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RA 8749
Clean Air Act

What is the Clean Air


Republic Act No. 8749, otherwise
known as the Philippine Clean Air
Act, is a comprehensive air qualit
mana!ement polic an" pro!ram
which aims to achieve an"
maintain health air #or all


What are the guiding

principles of the Clean Air
  he CAA provides that the State shall:

protect and advance the right of the people to a
balanced and healthful ecology in accord with the
rhythm and harmony of nature;

promote and protect the global environment while
recognizing the primary responsibility of local
government units to deal with environmental

recognize that the responsibility of cleaning the
habitat and environment is primarily area-based;

recognize that “polluters must pay

recognize that a clean and healthy environment is
for the good of all and should therefore be the
concern of all!


"ow will air #uality in

the country be
$esignation of airsheds

The Secretary of the DENR, upon recommendation of the

Environmental Management ureau !EM", #ill divide the
country into different airsheds$

Airsheds are to %e designated %ased on climate, #eather,

meteorology, and topology, #hich affects the mi&ture
and diffusion of pollutants in the air, share common
interests or face familiar development pro%lems$ DENR
Administrative 'rder No$ ())(*)+ and Memorandum
Circular No$ ())(* dated -anuary (., ())( provided
initial designation of the Metro Manila air shed !NCR,
Region /// and Region /0*A" and the creation of its interim
governing %oard$


%anagement of airsheds

Airsheds are to be managed by
multi- sectoral governing boards
chaired by the &ecretary of the
$'() with representatives from the
local governments concerned
*province+city+municipality, the
private sector people.s
organizations (/0.s and
concerned government agencies  

1unction of /overning
'ach governing board shall3

#ormulate policies an" stan"ar"s
sub%ect to national laws&

prepare a common action plan&

coor"inate its members&

'ubmit an" publish an annual Air
(ualit 'tatus Report #or their

"ow will good air

#uality be ensured?

 /he National Ambient Air (ualit
;ui"eline <alues, in or"er to
protect health, sa#et an" !eneral
wel#are, have been set in the law.
 /hese are to be routinel reviewe"
b the -NR, throu!h the -), in
the coor"ination with other
concerne" a!encies an" sectors.

What are covered by

the Clean Air Act?

All potential sources o# air pollution *mobile,
point, an" area sources+ must compl with the
provisions o# the law. All emissions must be
within the air qualit stan"ar"s

)obile sources re#er to vehicles like cars,
trucks, buses, motorccles, an" vans.

Point sources re#er to stationar sources such
as in"ustrial 0rms an" smokestacks o# power
plants, hotels an" other establishments.

Area sources re#er to sources o# emissions
such as smokin!, burnin! o# !arba!e, "ust
#rom construction, unpave" !roun"s, etc=


What are the compliance

mandates for mobile
sources of air pollution?

E&haust emission standards for various mo%ile sources that are
either in use, ne#, re%uilt and imported second*hand have %een set$

All ne# motor vehicles classified under the 4hilippine National
Standards 56 of the ureau of 4roduct Standards of the
Department of Trade and /ndustry, #hether locally
assem%led7manufactured or imported are to %e covered %y a
Certificate of Conformity !C'C"$ The C'C is to %e issued %y the
DENR to the motor vehicle manufacturer, assem%ler or importer$

/n*use motor vehicles #ill only %e allo#ed rene#al of their
registration upon proof of compliance #ith emission standards
through actual testing %y the Motor 0ehicle /nspection System
!M0/S" of the D'TC78T' and authori9ed private emission testing

'n the other hand, re%uilt motor vehicles or imported second hand
completely %uilt*up or pre*regulated vehicles retrofitted #ith
secondhand engines #ill only %e allo#ed registration or rene#al of
registration upon su%mission of a valid Certificate of Compliance to
Emission Standards !CCES" issued %y the D'TC$ The CCES #ill only
%e issued if the e&haust emission standard for that specific motor
vehicle is met, as verified %y actual testing through the M0/S$

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