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Interesting title area

Plastic Filled
Ocean Good use of bold text
Humans have consumed billions of gallons of water each year and spent
billions of dollars to buy bottled water. Though it may seem convenient to
have one-time use of cheap plastic bottles, the effects of this are only noted
in the not-so-near future when we have to face the consequences.

Microplastics are smaller pieces of broken up plastic.

Good definition, not sure how the Good images

image relates though

There is a floating plastic fog that is made

up of little pieces of plastic that comes
from larger particles. UV rays from the sun,
ocean wave movement, and salt, break
them down into smaller particles called
microplastics. According to scientists, "there
are 5 trillion plastic pieces in oceans."
Microplastics are everywhere, putting the
ocean and it's animals at risk. 

 Harming Marine Life good subtitle

Plastic is often mistaken for food by marine animals and sea birds.

why no image of a whale?

"Whales feed by taking thousands of liters of water, expressing it
and taking the krill and tiny fish contained inside, as well as
every piece of plastic that was present" (Dotras). 

"Studies conducted that a quarter of fish being sold in Indonesia
and California, contained plastic in them" (Dotras).

"Turtles eat jellyfish, therefore they can't tell the difference
between jellyfish and plastic bags" (Dotras).

Helping Hand I like how this is an action to clean

existing damage.

Using alternatives won't harm the environment; they behave the same as plastic
products while being friendlier to the environment.

Many plastic bags are Plastic water bottles end Straws are an important
used when shopping, up on sidewalks and part of our lives as we
resulting in them being water systems as a use them to drink
on the streets. result of people throwing beverages, but very few
them out carelessly. people consider the
material in which they

Alternatives And this is a long term are made from.


"Tote bags are reusable, By using reusable Metal straws are meant

reducing the need to use bottles, you are replacing to be used constantly.
more materials in single- the plastic used to make Keeping them clean
use production" (Evans). bottled water. This will assures that they will be
You can also get deacrease the amount of used for many years.
appealing tote bags. plastic waste that ends

up in landfills, seas, Natural bamboo straws

streams, and other produced from
places.  sustainable forests are a
friendly, light option.
Bamboo straws
decompose after a few
months of use.

Plastic in the Oceans Excellent inforamtion on the sources

of plastic and how it is produced.

How does plastic get into the oceans?

"From land-based sources, there are over 80% of Source of Ocean Plastic Leaks
ocean leaks. It moves through the ocean and gets
collected in any of the gyres(rotating ocean
currents) or currents" (Dotras).

Every year, approximately 8 million tonnes of

plastic are dumped into the world's oceans. Half
of them end up at the bottom of the ocean.

Plastic Production
An abundance of oil is used when manufacturing plastic water bottles.

Good connection
with another issue:
the use of oil
or other carbon
based resources
that contribute
to global warming.

Every year, 238 billion litres of oil are used to supply plastic water bottles in the
United States. "This represents to almost 18% of America's overall consumption in
a year, or about the same as the consumption of an entire country like India"
(Dotras). Since it is plastic bottles that are being in use, that would result in
using them once. "More than 90% of these bottles are used only once" (Dotras).

Conclusion Great way to end this off

Plastic is durable, but because of that, it's harmful.

Plastic is, without a doubt, a very beneficial

innovation that helps many users in their
daily lives. It has a continuous negative and
positive impact on humans, animals, and
habitats (ocean). With overconsumption of
bottled water, animals and their ocean, in risk
of danger. 

What We Can Do Another "call to action"

Reduce your consumption of plastic by becoming more aware of it.

Shop mindfully
When shopping it is best to make mindful choices, but "it’s difficult
to make smart, sustainable shopping choices because we do not fully
understand how much the way we spend our money impacts the
world that we live in" (Ko). Buying thing with little to no plastic
can help reduce the plastic usage in the world.

If you have ripped your clothes it's better to sew it back together than throw it
Many clothes come in plastic packages or bags, by sewing your clothes back
together, you can keep it for a longer period of time as well as help the
You don't necessarily have to sew your own clothes, sew what can be sewn.

Reusable water bottles

Though it seems easier to get a plastic water
bottle, using reusable water bottles are better for
the planet.

Use tote/ reusable grocery bags

Tote/reusable grocery bags allow one to purchase this item once and use
it multiple times. The material is thicker than a typical plastic bag,
reducing spills.  

Bring your own containers

When you buy ingredients in your own containers, you
can buy exactly the amount you need, instead of paying
more for the packaging.

For the Future

The marine life should thrive in a clear, blue ocean rather
than a filthy, plastic ocean. Being mindful of our purchases
will help us gradually create an environment that is
conducive to the survival of marine life. Everyone should
responsibly dispose of plastic, by doing so, it is possible to
achieve a "cleaner, greener earth for generations to come"

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