COMP600 Spring Lab#5

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COMP 600

Emerging Wireless Technologies

Lab 5: Reading RFID Tags in Arduino

Student Name: ____Jassica Sahi_____ Student ID: ___10294665____

To read the data transmitted from an RFID Card using Arduino and RFID-RC522 interrogators /

 Arduino (Uno or similar kit)
 Wires
 RFID Module-RC522
 RFID tag or card
 PC and Internet


1. Select the RFID-RC522 Module from your kit.

2. Make all the necessary connections using the following the pin diagram below – Figure 1,
also refer to Figure 2 for more details. If you are unsure, please ask your instructor.

Figure 1

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COMP 600
Emerging Wireless Technologies

Figure 2

3. (Ctrl+Shift + I) / or Go to  Tools Manage libraries  search for RC522 and install

the latest version.

4. Open “Reading_RFID_Tags_Uno.ino”, then compile and upload it to the Arduino board.

Or go to Files Examples  MFRC522  DumpInfo, then compile and upload
(optional) – Modify the code if needed to match your Arduino board.

5. (Ctrl+Shift + M) Go to Tools  Serial Monitor and place either the RFID Card or RFID Tag
over the RC522 Module and view the data transmitted by them.

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COMP 600
Emerging Wireless Technologies

6. Take a screen shot of the displayed output at the serial monitor and make sure the
timestamp is enabled - also show your computer date and time in the screen shot.

7. Discussion Question:

a) Refer to the provided MFRC522 datasheet; discuss the digital interface in terms of
interface type detection and SPI compatible interface.
The MFRC522 is a popular module used for reading RFID tags. It connects to
microcontroller or other devices too using digital interface. Not only that it
communicates through a protocol called SPI (which is commonly used for
communication between microcontrollers and other devices).
It uses four lines to send and receive data:
1. Clock line- This is used to send a signal to synchronize the data transfer between
the MFRC522 module and the microcontroller.
2. Data Out Line: This line carries data from the microcontroller to the MFRC522
module. The microcontroller uses this line to send commands or information.
3. Data in line- This line carries data from the MFRC522 module to the
microcontroller. The module uses this line to send response or data back to the
4. Select Line- This line is used to select the MFRC522 module for communication
when there are multiple devices connected.

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COMP 600
Emerging Wireless Technologies

b) What is the function of SDA pin in MFRC522 module?

It is used for facilitating communication via the I2C(Inter-Integrated Circuit) interface.
Moreover, it acts as a bidirectional data line, enabling the transmission and reception
of information between the module and the microcontroller or other connected

8. Conclusion:
The main objective of this lab is to read the data transmission from a RFID card reader using
an Arduino and RFID -RC522 module.
The basic requirements of this lab were Arduino Board(Uno), wires, RFID-RC522, RFID card
tag or a card, PC and internet connection.

It makes the individual familiarize and educate about the process of reading data from an
RFID card using an Arduino UNO and an RDIF-RC522 module. RFID technology is widely
used in various industries for purposes such as access control, inventory management, tracking
assets, and identification systems. By engaging in this lab, I could explore the capabilities and
potential applications of RFID technology in real-world scenarios.

Moreover, the lab encourages us to develop the skills in working with Arduino boards, pin
configuration and utilizing to simplify the implementation of complex functionalities. It
promotes learning in the areas of electronics, coding and data acquisition.

Overall, I came to learn an interactive and educational experience that enables me to

understand, implement, and explore the workings of RFID technology while utilizing Arduino
as a platform for data acquisition and processing.

References- 1.MFRC522 RFID Reader with Arduino Tutorial | Random Nerd Tutorials
2. An Introduction to RFID with Arduino — Maker Portal (

Assessment Criteria: (Detailed Rubric shared at D2L)

Task Steps Max. Marks Marks
Watching Demo 5
Discussion & Conclusion 5

Submission Guidelines:

 Go to D2L and answer the lab related question during the lab duration as per your

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COMP 600
Emerging Wireless Technologies

 Due Date: Check D2L. (Please submit the labs on time since no extensions; Zero
 Submission Method: Dropbox folder ONLY for this file.

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