporations Tuesday, March 23, 2004. URL: http://www.jcaho.
providing such training – indeed they do htm
and will continue to fulfill a critical role in 6. Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare
improving healthcare safety, as they have Organizations. Sample Outline for a Patient Safety
Plan. Webpage Created: Friday, April 19, 2002, Last
done in other industries. Our major con- Modified: Wednesday, March 17, 2004, Accessed:
cern is that the leadership that should be Tuesday, March 23, 2004 URL: http://www.jcaho.
provided by the practicing and academic org/accredited+organizations/patient+safety/
medical community in the development of 7. Robert. L. Helmreich, Earl L. Weiner, and Barbara G.
this training is currently lacking. In partic- Kanki. 1993. Cockpit Resource Management. San Diego,
CA: Academic Press, Inc.
ular, physician involvement in this endeav- 8. Eduardo Salas. 1999. Team training in the skies: Does
or is imperative for a number of reasons crew resource management (CRM) training work? Hu-
that include both eventual acceptance and man Factors 41, no. 1:641-674.
9. James R. Klinect, John A. Wilhelm and Robert L.
maximum relevance. It is our hope that Helmreich. 2002. Threat and error management: data
this paper stirs some debate as this is what from line operations safety audits. 3 1999, at The
seems to be lacking at present. Tenth International Symposium on Aviation Psychol-
ogy: Vol 2. Columbus, Ohio.
10. Lucian L. Leape, Donald M. Berwick, and David W.
Bates. 2002. What practices will most improve safety?
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Vol. 5, No. 1, Spring 2004 35

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