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Name Colossus

Origins Level 1
Primary Secondary
Giant Armored
Primary Origin
Overcharge Bonus
Skill Skill Initiative (Dex mod + level) 1
Athletics Bonus Athletics
Special Modifiers
Traits Traits 1
You move your speed in Indestructable
heavy armor Resist 5 of all damage Speed 6
except psi and necrotic. Special Movement

Ignore damage sensitive

traits until 1st bloodied.
AC Fortitude Reflex Will
10+Armor+lvl 10+Str/Con+lvl 10+Dex/Int+lvl 10+Wis/Cha+lvl

Critical (Level 2 or 6) Critical (Level 2 or 6)

20 18 10 12
Origin Bonus Origin Bonus Origin Bonus Origin Bonus
2 3 -1
Ability Scores Armor Worn
Mutant steel skin
Str Con
Score Modifier Score Modifier
18 4 16 3 Hit Points 28 Bloodied 14
Dex 10 0 Int 10 0 Wounds Second Wind Used ■

Wis 10 0 Cha 12 1
Hit Bonus
Ability Accuracy (Mod+Lvl+ Target Damage
Powers/Attacks Mod Level Bonus Accuracy) Defense (Dmg+Mod+Lvl) Range Special

Brickbrack 4 1 2 7 AC d10+5 Target is knocked prone

Unstopable Force(move action) 3 1 4 Reflex d10+4 Dazed 4 d4rnds- save ends
Steel Fist 4 1 2 7 AC d10+5
1 1 AC
1 1 AC
1 1 AC
1 1 AC

Interrupt/Reaction Triggers Effects/Triggered Power

Skills Origin Ability Level Other Total Skills Origin Ability Level Other Total
Acrobatics (Dex) 0 1 1 Mechanics (Int) 0 1 1
Athletics (Str) 8 4 1 13 Nature (Wis) 0 1 1
Conspiracy (Int) 0 1 1 Perception (Wis) 0 1 1
Insight (Wis) 0 1 1 Science (Int) 0 1 1
Interaction (Cha) 4 1 1 6 Stealth (Dex) 0 1 1
Version 3.0 • 01/04/2011
Portrait, Notes, etc.

Experience Points

Gear Gained Origin Powers

Primary Novice • Level 1

Secondary Novice • Level 1

Origin Utility 1 • Level 3

Origin Expert 1 • Level 5

Origin Utility 2 • Level 7

Origin Expert 2 • Level 9

Uber Feature • Level 10

Current Omega Tech Cards

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