Foundations of Emergency Management - Edited

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Foundations of Emergency Management

Name Affiliation

Emergency management


Job Roles and Responsibilities of the Position of an Emergency Management

The position of an emergency manager is held by a professional tasked with managing

and coordinating emergency response efforts. According to Waugh and Saidq (2011), an

emergency manager is trained to manage various hazards and disasters. Their job responsibility

comprises planning, organizing, and directing various emergency operations focused on

protecting lives and property.

Emergency managers typically manage emergency preparedness, response, and recovery

efforts at either local, state, or national levels. Steihr (2007) in his article states that emergency

managers collaborate with multiple stakeholders, including non-profit organizations, government

institutions, and community groups, in developing and implementing emergency plans and

procedures. As an emergency manager, one ought to conduct risk assessment and hazard

analyses with the objective of identifying potential threats and vulnerabilities and developing and

implementing mitigation interventions for reducing the impact of emergencies and disasters

(Stehr, 2007).

Moreover, a major responsibility held by emergency managers is coordinating and

managing emergency response efforts. This responsibility can be attributed to search and rescue,

sheltering and evacuation. Also, an emergency manager ought to ensure emergency plans and

procedures are up-to-date and effective. Consequently, if the plans and procedures in place are up

to date, the emergency manager should conduct training and exercises to prepare all emergency

related professionals are prepared for emergencies (Stehr, 2007).

In addition to emergency managers' operational responsibilities, they are tasked with

creating and maintaining relationships with stakeholders such as community leaders, elected

officials, and the media. During emergencies, they are legally expected to communicate with the

public to provide timely and accurate information about the progress of an emergency (Stehr,

2007). According to Stehr (2007), during emergencies, emergency managers ought to ensure that

all efforts are in compliance with the laws, regulations, and standards related to emergency

management in promoting a culture of preparedness and resilience in the community.



Stehr, S. D. (2007). The changing roles and responsibilities of the local emergency manager: An

empirical study. International Journal of Mass Emergencies & Disasters, 25(1), 37-55.

Waugh Jr, W. L., & Sadiq, A. A. (2011). Professional education for emergency

managers. Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, 8(2).

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